View Full Version : TPE - Visit to Australia?

02-12-2009, 06:26 AM
i fancy popping out there for a jolly,anyone got any idea how much it will cost to ship a bike out from england? And any good time to visit or any good places?[:p]

02-12-2009, 06:34 AM
IN future matey can you make the subject names suit the topic. Thanks bud.

02-12-2009, 07:13 AM
Speak to your local customs broker last bike I shipped was to Brunei in 2002 and that cost around AUD$300 back then

02-12-2009, 01:48 PM
Good time and good places depends on taste Col. Are you a man that likes the heat or not? If riding around in 30 degree + heat sounds like shite then avoid anywhere north of Tasmania in Summer. I vouch that the perfect place and time in Australia is either Spring or Autumn in Queensland. Don't forget the seasons are opposite to the UK (so that would be approximately September - Novemeber & March to June).

02-12-2009, 06:21 PM
If you don't want to see any rain stay away from Casino at the start of April this year.

Tony Nitrous
02-12-2009, 06:35 PM
If your from Leeds ANYTIME is a good time to be in Australia....;)

Whilst our seasons are the reverse of UK, July cool, Xmas hot,
our summer (Xmas) season up North is also Storm Season (Tropic's)

I visited AU at various times before I moved, but i've been here in
July when its been warmer in the UK. If you want to experience
Australia come at the end/begining of the year.

Tony Nitrous
02-12-2009, 06:37 PM


Tony Nitrous
02-12-2009, 06:40 PM
Unless you planning on being here a while it might be worth
looking into hiring a bike. There are a few places that do them and
not all scooters and gay cruisers. Budda was here for a while and
had a CB1000/CB13?

03-12-2009, 06:46 AM
I was going to have a ZX7 shipped out back in 1998 when I frist came here and I was asusming I'd be here for 6 months.
The costs of the shipping wasn't exactly cheap - I think it was 400 quid, but it was the tax when i got to the other end if was going to be here for longer than 6 months. All up it was going to cost me more than i padi for the bike

Also the temp insurance is a killer if you are going to just do a holiday. Have a good look at hires and compare it to the combined shipping/inusrance. They're a bit pricey but Melb in particular has good hire shops and you could ride up the ESB

And timing? Its the UK. I'd say late at night whilst its pissing down in August is better. I came for a job and stayed for the roads and being able to ride 12 months a year.