View Full Version : fimps TLR..... Bring on the Radial Calipers!!!!!

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14-08-2007, 08:24 PM
shows how many fullfaired bikes i have owned :D

23-08-2007, 01:14 AM
alrighty, have been ripping into fitting this destroyer fender
(yours is getting posted at lunch tomorrow Gix, sorry)

made up 2 of these brackets out of 2mm steel

had to drill 2x 5mm holes and dremel a little cresent-moon sorta shape out of each side of the fender

i used a trick i learnt from the only american chopper episode i ever bothered to download to get the holes right by laying a chain on top of the wheel to get nice spacing

here are the cuts

and here she is mocked up, the brackets end up nicely tucked away and it was a LOT easier to fit than i thought it would be

although i did have to flex it out a bit, cos the TL's fork legs are wider spaced than the gixxer (original Gemo Destroyer is a gixxer)


now has a few coats of matt black on it, shall clearcoat in the morning :D

23-08-2007, 01:20 AM
Looks shit hot Fimp!

23-08-2007, 07:00 AM
shit that fender s looking sweet [:p]

23-08-2007, 10:20 AM
that looks fuckin horn fimp nice work

23-08-2007, 11:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES
i used a trick i learnt from the only american chopper episode i ever bothered to download to get the holes right by laying a chain on top of the wheel to get nice spacing


23-08-2007, 11:33 AM
too many big words eh large

sorry if i made your head hurt [:P]

23-08-2007, 12:25 PM
Fimp - that guard looks fully sick - you're not worried about the vibes stress cracking the guard with it in tension are you? I'd be tempted to fibreglass some washers in behind your mount holes.

23-08-2007, 01:44 PM
i think once i am happy i will redo the adaptors and glass em in

but i think i can get away with this for now,
the glass in that area is bloody thick!
and i am going to put rubber tube in to space the bracket right (about3-4mm worth on each)

think she'll be ok

Knuckles NZ
23-08-2007, 04:13 PM
Looking good Fimp mate the Gixxer front end looks horn.

Knuckles NZ
23-08-2007, 04:24 PM
Your going to like the way the power comes on a TLR engine Fimp..... never ending revs is the best way to describe it, took mine out on sunday for a hell blast, it was sweet in the twisties.

23-08-2007, 05:20 PM
yeah, thats why i havent done much on it since april

too busy hooning around on it :D

23-08-2007, 06:18 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

too many big words eh large

sorry if i made your head hurt [:P]

I was refering to the image I got of you "laying a chain":(:D

Knuckles NZ
23-08-2007, 06:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

yeah, thats why i havent done much on it since april

too busy hooning around on it :D
Ha Ha maybe I should read more msgs than look at all the pretty pics eh

23-08-2007, 07:01 PM
dont sweat it, pretty pics is twat the internets all about [:X]

first coat of clear is on tail, nother coat of matt black on fender.....
hope i can wax up the tank to look reasonable, dont wanna spray it just yet

24-08-2007, 08:18 AM
ok, the paint is done (although the word orange-peel comes to mind.... good thing its just temporary :D)

its on, looks good
bit too glossy for my liking, but i shall fix that later on in the final paint (which i shall do with a compressor)

the big question of the day though is....
how can this new front gaurd be giving me lots of tank-slapper action?

the bike was unsettled out of every corner this morning [:O]
shall check the tyre pressures at lunch, maybe they are off....

Knuckles NZ
24-08-2007, 11:54 AM
Maybe you have lost a bit of aerodynamics with the way the guard is cut or sits (to high)? Do you have a damper fitted?

24-08-2007, 12:18 PM
how close is the guard to the tyre - the only thing I can think of is your tyre combined with the guard can act like an air pump but not sure how that would affect things...
Maybe you were drunk? [:p]

24-08-2007, 01:04 PM
(which i shall do with a compressor)
What did you do this time, aboriginal style, mouth full of paint and spit[?]

24-08-2007, 01:35 PM
pretty much gibbo, u should see the hand-prints :D

maybe, it was at speedier corners (100+) so maybe u are onto something...

no damper knuckles, but its on my to-do list!!!

Knuckles NZ
24-08-2007, 03:57 PM
As you proberly know the TLS when released in 97 was considered an evil tank slapping beast, Suzuki started handing out dampers left right and centre to fix the problem. If it is the guard chuck a damper on and wind it up to the hardest setting.... and if it still does fu#k it, it gives it character. Lol

24-08-2007, 04:00 PM
a damper will fix her, and i have the scotts waiting

maybe i chuck the clips on for next week and run the damper
might be a bit of a bitch to ride to the goldcoast with the clip-ons though...

i guess it all depends how comfy that sofa is up there LOL

25-08-2007, 12:09 PM




Knuckles NZ
25-08-2007, 03:37 PM
Looks good Fimp bet it sounds good to, nice job mate.

25-08-2007, 05:23 PM
I see it still leaks.:D

25-08-2007, 09:35 PM
The rims are the bees neez Fimp, its all tying in together well

26-08-2007, 07:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

a damper will fix her, and i have the scotts waiting

maybe i chuck the clips on for next week and run the damper
might be a bit of a bitch to ride to the goldcoast with the clip-ons though...

i guess it all depends how comfy that sofa is up there LOL

You soft fucker leave the (what are they tappers)or something on it you should have already disposed of the clip ons.[xx(]

Oh by the way i absoulutly love those cans and the way you got them angled nice work.[:p]

26-08-2007, 10:47 PM
yeah, thanks damo

the cans are still the way they were at dubbo
they arent semmetrical, i have thursday off work so perhaps i will try to get it booked in to my friendly exhaust bloke
see if we can work some magic ;)

oh, and i went for a big han-solo ride today for about 6hours
somewhere along the way i think i managed to think up a way to not have clip-ons and still use my damper

wont happen til after gold coast though so i guess i shall just not have a damper for the trip
i think the other day i was just being a little ham-fisted cos i hadnt been on it for a while

also, the fresh oil hasnt fixed the slipping clutch
might see if i can get new plates in b4 the goldcoast trip cos it was getting worse today towards the end...

Knuckles NZ
27-08-2007, 01:26 PM
You have proberly stated this but how many clicks has the motor done?

27-08-2007, 01:59 PM
dunno, speedo was trashed in the crash

when i got inside the nitty-gritty it was pretty clean (like, behind the front sprocket cover was spotless etc)
so i am thinking not too many

27-08-2007, 07:09 PM
Youll just have to short shift it so not to ride it in the fat of the torque curve mate:D;)and then it shouldnt slip at all problem fixed for free[^]

28-08-2007, 08:55 AM
thanks damo, so just use it up to the limit of "honda power" and dont use any more than that eh? [:P]

its only when i try to stomp it upright out of corners and if i pin it in a straight line
but its gonna annoy me on the trip

i ordered a new one yesterday, told em its no good to me unless it gets here wednesday
if its not in by then i'll tell em to fuck off and i buy one online (this particular dealer is always feedign me bullshit about delivery times....)

ride the beast today, fuck its fun to carve up traffic with :D

28-08-2007, 04:46 PM
That it mate take the piss out of the blade again:D one day ill give you a ride and you may just be pleasently suprised.

No tank slappin [:0]

No slippn clutch [:0]

No oil leaks[:0]

but no REGO:(one thing your bike wins out on:D;)

28-08-2007, 05:13 PM
WOOHOO (til i get defected.... [XX(])

good news is i now have some shiny new clutch plates to put in
seems like my stern line with the dealer sorted em out and they got it overnight (as they should)

burned around the corner and parked at the shop, young shop assistants were putting bikes away
"is that a stunt-bike"
i looked shocked and said "what an insult! go check it out" and walked inside laffing

28-08-2007, 08:28 PM
least your not getting called a fucking buell[xx(]

28-08-2007, 08:35 PM
yeah, its a bit of a change i guess
(although at least buells are expensive, better than a stunt hack)

28-08-2007, 09:07 PM
Gee mate it is really starting to look great!

Amazing what a bloody wash will do. How many cans of $2 supercheap degreaser did it take to get the oil residue from the fools off it!!.:D

Nice work mate.

Last week i had an apprentice at work tell me about this "cool lookin' Batman bike!" at Hamilton. I proudly told him yes i know that bike and that the owner does infact wear a Batman costume with fluoro pink sequined hotpants.;)

28-08-2007, 09:14 PM
haha, yep
u know its tru

trying to build a "buzz"
road past the wollombi tav on sunday, trying to get seen a little ;)

hasnt been parked in hamilton for a few weeks, its looking a MILLION time better now
trying to hook up my speedo tonight (yeah yeah, speedos NOT hotpants for once :D)

23-10-2007, 05:52 PM
well... apparently my tiller just hasnt got a pretty enuff rear
(according to damo1)

so im just gonna give up

anyone want a pile of loosely assembled parts for $3g, you cunts

23-10-2007, 06:48 PM
Stop being gay.

23-10-2007, 06:48 PM
Oh common mate it aint that bad:D

just sort the pipes out.;)

And by the way why did you come running to this thread to have a cry :D

23-10-2007, 06:54 PM
I actually have to disagree wuith Damo anyway mate. I like your pipes as they make the thing look fuckin' mad! Fits the tail perfectly. If anything I would say loose the indicator and plate mount box and clean that area to make the tail look even smaller.

Jockney Rebel
23-10-2007, 07:24 PM
nice tiller mr fimp very nice im not a fan of jacked up arses {oooeeer missus] but i like that one the wheels are hot and i likkee the front guard wots the lamp off ?

23-10-2007, 08:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by Gix11

I actually have to disagree wuith Damo anyway mate. I like your pipes as they make the thing look fuckin' mad! Fits the tail perfectly. If anything I would say loose the indicator and plate mount box and clean that area to make the tail look even smaller.
i think damo means they are not on the same angles si and fimp there is absolutly nothing to be ashamed of with your bike mate that thing got more looks than anything else in the show and shine at the gp so if i was you i would hold my head high with my chest out and say thats fucking mine.

23-10-2007, 08:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by Gix11

I actually have to disagree wuith Damo anyway mate. I like your pipes as they make the thing look fuckin' mad! Fits the tail perfectly. If anything I would say loose the indicator and plate mount box and clean that area to make the tail look even smaller.

Sorry Gix i do agree with you i love the angle to they look trick from side on.

Im talking about when you look at it from behind there not the same ones closer and more upright or something like that.

Dont change the angle from the side fimp just get them looking the same frome the rear.;)

24-10-2007, 09:41 AM

quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD
i would hold my head high with my chest out and say thats fucking mine.

cheers mate

24-10-2007, 09:45 AM
yeah thats it mate lmao

24-10-2007, 10:03 AM
haha, yeah
i was just stirring the shit a bit (not enough of that lately!)

not much i can do about the lunchbox under the tail gix, not until i get those pod filters on anyways ;)
its mainly room for the battery, and i dont really want to hang it off the side of the engine like a stock tiller (mainly cos i just dont doing things the "stock" way :D)

had a look at the roo-mangled radiator again last night
im not sure if all the radiator putty in the world is gonna save it, but i have stacks left over so i shall give it a shot
try to limp it down to the motorcycle expo, probably be ok if i can avoid traffic

my Veypor VR2 FINALLY turned up in canada for repairs (took about 4 weeks longer than it shouldve, must have taken the scenic route)
the circuitboard is fried

its getting fixed, hopefully back by the expo too
people just dont respect a bicycle speedo, looks shabby

indicators at the rear, there is a little something i had in the works a while back that could get rid of those
not sure if i would get to it though, so many other things to do....

Thanks for being honest, fuck this sites good like that
i put photo's of it on other sites and all i get is some fuckwit or other going
"derr, it looks like some truck did done run up da back-a it"

oh and the headlight is leafing ASAP
ozkat, u got mail mate ;)

24-10-2007, 10:19 AM
thats good news about your dash mate so i guess ill see you in sydney then

Knuckles NZ
29-10-2007, 06:14 PM
Least your motors sweet Fimp, mines done a big end bearing so is currently in a lot of boxes, yes a bit of a piss off indeed.

30-10-2007, 09:41 AM
SHIT, i had 2 Sv motors do that too me

i promised her if she got me home from phillip island i would put it in and get valve clearances etc done
need to book that in actually....

oh, and the VR2 should turn up in the next 2 weeks or so, about $100 for the repair inc postage

Knuckles NZ
30-10-2007, 08:00 PM
Is that right, ive sourced an S motor for good coin so will proberly fit that, its been too long between drinks.

17-01-2008, 12:11 PM
hey, thought i better drag this back up

new headlight has begun to happen
put in a drawing to watercutter mate yesterday for a quote on my new bar-clamps (have to come forward a fair bit and stay low, so i make myself :D)

dropped into the local bike-friendly exhuast place yesterday
he has seen the bike hooning around the place and hadnt realised it was me :D
anyways, its booked in tuesday the 29th to get the exhuasts evened up and we shall do some other stuff to tidy it all up in that department

bring on the fools run!!! [:x]

21-02-2008, 08:20 AM
ended up getting the clamps done by a local CNC shop
turned out pretty trick (no photos just yet)

big issue now is the radiator, talked with Rod racerads about it

he is saying he can do custom endtanks no worries and a 40mm core (up from 25mm)

now, from experimenting with my current rad (which could cool the bike even on hot days) which is off an older gixxer i measured the volume of water in it to be only 1.4L!!!!

is it just me or is that a crazy amount, it is 25mm core with 31 rows measuring 330 wide
i would have expected more

what im trying to do with the new one is make it so the volume of the rows is about equal or slightly less than what i used to have and if possible make it fit within the outside dimension of the chassis rails (300mm)

not sure if that last bit will be possible

anyone got any experience on this

or if someone had a magical formula for water in the rows volume PER brake hp that'd be SWEET!


ps- yes, i have been up since 4am tinkering so i am a bit scattery [8)]

21-02-2008, 08:52 AM
Fimp, yeah 1.4L sounds about right for one of those rads.
Im using 2 TLR lower rads on Venom & the thermo fan never comes
on even in traffic ( I even checked it to make sure it was working)

21-02-2008, 09:03 AM
yeah, i have a spare TLR lower and if i get desperate for the fools run i'll buy an upper from a wrecker just to get going again

just out of curiousity, how much would you sell me the venom-style setup for? (you taking it to AFR?)

i dont mind it getting hot in traffic, rarely stopped for long anyways

if i could get it as thin as possible then i can make up little fimpKNOBS, which work way better in crashes cos the longer ones tand to bend :(

21-02-2008, 09:44 AM
ok then, im going to chat to Rod about this setup

its 40mm core with the upper bit 120 high (10 rows) and the lower is 60mm (6 rows)
it should have 75% of the Core volume of the one i had on there

oh, going to get a cap put on it too
ditch the idea of a seperate header tank and overflow tank, too much hassle/extra mass :)

scotty mac
25-02-2008, 12:27 PM
hey fimp, whats that headlight off[?]
yeah yeah,i know i'm to lazy to look thru the hole thread.;)

25-02-2008, 01:37 PM
its off ebay, wanna buy it off me?

$170 delivered anywhere in oz, email me if u want it

25-02-2008, 01:44 PM
Is this thread still going? [V]

25-02-2008, 01:54 PM
yeah yeah, for my own ammusement [:P]

28-02-2008, 02:28 PM

just need to make sure that my cardboard mock-up is PERFECT tonight

28-02-2008, 02:48 PM
you have mail fimp

03-03-2008, 03:07 PM
is gonna be real nice, tlr's are kick arse fighters, off subject fimp, do you ride bmx, saw one in the background of one of your pics?

03-03-2008, 03:16 PM
used too, getting back into mountainbikes/downhill again once it cools down/stops raining and all this AprilFoolsRun business settles down again

while im here,
i have electrical connections (from Eastern Beaver and 12VoltGuy) on the way as well as a standard TLR upper radiator in case the custom one doesnt get down in time for AFR 08 (cost me $315 used and posted off a guy in QLD)

the new 'bars setup is currently mocked up, going to tweak it all up tight and move all the throttle etc over from the old ones tonight

it looks HORN, and 100% better than before IMHO

you wouldnt believe it though, i reset the rake angle on the adjustable triples to as far out as possible (28 degrees, hopefully that'll help stop it eating radiators...) then took the Franks Racing nut off the top and went to install my Scotts steering damper

FUCK-IT, the nuts a different thread!?!?!? totally different too, the thread on the franks triples is tiny and very fine
the nut for the damper actually plonked straight over the thread without touching it [XX(]

so i am getting one made up this week that is pretty much the Scotts one with the Franks thread on it
only real problem is even the fitters here struggled to fully identify the thread

but they tell me that they can turn something up that will be 99% the same

havent ridden since BOXING DAY, starting to get the ol' jitters :D

03-03-2008, 03:29 PM
oh, and i took the wheels to the shop and got the new tyres put on on saturday morning

cant wait to try em, fancy new Dunlop Sportmax GP's
meant to be pretty decent tyres (got them "off a guy who knows a guy who races" ;))

25-03-2008, 12:09 PM
well, only a few days til i leave for the AFR
still dont rego, but pretty chuffed with my efforts so far
in the last week or so i've

- Made up a bracket to hide wiring on lefthand side of bike, now holds ignition barrel
- installed new HH rear brake pads
- Veypor bracket finished (might give it a spray of matt-black)
- Put the wheels back on
- By-passed the clutch switch (and removed the microswitch from the lever)
- Changed all the throttle, clutch and brake levers and switchgear over to the new handlebars
- Wired in the new ignition barrel
- Have flexi-primed (3 coats) the new headlight unit, it’ll go to satin black tonight
- Painted the lower radiator black
- Removed the temperature gauge and wiring (don’t need it now I have standard rads on)
- Bypassed the sidestand interlock relay and chucked it out
- removed the sidestand switch

still need to do a few things before rego..
- Re-install the horn (dont normally have one)
- Bypass old ignition barrel
- Wire in the Veypor
- Refit big ugly tail
- Take a few discs out of the supertrapps
- Make stepper brackets up for headlight (out of 5mm plastic) include indicator mounting holes
- Put mirrors on
- Put on chain-guard
Probably a few other things I haven’t remembered yet too!!!!

the only unknown at the moment is whether the veypor is going to be happy accepting its speed and revs signals from the ECM
think that might be safer for it, i think tapping it into the coils last time might have introduced spikes that killed it

anyways, if i dont get photos up before friday i'll see ya'll at casino :D

25-03-2008, 08:51 PM
go hard mate.

26-03-2008, 12:11 PM
had wiring issues last night
what i wanted to do with the ignition didnt work (park lights were on all the time...)

new plan of attack tonight then rego tomorrow ;)

Jockney Rebel
26-03-2008, 04:29 PM
see ya there my man

27-03-2008, 12:41 PM
Got your rego fimp?

27-03-2008, 03:32 PM
JUST got it!

been working on the bike NON-STOP since 8pm last night (i kid you not)

EVERY possible thing that could have fucked up did
then when i went to start it and go for my inspection (2.5hours late btw) i'd flattened the battery LOL

bit of a pain pushing her up on the ute with the brakes still bedding in
but in the end the inspection dude was cool about it all (nice guy Newcastle Motorcycle Doctor if your ever in the area)

but its all good now, only problem is i have a pretty lame lookin fighter at the moment

gonna catch some zzz's then swap the tails ;)
probably leave it in the ute while i work, the sheds too much of a mess right know [XX(]


01-04-2008, 04:27 PM
She made it up there and back

Veypor only works half the time, going to fuck it off and use a Koso unit i picked up off Stu

new headlight got us into Casino in the rain and dark with tinted visors on, so pretty stoked about that one!

if anyone took any shots of it at AFR i would appreciate u postin them up cos i didnt take a camera

oh, and it should hopefully be in Rapid sometime soon too as Heather got some shots of it on the sunday :D

15-04-2008, 12:54 PM

Missed out on seeing your beast at AFR due to non attendance. Any chance of an up-to-date pic of the beast.


16-04-2008, 06:48 AM
i'd love too, but didnt take my camera with me

i'll see if i can get one up tonight ;)

Jockney Rebel
16-04-2008, 07:42 PM
yeah fire one up fimp didnt get a good look at it [apart from your tail light on the way up summerlands ]

17-04-2008, 02:15 PM
Finally starting to look half-decent from the side (headlight to be lowered about 50mm then i think i'll be happy)

Showing Standard rads ([XX(]), and sexy new key barrel setup on side

hopefully the new nut to adapt the scotts damper will be done by this weekend and i will show you the snazzy new bar setup ;)

17-04-2008, 02:57 PM
I see youve stopped riding around with the slick on the back

17-04-2008, 03:40 PM
Thats lookin unreal Fimp! Im well impressed!

19-04-2008, 04:52 PM
Looking pretty spekky.

Almost got a betmen thing happening there with the tail and the front guard.

18-07-2008, 10:55 AM
lets call it a combination of cold tyres and a few weeks off the bike
but there was a bit of an "incident" this morning turning out of my street...

18-07-2008, 11:14 AM
No shit.. You ok?? The bike ok??

18-07-2008, 11:16 AM
Faark! U havnt wrecked it already have u fimpy?

18-07-2008, 12:55 PM
im fine, bit of a foggy head for the morning
its clearing up now

just rode it out to the corner of my street, stopped for a car, took off turning right and it spin around REALLY quick and bucked me off, dont even think i had time to take the hands off the bars just remember the back of my head hitting the ground pretty hard (white flash etc)

bike did a 360 on the ground, rolled myself up off the tarmac and looked at it just as the tip-over sensor kicked in and it shut off

picked it up and wheeled it the 30m or so home
just in time to score a lift to work with the girlfriend

i dont think the damage is too massive, the impact knocked off the rad cap
but i think it will still screw in
the mount for the rad was knocked off but i can probably just glue it on or something
not sure if the rad is bent

right footpeg looked bent up, thats ok cos i've been meaning to redo the rearsets again with a newer/better design i have sitting around

rashed up the bar-end, but thats what its for eh?
bars still looked straight so i think i will get off pretty lightly

oh and i think the tank may be a bit dinged, find out tonight when i take some pics

i guess it just gives me an excuse to carry out some changes i have been meaning to get around to :)

18-07-2008, 01:11 PM
Good you're not hurt mate and lucky your bike isn't too busted up.

18-07-2008, 01:15 PM
Shit fimp - not cool.
I had something extremely similar *almost* happen on the vtr - a combination of cold tyres and low down grunt... maybe its just a v-twin thing.
Fix it up - you getting that custom radiator still?

18-07-2008, 02:31 PM
good to hear no major damage to you or the machine mate

18-07-2008, 02:48 PM
Stoked to hear u n the tiller r ok mate! I had a similar close call riding to work on the 7/11 on tuesday! Had some mud on the rear tire & the road was a bit dewy, stopped @ n intersection turning right, took off & as I was turning the rear started to spin up whilst I was still leaning! Nearly slipped out as I hung on praying to ride it out as started fishtailing! So not fun when u dont mean to!

18-07-2008, 05:28 PM
Any crash you can walk away from is a good one. Sounds like you were lucky today mate.

19-07-2008, 04:43 AM
So like i said, damage wasnt too bad
gave it a good looking-over last night and this is the full extent of it


the mount ripped off, which is good cos the rad doesnt seem to be bent at all
anyone know a good way to glue this little fucker back on?


so it looks like the rigid pegs did their job, and as a bonus i think that most of the bending is just in the M8 bolt that holds it on (through the peg) stretching. so should just need to replace that bolt to get things rolling again
but i'll start getting some version2 rearsets into production asap


this is a bit of a pity, ive already replaced one of these
but its not cracked so thats good for now!

oh yeah, poor barends
thats probably going to be the most expensive part of the repair!!!! LOL

luckily the tank is fine, the zorst just rotated around a bit
but thats sorted already :D

Jockney Rebel
19-07-2008, 08:32 AM
lucky boy conrad mate ..what u doin with the bars then ...?

19-07-2008, 08:37 AM
the bars? i think they are ok
that reminds me, i should check to see if my new bar-clamps are still ok
not much extra meat on em so...

about to take a "lunch break" (damn 4am starts....) and head up to the motoshop for new bar-ends :)

18-11-2008, 12:01 PM
thought i'd throw on a post about what updates i got done pre NFR


new bar-ends of course!
and the snazzy new motoscope mini and bracket
along with the sexy-as bar clamps i designed up and got made to go around the scotts steering damper (which is yet to get on...)
and my bar mirrors too


and these rearsets i picked up while on my trip to japan a few months back...
you cant see here but i also took about 5plates out of each supertrapp (3initially, then 2 just b4 the NFR), trying to aviod those darn defects!

was chasing Rosco on his FZ-1N up throught the hills at NFR
overtook Weasel and aparently as we shot past him the FZ was loud as fuck
but then my bike was just chugging along behind him like a stealth bomber at 200kph (thanks for the compliment mate)

oh, you might notice the melted rubber off my work boots on the exhausts
turns out they arent as melt-proof as my alpinestars :D

18-11-2008, 12:10 PM

oh, here is a pic you can see the exhuast in ;)

as far as the troubles at the NFR go

i had a throttle jamming do to the end of the choke cable end come loose
doing about 100kph

after having no fuckin idea how to pull over in that situation i have decided to ditch my left hand near the engine on/off switch and key barrel
watch this space....

then the electrical dramas on the sunday
beng told probably a stuffed connection in there somewhere from some experts
shall dive in there later and figure it out ;)

18-11-2008, 03:09 PM
fuk yeah was a goooood ride : )

hope ya get the electrics sorted

18-11-2008, 09:06 PM
Hope your bike gets going again soon (unlike mine, may take awhile, bumma)

Goodluck to Mrs Fimp 4 next month.

Jockney Rebel
18-11-2008, 09:18 PM
hey comrad glad u got home ok mate ..might pop up and see you in the next few weeks for a jar or two

20-11-2008, 05:03 AM
think i found my electrical gremlin

just a dodgy connection in a standard plug ;)

23-12-2008, 12:02 PM
well, got stranded about a km from my house on friday
i guess that electrical problem us a bit more deeper than i first thought....

oh, but the good news is that i got a call from RaceRads
my radiator is finally ready :) woot!
gets here tomorrow if im lucky, then i just have to figure out its mounts (got threaded sections welded on it for me to get it in just the right spot ;))

bring on the AFR!!!!

23-12-2008, 12:06 PM
doh! electrics are the devil.