View Full Version : House Hunting

05-01-2010, 12:07 PM
hi all
im sick of renting

no kids, lots of motorbikes

and i see a place like this and get all excited

what u think?

05-01-2010, 12:23 PM
That's rockin'- lots of shelves for parts, big concrete back yard for burnouts....

What are you waiting for??

05-01-2010, 12:25 PM
Heaps of storage and no windows.

Would make a great base to defend from the coming zombie apocalypse

Needs a fence down the side to keep it a bit more private.

05-01-2010, 12:42 PM
I fully endorse the last 2 posts and the contained shennanigans - this is the ONLY reason you would buy this house. fuckin DO IT man

05-01-2010, 12:45 PM

05-01-2010, 12:51 PM
Quiet as all fuck at the weekend. If you're up for doing some work on it, do it.

Have a word with the neighbours and see if you can get that oval turned into a flat track course

And maybe a ramp at the loading dock for days when you don't feel like launching yourself and bike out of the garage

05-01-2010, 01:28 PM
funny you mention that dave
there is a trots just across the storm drain from there LOL

i think someone has offered on it
dont really have deposit money just yet (wish i did to be honest)
and yeah, council approval is the big issue
but there are houses all around from memory so i dont see why not

05-01-2010, 01:29 PM
Looks cool Fimp, worth checking out and finding out wot the go is..

100 Msq isnt much though, might be ok with the layout .. dunno .. but yeah looks cool fa shaw

Tony Nitrous
05-01-2010, 01:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

im sick of renting
no kids, lots of motorbikes

Exactly my old situation.

Got a few extra bill's but mortgage payments are less than the rent was,
Only moved to get a flat block and double and single garage's

05-01-2010, 01:55 PM
I've finally convinced the other half that a commercial place with living area is heaps better than a plain old house. Can do more with it, and it's just more interesting.

05-01-2010, 02:23 PM
Heyyy i'm only 20 mins from you fimp and if you move there i could totally have someone to stalk ... sweet..:D

05-01-2010, 03:04 PM
where are you normally mate? im in maitland now

05-01-2010, 03:13 PM
I see clubhouse, maybe ?

05-01-2010, 04:07 PM
Why not go all the way and get a factory?

All the cool kids are doing it.

05-01-2010, 05:07 PM
Hey Large, whereabouts do you look to find a factory? I mean in terms of websites etc. And do you have to fuck around with the council getting it rezoned as residential or are you good to go straight away? Giving this very serious thought at the moment.....

05-01-2010, 05:15 PM
would be pretty fuckin risky to buy a factory i might get kicked out of in 6months....

05-01-2010, 05:25 PM
nice lawn

05-01-2010, 05:35 PM
Dex, it's nearly impossible to get a factory re-zoned.. depends on the council though. I know people who own factories though and live in them.. they're just subtle about it ;)

Re-zoning properties is a REAL bitch. You'd have to really really want that exact place to go through with it rather than just find a place already zoned residential.

05-01-2010, 05:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by -Dex-

Hey Large, whereabouts do you look to find a factory? I mean in terms of websites etc. And do you have to fuck around with the council getting it rezoned as residential or are you good to go straight away? Giving this very serious thought at the moment.....


The rules- Very few (around here) factories are legal to live in unless they have a residence attached (check the zoning)

Now the facts- Where I live, 7 of the 24 factories are being lived in. Some have been here for up to 10 years. Most are legitimate businesses where they have built mezzanines and decked them out for living. Others are just living here. Most people dont care (it's good security for the businesses) but if you piss someone off, they may complain to the council about you living there.

05-01-2010, 05:57 PM
I was sharing a factory with an ASF member until we got reported to the council-


But there are ways around it... like putting a campervan in one of your parking spots and living in that until the council lose interest. Otherwise you could make your bed fold into the wall and hide it behind a cupboard and hide your clothes which I believe are the two things the council would be looking for.

05-01-2010, 06:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by Large

The rules- Very few (around here) factories are legal to live in unless they have a residence attached (check the zoning)

is that right is it?
so you have to be a business trading from the factory (not a problem)
and just have a mezzanine

thats my ideal setup
is that just your local councils rule?

Tony Nitrous
05-01-2010, 06:44 PM
Someone I know was looking into it, trying to "create" a business
where he needed to be on-call 24 hours and his place of work included
a rest area...;) Trying to sneak it pass using the Fire-station type thing.
His accountant said the buiseness didnt need to make a profit for a
while while it established itself, could even go against his tax.

Not sure if it would have worked ? I doubt it.

05-01-2010, 07:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

where are you normally mate? im in maitland now

No way, I'm in Rutherford mate.. does the tlr get out much i've never seen it gettin around.. Fighters are far and few between let alone ASF Members.. :D

05-01-2010, 08:33 PM
quote:Originally posted by fimpBIKES

quote:Originally posted by Large

The rules- Very few (around here) factories are legal to live in unless they have a residence attached (check the zoning)

is that right is it?
so you have to be a business trading from the factory (not a problem)
and just have a mezzanine

thats my ideal setup
is that just your local councils rule?

No, I didn't say that was legal. But if you have a legitimate business (so your neighbours see business things going on) there's less likelihood that you'll have any trouble.

And who's to say the bed upstairs isn't a sick bed?

06-01-2010, 12:21 AM
hmmm. Id be tempted to tell the council to quietly fuck themselves.
once I'm 100% sure of this..

"No one, not even a policeman, may legally enter your property without your consent or a proper Judiciary Order. If anyone says they are authorised by a town Council, that is a lie – no Council, no Government Department nor any private organisation, can authorise one person to make a rule over another. Those counterfeit police men and women - have NO legal authority over you, no matter who they say they work for. So if they do enter your property, threaten you in any way, or try to take anything which is legally yours, have a video camera ready and record it – they hate it.

Remind them that an order by a single magistrate is NOT a Judiciary Order - it is illegal because it is a violation of Common Law and comes under Slavery in the Criminal Code Act 1995 Sect 268.10 [Any Council laws that conflict with Common Law are illegal.]
Any order by a single Judge, Magistrate, Registrar or anyone, without your consent, is invalid, and also carries severe penalties against them - as listed in the Crimes Act, Section 43 “ for obstructing the course of Justice."

just throwin it out there (im diggin more of this sorta shit up ;P) - my dream place would either be in buttfuck nowhere with about 100 acres and craters.. er i mean dams.. dotted around the joint.. :D - or a wicked old warehouse to live in and do burnouts for breakfast lunch n dinner.

[edit] Ooooh I found it...

quote:"268.10 Crime against humanity—enslavement
(1) A person (the perpetrator) commits an offence if:
(a) the perpetrator exercises any or all of the powers attaching to
the right of ownership over one or more persons (including
the exercise of a power in the course of trafficking in
persons, in particular women and children); and
(b) the perpetrator’s conduct is committed intentionally or
knowingly as part of a widespread or systematic attack
directed against a civilian population.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.
(2) In subsection (1):
exercises any or all of the powers attaching to the right of
ownership over a person includes purchases, sells, lends or barters
a person or imposes on a person a similar deprivation of liberty and
also includes exercise a power arising from a debt incurred or
contract made by a person."

06-01-2010, 01:54 PM
Lived in factory unit in South Penrith for 15 months. There are a lot more people acting as live-in security in that area than you'd believe.

Depending on construction-type, some of them have very limited natural light. Yep, just like living in a cave...

Another point to consider is heating and cooling. Large open areas with high ceilings can be very expensive to heat or cool. Especially when the west-facing front wall is very dark brick.

06-01-2010, 02:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by playswithnitro

Lived in factory unit in South Penrith for 15 months. There are a lot more people acting as live-in security in that area than you'd believe.

Depending on construction-type, some of them have very limited natural light. Yep, just like living in a cave...

Another point to consider is heating and cooling. Large open areas with high ceilings can be very expensive to heat or cool. Especially when the west-facing front wall is very dark brick.

That's why you would install insulated "office areas" and "boardrooms" then your heating and cooling issues are largely confined to smaller areas which are more readily heated and cooled.

07-01-2010, 01:00 AM
quote:Originally posted by Shadowzone

quote:Originally posted by playswithnitro

Lived in factory unit in South Penrith for 15 months. There are a lot more people acting as live-in security in that area than you'd believe.

Depending on construction-type, some of them have very limited natural light. Yep, just like living in a cave...

Another point to consider is heating and cooling. Large open areas with high ceilings can be very expensive to heat or cool. Especially when the west-facing front wall is very dark brick.

That's why you would install insulated "office areas" and "boardrooms" then your heating and cooling issues are largely confined to smaller areas which are more readily heated and cooled.

that's what the blokes at my old work did. sectioned off their own mezzanine floor/walls in huge sheds. sucks if ur work place reeks of fiberglass/gelcoat fumes 24/7 - bet they slept good tho.
I Was in a workshop today, with massive thick as fuck tilt slabs for walls and enough room to spin a burnout car in. Fully built in office out the front 2 stories high, car park that would fit even all MY shitboxes and thought - well this would be perfect! burnout comps at my place every friday night, let anyone who has a problem with it sit outside the fence and watch where they belong.

07-01-2010, 08:48 AM
You could buy an industrial block and get tilt slab construction done for fuck all if you look in the right areas too. Tilt slab is cheap as chips which is why they all go to it.

07-01-2010, 07:33 PM
I built a two-room mezzanine over the shower/toilet block.

15 X 7.5 metres. With enough insulation in the roof and two outer walls, I could cool it with an air conditioner.

07-01-2010, 10:01 PM
how easy are maitland council to deal with?

08-01-2010, 12:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by grindella

how easy are maitland council to deal with?

on the technicality - that they probably actually have no authority over you and your personal property (Despite what we are all told) I'd say as easy as any other council is to deal with when you tell em to F**K off! ;)
I just remembered this crap my mate had to deal with - local council here, wanted a $400 "relaxation" fee - for HIM to pull down a shitty wooden shed - and replace it with a brand new colorbond one in his back yard.. he said - "jam that up your ass", and did it anyway - they have no proof that its even a different shed now haha

08-01-2010, 08:13 AM
A mate of mine works for a council as a building inspector - he said to me once regarding renos on a property "if you apply to do that they WILL knock it back. So do it then apply for a final approval on the grounds it was like that when you bought the place and you didn't know it didn't have approval and they'll approve it no hassles."

bit of a fucked up game but its a game nonetheless...