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View Full Version : Noz's Fat Arsed Bandit aka B750r1

31-12-2009, 08:37 AM
Can't think of a good name. Current fav is Fat Arse Bandit :D

Both my parents are still bikers - mum (60) has a Guzzi 750, dad (72) has a Rocket III. Big age difference between my folks but they have both torn it up around London. My mum being a hooligan, used to ride pillion and twat the Mods in their face (openfaced lid) on the way past. My dad used chop n mod his bikes about, which I now know as the cafe racer scene. So without realising, I grew up with that mentality and knew I wanted a filthy bike, I just didn't know where to find you. Then I met my fella last xmas and it all just exploded from there.

From the off, whilst I have designed, paid for and helped out with this build, the big kudos go to my fella Gixerman for all the hard work and making of fiddly bits n bobs that make it what it is. When we first met, he promised to make me 'the dirty filthy bike that I deserved' my first chrimbo pressie from him was a b12 backend - knew it was love at first bling [8D] I got renthals for my birthday and a shock and harris rearsets for this xmas. He's going to run out of bike bits to buy me soon... but will just have to build another one! :D This is the build so far.

standard b6

b12 back end... very easy conversion

then the micron carbon can was just begging to be chopped.. so using tape and a very fine angle grinder cutting disc, it was. Middle rewelded and new packing and back on. Sounds filthy!

So a bigfukoff back tyre and naughty zaust.. but that wasn't enough.. the appetite had been whetted and I was influenced by bikeporn aka MSR :D

Whilst enquiring what USD I could use for my build, I was given a link to this
Buy it now for £250! It would be rude not to. So 98-00 R1 forks, both yokes, blue spot calipers & brake discs.

Well that was it. I was done for. My mate had some blue liquid digi kosos on his vmax and I fell in love... but when it came down to it, three dials weren't going to look how I wanted so had a look for others and chose these. Got 20% off the sale, so well chuffed. Still £170 though... but I had just sold my dad's HD for silly money in under 3 hours and they gave me £500 to say thanks. So thanks dad for the Kosos and R1 front end

Both were put on a shelf and the build was put on hold whilst my fella finished repairing/modding his bike. Meanwhile I bought a broken R1 mudguard and R1 04/06 seat unit to get started on whilst he was doing his bike. Initally, I wanted a black stealthy look to the bike with a big blue crow outline (like in the film the crow) on the tank and everything else black or a blue/black. I found a colour close to how I pictured it in my head and went for Vauxhall Polar Sea pearlscent blue rattle cans.

I plastic welded it, body filled it, primered and sprayed... repair wasn't quite strong enough and cracks appeared in the paint, so fibreglassed inside and redid.

Bought the R1 04/06 seat unit off a mate which he had 1" chopped off the subframe. But I didn't notice that... or think of the probs we'd have fitting it to the frame. However, I did notice there was a break that needed repairing, so plastic welded, fillered, primered, sprayed.. plastic picnic spoons are great for melting

Had a prob with the plastic where it had been worn thin, so had to fibreglass inside too. Learnt a valuable lesson - wear long sleeves when cutting/sanding fibreglass

Tis the one with the twin underseat zausts.. this may prove a problem at some point but til then.. meh!

31-12-2009, 08:39 AM
So that was the summer months (seems like an age ago now). Fella bought me some black renthals for my birthday :heart (I'm after some rearsets for xmas this year) which were put away until the front end went on. My restricted licence had ended (like those washers stayed in that long!) and we hadn't planned a bigger engine until next year. That was until my mate Ian decided that he didn't want his slabby 750 project anymore, so we bought it (this time funded by selling my mums guzzi and loads of my dads hd bling - I am t'bay queen lol )

So, engine was taken out, Ian had brushed on engine paint, which was removed, whilst the rest of the bike was stripped and sold. Kept the frame, tank, wheels for our next project and sold the rest.

I bought a 10x15ft workshop in August and had to lay the paving slabs, so that kept me busy for a few weeks. Then constructing the bastard thing and making it suitable for our needs, took most of September. Fella moved in (not the workshop :lol: ) and then got stuck in doing the bandit. As the workshop now had a bike in, it was renamed The Lab.

Had to press out both stems and put the b6 stem into the R1 yoke. It was a fraction too small, so had it knurled at an engineering place. Because the R1 had clip ons, had to think of a way to attach the risers to it, esp as there was loads of webbing underneath. Had thought it could be filled with ally but the heat would have warped it, so scrapped that idea. Opted to fill in the original drill holes and then use a metal plate underneath so the risers bolts would clamp it all together. Worked a treat. All the unecessary bits were ground off the yokes and polished, the lockstops were removed and bigger ones created. Friend of a friend ally welded them in place for strength.
Top yoke during:

Fellas best mate came to visit for a week and helped swop engines. I left them to it, I'd fed them chilli, being in an enclosed space wasn't a good idea [xx(]

So during this time slabby oilcooler was resprayed and brackets were made to attach to the b6 frame. Bike was stripped, b6 engine taken out and slabby one in (after swearing and then using the lying bike down on tyres to get engine in trick) knew those casings would come in handy.. had been saving them for a gatso


Because the slabby engine had a hydraulic clutch, I had to change the assemblies. I opted for TL brake & clutch master cylinders. Only I went and bought R & S ones not knowing they had diff setups for the diff models :roll: Got a tax credit rebate and treated myself to some Pazzos. Had a chat with Colin at MSR (King of Bike Porn) and he sorted me out the right set.

Put the renthals on, fitted assemblies and grips. I really really really wanted the Rizoma Lux ones.. but at £100 a pair, there was no way! My god they were lush though. Opted for black/blue motrax ones for £7 :lol: Have ordered some lovely res pots (my pressie to self)

B6 front end came off. R1 went on. :heart looked sweet!
Took some measurements for the new brakelines and then it all got taken off again. Fella had a chat with his mate and now have some custom-made Earls black braided hoses (cost price).

During this time, we tested the engine and after a few false starts, it started. Not sure when it was last run, prob about 2 years ago

So the front end was ready to go on and the engine properlly road tested.... only my fella had that gleam in his eye and a Plan.

31-12-2009, 08:40 AM
Now you might be wondering about the headlight unit. The b6 had a Divy one on it when I bought it, which I took off and sold when I fitted the twins. But the wiring was a mess behind it and it wasn't what I had in mind, not to mention it's been done to death . I drew up a design and then had a look about for a suitable basic one to modify. Someone offered up a powerbronze one they'd started to mod but then changed their mind. It had a b12(s) headlight unit behind it, which didn't really project much light, so he'd drilled loads of holes around it and that didn't improve it much either. When I first saw it, I thought the eyes looked like the crow outline I wanted. It didn't really work, so after a long think, went for a 'frowny face'/horned god kinda thing.

Marked out where I wanted to trim the plastic and then had my first go on the angle grinder - it was goooooooooooood. Did a few layers of fibreglass inside to fill the eyeholes

Then fibreglassed the outside and built up the layers in certain places. I had bought a set of projectors for this, so measured up where I wanted them to go, made a template and drilled the outline and then cut out the circles. I need to make a lip for the lights to fit into, so cut up one of those post tubes and glued it to the back of the unit. I then cut up 1-2" strips of course fibreglass and lined the tubes, and layer the front. A layer of fine fibreglass was added. Once set, I soaked off the tube and cut off the excess.

Having a few probs cos the light case is slightly too big, so sanded with dremel and it's showing daylight in a couple of places, which means I have to fibreglass it again. Once that's done, we are going to make a plate to mount behind the lights, with a rod either side to adjust it, without compromising the headlight position.

Had a look at the SF mag special and liked the guys idea about using putty to shape the fibreglass and creating wicked curves etc. So with that in mind, going to cut the struts in the middle, build up the 'horns' and prob fill in with (same colour as forks) mesh, reinforced with fine fibreglass. I want the face to be scowling with mad eyes. Granted it may not turn out like that but that's what I have planned. I've no doubt that one day in the future I may sell another of my dad's bikes (he's got a rocket iii at the mo and he's 73, it scared him so much he bought it) and buy one of those lush mask headlights. Until then, going to have a go at making my own.

So, back to the evil gleam and the Plan.

We wasn't going to put the seat unit on for a few months. Then the build bug bit his arse hard and he said 'fancy chopping the bike in half?'. Sure, I said, why the hell not!?

So went off to make a cuppa and came back and the bike was in half

The bottom tube of the subframe left a large square hollow in the main frame. We' bought an arc welder from aldi the week before, so fella made up a plate and practiced welding. He soon picked it up and before long, it was nicely filled, ground down and ready to fill the pinpricks.

So, as he says, offered up the new seat/subframe - lines were good



and then this happened....

Subframe had an inch cut off it (guy wanted a jacked seat but then changed his mind). We contemplated buying another subframe for it but they are going for £200+! There was scratching of heads, swearing, lots of coffee and smokes and then it was decided that some brackets would be made up, welded on, the subframe cut down a bit more and then bolted to the brackets with a halibol kit to prevent any mishaping of the drillhole from wear. That kit cost £45 :headbang: couldn't believe it... on the plus side, I made friends with a guy in a sheetmetal place that gave us loads of 3/4/5/6 bits of scrap steel/alloy to make stuff with, he also is a brillient welder and best of all, welded the brackets for free :upup

Seat now fitted to brackets and it looks good. Pics are on his camera, will up load later.

Forgot to say about the engine. Flatslide carbs off the slabby are prob too harsh for a noob like me (sha right! we'll see!) so using the b6 carbs and airbox. It's a possibility that the airbox will have to be scrapped because of room issues. But if we do, gonna get k&n's and get it dyno'd.

This last week I've had half the frame and engine in my vectra (pissed oil everywhere) to get it welded. I have also spent too many hours on t'bay selling my bandit bits. Cos I'm a cheeky bint, I sold the subframe. Yep, somone was desperate for it.. so don't scrap yours when you lop your bikes in half, I got £40 for mine and reckon they'd paid more. I only have the forks, wheel and brake calipers left. I had some lovely Stealth Razor wavy discs on the front but sold those. Wish they could go on the new front but alas no. I'm looking forward to the R1 braking system, the bandit one was shite and wooden. Still have the wavy on the b12 back end though.

So far, I've been fortunate that everything I've taken off and sold, has almost paid for the bling I bought. Gotta a shopping list, if anyone can help with it.
- b6/12 ignition barrel
- R1 seat lock 04/06
- sporty looking rearsets for OC gixer or simular
- front brake pads
- gel battery for b6
- nice side stand (removed centre stand)

31-12-2009, 08:42 AM
I really wanna learn how to weld.. but every time the stick sticks to the plate, it blows the Lab leccy. I will have another go at some point but GM is having too much fun with it and he's really gotten rather good at it now.

Fella takes a zillion pics of every bit of the bike does, before, during after shots - there's too many to put up here. But have selected the best ones for the build. If there's any particular pic of a fabrication you wanna see, let me know, I'm sure he can tell me which one it is :lol:

Righto then...

You know I said about the big hole the subframe left?

Bracket was welded and filled to get the result in earlier post pics

Before the subframe was chopped to correct angle

Brackets were cut, bent to shape and then tacked on
Then shaped and welded to frame by new welding m8 and smoothed with filler

Cos of the softness of the metal, used a halibol kit to prevent the hole ovaling over time. Kin £45!


Last couple of days, frame has been sanded down after filling in, stripped down and given a couple of coats of black gloss. Fella came in high as a kite :lol: Paint has crackled in a few places.. it may have settled or it may have to be redone :( He also made a bracket to attach the seat to. Having some issues with what gel battery to use cos there's not much room under the seat. So many to chose from and I really don't want to get the wrong one. More pics to follow once uploaded.

Was looking for a shock to replace the b12 one. It works fine but isn't very pretty... but it's prob an expensive I can do without this side of xmas.. but I'm thinking about painting up the spring. Those ones don't dismantle apparently.

Dear Santa........ I've opened all my pressies and there's nothing here I like.. oi you kin bastard where's my rizoma rearsets, ohlins shocks, hooligan yokes and all da bike bling?! :lol:

Are you ready for the bodge job of the century?

Remember the shiny R1 front end? Fella started to strip it down so he could file off the lettering on the wheels and get ready for spraying them (gold). When i got home, it was fair to say, he was frothing at the mouth. Takes a lot to do that..

Front brake disc had been painted black. Turns out they had rounded 5 out of 6 bolts, tried to drill out one of them and fubard it royally. So what they did was put the snapped bolt back in the botched hole and then filled it with BODY FILLER and sprayed it black. Pics...


After cutting off the bolts


After the bodyfiller was scrapped out…

So to recap, the twat drilled a hole and missed – TWICE!

Repaired by welder

Ground off

Drilled and tapped (it was straight, this was just for the pic)


The disc




31-12-2009, 08:46 AM
Link bit sorted. Ignition switch enroute. Wiring bits ordered - turns out the loom is over 2ft too long. GM has been busy making a plate to mount all the leccy bits (solinoid, relays, cdi etc).


Headlight. Had to fibreglass on the outside of the lighthole tubes as the lights wouldn't fit in the hole. Once dried, dremmeled it til the lights fit in snuggly.
Decided to cut the struts off. Will reinforce with fb/mesh.

I had a look at the Showyomoto units and liked how they had built up the design with plastercine and fibreglassed it. So after looking at it for ages, I got to work and built up each area. I used one colour at a time (24 from wilkinson for £2) and tried to make a symmetrical shape. Added more.. and more... and more. IGNORE THE COLOUR SCHEME! The pictures don't really show the depth. If you're wondering about the colours... must have been subconcious :wink:



Don't know if you can see the pic behind the unit. Had already started a 'face' when I found this.. .no way can I do all the leaves etc but I liked the facial build-up, so tried to copy it. I used the fine fb sheets and cut them roughly to shape and then pushed them onto the plastercine where they stayed until I lightly stippled it with a brush with the resin.

Picture doesn't really show you. The horns are actually 4 rolls of plastercine but you can only really see the dark one i used to peak the shape. It's about finger-wide/high. Not sure I'm going to like it tomorrow but if not, then can cut it off those bits, scoop off and start again. And if it really goes tits up, get one of the real-deals. Got a mate in canada....

Imagine it sanded, smooth, filled and primered... is it still crap in your mind? eeep!

I legged it to the Lab and got the rattle can out!




Looks better in black (most stuff does) .... still no comment or ? Remember, I've not done this before, only going on a mag article and an idea in my head. My heads fulla ideas

tis ok... I don't like the headlight unit either at the moment :lol:

I'm rubbish at drawing from memory but can copy draw well enough... so if I had a pic of what I want in front of me, I could make it. Wondering whether to do the Showyomoto 'how to' and get a huge lump of plastercine and make a mould from it. Another guy did the same but with foam. The go for silly money and look the dogs... if we could get a decent design (not the one above lol) it could be something we could make to order. The problem I've got with this headlight unit is that all that plastercine build up has added weight to the unit and if I want the meatier look, it's going to weigh even more... I don't think it's going to work. Has anyone done any extensive fibreglassing like this before? Maybe I could use corrigated cardboard for the layers?

Righto then, I'm off to The Lab. Hope the inspiration fairy gives me a good kicking!

31-12-2009, 08:48 AM
Luckily it's only the fine fg stuff so used a stanley knife and cut into it and removed the horns bit and scooped out the huge bit of plastercine. Trawled thru what seemed to be tonnes of websites, images of headlight units and couldn't find any that said 'yeah that one!'. The closest I could find is the showyomoto one. I reckon with some work (ok a fair bit of work) I can modify what I have to something SIMULAR.

As it stands, it's not finished (by a long way) and I only sprayed it to stop the colours doing my head in :lol:

Been out in the Lab all night cleaning up the brake discs ready for painting. Taped them up ready, I will do tomorrow. We spent today looking for some 8mm sheet to make dogbones for the new shock. One sheet metal place wanted £32 for a strip, went on ebay and someones selling some for £13. Not had to buy any metal yet for any of the fabrication so it's not too much dent in the costs. Of course if any of you have some lying about and wanna give/sell/swop then lemme know. So shock was fitted with template dogbones and the linkage can now accomodate any suzuki shock (so I'm told).


Nice shiny rearsets... 5 mins after sending my mates 'yay look what i got for xmas' text, we discovered that the nearside is bent - alot. Took some pics and will send email to ebayer with a polite 'sort me some money out please'. Paid £102 for them, so they were a total bargain but no mention of the bend or lil chips. They are totally lush and I want them but depends what matey says, don't really want to create a dispute. How much would it cost to reanodise them?


GM made a plate to hold the cdi, solinoid etc (since been sprayed black)

Bought some 8mm steel and made these, needed to be thicker and slightly longer to accomodate my fat arse :shock:

So with the adjustment to the link brackets, any suzuki shock will now fit.

Shock fitted with new dog bones (since painted black)

Back wheel after the lettering had been ground off and the botched job fixed, sprayed Rover Cashmere Gold


Goddammit... I'm twitching already!

Everyones favourite job... 2 foot too long so snip snip snip


And finished off with braided weave nylon wrap

Sprayed the engine covers in Vauxhall Polar Sea blue pearlescant, they look black with a flash of blue


As it looked last night

After spraying the mudguard and seat unit, I decided that I'd take my school mate up on his offer to professionally primer/spray it for me. So I spent the evening sanding down the bodywork ready, just need to do the tank. As soon as GM has mocked up the front end, I can start cutting up the headlight unit and get it finished ready for paint.

31-12-2009, 08:53 AM
Looking good mate, headlight will probably look fine if you sand/bog it smooth. Good to see a chick getting stuck in, not near enough female riders let alone streetfighter riders.

31-12-2009, 09:10 AM

Front end is going on tomorrow and then I can mark up the headlight unit again and trim off the excess bits before getting stuck in. Have removed the 'horns' and going to fill in the gap. Once I've got the lumps n bumps sorted, going to bodyfiller it and get ready for spraying. Then all that's left to do is wait for the paintjob, get it dyno'd and a few other bits n pieces, then voila. RWYB at Santa Pod here I come.

31-12-2009, 03:19 PM
Top job chick ! As Blowie says, great to see a girl getting stuck in and not just watching. Top job NoZ

31-12-2009, 06:22 PM
top job matey girl! [:p] wait and see harry the grey of toowoomba and hear wat he says [:o)]

would luv to see ur folks too, can u post their pics with their bikes if u or they dont mind? [8D]

31-12-2009, 07:05 PM
Oooh Very nice, shall be watching this space.. great job so far..

01-01-2010, 09:26 AM
Will do Surt [8D]

01-01-2010, 10:34 PM
would be very nice of you NoZ! cant wait 'em! ;)

01-01-2010, 10:48 PM
Fightin hell !!!!

Some work gone on there Noz ! [8D]
Not surpsised he doesnt have time to come on the forums :D;)
God bless him, hes a grafter.

Are those Harris rearsets? [8D]

01-01-2010, 11:47 PM
They are indeed harris rearsets, got them off fleabay for £102 but he's going to knock off some £ cos one of them was bent. Managed to heat it up and bend it back without any damage.

Pop round for that cuppa - The Lab awaits. If not, see you up the Pod! I'm looking forward to hooning it up that 1/4 mile... ooooooooooooweeeeeee!

He's all that and then some :D Front end is on the bike now, wheel is going on today and I've now worked out what to do with the headlight unit, which I'm doing today. Will have to heat The Lab up first, chuffing freezing out there!

02-01-2010, 09:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by NoZ

They are indeed harris rearsets, got them off fleabay for £102 but he's going to knock off some £ cos one of them was bent. Managed to heat it up and bend it back without any damage.

Pop round for that cuppa - The Lab awaits. If not, see you up the Pod! I'm looking forward to hooning it up that 1/4 mile... ooooooooooooweeeeeee!

He's all that and then some :D Front end is on the bike now, wheel is going on today and I've now worked out what to do with the headlight unit, which I'm doing today. Will have to heat The Lab up first, chuffing freezing out there!

Thats an offer we shall`nt refuse to come and see you twooz asap in the next few weeks. :)

The garage has been off limits here with the severe cold and its going to get worse again in the next few days, severe snow warnings for the east of England on tuesday.
I`ve had to go in the garage but only to wipe the condensation off the roof beams stop it dripping on the bikes. ;)

02-01-2010, 10:39 AM
Few more pics. Looking lush now :D



Can't wait to see the Kosos' fired up [8D]

Did some fibreglassing on the headlight unit after cutting it to shape, will see what it looks like dried and then add more - bloody sticky stuff gets everywhere!

03-01-2010, 04:11 AM
great work there noZ
and was said great too see a girlie
getting her hand dirty on a bike.

09-01-2010, 03:46 AM

Spent nearly 6 hours with the dremel sanding the fibreglass down, also with the fine detail sander thingy which has nearly died, so using a block sander now for smoothing off. Got the lines I want, going to give a coat of bodyfiller tomorrow and resand (oh how I love that!). My workbench had that much white powder on it that I put it into a big pile like outta Scarface. I was covered in it.. and even though I had safety gogs on and facemask, I feel like I've bathed in it.

All plastics ready for paint other than headlight and I'm keen to get it done for the show. Only little jobs left to do on the build, so GM is busy making heel plates and then finding out there's not enough clearance with the rearsets so having to get creative with it.. he loves it really!

If I had the money, i'd buy a headlight unit at this point! My shoulders/neck are caning and it doesn't help that I've got a stinking cold either - meh!

I need a gp style/harris/oval can to go under the engine if anyone has one please? The micron stubby is going to be too big and can't be piped up cos of the pillion.

Cardboard = bad idea + the fg didn't set properlly and was all sticky so ripped it off

Plastic welded bit of faring panel over gap instead


Couple more layers of gauze

No pics of it sanded down after last night... will do later

p.s - most of the pics, my fella took.. just thought I'd mention that as I've been giving tips on how to take better pics - don't want you thinking I'm a shit photographer lol



Had to lose the b6 carbs cos it would have cost £400+ to set them up on the dyno, so bloke said getting the cables for £30 would do him out of money but save us loads, so the slabby carbs went on. Not racing slides, so shouldn't be too severe

Super shined up rear master cyclinder with harris rearsets. Only thing is that the bolt hasn't got clearance on the swinging arm, so GM making a spacer/heel plate to bring it out a few mm

14-01-2010, 04:47 AM
Fella came in from The Lab and said 'bandit carbs are going back on' and then handed me this, that was fixed with liquid metal inside the slabby carbs



All that time changing them and messing about and then this! Soooooooooo bandit carbs going back on. Welcome any advice about setting them up. Not getting them dyno'd at the suzuki place cos not 100% confident. Dave's used the guy in Aylesbury and thinks it will be ok cos others have done it and not had (many) problems.

Help? [:0]

Plastics & tank are going off to paint on Saturday, headlight is currently resembling a beauty-mask ie 5mm thick with bodyfiller which dried too quickly, so didn't have time to smooth off. So a few hours of sanding to a decent thickness and then more sanding [xx(]

14-01-2010, 06:27 AM
Brilliant write up Noz, Luvin it and givin me some inspiration to get my finger out. Where in UK are you?

15-01-2010, 04:50 AM
Cheers - Hitchin Herts

29-01-2010, 01:08 PM
Right....... where was I? Oh yeah.. since the last post:

2 weeks ago:
I dropped off the tank & plastics with my school mate Andy today. He only works next door to bloody Harris! So whilst I was drooling about Harris things, he pipes up that he knows someone who works there and can get stuff cheaper than norm, sometimes free NEW BEST FRIEND!!!! So all the plastics are being professionally sprayed for about £160 (inc primer coats etc) in a pro shop - pukka! Should be all done in 2 weeks.

The Koso clocks are not behaving. GM has contacted Vmaxbitz and they are sending out a new loom to see if that sorts it out, if not then they will have to replace the clocks. They've only been out of the box for a week GM is in lurve with my clocks.... apparently the speedo pickup lights up blue - I was dying on the sofa with manflu so didn't see it

I've bought a new palm sander so will be carrying on removing the mask artex this week. The all I have to do with the headlight is to set the projectors in a bracket (after I've made it) and send that off to be sprayed too.

Really really really praying it will be done in time for Ally Pally - it would be a great start to the year and brillient to show the world another shithot bike build from my man
Monday this week:
Well today may be raining and kin grotty as fook outside but I'm beaming. I love Facebook - it rules! I have a million old school mates from school who I've not seen since I left school but it's great cos we all still take the piss outta each other on the walls etc. In my bandit build album, one school mate commented on the plastics pic I put up and offered to pro-spray it for me. I'd already spent hours doing two bits but then fubared the lacquer, so with the prospect of spending a shitload on rattles and not getting it spot on, I asked him to do it. Took the plastics and tank to him last saturday and this morning he text me this:


Hour later I got this:

Gurgles and makes silly noises.... and whilst I was typing this, he phoned to say it's all cooked n done and good to go! Yay!... just need that stuff on fleabay to go and I can pay the dude then...
ta da! bodywork

heelplate for rearsets that GM made


Undertray fitted with rear light & wired in. Going to put mesh to cover the holes

Next dilemma: where to place the stubby Opinions please

Connected without link pipe:



With link pipe:

if link pipe is altered:

Got my eye on a yoshi stubby but reckon that's going to excelerate past my price range. Wish there was longer on it cos then it would be finishing about the time my stuff is and got some £ due in the next fortnight. Wish I'd had that Harris :bawl:
Just checked by bank and they've taken £50 of charges - tossers.. so no yoshi ... nadda

Undertray is on, rear light wired in, indicators de-anodised and polished (looking lush!) and yes, I know I'm sad but had £7 spare in my paypal for a show plate http://i574.photobucket.com/albums/ss188/bluecrow7/Bandit%20build/DSC02387.jpg

The bikes wonky on the stand.. the plate hanger that GM made is deffo straight

Scuse the shaky pic

t'other side with the zaust. GM's made a bracket which has gotta be painted etc


and a quick walk-around

headlight is sanded down, will be adding a coat of plastic padding stuff and getting it symmetrical.. gotta measure up and to make a bracket for the projector lights and then off to paint. No more pics of the headlight til it's done though

29-01-2010, 01:20 PM
Lots of details, photos and videos. What more could you ask for? Keep it coming.....

29-01-2010, 05:32 PM
Hey Noz, your bike is looking excellent so far, can't wait to see it finished. Very inspiring build thread you have eh, can't wait to see what is next on the list...

01-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Cheers :D

Bit more done today... think I'm going to have to recover the seat and it will look loads better when not covered in dust.





mesh = 98p splatter guard from wilkinsons

Just waiting on the kosos, some BFT and need to buy an ignition switch and then the bike can be dressed. Gave the headlight a spray of primer to pick up any pin holes and will be making sure it's even before doing a final THIN layer of plastic-padding - then it's off to spray.

Sold the Vectra today - it was too fuct to fix economically so my mechanical mate had it off me... and then tells me his dad is mates with the Harris owner! I'm sooooooooooo getting a drag-can... this year... oh yes...

01-02-2010, 08:23 PM
very nice NoZ its looking good.

01-02-2010, 11:04 PM

Coming on well Noz !

01-02-2010, 11:10 PM

02-02-2010, 06:22 AM
Fuckin kick arse stuff Noz! Thats lookin well good! Jst make sure u got urself plenty of clearance with that zorst hey!

02-02-2010, 06:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by NoZ


Yes yes and yes !!! and some more yes`s..... :D
Do you know how much the snow drifts across the Pod ?

Mark has had my pulley drive adaptor for 5 hucking months now
and I have lost faith bigtime.
Zeph11 is looking good to be on the road soon though [:p]
Can`t wait to get on that big retro barge !!!!!

Your bikes coming on well though ! Got the best man on the job [8D]

02-02-2010, 12:06 PM
He is just the best man for any job, I'm sure I don't deserve him :D[:p]

07-02-2010, 02:06 AM


Hate pics of me and I'm looking particulary minging after a night cooking curries in a hot kitchen but there is a 'chuffed as fuck' look on my face sitting on my bike that's running sweetly and sounding filthy!

Much Kosooooooooooooo sexyness [:p]

Mister postman woke me up this morning with some bike bling... so didn't mind [8D] super shiny tiny res pots - thank Yan [8D]


Mr postman bought me my new tank pad - which is darker than in the pic (bloody overhead striplights)

So.... pots filled, tank pad on, going to order headlight brackets next week when the slabby £ goes in, headlight projector brackets are being made, headlight being finished off this weekend and then off to paint. I'm sure there's some odds n sods left... just gotta test run her! And as a bonus, managed to borrow a van for Ally Pally :D

07-02-2010, 11:27 AM
Sub-zero N[8D]Z, bet you're itchin to get out on it [:p]
Keep it coming matey girl, I'm getting right into this build.

07-02-2010, 07:49 PM
Nice & write up Noz. Keep up the effort with the front, I spent hours & hours making 1 similar to you and using everything I could find to build it up, you'll get there. The boys still like to pick on mine..... but I love it cause least I made it & tried.

07-02-2010, 09:16 PM
Amen to that Gsxar! He actually likes the headlight unit now. I'm a day of sanding away from finishing it ready for paint but been so busy not had a chance. Ally Pally is end of this month... tic tock [xx(]

Cheers Bert, I did start it up when I was sitting on her and then needed a cold shower :D

GM has been messing about with the exhaust and I got a Remus oval carbon stubby can off fleabay last night for £30 that might help with ground clearance... meanwhile he cut another 10cm off the micron carbon can I already have, so can just imagine who dirty that sounds now!

Once the headlight unit is painted, I'm going to do a before, during and after post. Looks good now but not quite symmetrical - which is the hardest part! Got some plastic padding super fine stuff to go on... which I'm going to crack on with now :(

:D cheers y'all

07-02-2010, 11:40 PM

07-02-2010, 11:44 PM
I'll keep an eye open for you at Ally Pally Dudétte


08-02-2010, 09:29 AM
You not in India then Bert? I'm sure you said that was how you said your nic.... lol come find me - I'll be the fat bird on the sexy bandit on the SFOC stand :D

09-02-2010, 09:50 AM
Bah-hahahahaha........ and I'll be the ugly fucker on the blade mate.
I'm from the far far mistical east NoZ, where there are many balti houses,
curry and the onion baji is the staple diet.
The land where Tuggen'ma'pudda is God.............
The holy land of Essex to be exact.

Bert is good my child, but you can call Guru Rancid Mingeatá if you like, lol.

10-02-2010, 09:25 AM
Got some good friends in D'ham, which remind sme, they still have some chutney for me ... O Guru Rancid Mingeater (minger!) lol

14-02-2010, 04:41 AM
Dun any more yet NoZ [:p]

16-02-2010, 01:26 PM
Um yeah... bought 2 exhausts for it... the fella isn't none to pleased but meh! Got a Remus oval stubby for £30 off fleabay and then a couple of days later, the Harris pipe I wanted turned up and I won that for ........... £38.50 FUCKING GET IN THERE!!!! Remus can fitted under bike now - looks mint - top job done there.

I bought the SFOC pikey van, so good to go with the show now without getting bike dirty/lost on north circular/no mot etc etc. It's got sirens n whirly lights on it *yay* also means I can drive the van loaded to the AFR (UK) and not worry about where to put my son or camping gear - sorted!

What else - the headlight is going off to paint tomorrow. Taken more effort than I thought possible. Had to sand it down after artexing it and then had to dremel/sand the headlight holes cos they were slightly odd shaped... and then had to plastic padding it.. and sand it some more... !!! Mocked it up to bike and it looks good, even my fella likes it (result!) so just lil jobs like finding a home for the front indicators, bleeding the brakes n clutch lines and then that's pretty much it. Once it's outta The Lab and washed - there will be many many pictures... but you'll see it at the show wontcha Bert cos you've gotta come over and say boo. Yeah you do! I will be stalking you with my camera *nods*

Harris will be going on it at some point, depends on how filthy the stubby is... I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO OPEN UP THRU THE HATFIELD TUNNEL... yay!

23-02-2010, 09:33 AM
Harris exhaust was totally pony so sold it on. Currently wearing the carbon oval Remus can I got of evilbay for £30.

Well build is nearly over (well before I change my mind) cutting it very fine but the headlight faring is not being painted til wednesday night - eep! Thursday is the set up day for the Ace Cafe show at Ally Pally where this bike and my fellas 1216 will be on the SFOC stand (part of the Ace Cafe main stand)

Anyways, it's snowing over here in the Uk and my plans of washing the tonne of grime off before polishing was scuppered, so gave it a sponge-bath inside and currently polishing it up to blind people in sunlight :D

Presenting my filthy streetfighter - 99% done

23-02-2010, 10:07 AM
Looks the dogs bollocks NoZ.
Love the colour and the motor sounds sweet as.
Nice one matey girl, nice one!

23-02-2010, 10:42 AM

23-02-2010, 12:06 PM
Shit Yeah! Thats ace Noz! It came up real nice!

23-02-2010, 01:03 PM
Thats fckin Top Stuff NoZ


25-02-2010, 01:02 PM
Matey turned up with the headlight tonight - I'm well chuffed with it, even GM is impressed [8D]

Just incase you've forgotten, here's the run down to what I started with and the finished item:

Powerbronze headlight:

measured up the shape i wanted

cut out back bits and filled in eyeholes

drilled small holes and then cut out circle

Cut up posting tube for projector lights - fibreglassed over

with projectors marked up

after fibreglassing & sanding, got bored and got the angle grinder to it again - kinda looked like horns which gave me an idea

saw that showyomoto had used plastercine to make moulds over exisiting headlights, thought 'why not'

laid some guaze sheets over it and fibreglassed

sprayed black to see if it was as bad as i thought

hated it, started again. cut off horns, scooped out as much plastercine as possible and decided to shape it with corregated cardboard but used wrong hardener with resin and it didn't set, just as well cos it looked shit lol

so stripped it off and cut up some faring and plastic welded it on and then fibreglassed over it

lots of sanding later......... and the green filler went on, only it set too quickly and was like artex! Sadly the evidence of this has vanished from GM's camera but I can tell you that it took me 4 hours with a palm sander to get it to the point where I could start using finer sandpaper! Had to make sure it was all symmetrical. Sprayed with primer to show up any holes. Here it is marked up, red dots indicate where I needed to work on it some more


GM made the bracket and I fibreglassed 4 bolts (minus heads) in position so the bracket can fix straight in

Then a coat of plastic padding filler, which also set too quickly (i used a tiny bit of hardener!!!) and managed to not artex it this time, only went over areas which had small holes in. That stuff dries sharp! Spent an evening infront of the tv sanding it smooth. Too smooth cos the painter had to sort it out.. I didn't think it was that bad when I dropped it off but bless him, my mate spent 2 hours making sure it was going to look good. And even though he only had 2 weeks, halfterm off and did it after his other work... he got his collegue to finish it off (cos he was off work with the kids) tonight.... so here it is... painted and looking wicked!



thats not a scratch - tis light bouncing off


Standard to streefighter in under a year and for less than a grand (£)

Words defy how fucking fantastic my fella is! Love ya babe and thank you for building the filthy streetfighter that I deserve

25-02-2010, 04:10 PM
Because you're worth it!

25-02-2010, 04:17 PM
I'll say it before anyone else does NoZ, headlamp needs to go lower. It seems us Poms can build s Streetfighter untill it comes to headlamp height, then it all goes bandy. Oh, and those receses where the zorst on the R1 undertray is ment to go! well I recon one or the other is screaming out for a bottle of NoS, NoZ. have a word with your fella matey girl.

That said, stunning bike babe!

25-02-2010, 05:42 PM
Shit, you beat me to it Jon, defo drop the mask a tad. Top job Noz, looks the ducks nuts ! Like the idea of a giggle gas bottle too.

25-02-2010, 09:00 PM
cheers, headlight is too high, the beam is well high but haven't set it up to ride yet but will be taking tools etc with to make those lil adjustments. The undertray was going to be sold but it was going to be too much like hard work making one... mmm NOZ bottles... me likey!

I'm worth it - I'll take that on the chin (don't do compliments) BIG GRIN

24-03-2010, 09:12 AM
Had a go on it on Sunday. Pinched wire turned out to be a dying battery... so charged it and runs sweet as.... well other than the flatspot at 6ish and the oil leak from the sump which left oil on the road n wheel (did a good burn out though 8) )

Dave took it out to get fuel n do back tyre pressure and came back with a grin on his face. It was mental riding again after 6 months of looking at it in the Lab.










24-03-2010, 09:18 AM
Sweet As NoZ, pics and vids what more could we want.. when ya get featured in SFMAG are you doing the bikini modeling yourself ;)

24-03-2010, 09:54 AM
hahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaha gasps for air hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you did just see my on the bike right? Tis why i called it a fatarse bandit - ie mine! hahahaha

I did take this for SFMag, for the bill oddie great tits comp... said 'not great tits but certainly mahusive!'

http://bangtorights.ning.com/photo/norks-1 :D

24-03-2010, 10:00 AM
Who said there not great.. They be wrong..:D
thats an AWESOME pic.. WHY have you not shown us this before... ;) for all you lazy peeps not clicking on that link...

I present NoZ..


24-03-2010, 10:04 AM

24-03-2010, 10:08 AM
Lol.. mate. fighter chicks are far and verrry few between, to have built what you have and to be a champ and have shots like that ^^^^^^ you should be proud and very loud.. I take my helmet off to you.. TOP STUFF...

24-03-2010, 10:14 AM
aw thanks mate.... so you reckon them lot at SFMag are gonna send me that £400 jacket I entered this pic for?

I've been asked to write some articles for the bird section of the ace cafe quarterly... think I might have to discuss my headfirst leap into the moshpit that is streetfighters.

24-03-2010, 10:25 AM
Your Winner for sure.. need something pretty spesh to beat a chick in a leather jacket wearing a craft helmet with them norks giving the double finger.. seriously..

Ahh that sounds great, be sure to post thems articles up for us Aussies to read would ya.. your headfirst leap is going well mate..

24-03-2010, 10:46 AM
admit it... that pics in yer spankbank now isn't it? Not sure how I feel about that....... funkoooooo (can you tell I dont do compliments very well?) laughing my tits off at that .... btw the link went to my bike photography site, it's in additon to my main website. Bang To Rights is about catching bikers in the act of .. being themselves, rallies, shows, stunts etc etc with my pics hosted for free - tis good.

not written a proper article before.. done a coupla hubs - should be amusing *nods* IF it goes in, then will of course add it to the forum.

24-03-2010, 10:56 AM
[:I]SHIT I'M SPRUNG[:0] spank bank it is.. lol.. i'll def being having a look at your site when I get home.. not that I'm getting a whole lot done at work here anyways. :D ASF addict I think I need some fighter rehab or something...

25-03-2010, 08:10 AM

25-03-2010, 08:11 AM

25-03-2010, 08:13 AM
FAIR PAIR THERE........!!!



25-03-2010, 08:15 AM
Bike looks the dogs bollocks NoZ well done matey girl. ;)

04-06-2010, 10:49 PM
kin bike! looks lovely but run like a bag of mashins!

latest saga -
Found this in the sump... it wasn't in there last time it was taken off a couple of weeks ago... There wasn't any weird rattles or clunking...




then -
Dave fitted the sump gasket and it's still leaking. So cleaned bike up and ran it for a few mins to warm oil up and it was leaking.. followed drip to this:


Had to get eye to eye with zorst, look between the swinging arm and rearsets to the engine... crack is about 1-2 inches long, the other looks like a scratch rather than crack but could be a lump came out and was put back in? So it's likely that it was chem metal from inside the crack. So stripping covers off, taking out clutch etc, cleaning up and getting ready for my mate Bones to weld it Wednesday he's an ace welder - fingers crossed!

Til Wednesday, gonna chem metal the outside of the crack to stop the oil escaping. Lost 4 litres on the run to the Ace and back!!!! Just cost £32 to fill that back up!

Took the b6 carbs off and found a set of slabby flatslides on fleabay... fucking £133! Someone had a set and said I could have them but ended up using them cos theirs broke. So one kidney later, get the carbs on and then on the test ride, it breaks down. Fuel line was twisted and by the time he realised, he'd run the battery flat. So guess who had to help him push it two roads home? Yup.

I rode it to the Ace the other week and it turned heads - even other bikers on the other side of the carriageway swung their heads round - it's sounds like a fucking beast! Checked oil before I went and got back and there was fuck all left in there... [:0]

Glad we finally found the leak, hoping that can be fixed without too many problems, got Stig on standby incase. Dave's off to the States in 2 weeks for 3 months, so if anything goes wrong, I'm going to have to try and sort it myself.. got some promo shots to do at the Ace tomorrow for Sparky, so gonna chem metal the outside and hopefully I won't loose too much oil.

Fucking love those flatslides though! Hoping it won't cost too much to set up the carbs. It would have been £300 for the b6 carbs cos they aren't really adjustable, whereas the slides are.

p.s some other bint won best boobs pic in SFMag competition.. least I had the good grace to keep my lid on hahahhaha

04-06-2010, 11:51 PM
bike looks great noz and those norks are nothing to be ashamed of either

05-06-2010, 03:40 AM
cheers Rod =o)

06-06-2010, 07:01 AM
How did you get on at the Ace Café today matey girl?

06-06-2010, 09:00 AM
I cleaned the area around the engine crack (can't say that word with a straight face) with thinners and put some chem metal on it.. worked a treat, got to the Ace at 3pm and it hardly leaked any oil at all. It really is possible for an exhaust to be too loud... it would put Thrifty's Sodimiser to shame... so loud you can't hear the ipod and even full blast. But the flatslides are awesome - love them to bits!

It was Polish bikers day at the Ace. Sparky was maxed out on the wheelie machine and glad to see so many birds on one wheel. Also Knox would like to use 6 of my images of Sparky for the profile page they created about him on their website - sweet!

06-06-2010, 09:01 AM

created a new website www.bang-to-rights.com it's still being constructed, so bare with me whilst I sort out the fonts etc.

07-06-2010, 10:04 PM
top build really nice work,,go and find the guy you bought the bike and bits from and belt him for being a bodgee loser,i built a mates bike some time back ,had the same problem a bloody big carack in the cases near the swinger we had to change the whole motor,

23-06-2010, 11:31 AM
My mate has welded the engine from inside but then we found something else a bit dodgy - the sprocket on the oil pump was cracked in 3 places. So just bought another one off ebay (all oil gixer oil pumps are the same part number). When I got there, there were two puddles of oil under the bike. 1 from the engine, other from the blown fork seal. So just had to get some seals and oil. Bloody Yamaha 01 oil is ubber expensive but every one on the R1/R6 forums say they use the 5w stuff and if it's good enough for Racetech, then it will be fine for mine.

I had a tour of the dyno room at the local shop and the nice man there (who builds fighters too) explained how I'm still gonna have to fork ou loads of dosh to get it set up. Basically, the end can is held on with a clip, there is no back pressure to speak of. That and the bike is TOO loud - yes, I said it ... I had more hearing after a Motorhead gig than when I ride 40 miles on my beastie. It pops and bangs like a goodun too, which is only good the first couple of times and then gets boring as fuck. So I'm looking for a new exhaust system. I have a 10cm carbon mircon chop job I could use but it would be the same problem. So I'm thinking of getting a GP replica jobbie, with the link pipe, I'll get more back pressure than I am now. I'm not going to even bother buying dyno time til I get this sorted out, would just be a waste of money.

I'm thinking of getting one like this. Not road legal - don't care about that, sticker over the markings for the MOT will be fine. It's 28cm long and a Rossi GP replica. I'm thinking the shiny one or the matt black effect one - £130 with link pipe, hanging strap and clamps.

Thing is will it look naff? I've got to sort out a bracket to hang it off and the back end is quite high. I don't have the rear footrests fitted but can do if my son want's to go pillion (doubt he will any time soon)



Spoke to the guy on the phone and he has one to fit the bandit micron 4-2-1 I have on it now. The link pipe got chopped up, so not sure if I can use it.

What do you think? Need some suggestions for the bracket too, thanks :D

25-06-2010, 08:35 PM
I bought this one http://www.spengineering.co.uk/store/product_detail_pages/bbmain.htm paid for it yesterday morning and it just arrived - hehehehehe nowt like buying yourself bike bits when you're feeling down, also just got some infills ordered from http://www.cosigncreations.co.uk/ and I might have enough saved up by the end of the year to let Jon @ Pitstop Paint work his magic on it. I'm looking forward to being able to hear something other than popping and the engine. Bring on Wembley Streetfighter/Stunt fest!

17-08-2010, 07:20 AM
Well there never is an end to builds is there? Now I'm having to do all this stuff on my own and have seen/helped out a few times to have a go alone.

Fork seal went on forks, so got new oil and seals and Stig changed them for me. He noticed a couple of nicks on the stanchion and smoothed it down. On the way home the same seal blew again :head so have now bought another set of R1 forks to swop over. Today I attacked the front end and was going great guns until the last bolt on the calipers when it rounded off. Tapped it, sprayed it... mullgrips - can't shift it. So gotta wait for my mate to work his magic on it. Hoping I won't have to drill it out.
So I went to Argos and got a new angle grinder (other one was fooked) and set about cutting off the brakeline tabs on the swinger (mine are now out of sight). I didn't fancy taking the whole back end off (it's already on the stand for the forks) so covered the wheel/shock with a towel and set to it with a fine cutting disc, then the grinder and then the flap wheel... half a tube of autosol later it's shiny enough to leave a reflection on the tyre. I can't find the polish mops for the drill but will attack it to finish it off properly. I have the bench polisher but I don't want to take off the swinger at this time. It'll do for now.








Oh and also measured the front wheel so I can set up the kosos:

Have a clear clutch cover enroute. Engine is getting rewelded. I'm gonna polish a couple of the covers and cut those mahusive lockstops in half so I can actually turn the bike in under 10 moves :D

17-08-2010, 07:28 AM
Nice one matey girl. Spray that bolt with WD-40 or apply a bit of heat with a hot air gun, but be really careful to warm it gently and dont burn anything.

17-08-2010, 07:32 AM
already twatted with a hammer and did the wd40 thing... couldn't get another grip with the mullgrips... need man hands for that lol. It's on the blue spot calipers.. one bolt prevented me from finishing off stipping it down - bastard bike!

17-08-2010, 07:40 AM
I know what you mean matey girl, I have an ignition problem at the moment.

I fuckin hate motorbikes!

17-08-2010, 07:45 AM
If you can get a hacksaw to it you could cut a slot in the head of the bolt. then try a screwdriver or impact driver on it. You could also try to file 2 of the sides of the bolt head so you can get a slightly smaller open end spanner on it.

17-08-2010, 07:49 AM
will try that - cheers... got to find a replacement bolt for it, bet that'll cost loads. They wanted £30 for the brake disc m6 bolts! Got them from the dealer for £11 in the end. Fucking bike! Wouldn't mind if I got a chance to ride the thing... grrrr

17-08-2010, 07:57 AM
Try pro-bolt, or a breakers.

18-08-2010, 12:10 AM
had the same problem on the 7/12 frame
rounded bolt taking off the shock mount
called to my mate and he had these socket type things that you
tap on over the bolt and it cuts in to it for grip
and off she came.
trying to locate a set for myself but can't seem to find them.
if you only used them once there worth it.

18-08-2010, 12:31 AM
I did have access to a huge tool kit but ex locked it all up and took the keys to the states with him... so only have my ratchet spanners/screwdriver, some fubared grips and lots of hammers. But I did treat myself to those power tools on sale at Wickes - drill, circ saw, sabre saw and jigsaw. Thinks I need to get some more :D

el sammo
18-08-2010, 02:28 AM
use the recently purchased jigsaw to cut into the huge tool kit! easy

18-08-2010, 04:40 AM
quote:Originally posted by el sammo

use the recently purchased jigsaw to cut into the huge tool kit! easy

your an ideas man sammo! :D

18-08-2010, 06:53 AM
My socket set was the problem. A really old one from Halfords, it's multi notched, instead of a hex - so it rounded it off. The good socket set was in the locked toolboxes, which I'm resisting the urge to fubar (don't worry Dave, I won't). My mate got the bolt out and then I went to undo the spindle on the front wheel - no fucking tools to do the job - or any large bolts to try with mullgrips (cos he locked all them up too!). So going to buy me some tools tomorrow. Job halted just as began. Got to order some new bolts for the calipers - they are a bit fooked.

El Sammo - very nearly did!

rock hard
18-08-2010, 11:33 PM
Noz you realy have put a massive effort in to build this bike,its realy looking the Biz..the problem that you have with seized bolts would have to result from all the salt used on the roads.what do you use to keep rust at bay..

19-08-2010, 12:45 AM
Thanks. I wish I could take the credit for the build. I did design and buy all the bits but Dave put it all together sprinkled with his genius. That's not to say I'm not going to carry on doing bits myself though. Still need help cos I have fuck all mechanic knowledge. I should imagine he used that red loctite stuff or the like to grease the bolts.

Result today. I couldn't find the 19mm allen head sprocket anywhere and then popped into local suzuki garage and borrowed theirs, only it occurred to me I didn't have the thing to attach it to, so borrowed that too... and then realised again that I didn't have the torque arm.. so borrows that aswell... wheel is off now, so I'm off back to the shop to return his tools. What a star*

08-09-2010, 07:25 AM
remembering i've never done any of this before....

last week i stripped down the front end to change the forks but rounded the head on the caliper bolts and had to buy a new set. Was busy doing stuff and had another crack at it today. Wheel, brakes, lights etc already stripped down. Got a new set of bolts for the calipers, £12!

- dropped forks
- tried to undo top nut with adjustable spanner - failed. drove to bike shop, robbed their 30mm socket, drove home, undid nut, drove back (quick loan it was snap on)
- took off top yoke after taking apart handlebars and covering tank to protect it
- undid the collar thingy, dropped out the bottom yoke
- marked up and then shaved off 2mm from the headstock as lockstops are too big and turning circle is bigger than a cars
- put bottom yoke in with forks to check clearance, then took apart again
- put yokes back on but put the cables on other side of yoke (still have to check clearance)
- put forks in
- tried to put wheel in. failed. rang thrifty. tried again. failed. took forks out, put wheel and forks together, tried to reinsert, realised my epic fail, took apart, put forks back in, after much twatting with rubber mallet and lots of 'cuntingfuckingbike' i got the wheel in, then after more swearing got the spindle thru and done up. spun wheel... clunk clunk... wtf! brake disc bolts on one side are hitting inside of fork.
- said fuck it and came in for a brew and going back out tomorrow.

so what have i done wrong? i put it together the same way i took it apart.. wheel is in right direction.... help?


how awesome am i to be able to take a pic and grind at same time a? :mrgreen:


the bottom yoke only has about 2mm clearance from the rad... planning on getting a smaller one anyways

no clearance

loads and the spacers look fine...

as i left 'it'

so can any of you brill chaps help this dippy bint please? [xx(]

08-09-2010, 07:36 AM
Hmmm I'm at a loss Lass, it should have went back together like a finger in the bum... few silly questions but..

1. are your forks in the proper location.. ie left fork on the right and right on the left?? although I dont think thats possible with your model R1 forks.. which makes that a really dumb question..

2. are the spacers either on the wrong side or flipped maybe? or are they identical both sides??

You got me scratching my head..

08-09-2010, 07:40 AM
1) nope. checked the pictures before and put them back that way
2) spacers are both in and were flush

finger in a bum? i'm saying nowt! hahahahaha

08-09-2010, 08:43 AM
top pic in last update v's the last pic in this update... tyre treads different direction. but the wheel says 'forward' on side wall.. so only did what it said on the tin... will change round tomoro

08-09-2010, 11:52 AM
Hi pumpkin, Have you removed the discs and then put them back face side in. I did just that when I painted my front wheel and had the same trouble.

08-09-2010, 09:55 PM
not taken off the discs... treacle lol... think the wheels the wrong way round.

11-09-2010, 07:53 AM
quote:Originally posted by NoZ

not taken off the discs... treacle lol... think the wheels the wrong way round.

think your right,it looks like the frontend is twisted

11-09-2010, 07:00 PM
turned wheel round and after a bit of cussing, got it on with the assistance of my 6 year old nephew. runs freely now.. just got to put brakes back on discs etc and then next job is the welding (not me doing it)

15-09-2010, 09:28 AM
f'king bike!

thrifty took off the front end and spotted that the yokes don't line up.. the wheel was a bit out (as Stig and I found out when we did the seals back in July). So took the yokes to the Suzuki garage and had a word with the nice chap there who tells me that the bottom yoke isn't a R1 one and the measurements are all wrong. This caused the bowing out of the forks, which in turn made the wheel a nightmare to put in. We took the spindle out and the wheel still span! So that great deal on ebay has yet again turned out to be a total goatfuck. :head

So the reason why the bike has been handling like a bag of shite is because the forks were bowed out, they were being prevented from travelling correctly up/down the stanchion, which is why my back hurt so much - no suspension really at all. Also explains why there are black streaks on the old forks from where it's not running straight.

So now I have to find a R1 bottom yoke, get the b6 stem pressed out and put in to the new bottom yoke, make up the lock stops and then refit it. Not fucking impressed, that's a good month before I get to rid my bike. :flame Racetech in Tamworth - you are c*nts!