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View Full Version : fimps TLR..... Bring on the Radial Calipers!!!!!

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11-09-2005, 01:57 AM
http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/upload/fimpbikes TL1000R before.jpg

this is a "before" shot from early this year

cost me $3300 from motorcycle disposals in sydney
the official word was that the previous owner "fukt up a wheelie"

not sure how much damage he got, but the TLR was pretty much rooted
in hindsight it probably shouldnt have been re-registerable
but i think i have worked around that ok

im going to skip all the in-betweens
but for more detail check out here

11-09-2005, 02:09 AM
http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/upload/fimpbikes TL1000R getting new cables.jpg

this is how it stood as of last weekend, just before i pushed it to the shop

she's getting longer/custom accelerator and choke cabels done
longer clutch line is on its way from our good buddy stu at the supermarket

pretty much just wrapping up a few of the little details now

it currently runs
- gsxr1000 02 forks
- gsxr1000 front calipers
- front brake master stolen off my SV til a busa one pops up on ebay
- HEL braided front brake and clutch lines
- LED indicators with libertek flasher unit
- battery moved up under the seat
- protaper carmicheal bars (black, naturally)
- satin black paint
- EK chain
- diablo corsa f/r
- busa headlight
- veypor VR2 gauge unit
- k&n filter

the final plan includes
- little german style rear end
- custom high mount exhaust using the old yoshi headers and supertrapp cans
- custom luxeon LED headlight modified from an R1 pocketbike headlight
- relocated RH switchgear and ignition barrel
- other little custom bits here and there [8D]

i cant wait to get this thing going
having it at the shop is driving me NUTS!!! i want it back to finish stuff off already!

so you like her?
got any comments? GO FOR IT!!!

11-09-2005, 12:30 PM
How are you doing the Luxeons Fimp?

I've been looking at some 1 & 3 Watt ones (hobby shit), I presume you're going to use the 5 or 10 Watts units.

11-09-2005, 02:12 PM
there is 10 Watt ones, holy crap!!

im using 2 5W white ones through elliptical lens's
not sure how good it'll be
but it seems to look pretty bright in the shed

i figure if i cant get them bright enough i will just throw in another h3 bulb and set the angle a bit lower than the other side

the biggest thing im worried about is heat, the 5W ones do warm up after a while

12-09-2005, 12:59 AM
Hey Fimp,
Are you trying to start a new trend with that top triple clamp :(
Hope you don't have termites in your garage.
Is that what they mean when they say the handling felt a bit wooden :D

12-09-2005, 01:19 AM
i was waiting for that!!! :D

just knocked it up so i could get the cables done
i mean come on, what kind of dumb-ass do u think i am?

the final one is gonna be mahogany, BLING BLING!!

12-09-2005, 09:04 AM
Got a mate who was a bike mechanic in the 60's, in WA.

They got in a shipment of old English singles for parts, and me mate pulls the head off one, takes 2 looks at it and just can't figure out what was going on, the engine actually ran before he touched it, bit smoky, just needs rings he thought.
The piston was made of Jarrah, or some such hard wood, yet it worked on the old plodders.
He went to show his boss, and he pulls another one out from under the counter.
Apparently in the 40's and 50's it was done occasionally when they couldn't get parts in the wilds of WA.
Rob hit this thing up with an electric drill, and couldn't even mark it, hard as stainless he reckons.

The 10 W Luxeons are fairly new, and I don't know where you can get them locally yet. But they apparently light the night up big time, good for high beam.
What power supply/filters are you using? I've been working with one of the Jaycar high efficiency driver kits, but mainly for solar powered garage/outdoor lights and the like.
Could look at peltier devices for the 10W, but a decent sized (IE from a Pentium PC)heatsink should work with the 5W, plus fit up an LDR to reduce the amount of light output during the day/well lit conditions.

At the moment I'm just hanging for my new riser plate to turn up so that I can implement my new idiot 'glow' light system, using 9000+ mcd LED's, and hopefully fuel/temp gauges using the same 'glow' system.

12-09-2005, 05:02 PM
define "glow light system"?
i found that the hi-intensity LEDs are just too damn bright unless u want to blind yourself every time u hit the blinkers on :D

i ground down the tips of some 5mm ones to take the "edge" of the brightness

the 5W are running off the jaycar kits thingos, i wanted to get optimum light out of them
no use wasting the power eh?

23-09-2005, 01:21 AM
With the 5mm LED's I have drilled 5mm holes into a 10mm aluminium plate, and recessed a 6mm hole from the back, so that the LED's sit 2-3mm below the surface of the plate. When you look at the holes with the LED's off you just see a polished hole, the clear lens LED's are difficult to see. When they come on they are just far enough below the surface to create a strongly colored glow around the top of the hole, which is visible even in strong direct sunlight. The riser plate where they are going is at the right angle so that I don't actually see the LED's.
Because of the bar-end indicators I won't need indicator idiot lights, so I only need the other 3 idiot lights.

With a circuit like the Jaycar one (I have the same) you minimize the amount of heat being created by only supplying the necessary amount of power, but at the cost of bulk and expense. The kit is aimed more at battery and solar powered applications, where energy efficiency is paramount. Just by going to Luxeons you will already be saving a huge amount of power on your bike anyway. Plus you can get away with a lot of heat generation in the correct headlight set up, you could easily get away with a much simpler control.

07-03-2006, 11:02 PM
holy shit, i actually did some work on this tonight!!!!

knocked a few things off my "shit-list"
i can now completely dismantle the hangers and everything on them with one allen key too, which is nice i think ;)

going to throw the MEGA stock rear end on tomorrow night and dig into these electrics again
once they are sorted its just a matter of rigging up the rad and bleeding all the hydaulic lines before i can take it for a quick spin (hurrah, at my pace that'll only take about 4 years...)

07-03-2006, 11:04 PM
oh, and i should be picking up the adapter plates for the rearsets tomorrow arvo if all goes to plan
(although they are pretty prone to being late on stuff...)

08-03-2006, 11:53 AM
Looking truly horny Fimpster

08-03-2006, 06:00 PM
GS500s are always a good providor for fighter conversion throttle cables

08-03-2006, 06:54 PM
sorry boxer,
all that crap above is heaps out of date (i think due to the bastards who deleted nov-dec last year on us)

i got a motocross throttle assembly on there, only about 50-60 degrees close->open :D

08-03-2006, 09:42 PM
hey fimp, was it expensive for the motox throttle set up? and do you think i could use it for my jnr fighter? any model in particular?

09-03-2006, 06:32 AM
i dunno, it was just at the shop

i think it was about $150??

06-05-2006, 12:54 PM
9am this morning...

17-05-2006, 02:00 AM
isnt it great when things just work out the way ya planned? :D

17-05-2006, 02:01 AM
and once again, this time with the lights off

17-05-2006, 02:18 AM
here's a hint ;)

05-07-2006, 10:23 PM
she is still plugging along
while the katana is getting sorted (waiting on parts)

i am finally getting back into the tiller

i got all the front nice and happy, have fitted shorty levers i got off someone in the US, 2nd hand but unused (cheap, naturally :D)

i have been told that the plate profiles i put in for quotation early in june are FINALLY getting done in the next week or two
so then i should be able to ditch the adapted aprilia rearsets for my new fimpSETS [}:)]

05-07-2006, 10:36 PM
i am also digging into the cooling circuit (see my other thread.... http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2248 )

and i got some strips of ally from work this arvo to make some headlight brackets to mount the 'busa light up for rego
the old snapped forks are going to come in handy here, cos i can bash the brackets and not worry about my pretty gold forks :D

fun and games tonight
i had noticed some slop in the head bearings last time i was sitting on the bike bouncing up and down like a loon [:o)]
so i just pulled the front end apart (again...[B)]) and tightened the bejesus outta it, then tightened the bebebEJesus out of the frame insert that i had previously gotten machine using my big-bastard C-spanner
then tigthened the head stem again
then realised i had forgotten the dust seal and had to pull it apart and put that in [xx(]
then tightened the whole shebang outta it again

then as i was hopping up on the bike to set the handlebar angle where i wanted it (HAS to be done from the cockpit IMO) i couldnt get a decent footing on the RHS of the bike
and she S L O w L Y tipped over on its side

[:I][:I] fukfukettyFUUKFUCK!!! [:I][:I]

luckily i managed to lay it down onto my leg and avoided any damage :D

oh well, i also today found out that the alloy case for the veypor seems to be able to be used to rain-proof the whole thing

and since i plan on this being a real street-abused fighter i shall be ordering one ASAP (its currently the 4th of july in the US, so no rush to do that tonight ;))

oh dear
hopefully not too long to go [8D]

06-07-2006, 08:15 PM
onya Con, she's been a fukin long time in the making so good to see some progress finally,now get back in the shed.

06-07-2006, 09:55 PM
thats it!!!
no matter how i try to do it the franks triples arent going to let me use the steering lock, so fuck it im moving the kay elsewhere :D

problem is there is no bloody room anywhere on the RHS, damn tiny tiller...
i think i found a spot on the left, now to find some tapped holes in the chassis that are close

oh, btw
has anyone heard of this stuff?

07-07-2006, 01:34 AM
Good luck with the project - looks like it's coming along nicely. Had a TLR myself some time ago & always thought it'd make a half decent fighter project.

17-07-2006, 11:37 PM
Hey fimp. TL motors are a weapon. It should haul ass once it is finished. How did you source the forks and calipers etc? ebay? wreckers? everytime i look on ebay there doesnt seem to be much around.

18-07-2006, 01:14 AM
mostly ebay
forks, brakes, another pair of sexier gold forks etc

mostly ebay and forums
for instance i got the triples off a guy who was parting out an ex-race tiller on the former TLPlanet
1/3 of rrp ;)

the only brand new, shop bought things thus far are the tyres, veypor, tail and clutch master reservior
oh, and a few things from stu and ben

but theyre more "friends" than suppliers

18-07-2006, 10:02 AM
what is the veypor like? I am thinking of getting one for my blade. I prefer an all in one unit. I am just worried how accurate it is as the gear indicator works off the engine rpm and not a gearbox sensor. I wondered if it would "get lost" and forget what gear your in.

Have you had much of a chance to have a play with it??

18-07-2006, 12:33 PM
all i have done is played with it,
not used it yet

some of the little displays stu is selling are quite nice too
and the veypor isnt waterproof without the aluminium case and a bit of vaso from what we have discovered

food for thought

oh, and i bent up my first little headlight mount last night
turned out a treat

now all i need to do is make 3 more exactly the same....

18-07-2006, 12:53 PM
i been using a veypor for nearly 12 months.

works great. the gear ind is fine it works out the ratio between the rear wheel and engine rpm. it then claculates what gear you are in. it reads neutral if you pull in the clutch at speed as it can't calculate the gear.

i wouldn't fuck around with anything else. You have so many features on this thing that you can't go past it for value for money

18-07-2006, 12:54 PM
mmm, i just heard some VERY interesting news about the new SV1000...

hopefully a fair few of the parts will be interchangable as if it is what i think it will be then this puppy might be up for sale in a year :D

18-07-2006, 12:58 PM
crap! just remembered i forgot to pick up the plates for my rearsets last night


18-07-2006, 01:36 PM
Hey fimp, who do you use for powdercoating in Newy?? Thinking if getting my rearsets done.

18-07-2006, 06:57 PM
no-one yet,
but our work uses a place up the road and i'll be looking to get some stuff done gloss black in the next month or so if that suits ya

18-07-2006, 10:46 PM
Sounds ok. Let me know when you are doing it. We may get a discount for more items.

18-07-2006, 10:56 PM
go satin black Fimp.theres sumthin about pearl(gloss) black that just doesnt look hard core enuff when it comes to poderkoat,just my 10 cents worth mate.

18-07-2006, 11:08 PM
i sent some brackets (work related ones so i didnt pay the bill :D) up for a test run in gloss black and it looked pretty good
if anything too glossy

but its for the kats new wheels
and its gloss black so i figured i would just match em up
the only time those wheels will be on this tiller is when i am using hard commuter/burnout quality tyres ;)

18-07-2006, 11:21 PM
yeah the "too glossy " factor is what im talkin about...over-bling.Satin is still shiny but not gloss and not matt. ok thats up to 20 cents.

18-07-2006, 11:24 PM
mmm, will have to send some more brackets from work up there :D

18-07-2006, 11:29 PM
your up late mate,day off tommorow? i can send you some PC charts if ya want.

19-07-2006, 12:19 AM
your kidding right?
its not "late" for at least another hour :D

charts are good, can u email to me?

19-07-2006, 12:24 AM
i have just been playing with my little overflow bottle

its actually an oil catch-can off ebay
jeez its nice, cost about fifty bucks but woulda taken my hours to machine

still, if i can find a good enough spot it wont quite fit in i might cut it in half
later i guess, just hang it off the side for now

23-07-2006, 10:36 PM
hey fimp, can you post a pick of the catch bottle and how well does she work? i have a bunch in my watched list but have been hesitant for some reason. after moving the battry to the tail left a well enough void for something. i like the ones with the fitted tube for the site window. i was also contemplating modding up a box for where the old damper box was beside the spring. but like ya said it will be much easier to fancy a prefabbed unit off ebay!

24-07-2006, 06:34 PM

looks like this
its a bit porky, but i figure with the amount i have stripped off her already it wont worry things too much

good thing is that because of its construction u can undo the upper bolts and swivel the direction the hoses come in from, which i imagine will come in handy

oh, and the bolt from the bottom is magnetic fwiw :)

26-07-2006, 12:13 AM
got around to tapping the holes in my veypor mount that i bandsawed out the other week
its made from 12mm and 3mm ally after the nylon one i did a few months back wasnt too my liking
2x M5 flat head cap screws come down from the top of the 3mm ally and then into the tapped lower part of the clamp

then the standard veypor bolts come up from the underside of the 3mm ally
very neat, im pretty chuffed with it
jut need to rip it apart and trim the 3mm down to a minimum once i have all the other various brackets done [8D]


26-07-2006, 12:16 AM
this shot shows a bit more of how it works

i was wanting to replace the veypor bolts with torx screws
but i think that they might be imperial (not M5 like i thought originally)
so that might make things tricky


27-07-2006, 01:35 AM

so now i just need to do the mount to adjust the beam height,
im actually suprised that it doesnt look too gaudy


27-07-2006, 01:37 AM
what u reckon, lower it by about 50mm?

27-07-2006, 09:53 AM

27-07-2006, 10:18 AM
I thought a busa headlight would look like a fucking walrus, but that looks ok

Can you do a full side on pic pls mate?

27-07-2006, 10:24 AM
I always love your mood lighting Fimp......

27-07-2006, 10:43 AM
I like it fimp. Kinda looks similar to an MV Brutale light. Its definately coming along mate.

27-07-2006, 07:48 PM
yep, its too high!!!

27-07-2006, 08:18 PM
ta fimp

that exhaust is going to be loud

27-07-2006, 08:24 PM
no, THAT exhaust is going to sound like shit cos its the stock one

the OTHER exhaust is going to be loud, hopefully loud enough to wake u up in the morning mate ;)

27-07-2006, 08:41 PM
looking NOICE Fimp get some Braided Hoses / lines ASAP mate

27-07-2006, 09:49 PM
You have gotta fit that new tail mate, that one sucks balls.

27-07-2006, 10:12 PM
im thinking for radiator hoses that i will get some custom stainless ones done

i have a friend who has been using my tig to make up intercooler plumbing for a few years
so he owes me a favour or two

the way the hose jut comes straight out of the chassis rail like the photo above is going to make braided stuff too much of a hassle

27-07-2006, 10:14 PM
sooooory mr gix,
dont blame me
blame the knob who made up the ADR's for motorcycles

and that hasnt even got the super fugly mudgaurd on it yet!!
it just aint right...

27-07-2006, 10:44 PM
Its similar to my blade mate. Chunky ass. Most bikes were like that mid to late 90's. Even the supposed 'hallowed' Gixxers had serious booty back then. Thats why i am leaving my stock front guard. Dont want to make it look 'back heavy' with a tiny guard on the front.

27-07-2006, 11:05 PM
funny u mention that
cos i was looking to get one of stu's little gaurds :D

fucking nutsert on the LHS pulled out...
going to see if i can rig it up with the stardard mounting positions now
pity i drilled holes in the light for nothing though :(

27-07-2006, 11:33 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

funny u mention that
cos i was looking to get one of stu's little gaurds :D

fucking nutsert on the LHS pulled out...
going to see if i can rig it up with the stardard mounting positions now
pity i drilled holes in the light for nothing though :(

Hey man, if you wanna go with a small guard, go for it. Horses for courses. Thats what i love about fighters. No two are ever the same.

Man those things are hard to pull out. What type did you use? I have some pretty sturdy fuckers if you are interested.

28-07-2006, 12:34 AM
jesus FiMp,thats a fine example of how Suzuki's are not supposed to look.bust out the Dremmel,close yours eyes and start cuttin,or atatch some streamers to the bar ends to distract the attention away from the fugly tail. exscuse now me while i vommit.

28-07-2006, 12:44 AM
the nutsert worked fine
it was the plastic that fucked up
its actually really soft (which i noticed when i drilled it and almost put the drill-bit through the inner bit)

yeah, gaurd doesnt look too large now
but with the smaller tail on it becomes MASSIVE
and i figure that since its actually meant for a gixxer thou i should be able to get $200 odd for it

um, year thanks davo...
going for the title again i see :D

28-07-2006, 12:58 AM
oh sorry mate,i'm actually being a bit reserved with my comments this year coz i dont wanna get a bad reputation.but i meant what i said about the dremmel,its a wonderful tool in the hands of a dedicated fighter builder.

28-07-2006, 01:22 AM
Mate i think tl's are great things. Got an absolute pasting because of the weird rotary damper.which your tlr doesnt have, only the tls. The TLR copped stick because it wasnt a ducati. It wasnt 30 grand either. I came close to buying one new back in 2000 but insurance crippled me. That motor makes it all worth while. I think it will make a dirty, nasty fighter!

28-07-2006, 02:37 AM
as u can see, rotary damper :(

dirty and nasty?
oh well, and to think i was going for cute & cuddly [:I]

28-07-2006, 08:08 AM
quote:Originally posted by davo

oh sorry mate,i'm actually being a bit reserved with my comments this year coz i dont wanna get a bad reputation.but i meant what i said about the dremmel,its a wonderful tool in the hands of a dedicated fighter builder.

HOLY SNAPPING ASSHOLES, you found God, or you're feminine (aka gay) side there Davo?

28-07-2006, 08:25 AM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

as u can see, rotary damper :(

dirty and nasty?
oh well, and to think i was going for cute & cuddly [:I]

Fair enough, I thought they got rid of it on the tlr. You couldnt ride it hard enough on the road to get it to cause problems anyway. Only a racetrack would show it and you would have to be an A grade racer. As it was only a problem when the unit overheats.

Typical bike mags. A decent bike is released and they get an ex racer to test the thing on a clear track and pick the suspension to bits, when most road riders would not feel the difference between one setting to the next. There have been many good bikes crucified because of nit picking journo's who have to find bits to whinge about so they dont look biased.

newf fighter
28-07-2006, 10:50 AM
Whats the difference between the TL and TLR?

28-07-2006, 11:01 AM
TL1000S was half faired with a different frame. TL1000R was fully faired, and a bit more power.

Tony Nitrous
28-07-2006, 11:07 AM


28-07-2006, 11:12 AM
A picture says a thousand words.......

Nice work Tony

28-07-2006, 11:46 AM
fimp, looking good with the busa headlight. i wanted to go with the 2003 gsxr headlight but there weren't any in my price range when i was looking. i found something which i will post when she's ready.

here is what you can do to toss that stock rear suspension. it is a showa shock out of a honda F3. (there are a few that are the right dimension) you buy a spring for 70 bucks (us) and voila! of course mine's pretty with plating and shite


28-07-2006, 11:54 AM
here are a few picks of what is done. you cannot go back afterwards (you can but it would be a pain in the arse)


28-07-2006, 11:55 AM
now you see them.......


28-07-2006, 12:02 PM
.............now you don't....note the lugs for the original setup

i have about 150 bucks in my setup 22 for the shock off ebay, 70 for the spring and 50 for a new spacer required to fit the spring. the plating and powder were cheap thrown in the pile of everything i was getting done anyway. the cheapest aftermarket i think is bitubo which runs 425 (all US bucks) i couldn't pass up this mod. cheaper, different, and i didn't just buy some aftermarket kit for it. (i am not out setting track records with it). although the people that did the research on the mod really enjoy it and like using it on the track. they just fit a goldvalve setup in it with great results.


28-07-2006, 12:34 PM
chears super

i think i will wait for someone to part out a bike with a used bitubo or penske
not really something i need to worry about just yet

but eventually yeah, will keep an eye out for a cbr shock on ebay though
thanks for the heads-up

at work today, wishing i got another day off :D

oh, and i am seriously considering pod filters so i can put the overflow etc under the tank
but that'd be after rego so i am not too worried about it just now

need to relocate this key on the weekend too if i get around to it

28-07-2006, 12:45 PM
Fimp i am chasing pods for my blade as we speak. $260 in Australia. I got onto a k&n dealer on ebay and he will do the same kit for $76 US and $26 US postage. Will save you some dough. How can they justify that markup in Australia! someone is making easy money. Gives me the shits.

28-07-2006, 12:48 PM
Who's the dealer NLT?

28-07-2006, 01:53 PM
Yeah, I'm after a set for mine as well, so who is he?

28-07-2006, 03:10 PM
the business is called part_monster. They are on US ebay. I am returning his email now to confirm i will be ordering soon. I will mention you guys want some as well.

28-07-2006, 03:44 PM
http://search.stores.ebay.com.au/PartMonster-Motorcycle-Parts_k-n_W0QQfciZQ2d1QQfclZ4QQfsnZPartMonsterQ20Motorcycl eQ20PartsQQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQftsZ2QQsaselZ47927476QQ satitleZkQ26nQQsofpZ0

28-07-2006, 04:08 PM
Thanks Gix you little net wizard you!

If you want pods you will need the part number though as they are a universal thing. I just gave him the part number and asked for a price. The K&N powersports site has all the measurements and sizes.

28-07-2006, 04:17 PM
I just ordered a set of mesh pods from ZPower, K&N replicas $29 each + P&H. get them next week. And they're black.


Don't know what sizes they have (I had to phone to confirm they had the correct size for the GPz), but might be worth a look for some of you.

28-07-2006, 05:57 PM
definitely going thi way now

shall measure the throttle bodies tonight

28-07-2006, 11:10 PM
DO IT fimp. Just think of that induction roar when the pods are mounted.

29-07-2006, 07:38 AM
that sound will be AWESOME! a buddy of mine scared the shit out of me (head must have been in the clouds) when he coasted up beside me on his TLS and wacked open the throttle. (he took his airbox lid off) damn thing was capital....L...O...U...D!!! made lots of noise but he lost about 4hp. doing that mod. he said he felt it and seemed stronger but the dyno don't lie. he put it back on and kept it that way....what do ya do? he had the slow S model anyway...:D

31-07-2006, 09:58 PM
im pretty chuffed with this!!!

just need to get some stainless M5's tomorrow
cant stand screw-heads [xx(]

shall pull all these brackets off once done and probably get em powdered satin black (or polish, not sure yet)

31-07-2006, 10:12 PM
is that a urine sample in your clutch reservoir Conrod???

31-07-2006, 10:16 PM
yep, yo mamma's [:P]

31-07-2006, 10:44 PM
careful tiger,my mamma can get you pregnant.

31-07-2006, 10:59 PM
davo has 2 daddys?

01-08-2006, 11:47 PM
Whats with the temp gauge fimp? you paranoid about that suzuki overheatin??

02-08-2006, 08:07 AM
im not sure if putting the single 750 radiator is going to muck things up
it might come off later on if i dont have heat issues

02-08-2006, 11:46 AM
Ah good call. It should be ok you would think. Most of the jap manufacturers over compensate when it comes to cooling capacity. Saves warranties on cooked engines. Especially with the fairing off and allowing the fresh air around that rear cylinder.

02-08-2006, 12:38 PM
i likey the guage fimp. i am looking into a 05' gsxr rad. (actually my brother has a damaged one at his shop) but after looking at the clearance it will be a squeeze between the fender and the cylinder. keep us posted once you get that far. as far as the naked bikes and the cooling the rear cylinder i thought it was funny that after sprbeast was up and going originally my bro and i were riding together and his TLR (with plastic) ran consistent 5-10 degrees cooler than my bike. i guess the aerodynamics are good for more than speed. fug it mine's cooler [8D]

02-08-2006, 04:50 PM
yeah, the front wheel tends to make a big gap in airflow

and youre right, the gap is fucking tight with the wheel so close
shall post pic later tonight if ya like

05-08-2006, 02:28 PM
my bro is over (he's an electrician)

so far the brake lights work :D

07-08-2006, 08:39 PM
ok, i think i worked out why when i turn the ignition "on" bugger all happens
the least i was expecting was noise from the fuel pump but i just discovered this sentence in the manual

"when the ignition switch is turned on, current from the battery flows to the fuel pump through the side-stand relay and the fuel pump relay causing the motor to turn"

and guess who doesnt have a sidestand relay for whatever reason.....
fucking new-school bikes :(