View Full Version : TAILS ON.........

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04-03-2007, 01:44 PM
Leads go like Jelly? do they get really hot? if so you're dumping too much power through the coils. More power, more heat, rubber/plastic gets soft and jelly like, coil|leads|plugs start breaking down. I take it the leads/coils/plugs are correct for your bike.
What's happening with the reg/rec unit? it's probably getting very hot too. Also check the CDI unit for heat build up. If you have a multimeter to hand, check the output from the reg/rec unit.
I'm online today (in fact I haunt this place) if you want any online assistance in trouble shooting it.

04-03-2007, 04:10 PM

04-03-2007, 04:13 PM
all i gota do now is correctly mould the seat .. get a new rear shock ( piggyback one ) change the swingarm , sort out the ignition probs , get a new fuel tap and ride the wheels off it .. oh and eventually a new tank :)

04-03-2007, 08:19 PM
Nah mate wish'n I had more bittermin to see you in your prime , Great to put a face to the ride P.S young bloke loves the way you took off..........wish's Dad could do the same