View Full Version : My oil burner is beyond a burner

05-02-2010, 10:03 PM
Ok I know that these things are supposed to run hot but I have just ridden in to work, a 20 minute trip with no stopping (its 11pm)
Temperature of the bike once I stopped is at 129.5 degrees.
The engine looked like it was smoking a bit and I can't help but feel this is just too hot.
You can see the temp on this photo of the thermometer in between the cooling fins.


Now my cooler is one of the ebay 19row jobbies. I bought it because the stock curved one was putting out similar temperatures and I thought it was a dud.
It doesnt feel like its running to lean, I'll check the spark plugs first thing tomorrow, but what else would be causing these temps, is there a way I can test my oil pump, there is plenty of oil btw.

Any hints team. Im to scared to ride it home.

05-02-2010, 10:04 PM
Ah fuhgedaboudit, my run home with the choke on produced a temp of 80 degs. It was raining but that's enough evidence for me. Who would have thought running lean could produce such a huge difference.