
KTM Valencia Shoot - Day 1

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[COLOR=#222222]My buddy Rok Bagoros just sent though this link. They've been shooting the new Duke 200 which will hopefully be hitting Aussie shores at some stage. The Duke 125 was a very well built and fun little bike, so you can only imagine the 200 will be even better. A kick arse learner or commuter bike that'll still wheelie and stoppie with the best of them :)


Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ROK.jpg 
Views:	2302 
Size:	96.1 KB 
ID:	436  
Tags: bagoros, duke, italy, ktm, rok


  1. Gix11's Avatar
    That thing would be so light. I reckon I'd be the happiest 17 year old ever if I had one of them back then.