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13-04-2010, 12:19 PM

But i don't think this is extreme enough, he should do some extreme ironing at the same time just to add some radness:D

13-04-2010, 12:29 PM

13-04-2010, 01:06 PM
How the hell is he going to slow down enough to deploy the chute?!

13-04-2010, 01:50 PM
"The terminal velocity of a falling human being with arms and legs outstretched is about 120 miles per hour (192 km per hour) — slower than a lead balloon, but a good deal faster than a feather!"


Skydivers do that after 3000 feet i think so no matter what height once they reach terminal velocity thats it they don't get quicker.. at least thats what Paul said at smoko just now.. if he's wrong let me know so I can flame him..:D:D

13-04-2010, 01:52 PM
Then again just found this..

"Kittinger fell for four minutes before his main chute opened. In the vacuum of the upper stratosphere, his body accelerated to 714 mph, breaking the sound barrier."

from here..

13-04-2010, 02:33 PM
You can go(fall) much faster in the outer atmosphere because there is less air and other particles for you to hit and hold you back.
Like running on land(upper atmosphere) then trying to run in a pool(lower atmosphere)..

The red glow you see on the shuttle is the friction from the air, hope his suit is good and doesn't burn up [:0]:D

13-04-2010, 03:37 PM
Haven't been to the Extreme Ironing site in a while. There's some quality material in there:



13-04-2010, 05:08 PM
What this ironing thing you speak of ?

13-04-2010, 05:24 PM
quote:Originally posted by Gix11

Haven't been to the Extreme Ironing site in a while. There's some quality material in there:

Haha, I had a look there the other week when Jacktar posted up some nonsense about ironing.
None of it really summed up the man but when I searched for "extreme arsehole" things got really off track...

13-04-2010, 05:33 PM
I asked my missus apparently it gets creases out of clothes, what for I couldn't tell you.

13-04-2010, 05:36 PM
oh that's what that thing in the laundry was for....I thought it was a funny shaped portable cooker.

13-04-2010, 05:38 PM
Oh that thing, no that is for putting laminate on door edges.

13-04-2010, 06:45 PM
extreme ironing just made my day.

13-04-2010, 09:21 PM
When the space shuttle first enters the atmosphere its doing around 50,000 kph thats why it glows red hot, ceramic tiles on the bottom to stop them cooking. Air friction slows it to below the speed of sound (1100kph ruffly) just before landing then land at about 450kph with no engine power to save you if you fuck up the landing. Computer does it all anyhow NASA dont trust there pilots to much . Glide ratio of the big fucker is almost 1 to 1 lol , clides a bit like a brick!

14-04-2010, 04:51 AM
So you're saying that he'll exceed the speed of sound in the upper atmosphere (makes sense) and then is counting on the air pressure at lower altitudes to bring him back to terminal velocity in time to open his chute - before he cooks?

15-04-2010, 08:27 PM
Yep egg zacory ! The higher you go the higher your velocity will be until you end up so far away from the planet that you just float off into space. The reason they are using a ballon to get him up there is because if they used a plane spaceship etc he would have an initial velocity of somewhere up around mach 7 to get that high in the first place. Even if he could get out of the plane at that speed and survive his velocity when he got back down to an altitude where the air will slow him much he'd be toast. Thats why astronaughts dont get issued the special suit he has and a parachute for quick trips home.

Technically he will possably travel at multipul times the speed of sound as it is a relative measurement , sound travels through an object at a speed dependant on density of the object its traveling through . I'e steel its prob measured in km/sec not km/h in air at sea level sound travels at aproximatly 1,100 km/h at extreem altitudes the speed is much less. The only reported cases of people surviving falls from such hights at the moment are high altitude reconercence pilots with plane malfunction (like a missle up there ass for being somewhere they shouldnt have been lol) But they have an ejection seat with all kinds of shit on it, and alot of luck!

20-04-2010, 10:00 AM

I cant embed the video for some reason, gives me an error....

20-04-2010, 10:18 AM
quote:Originally posted by latheboy


I cant embed the video for some reason, gives me an error....


20-04-2010, 10:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by latheboy


I cant embed the video for some reason, gives me an error....

You need to get rid of everything after the "name" of the video-ie the & and everything after it

20-04-2010, 02:13 PM
Extreme insanity.