View Full Version : Pooftahs

28-01-2010, 09:12 AM
Two homosexuals decide they'd like to have a child.
Accordingly they mix their sperm and arrange to impregnate a surrogate.
After the appropriate delay, they receive a call from the hospital that
baby has arrived. Very excited, they rush to the ward where all the new
babies are being held and are confronted by a roomful of bawling,
infants; but with one exception! In the corner there was one baby
smiling and
cooing and obviously very content.
The duty nurse told them that that baby boy in the corner was theirs.
The poofters were ecstatic. Look at all these obnoxious wailing brats
to our beautiful happy offspring they said: just goes to prove once
again the
superiority of gay love.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that" said the nurse. "Just watch what
happens when I
pull the thermometer out of his arse"