All Blog Entries

  1. Bladerod at Heathcote


    Huge thanks to Exben for letting me tag along in his van!

    A big weekend!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	176

    Ok, for those of you that couldn't or didn't make it, here's a quick run down of what you missed....

    Even though the morning started with me wearing a pair of jeans and a leather jacket just to keep warm in supposed summer (I am from QLD after all), the day did actually turn out really nice. The sun was out and the wind was at bay, and nigh on perfect drag racing conditions had been bestowed on us. It was going to ...
  3. Mindless Wanderings

    In a vain attempt to appear intelligent, I thought I would write down a few thoughts about risk and taking risks, the background commitment of people making them and the ultimate conclusion, be it good or bad. Especially as we have seen of late, some of the extreme high profile results of them, Marco Simoncelli springs to mind.
    I think about the commitment it takes from not just the individual, but also the family and the support that is given to the individual to get them to the heights of ...
  4. The new ASF Blog feature.

    A great new feature of the new ASF website is we can now do proper blogs.

    "So what?" Well the idea here is that certain level of membership can give you access to the blogs feature which means you can write you own blog for the whole Streetfighter community to see. This could be a build blog where you show everybody your progress with your bike, or it could be about your regular weekend rides and gatherings with other members, maybe even about your business? Either way it ...
  5. The New website is alive!

    This is copied from the home page article but I thought I should start the blog with it as well.

    After 10 years of ASF evolution the old forum was total knackered. It was a 10 year old forum platform which had been left behind in the dark ages, which of course, was great 10 years ago, but total shite now.

    We decided we needed to have an upgrade, then one thing lead to another. Before you knew it we rebuilt the entire website from the ground up. It's still not completely ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	3  
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