View Full Version : angel tyres

22-01-2010, 09:25 AM
apparently theres some tyres out there called "pirelli angel". anyone heard of or ran them. theyve got an angel pattern tread and when they wear down they turn into a devil pattern. my sis wants em for her r1. gotta love a gimmik, any advice or expierience on these tyres would be appreciated thanks.;)

22-01-2010, 09:40 AM
Is that the deal with them??? I saw n add for em in Rapid (i think) I thought they were jst two different tread patters!

22-01-2010, 10:46 AM
The light-tread lines just disappear as you wear them down, hiding the halo and making it look like a demon..

Definitely a gimmick..

I'd rather see tyres that along the sides have etched "CHICKEN SHIT" over and over, so you have to wear down the edges and get rid of the chicken strips ;)



22-01-2010, 11:48 AM
I've been looking into them for my mrs Er6n. They haven't really been around long enough for many reviews but what I've read sounds good so far. They're a single compound "sport touring" tyre (more sport than touring apparently).

Think I'll try Pilot Road 2's, hopefully get a bit more life out of them because they are dual compound

22-01-2010, 12:54 PM
Who the fuck looks at the tread on peoples tyres?

22-01-2010, 01:26 PM
I can see how the Demon works... It jst looks like tread to me!

22-01-2010, 01:43 PM
My opinion is it is merely a scrub in indictor after 1000 k's it should be safe to start riding harder on the tyre , as long as the angel is gone.[:X]
Like the little elephants on the Metzeller tyres. I like grinding off thier feet ;):D
Just get some tyre buffer , piss of the mould wax and go for it I wreckon.( Disclaimer , this may not work for some people )like the Knobs that put tyre shine on thier side walls [:0]

22-01-2010, 01:55 PM
if ya got wide enough chicken strips you could shin those as well.

22-01-2010, 02:53 PM
the "wank-factor" has certainly been cranked up here! [}:)]

22-01-2010, 03:26 PM
Why not get her some spokey-dokies while you're at it? That'd look really ace!

23-01-2010, 12:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by devo

My opinion is it is merely a scrub in indictor after 1000 k's it should be safe to start riding harder on the tyre , as long as the angel is gone.[:X]
Like the little elephants on the Metzeller tyres. I like grinding off thier feet ;):D
Just get some tyre buffer , piss of the mould wax and go for it I wreckon.( Disclaimer , this may not work for some people )like the Knobs that put tyre shine on thier side walls [:0]

I don't run Metzeller tyres, but I believe there used to be an direction arrow and possibly a "Michelin Man" on the edge there somewhere, would that qualify as grinding off the Elephants feet???? :Dhttp://www.asfphotos.com/upload/1264297535.jpg

23-01-2010, 12:38 PM
thats not fair that arrow looks higher then mine!!!

*edit* i was wrong there about the same just doesnt seem to have the other writing only little man and arrow.


23-01-2010, 12:56 PM
:D:D:D Fun getting it over that far aint it... :) I might have a little advantage there though, its my '82 Kat front tyre, stock running gear, just have to be more precise in the corners but is a fuckload of fun to ride quick :D

Always good to see a tyre that is used as it should be.... good stuff...

Down with chicken strips I say :D

23-01-2010, 01:18 PM
quote: :D:D:DFun getting it over that far aint it...:)
But I can still see the serial number :D:D:D

23-01-2010, 01:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by devo

quote: :D:D:DFun getting it over that far aint it...:)
But I can still see the serial number :D:D:D

:D:D There's one in every crowd... a smartarse.. :D:D cheeky young prick... :D:D Its just going to take me a while to wear off the number, I do have ground clearance issues, I fear that my exhaust will wear through first though....


23-01-2010, 03:27 PM
quote:cheeky young prick
I am so glad you called me young LOL I am 46 ..... but then again you are over 50 :D.[:0].
And i think we will still be goin at 80 ... Hell i think I will still be riding when I am loosing control of my bowels. ( well heres hoping anyway ) ;)

23-01-2010, 03:50 PM
ye its only been like 2weeks i've been consistanly using full tyre.i did superbike school and read twist of wrist2 which help a shit load, was still at abit of a barrier getting to relax and flick it over but now i can heaps easier

23-01-2010, 04:50 PM
A couple of the Buell guys up at Brisbane i know have tried the Angel tyres and said they were ok, comparable to Pilot Powers but no dramatic difference so I suppose price would then come into play, tyres are a bit of a personal thing.

23-01-2010, 08:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by devo

quote:cheeky young prick
I am so glad you called me young LOL I am 46 ..... but then again you are over 50 :D.[:0].
And i think we will still be goin at 80 ... Hell i think I will still be riding when I am loosing control of my bowels. ( well heres hoping anyway ) ;)

Mate, that is so right, as far as I'm concerned, as long as I can still throw a leg-over (and take that in the non-bike term too)I'll keep flogging the shit out of my Kat, I lost my youngest Brother when he was 22, that was around 24 years ago (he had an 1100 Kat too), it never stopped me from riding and I don't believe that just because you hit a certain age, you stop riding, that is just plain wrong.... One thing I like about the Italians is their passion for things like their bikes (I had 3 Laverda's), and yes, even Rossi, I love the passion he rides with... although I'll always pick the Aussie for the win... I like to think I have a similar passion for riding :)

thepj, Its good that you have more confidence now, the modern bikes are very, very good now and those riding schools are very good too, I could not afford that sort of schooling when I was younger, my school was ride with the fast guys on the Old Pacific HWY, the Putty road, Bells line of road, Great Ocean Rd, Snowy Mountain HWY, etc. and whatever twisties I found, my learners bike was a Mach III Kawasaki... I'm still alive... :D

Erm... back on topic....

The Angel/Demon thing is a good marketing thing, I actually like it, the explanation of if you can still see an Angel, baby it, when you see a Demon... go hard!! love it, although a mate I went for a ride with today has a Pilot 2 (or words to that effect)on, he reckons its real sticky, so who knows what tyre is best, different bikes/styles....

Cheers all.

26-01-2010, 02:41 PM
thanks for the replies,i guess she can make up her own mind.
can you still get spokey dokeys??