Blogs to your phone
, 24-12-2011 at 03:14 AM (36102 Views)
If youve been enjoying the new blog area on ASF and you want to access it where ever you are then this is going to please you.
At the top of the main page you will see a banner that says
"Recent Blogs Posts"........... on the same line, but on the right side of the page there is a small orange icon that is an RSS reader.
All you have to do is install an RSS reader app on your iphone, blackberry, android etc, and follow the instructions how to add an address, then you can instantly access the ASF blog area, including photos posted.
So there you have it, no matter if you are on a train or the dunny, you will always have something interesting to read from your favorite Streetfighter website Aussie Streetfighters.