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26-04-2013, 07:56 PM
"nobody beats super a mart"

Even for garage work bench's..... Got a new dining table with one chair for $89!
I couldn't even buy the material to build myself a bench for that.

Where are my head studs you ask?

So I cleaned all the gaffa tape off my bearing surfaces and the next step is to clean all the glass beads out of the oil galleries, I don't wan any of those little bastards floating around!

love the bench lol never thought of that !!
any reason you didnt get it aquablasted ??

kiwi kdx
28-04-2013, 07:25 AM
diddnt get what aqua blasted?

kiwi kdx
28-04-2013, 05:03 PM
I missed out on a set of Makuni flat slides on egay the other day they went for $280!
I'm sure someone here scored them....... But after thinking about it, I want to eventually
Use this bike as my daily ride so the The Mikuni BS34's I already have are probably better suited
To give me the smooth response I'll want.

So I pulled them down today, overall in pretty good nick! 2 split diaphrams and that's it.

A box of bits;

Soaked Emma for a while:

After a quick scrubb to get rid of the "all black" spray job some dickhead gave them:

They still need a good clean, Im deciding weather or not I'll buy a little ultrasonic cleaner.....

kiwi kdx
05-05-2013, 04:30 PM
Moving along. Washed out my engine cases and Im pretty sure I got all the glass beads out I ran the hose through the oil galleries for about 5 mins.

The shifters in the new clean case:

And the crank and box in:

05-05-2013, 04:43 PM
Hey mate looking good.Just as a test though run a bolt through any threaded holes in your crankcases and see if you can feel any sand/grit when you turn the bolt with your fingers

kiwi kdx
05-05-2013, 05:38 PM
yeah im gonna get a tap set and run them all through just to be safe.

kiwi kdx
09-05-2013, 07:15 PM
Nothing huge to update, just trial fitting my spare engine cases sould be able to use the standard Z1000 mounts....
Just gotta fucking find some that won't cost me a arm and a leg.

09-05-2013, 07:51 PM
Just make em

09-05-2013, 08:00 PM
I can plasma cut some for you if you get me hike spacing and whatnot.

09-05-2013, 08:14 PM
Cardboard template , then MDF board to final trial works for me. Then you can just copy the MDF in steel

09-05-2013, 08:50 PM
That bike is going to be a corker mate!

09-05-2013, 09:44 PM
A bit of grease on the tap will help pull any glass bead out of the threads. Kind of ironic but I'll recommend lanolin grease.... lol

kiwi kdx
10-05-2013, 09:11 AM
i have been dwelling on weather or not to make them, the only thing holding me back is i really likr the look of the
rear mounts in this pic
i know i could use flat plates and spacers and that would be a lot cheaper.
i can get the kit in the pic out of the US for a hundy which i feel is pretty
steep but they just look so much better.

am i being too picky?

10-05-2013, 10:08 AM
At a 100 and u have no acess to machinery to build them
if they work it's worth it just for not having the hassle IMO.

10-05-2013, 10:27 AM
A bit of grease on the tap will help pull any glass bead out of the threads. Kind of ironic but I'll recommend lanolin grease.... lol

CRC is better, grease will hold onto the beads and could tear the thread.

This really should have been done before any reassy of the parts.

10-05-2013, 01:35 PM
i know i could use flat plates and spacers and that would be a lot cheaper.

am i being too picky?

Hey mate you need a fuckin slap for just even considering that.Why go to the effort of building such an awesome oldskool muscle bike and scrimp on these sort of details.Even if the spacers work properly and can't be seen YOU will know that they're there.
Get that money sent over to the US of A and in years to come you'll still have nice engine mounts rather than shitty spacers. Grrr ;)

10-05-2013, 01:51 PM

10-05-2013, 02:17 PM
I'm with Stiffy and Turbo on this one. Engineered mounts are way better than cheap ass plates and spacers.

kiwi kdx
10-05-2013, 02:50 PM
well looks like i will be using the cast mounts as
im picking up a parts bike tomorow i bought it for the
mounts and ill scrap the rest and sell it off.

kiwi kdx
10-05-2013, 02:50 PM
well looks like i will be using the cast mounts as
im picking up a parts bike tomorow i bought it for the
mounts and ill scrap the rest and sell it off.

10-05-2013, 03:17 PM
what type bike and is there a motor in it ?

10-05-2013, 03:37 PM
Hey mate you need a fuckin slap for just even considering that.Why go to the effort of building such an awesome oldskool muscle bike and scrimp on these sort of details.Even if the spacers work properly and can't be seen YOU will know that they're there.
Get that money sent over to the US of A and in years to come you'll still have nice engine mounts rather than shitty spacers. Grrr ;)

I totally disagree!

If you spend the time and effort to make the parts you need/want you will be better off in the end.
Who want parts anyone else can have when you are building a one off custom bike, when you're able to make something yourself?

10-05-2013, 05:00 PM
Well built "home made" wins for me , but if you don't have the tools $100 is cheap just bead blast the cast units and paint em.

kiwi kdx
10-05-2013, 06:43 PM
Ozzy its a KZ1100 shaftie its got a bottom end and barrels in a rolling bike, no bodywork
it all looks prety rough but im sure inside the cases will be fine.

10-05-2013, 07:11 PM

kiwi kdx
11-05-2013, 08:43 PM
So I picked up Betsy the parts bich today (not really many parts left.....) I'm pretty happy with what I scored but also a little confused
Here she is:

It's got whats left of an 1100 donk:

And someone has welded in some bracing and a lower engine mount that as far as I know the Z1000ST never had
So could this be a GPZ motor? Coz they have the second lower front engine mount
I'll look at the frame and engine numbers tomorrow I'm sure they will shed some light.

They have also done the bracing down the back bone, bounes!!!

And I got my cast engine mounts!!!!!

11-05-2013, 09:20 PM
Mate if yr looking to piss off some of that 1st dibs

kiwi kdx
11-05-2013, 09:43 PM
Mate of corse!
I'm gonna hold onto the frame and probablly the bottom end of the engine till I feel my gearbox running.
But the rest I was gonna part out and try make some money back ( mates rates for boys on ASF)
I have someone keen on the front wheel but that's about it so far.

12-05-2013, 12:22 AM
You still got the spare set of wire wheels mate ? Still chasing a mig ? Shoot me a PM.

kiwi kdx
12-05-2013, 06:40 AM
pm sent

Ozzy what bits r u chasing mate?

12-05-2013, 09:03 AM
The only thing would have been what's left of the motor

kiwi kdx
12-05-2013, 09:52 AM
the shaft drive bit?

12-05-2013, 09:55 AM
i ment whats left as is, if yr keeping the bottom end there isnt much else worth having :-)

kiwi kdx
12-05-2013, 11:41 AM
oh whats left... once mine is up and running ill let that go
too mate. i did wonder what u could possiably want off it.

12-05-2013, 11:50 AM
motor parts always good lol

12-05-2013, 11:52 AM
wait and see if I build a drouin super charger reproduction for one of these motors....... :-) cause 1503 cc just isnt enough lol

kiwi kdx
12-05-2013, 01:14 PM
haha not even close!


Betsy is looking a little naked now

kiwi kdx
12-05-2013, 09:05 PM
couldent do much this arvo as bubs was sleeping so no
crashing around aloud!

i was looking at the bikea and i think im going to keep
the colour scheme the way it is.
red tank with kawasaki of corse, black side pannels
and a black tail and i wanna keep the retro 1000 on it well change
it to 1100 anyway....
what are your opinions?

kiwi kdx
16-05-2013, 02:39 PM
I turned my attention to the engine out of Betsy today, with the head being off for so long my hopes weren't too high.

Threw some petrol in and soaked for a while as they were pretty well stuck:

The crank does not look too bad:

And the gears too:

kiwi kdx
23-05-2013, 10:45 AM
Not much to report, gasket set arrived so I gave all my tools and toolbox a good clean and re-organize Ready for re assembly.
You know u have a problem when u realize you have 3 x 1/2 inch, 2 x 3/8 and 3 x 1/4 inch drive socket sets and 4 draws of ratchet spanners and spanners!

And got the best bits of Betsy the parts bitch packed away for later.

kiwi kdx
30-05-2013, 10:36 AM
Right..... I Am getting the ball rolling again now i have my new metal making device.

Pulled the frame down

And started cutting off the center stand mounts so it's all clean and ready to make the dogbone mounts

Things move amazingly slow when u can only grind when baby's are awake.......

30-05-2013, 10:44 AM
You bought a Rossi welder? I'm surprised the leads plug in from the front...

I knew there was something ghey about you. :rolleyes:

kiwi kdx
30-05-2013, 06:48 PM
Yeah should be alright they r made by BBT it duty cycles 180a @15% and 90a @ 60%
And its one of the only cheaper ones I could find that had accual
Adjustment not just a min and max switch.

30-05-2013, 11:19 PM
migs are only for putting up benchs........

kiwi kdx
31-05-2013, 01:30 PM
Ok u teach me to tig and ill buy one of those haha!

31-05-2013, 04:39 PM
teach yourself I did lol

01-06-2013, 10:00 PM
'migs are only for putting up benchs........'

Or Kawasaki's .......either way they're stationary objects compared to Yamaha's

01-06-2013, 10:22 PM

So much for giving Ozzy1100 first dibs on the left overs ..

kiwi kdx
02-06-2013, 08:38 AM
Yeah I know.... I have been getting grief from the mrs about how much
I have been spending on the bike so said I would sell some stuff to get cash back.
Nothing there worth having anyway its all fucked
Had to cut the pistons off, cylinder 2 has a dirty big crack,
Crank will need to be pulled down.
And just quietly there is going to be "no one who wants to buy the gearbox"

kiwi kdx
03-06-2013, 06:59 PM
Cans turned up today, one is a bit banged up but I can cut and flip it and after a polish they should look top notch.
Just need to work out how to squeeze them under the seat.....


So to hide the dent and a few good scratches i flipped them left for right and both upside down, I will need to rotate the outlets 180deg so they pound down again
They will fit under the tail with about 1/3rd of the height hidden so I will put new decals on the side at the bottom.


kiwi kdx
05-06-2013, 07:50 PM
New toys!!!! This will make life a lot easier

05-06-2013, 08:06 PM
New toys are good.Good to see your project is coming along. As I've just got my GSX back I'll need to start getting my project up and running again.After all I can't have a smelly Kawasaki beating me to the finish line :D Having said that though I'm sure Lynton will beat us both in finishing his monster Kwak first :rolleyes: :D

05-06-2013, 08:36 PM
Nice one Stiff. .....I needed a good laugh tonight.....

Pyramids were built quicker than Lyntons bike.....

05-06-2013, 08:58 PM
my meatings at megalomaniacs anonymous are taking up must of my time

kiwi kdx
09-06-2013, 03:35 PM
All good things take time!
As for me im trying to get my head around this R1 swingarm
Its like it has no center the monoshock sits to the left
While the arm itself sits to the right in the frame....
Very confuzzing.

On another note I need to find a new home for my tail light:

11-06-2013, 05:35 PM
Can you fit this just above the Kawasaki sticker??

kiwi kdx
15-06-2013, 11:22 AM
Will be something like that.
I may lose the sticker all together.

kiwi kdx
21-09-2013, 04:57 PM
Sorry guys i have been pretty slack in updates lately........
The move home to NZ has been pretty full on but we r settled in now back at work and for the first time in
4 years i have 2 days off in a row!

The bike is out of its crate and back n the stand ready to go.

I acually saw a bike run today that got me back in the shed, the bikes i saw would have had STIFFIE wanking in the bushes!
About 15 GS1000's 10 or so 1100's and a heap of 850's

While i have these made:

Im ticking away on the swimger conversion:



A lot of dremmiling and fine tuning going on:

Carbs still in in bits:

21-09-2013, 05:22 PM
Good to see you back with that old crate of yours mate. It's good to know that some old Zooks got you motivated again. All good, now hurry up ;)

kiwi kdx
21-09-2013, 07:09 PM
Cheers mate how is your barge going?

21-09-2013, 11:14 PM
You know where to look to see how the old Zook is lumbering along. Dry build commencing and fretting about getting electrical gadgetry wired up without creating magic smoke

22-09-2013, 07:19 AM
Don't cut straight through those cans you will wish you didnt.
De sleeve them first and cut routers then winners, just incase you didn't know.;-)

kiwi kdx
22-09-2013, 12:48 PM
Haha yeah mate i did de-sleeve them first and i sure am glad i did!

23-09-2013, 03:57 PM
i cant create anything without the magic smoke

kiwi kdx
03-01-2014, 09:38 AM
ok wow its been a while since i have laid a hand on the old girl and honestly i almost lost interest.....
but im back and things are progressing!

bottom monoshock mounts are in and just need shaping and i have started on the top mount:
[/URL]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zpse3ac14a0.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zpsfd6b265a.jpg.html)
[URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zpsfd6b265a.jpg.html]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zpsfd6b265a.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zpse3ac14a0.jpg.html)
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zps9f83ec3f.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zps9f83ec3f.jpg.html)

i plan to weld some plate in between the box section and the round frame brace.

i have done a bit of a frame clean up, mainly all the lugs that sat under the seat and behind the tank, and also the big bulky twin shock mounts.

also hacked off the rear of the frame to allow me to play with the Yoshies a little bit, i have decided against using the original seat as its just too big and high, im going to make a much smaller custom one.

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zpsf6674cfe.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zpsf6674cfe.jpg.html)

i think i will kick the tail up a bit yet.
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zps3194c0c9.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zps3194c0c9.jpg.html)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zpscc5db5eb.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zpscc5db5eb.jpg.html)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zps4e631711.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zps4e631711.jpg.html)

03-01-2014, 10:37 AM
I was just thinking about your project the other day and wondering where you were with it. Looking good mate.

kiwi kdx
03-01-2014, 06:33 PM
Yeah like i said i haven't touched it for months, but have The spark back now.
Is that zook rolling yet? I cant get into members now (too poor)

I have decided my seat is just too massive and needs a chop!
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zps93660980.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zps93660980.jpg.html)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/image_zps274404ff.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/image_zps274404ff.jpg.html)

03-01-2014, 07:43 PM
Looks good dude stay motivated it's too good of a build to give up

04-01-2014, 08:57 AM
Short tail look better I reckon

kiwi kdx
05-01-2014, 06:22 AM
I like the short tail too but i felt it was starting to loose the style of the bike
I want it to look old skool muscle not german fighter.

05-01-2014, 05:58 PM
ok wow its been a while since i have laid a hand on the old girl and honestly i almost lost interest.....
but im back and things are progressing!

It's good to have a project or two out in the shed that you can go back to when you get a few days/hours free.

Looks good btw.

08-01-2014, 05:34 PM
will u just finish this one kiwi im hangin to see it done

kiwi kdx
11-01-2014, 06:35 PM
This is for u pav


11-01-2014, 07:46 PM
This is for u pav


Too much time and it goes mouldy though

kiwi kdx
19-01-2014, 10:33 AM

so i cut into some nice big U channel today 6mm plate and 10mm base:
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/bd7d3b42345838fa94171dd4e0570461_zpsff26bd2a.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/bd7d3b42345838fa94171dd4e0570461_zpsff26bd2a.jpg.h tml)

i tacked them together so i could shape them:
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/c6593c516ea22cb112d5678e7e460455_zpsbe58f494.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/c6593c516ea22cb112d5678e7e460455_zpsbe58f494.jpg.h tml)

and now we have this:
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/3561ade12bc0b884ec2cbca4b7c286a3_zpsaa234e37.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/3561ade12bc0b884ec2cbca4b7c286a3_zpsaa234e37.jpg.h tml)

over engineered???? probablly...
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/2d2be723e05bf9e06ac125bb420343d9_zpsbeb66844.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/2d2be723e05bf9e06ac125bb420343d9_zpsbeb66844.jpg.h tml)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/b36e550eec7247b0ca0f44b2618088b5_zpsbcc109d1.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/b36e550eec7247b0ca0f44b2618088b5_zpsbcc109d1.jpg.h tml)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/23d446a60817b0ae918028fb9ff55db4_zps80295907.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/23d446a60817b0ae918028fb9ff55db4_zps80295907.jpg.h tml)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/98391d431bd8ef9a1cb9f0cdc4be9876_zps8e534ff1.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/98391d431bd8ef9a1cb9f0cdc4be9876_zps8e534ff1.jpg.h tml)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/5eaa4739e7c945d38de949eca42a71d3_zps550e3ef0.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/5eaa4739e7c945d38de949eca42a71d3_zps550e3ef0.jpg.h tml)

i havent measured exact trail or rake yet as the mount is onlY tacked on for now
but it sits LONG, LOW AND WIDE!

19-01-2014, 10:41 AM
Looking good mate how does it feel in the back end

kiwi kdx
19-01-2014, 11:13 AM
thanks Rod, the back end feels god mate, still sloppy in the rear axle as its not bushed yet, but the height feels awesome!

19-01-2014, 04:04 PM
the stance of it looks good mate. love it.

kiwi kdx
19-01-2014, 04:31 PM
Thanks mate its fucken awesome to sit on!!!
Tho i may need some bigger risers, its a bit more of a lean over that long tank than i thought it would be.

A quick mock up and its starting to look like image i have had in my head for 2 years.



19-01-2014, 06:26 PM
Nice dude

20-01-2014, 07:42 AM
Looking really good mate. I love the lines of it. Apparently Lynton has added some extra tuffness to his project but is keeping mum about what tuffness has been added. Yours looks pretty tough as is.

20-01-2014, 07:57 AM

so i cut into some nice big U channel today 6mm plate and 10mm base:
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg173/d21terrano/bd7d3b42345838fa94171dd4e0570461_zpsff26bd2a.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/d21terrano/media/bd7d3b42345838fa94171dd4e0570461_zpsff26bd2a.jpg.h tml)

Fuck me! Putting the Heavy into Kawasaki Heavy Industries I see!

kiwi kdx
20-01-2014, 03:11 PM
Well stiffie..... My tuffness will be in the form of the direct injection ports in the head........ Thats all im saying!

And gammaboy better safe than sorry, but i have removed about 40kg in the rear end already so it should be ok.

20-01-2014, 04:40 PM
Sounds a bit newskool to me mate. Next you'll be telling me that it's got one of those watercooled engine whatsiminame thingie me jobs. Anyway carry on, I'm keen to see how it comes along :)

20-01-2014, 07:39 PM
Lynton has prob found himself a mag ignition

kiwi kdx
21-01-2014, 02:14 PM
Now they look awesome!

21-01-2014, 06:06 PM
Sick man! what sorta geometry did u use to get all the angles & degrees? Or was it all eye balled? Got me keen to dig into my gsx again haha
Keep up the good work mate!

21-01-2014, 07:47 PM
Looks fantastic mate well done n keep at it:cool:

kiwi kdx
23-01-2014, 05:23 PM
Cheers guys!
Fight fan its all eye balled mate, i roughly measured how much sag the R1 shock had and allowed for that, then set the top mount to
The height i wanted the bike to sit.

Oh and chop that dirty old GSX up mate!

23-01-2014, 07:20 PM

24-01-2014, 12:00 AM
I can't remember if that arm is longer than stock
Didn't look to far out, maybe a touch more squat angle ?
And things like fork offset are great ways to control trail if you end up
with the ride height and rake angle you are happiest with. These old bikes
are fairly forgiving.

24-01-2014, 12:01 AM
Lance you and I need to chat old boy....

kiwi kdx
24-01-2014, 04:00 PM
Ozzy mate the R1 arm is a good bit longer than the stock shafty arm, u can see it in these pics.

Ignore the fork angle n this one.

As far as figures go..... Fuck who knows ill have to measure them.

I have lowered the Rear suspension – increasing rake and trail
The forks are shorter - decreasing rake and trail
Different offset triples - should be of no effect
smaller front wheel - decreasing rake and trail
But smaller rear wheel increasing rake and trail

So ........ Yeah!
In just hoping it will tip in nice and quick with the short forks and 17" wheels.

Oh and if its on any interest the seat height is a nice low 820mm
And ive got 200mm of clearance underneath before the pipes go on,
Rearsets are going to need to be back and high

24-01-2014, 05:13 PM
there is a common misunderstanding that rake has a lot more to do with steering feel (turn in etc) than it does
trail is the biggest influance on this but as you decreas rake tail follows yes but
fork offset has a lot to do with with trail figures (race teams use varible ofset yokes to dail in the bike) as does
front wheel size but as for by its self it only changes turn in and change of direction via gyroscopic forces
rear wheel dia dose fuck, all rear height is a funtion of geometry
the change you will feel by the rear wheel changes will be by the aspect ratio of the wider tyre
as you say all figures are just that and like i said these things are forgiving so no big deal
my bike will be track tested before final build to do just that , get a feel for what I like and what I dont
I prob would have made the shock mount a lot dif but thats just me but by the end I think you will wish you added some holes for a change in height as you needed.

24-01-2014, 05:15 PM
I love the tank tail combo and think this should be a stoking good bike

kiwi kdx
30-01-2014, 06:04 PM
I did think of doing multiple bolt holes but im pretty sure i have it where i want it, if not i can play with the dogbone a little.
Im stoked with the bodywork i think B1 & 2's were the best looking muscle bikes ever, and the more i look at the retro 1100 on the tail the more i want to keep it!

kiwi kdx
30-01-2014, 06:05 PM
Oh Ozzy do u know peter fraska, he runs just kwakas in wangaratta?

30-01-2014, 06:49 PM
no sorry I get every thing at rapid motion.

imo I think the stance could have benifited a lot by a touch more aggression
and ffs dont kick the tail up

30-01-2014, 06:55 PM
I can't stand it any longer !!!11111!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!


Sorry but how much upward force is on the top eye of the shock ??? Those bits of what appear to be 5-6mm web from the PFC you used for it will twist under load !!! At least brace the fucking thing by putting a plate across the top of both bits. It might just stop it twisting its way out of your frame.......

kiwi kdx
31-01-2014, 03:53 AM
Calm down love..........

As i said when i posted it, its only tacked there for now to get the height set right.
And yes i will be putting a 6mm plate from the eye of the shock right along the top
That also has gusset's to each side, its far from finished mate.