View Full Version : A little legal advice?

10-01-2007, 04:56 PM
Im not sure if anyone here can help me? Can insurance companys or assesors request that you must have reciepts for all items insured? Can they ask for proof of purchace on items 5,10,15 or even 20 years ago? And what if it was a gift? You lot are pretty cluey so i thought id ask, it actually could help YOU if you were broken into.

10-01-2007, 05:40 PM
My ute was broken into a couple of years ago and had about 20 CDs stolen from it, as they were in a CD wallet my insurance company asked me to provide a list for them and then fax a copy of all the CD covers to them as proof of purchase.

Do you have a copy of your policy? There might be some info outlined in there.

10-01-2007, 07:39 PM
what about pics of the stolen stuff? Even of a full garage of parts?did you get any of it from wreckers? other racers?
I just talked to my G.F. who's in insurance, and she said pics first, then reciepts/credit card/bank statements showing a history of buying your stolen parts.you might be able to prove that more than likely, (for the assesor) all your stuff was yours.
Maybe records of emails for any parts that were through the site?
She also said that if she's wrong, she takes no responsibility. So don't sue us. Please ;)

10-01-2007, 08:52 PM
Ozkat, use the word 'reasonable' with the assessor. That is, 'Do you think it is REASONABLE that I should have receipts for items purchased 5, 10, 15 or even 20 years ago?

Record all conversations with the assessor, times/dates and what was said to the best of your memory, as it may become a protracted dispute.

Advice (and leverage) can be sought through:


Cheers Rich

10-01-2007, 09:30 PM
i never thought of taking pics of the stuff in the shed..not a bad idea though.

11-01-2007, 04:14 AM
real sorry to hear about all you stuff getting nicked.
I had all my tools stolen from my employers workshop and the assesor said as it wasnt listed individually or specified, all i got for 20 yrs of collecting good tools was a shitty kmart set as replacement.The boss tried via the courts for a decent payout for replacements and used the idea that it would be reasonable to expect someone with my length of time and experience in the industry to have a good selection of quality gear. Your into bikes and racing, wouldnt it be reasonable to expect you to have good tools, with many and various performance parts and spares for bikes etc? do you have any photos of the bikes, old or new, that could show what you are talking about? Not trying to be rude but the assessor may like barbie dolls as a "hobby" and not have a f'king clue what a turbo looks like or what an engine case is. Get my drift? Some photos of my w/shop had pics of my tool boxes and equipment in them and I
Was lucky enough to get a bit of a list from Strap On tool man as to my purchases over 10 yrs and the insurer paid out. Have a good look through you and others, photos, see if you can prove or find something there.
Good luck with it

11-01-2007, 10:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by WATEVR

i never thought of taking pics of the stuff in the shed..not a bad idea though.

I was thinking of doing this as a business. You go around peoples homes / shed and take digital photo's of all the valueables and get them to give you detailed descriptions of all items. Go home and make a spreadsheet with picts (professional looking)and burn to CD and give the customer a back-up copy in case of a robery. couple of hundred dollars for a half days work.
Getting people to trust you first is the Key..

12-01-2007, 12:20 PM
That's a good idea but as you say, trust would be the biggest issue. If you think about it, it would also be the perfect way for a theif to scan a place and pass it to an associate, although, you do have coincidence on your side. A specific hit on a house you had done would be traced back to you so they'd know it was you. You could use that as your reasoning for them trusting you.

12-01-2007, 03:11 PM
I know insurance:(carry yourself with confidence[8D]
It all comes down to the connection you have with the asesa[^];)

12-01-2007, 04:47 PM
Hey OZ, any news on your gear?
Hopefully they coppers will catch the bastards and you wont have to worry with all this bullshit