View Full Version : My long termer Z650

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04-07-2016, 10:17 AM
Nice. So the wiring is all sorted then (according to the video)? Oh, and you mentioned paint, what's it going to be?

04-07-2016, 06:12 PM
love the cut down breather, much cool compered to std or normal aftermarket :-)

04-07-2016, 08:42 PM
A couple of amendments to the wiring - a connector so that the fuel pump can be quickly connected / disconnected (as I don't know yet whether I'll be using it or not), and the neutral switch wired in (instead of the oil temp being wired in as a neutral...) - but otherwise, yes, all done (I hope). And paint will be on the body panels and tank, and will be two pack... all paint, no stickers or badges.

04-07-2016, 08:43 PM
Oh, and I've had it pointed out to me that the 'one-off' breather is just about exactly the same as a standard Z650 one! Which actually works in my favour, given that the end result is going to look like the Z650 that (at it's heart) it really is...

05-07-2016, 02:31 AM
Made a (slightly) adjustable steering stop.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed - the longest project/20160625_134620.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed - the longest project/20160625_134620.jpg.html)
Not the prettiest of things, but should look okay when it's powder-coated black.

12-07-2016, 04:30 AM
Wiring done thanks to Bob The Wizard, and the Zed rolled back into the Shed of Dread...
Parked next to my SV650 it looks surprisingly small...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed - the longest project/20160624_105352.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed - the longest project/20160624_105352.jpg.html)

12-07-2016, 08:47 AM
It also looks rather good.

13-07-2016, 01:07 AM
Thanks Si!
Originally, my 650 had only had one aftermarket fusebox, with just four fuses, but with a bit more electrickery involved now it needed extra fuses and a second fusebox -
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160624_120052.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160624_120052.jpg.html)
Consequently, rather than have the fuseboxes rattling around, I made up a bracket to weld to the back of the battery box.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160624_145652.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160624_145652.jpg.html)

25-07-2016, 07:46 PM
Although I've been a bit quiet on the subject of late, I've still been getting into the shed at any opportunity. The bike's getting stripped down now, to get the chain clearance on the frame done, and do the final welding on that and the oil tank mounts. Then it'll be final build...

25-07-2016, 10:35 PM
Although I've been a bit quiet on the subject of late, I've still been getting into the shed at any opportunity. The bike's getting stripped down now, to get the chain clearance on the frame done, and do the final welding on that and the oil tank mounts. Then it'll be final build...

Hi mate, are you notching or spreading the frame ?

26-07-2016, 01:51 AM
Notching it Oz - it barely needs it to be honest, and I could probably get away with just shaving the tubes, but I'll do it properly and cut out a section and weld some plate in...

26-07-2016, 11:11 AM
I have even seen it even done with a big fucking hammer when its that close :-), notching is properly cheaper than a 520 chain conversion, when I finish my frame jig I would like to try spreading a frame but in all honestly it isn't any better than a small notch

26-07-2016, 11:12 AM
I'm really digging this build

27-07-2016, 12:20 AM
Hmmm.... I have a hammer. A big hammer...

27-07-2016, 09:26 PM
Hmmm.... I have a hammer. A big hammer...

pssssst I hear the secret is heat........

04-08-2016, 08:36 PM
Oh, before I started stripping it I took a trip down to HEL to get some brake lines made up, and to see if I could get the oil lines sorted too.
It fitted rather snugly in the back of my Citroen Berlingo van...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160704_182641.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160704_182641.jpg.html)
But looked rather better out in the sunshine outside the HEL factory.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160705_114728.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160705_114728.jpg.html)
I wanted the same spec and style of brake lines as used on the British Superbikes that HEL supply to... like this.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160711_215155.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160711_215155.jpg.html)

04-08-2016, 09:08 PM
And while I was there, Kev (owner and builder of a very cool Martek Suzuki) also replaced the oil feed lines to the cylinder head with neater, covered lines with swaged fittings - much better than the red and blue anodised stuff that was on there before.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160714_204706.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160714_204706.jpg.html)

04-08-2016, 09:11 PM
Back home, I remmebered that I needed to amke a bracket to hold the dome-shaped cover over the rear of the boost gauge. I wanted to keep the classic Z look on the clocks, which meant dual covers.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160721_163743.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160721_163743.jpg.html)
And with the cover drilled to suit twin bolts so that the pressure line for the boost gauge can run through the original mounting hole in the middle
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160725_205518.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160725_205518.jpg.html)

04-08-2016, 09:48 PM
I love those oil line

04-08-2016, 11:38 PM
Ages ago, when I made the oil cooler brackets, I said that they'd need a lower bracket & bump stop type thing to stop the cooler from rattling against the frame down tubes. So it was about time that I made them... The L-shaped brackets were welded onto the bottom cooler bracket.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160721_164340.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160721_164340.jpg.html)
The rubber stops are plumbing washers for some kind of tap that I found in a box of bits, and I'm hoping that they'll be okay with the heat off the header pipes... hmmm, not too sure that they will, but hey ho...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160721_210818.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160721_210818.jpg.html)

04-08-2016, 11:41 PM
And now the strip down for paint, polish and pissing about...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160726_223819.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160726_223819.jpg.html)
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160730_170356.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160730_170356.jpg.html)
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160730_174642.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160730_174642.jpg.html)

05-08-2016, 10:21 AM
I'm not going to say "I'm loving this" again as that's getting old, so I'll just say "Yes!"

Anyway, with those dome tap washers, the centre part of the rubber has a plastic rod through it which will eventually connect with the frame and either vibrate or rattle apart won't it? Something more like this would be a winner: https://www.sinclair-rush.co.uk/category/56/push-in-feet

Can you tell I've had problems with vibration over the years?

06-08-2016, 12:27 AM
Where the 'bump stop' sits against the frame down tubes it contacts with the rubber part rather than the very middle bit as it's slightly offset from the middle of the downtube. I'm hoping that this'll be okay.
Even so, I've had a look at that link ;-) but as they can only be ordered in packs of 50+ it'd be a bit excessive as I only need two. I'll see how well they work (or don't) and keep an eye out for a possible alternative in the meantime...

11-08-2016, 07:03 AM
Remember all the palaver with the rear caliper?
Well, the half that I'd 'releived' too much via an over-enthusiastic application of grinder was thrown in the general direction of far-away, and I got hold of another caliper that I split and ground to fit. This time without going so far as to fuck it up... However, this one had the pad pins seized in place, and the piston wasn't too keen on coming out either. I got one pic out by welding a nut onto it, but the other was being more stubborn.
The piston came out after I left the caliper half in the freezer for a weekend, and then heated it on a pan of boiling water only about an inch deep - this was the caliper body expanded but the piston didn;t, and it slipped out like a dream!
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160613_192025.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160613_192025.jpg.html)
However, the pad pin was still stuck in place. I had to drill a hole though from the outside of the body (carefully measured using the other caliper half) and then drifted it out with a pin punch!
The other half got some treatment too, with the banjo mount tidied up, and the bolt holes countersunk so I could use countersunk stainless allen bolts instead of the standard chunky steel things.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160624_102655.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160624_102655.jpg.html)
With some paint applied and bolted back together with new stainless bits and new pistons & seals I ended up with this -
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_210620.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_210620.jpg.html)

11-08-2016, 10:09 AM
Well worth the fight,

12-08-2016, 12:22 AM
I painted the clutch and ignition casings too...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_202540.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_202540.jpg.html)
And the engine and alternator cover, but I didn't take a pic of them for some reason...

12-08-2016, 12:34 AM
... oh, hang on, yes I did...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160801_195751.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160801_195751.jpg.html)

12-08-2016, 06:10 AM
Like I said earlier, to get some decent chain clearance I was going to have to notch the inside of the frame rails or give them a twatting with a big hammer. I chose the former, mainly because I didn't want to get too giddy with the hammer and end up breaking things. Again.
I'd wrapped masking tape around the frame rails when it was built up and with a chain in place, so I could see where I needed clearance. With it all stripped down, I cut a piece of 40mm square box section steel, and split in lengthways to get two pieces of C section.
I clamped a piece on the inside of the frame, parallel with the bracing added in a previous life, and marked it up for cutting.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_192546.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_192546.jpg.html)
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_192632.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_192632.jpg.html)

12-08-2016, 06:13 AM
Then I got the angle grinder and files out...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_201124.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_201124.jpg.html)
And tried out one of the C section pieces for size, before marking it out and cutting it down to suit.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_203550.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160803_203550.jpg.html)

12-08-2016, 06:15 AM
And then proceded to do the same thing for the lower chain run.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160804_202648.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160804_202648.jpg.html)

12-08-2016, 07:14 AM

Says it all, very cool

12-08-2016, 12:21 PM
Yes and yes.

12-08-2016, 07:14 PM
And then I took the frame to Dave Dunlop at FastByMe turbo systems, so that he could do some welding which would be of far, far better quality and structural integrity than I will ever be able to manage...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160808_144041.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160808_144041.jpg.html)
And the end result...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_190104.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_190104.jpg.html)
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_190124.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_190124.jpg.html)
And he also blue-glued the shock extension pieces in place as well
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_190053.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_190053.jpg.html)
Now I need to clean the frame up and get some paint over it.

19-08-2016, 06:44 AM
The frame ready for a coat or three of shiny black...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_215713.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160809_215713.jpg.html)

And with that done, it was delicately slipped over the painted engine.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160817_203107.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160817_203107.jpg.html)

19-08-2016, 10:49 AM
Engine colour choice - Achievement: 100%
Frame colour choice - Achievement: 100%
Fucking around - Achievement: 0%

21-08-2016, 12:15 AM
Oh, believe me Si, there's been a lot of fucking around! :-)

22-08-2016, 10:51 PM
I'd painted the original cast Mr Turbo plenum a few years ago (ahem), and it was looking rather scruffy, so with the engine now all black, I decided that the plenum could go back to the original finish, so started cleaning it up
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160817_213027.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160817_213027.jpg.html)
With the added side effect that the Mr Turbo logo would be highlighted
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160817_213034.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160817_213034.jpg.html)

23-08-2016, 09:48 AM
Cool effect!

Tony Nitrous
23-08-2016, 10:45 AM
I keep getting told the old Mr Turbo kits are too basic and I should look at
blow-though or injected, but I still want one. Proper Old Skool madness !

Jockney Rebel
24-08-2016, 12:24 AM
nice ....will it come with a get out of jail free card ?

25-08-2016, 10:40 PM
... I'm hoping that that won't be necessary...

26-08-2016, 11:03 PM
Updates may get a little sporadic over the next few weeks as I'm having to pack stuff for a house move, but things will still get done as I need the bike to be in one lump for the move...
In the meantime, I popped over to see Keith at Nasty Paint in Birmingham to pick up my finished bodywork. Here's a sneaky peak...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed - the longest project/20160826_110010.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed - the longest project/20160826_110010.jpg.html)

27-08-2016, 07:41 AM
That is going to look outstanding!!!

29-08-2016, 09:55 AM
Going the 70's custom! Rad. Now stop teasing....

30-08-2016, 07:09 AM
It's not as bling when the sun isn't shining, actually quite subtle!
They say that the devil is in the details, so I got myself a replacement sidestand bolt in stainless, and gave it a taste of the polishing mop...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160826_204342.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160826_204342.jpg.html)

30-08-2016, 09:03 AM
It must be looking pretty bloody good if you noticed a side stand bolt ruining it!

30-08-2016, 11:57 AM
just polish the bolt or did you have a go at any nuts too !!

31-08-2016, 04:08 AM
The original bolt was so skanky, and it'd be pissing me off for years, so when I found a stainless replacement it was something of a no-brainer. The thread was also a tad dubious on the original bolt, so after running a tap through the sidestand to ensure thenthread was good, it was refitted with the new bolt (and stainless spring, and new stainless locknut too) and I now have a sidestand that doesn't sag at all. Bonus!

13-09-2016, 05:25 AM
So I'm in the 'cleaning and bolting stuff on' phase, and I've refreshed the front brake master cylinder with new seals, piston etc, but the remote reservoir looks really manky. I read somewhere on the interwebs that you can get rid of the yellowing by soaking them in bleach, and here it is after I did just that...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160911_221552.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160911_221552.jpg.html)
Yeah, still horrid and yellow... :-(
Anyone any ideas about how I can get it looking all spangly and new again?...

13-09-2016, 05:28 AM
And, in further Stuff Bolted On news...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160911_221008.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20160911_221008.jpg.html)
Although the clutch cover has to come back off to fit the clutch, and the ignition cover still needs to come off for the crank seal to be fitted (running Dyna 2000 I need to use a Z1100 ignition cover but need to find out what seal fits that and the GPz crank...)

21-09-2016, 10:32 AM
Been away and missed these, but going by the date, you must be finished now yea???

21-09-2016, 07:31 PM
Hahahahaha... oh, you are a comedian Si! :-)

22-09-2016, 01:20 AM
Mind you, I have bled the front brakes, fitted the front mudguard, and fucked about refitting some of the electical bits and bobs...

22-09-2016, 12:25 PM
No photos means that is complete fabrication of the truth.

22-09-2016, 12:27 PM
Hmm, yes that was me in disguise as some kind of admin character.

22-09-2016, 01:53 PM
Anyone any ideas about how I can get it looking all spangly and new again?...
Buy a new one? they yellow, no amount of bleach is going to fix it.

22-09-2016, 11:42 PM
No photos means that is complete fabrication of the truth.
:-) unfortunatley (yet another) phone issue means tnat I can't swiftly take pics to upload here. And no, this time I didn't drop it in the pond, it was a screen malfunction. Okay, so I could use my DSLR.... and I have no excuse for not doing so.
But I have bolted the plenum chamber back on! Honest!

23-09-2016, 12:24 PM
I will get that issue sorted soon. This site is soon to be phone friendly. Time to join the 90's.

24-09-2016, 07:01 AM
Just a shame that I'm not phone friendly...

08-11-2016, 03:36 AM
I'm so un-phone friendly that the warranty replacement took no less than 5 weeks to come from Samung. Shower of useless wankstains...
Anyway. The new 'workshop'... it's 'compact and bijou'...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20161029_151906.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20161029_151906.jpg.html)

08-11-2016, 01:24 PM
argghh its covered up, we want photos !!!

08-11-2016, 07:47 PM
;) Sorry Simo, but there's not really anything new to see... I gotta get all that clutter sorted so I've got room to actually reach the bike before I can do anything...

10-11-2016, 10:49 AM
Is that inside the house now?

10-11-2016, 09:28 PM
Not really. It's a lean-to brick built bit at the bac of the house. Probably originally a coal store or outdoor crapper. Small. No heating. But a carpet...

14-11-2016, 09:48 AM
Mmmm. Carpet.

22-03-2017, 07:53 PM
Long time no post.
Because long time no work.
But getting back to it as time is running out between now and the TT...
So, after losing various parts in a house move last October, I did manage to find some bits that I thought were lost. Only now I come to actually start putting things back together I realise that I have lost more than I have found. Arse.
In the re-attachment of parts I have discovered that there is no way that the oil feed and return pipes to the electic Shurflo oil pump that feeds the turbo will fit if the pump is mounted above the swinging arm pivot. SO that is getting relocated to under the sump. It won't look as nice or as neat, but it solves a problem and gives me plenty of room to fit the fuel pump and have a nice clear return run for the oil drain from the turbo. No pics just now, but some soon.

23-03-2017, 10:00 AM
Can you not make the pipes longer so you can keep the pump there? Or is this one of those things where I need to see photos to understand properly?
So she'll be done for May then yea? ....only 8 weeks........ parts missing...... :) Carpet though.

24-03-2017, 04:06 AM
Unfortunately it's not a matter of making the pipes longer, it's a matter of the fittings (to and from the turbo and the pump and the oil tank) being too big to actually get everything in place...
I found some of the missing parts today, after a 280 mile round trip to look for them. So fingers crossed.
And I have discovered that the carpet is a good place to sit, head in hands, wondering whether 8 weeks is long enough...

24-03-2017, 09:24 AM
You can do it mate!

26-03-2017, 09:04 AM
keep at it mate this thing is gonna be awesome when complete

27-03-2017, 01:26 AM
Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey...
Boost gauge plumbed in today, with the clock cover having to be modified to allow the boost pipe to fit through, but done with a rubber grommet around the hole so it doesn't chafe (good word that, 'chafe').

28-03-2017, 07:23 PM
Spacer found for behind rear of drive sprocket as the sprocket was wobbling around by itself even after nut was tightened.
Clutch actuation gubbins found and fitted, and then taken off as it was working - process repeated several times to no avail so I walked away before I started threatening it with the Big Hammer. I'll have to go back to that today...
Small steps, but steps nonetheless.

29-03-2017, 05:29 AM
Rear brake fluid reservoir fitted - well, one of those HRC hoses, not ideal, but neater than a remote reservoir like the ZXR master originally had, and it was cheap too...
Fuel pump half-fitted, fittings in with PTFE tape so things are now going back together properly rather than just being bolted in place.
But I can't find the rubber mounts for the tail unit, or the fuel tap...

29-03-2017, 06:44 AM
MDM, this is great with all the updates, but where are all the pictures bud lol you know us lot like pictures ;-)

29-03-2017, 11:38 AM
I'm digging the progress though. The TT is in sight for the Zed!

29-03-2017, 08:28 PM
No pics at the moment as my phone seems to want to take every picture with a hazy, romantic misty glow... but going to get the proper camera out at some point.
It's got to be in one piece for this weekend as it'll be on the Worldwide Bomber stand at the Kickback Show near Coventry...

30-03-2017, 11:10 AM
Definitely need some photos from there!

30-03-2017, 10:27 PM
If it gets there.
It's fighting me all the way...
Chain fitted, no problem. Rear wheel aligned and tightened up and...

... the chain is hitting the swinging arm brace! Okay, so it's only just kissing it, but it's enough that I'll need to take the grinder to the lovely shiny swinger...

And when the spindle is tightened the rear wheel is nipping up. Not sure why this could be, first off I thought it was the caliper hanger pushing against the 'arm, but I tweaked the torque arm so the hanger hung clear, and still the same. I'll have a closer look when I take the wheel out to sort the 'arm. A bit odd as it was fine six months ago before I moved house...

Front brakes bled and they're binding on. Initially I thought it was the aftermarket lever not allowing the master cylinder piston to return fully, but it was the same with the standard lever. So it's either (both) calipers sticking, or the master cylinder sticking... deep joy.

30-03-2017, 10:34 PM
As a thought - the calipers are ThunderAce 'bluespots' running on cast iron discs that're rather thicker than the usual modern sports bike discs, and there's not much clearance even when the pistons are pushed right back into their bores - a possible problem, or not?

31-03-2017, 05:15 AM
I whipped the calipers off and cleaned up around the pistons - one wasn't rising out of its bore, and all were pretty smeggy, although not scored or rusty or bubbled. Cleaned up they still stick, although nowhere near as badly, I reckon it's just the one caliper now, but I didn't get time to check. I'll do that tonight / tomorrow.
I also found another issue, one that is best shown with a picture, and I'll try and get some pics uploaded tonight... But right now I'm going to treat myself to a pint or two of vodka & coke...

03-04-2017, 10:07 AM
Yea, brakes are keen on being sat for years on end. Does it bind on you just spinning it with your hand or out on the road while riding? I've noticed that some times a simple spin out on the road can fix up brakes that have just been sitting for ages. (Of course, if it's not spinning at all then that is maybe not a good idea).

04-04-2017, 07:01 PM
"out on the road while riding"... :-) hang on Si, it's not even been started yet, and a way t go before that happens. Seems better after a second clean and tweak, as it does roll around easy enough now. Although I'm still considering a strip and rebuild of calipers and master cylinder so that it is done properly. That'll depend on whether I can get some spare cash together to get the seal kits.

05-04-2017, 08:54 AM
"out on the road while riding"... :-)

That's what we call "Motivational talk" over here. :)

05-04-2017, 06:02 PM
:-) keep up the motivation... I need it!

07-04-2017, 05:42 AM
So, I finally got back into Botophucket again...
I'd started putting things back together after the house move, and some polishing on a few bits. the exhaust headers slipped neatly into place, but when I bolted on the up-pipe, and then tried to get the turbo in place (having to take the drain fitting off to be able to squeeze it past the modified rear engine mount), but this happened...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170319_122921.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170319_122921.jpg.html)
It appears that the little bit of polishing I did on the up-pipe was enough to create enough heat to distort it. After loosening the bolts on the up-pipe / header connection I was able to wiggle it enough to be able to squeeze the bolts in for the turbo flange, and then tightened it all up and in place.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170319_152739.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170319_152739.jpg.html)

07-04-2017, 05:45 AM
As mentioned earlier (I think) I had to fuck about with the throttle cable mount bto allow the cable to fit over the frame and past the back of the tank.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170330_164944.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170330_164944.jpg.html)
But then I tried to fit the newly painted side panel. Oh cock.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170330_164823.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170330_164823.jpg.html)
I had to take the mount off so that the panel would fit. And no, I don't want to cut into the panel.
Fortunately, I saw a bike last weekend with a HSR carb that had the cable mounted on the other side of the carb, and that is the new plan!

07-04-2017, 07:33 AM
Non-stop challenges mate. This is the real deal.

09-04-2017, 07:32 PM
More challenges...
I finally found the deep sump conversion that Big 4 Engineering made for me - it'd been put away somewhere very safe...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170408_121838.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170408_121838.jpg.html)
Aside from the deep sump conversion it has also got the oil control gate, that prevents oil surging backwards under acceleration.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/3b11f308-1e57-4dd7-baad-2b70236650fe.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/3b11f308-1e57-4dd7-baad-2b70236650fe.jpg.html)

09-04-2017, 07:33 PM
But on closer inspection, not only dies the gate hinge back to prevent oil rushing backwards
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170408_121907.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170408_121907.jpg.html)
It can also hinge the other way, with the potential for it to remain open under acceleration, which kind of defeats the purpose...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170408_121913.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170408_121913.jpg.html)

09-04-2017, 07:33 PM
I've just got to work out how (or, indeed, if) I can extend the oil pick-up to suit the deep sump, and whether I need to prevent the oil gate from opening as wide as it does...

09-04-2017, 09:07 PM
Much much coolness

09-04-2017, 10:05 PM
Cool? The heat is rising...
Quelle surprise, more issues...
Here's the two sumps, and the differences are?...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170409_124251.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170409_124251.jpg.html)
Obviously, one has got a deep 'pocket' below the oil pickup.
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170409_124314.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170409_124314.jpg.html)
The gate open too far is nothing, it now appears that the pressure release valve wants to live where the gate sits...
http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w481/MDMSF/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170409_124952.jpg (http://s1078.photobucket.com/user/MDMSF/media/Zed%20-%20the%20longest%20project/20170409_124952.jpg.html)
And the standard pickup is far bigger than the deepened bit in the sump... as this modified sump didn't have the oil level sender in it (like the GPz1100 Unitrak one I removed) I'm wondering if I was sold one from a different model that isn't fit for purpose?

10-04-2017, 08:38 AM
That pressure relief on the oil pump was only fitted to the unitrac if that's any help
That gate was probably for a different model as u said

10-04-2017, 01:07 PM
So he could piss the valve off?

10-04-2017, 07:42 PM
So he could piss the valve off?

I wouldn't, the zx oil pump is I think slightly different internally and are know as the best zed pumps, he could use a earlier
Pump with no relive but to be honest imo I would loose the gate instead. If that gate was the difference between damage or not
he has bigger problems, I'm not expert btw but roller bearing cranks are a lot more forgiving.

11-04-2017, 05:25 AM
The gate is an aftermarket mod often used on Zeds, and it turns out that it's positioned wrongly, irrespective of what model the sump was originally from. I'll fit it to the Unitrak sump and send the other sump to landfill...

11-04-2017, 06:34 PM
Wow mate, you really are working hard sorting out all the issues. Liking the pictures though, and I'm sure you sort out everything!

12-04-2017, 09:00 AM
Here's how it's actually looking by the way:


Cool or what!?

12-04-2017, 01:10 PM
Just a bit......

15-04-2017, 02:46 PM
yes lotsa minor problems but mate you are doing a great job to overcome them and the overall look is awesome