View Full Version : The Completly Useless Bored at work thread!

01-12-2009, 09:58 AM
As the the title suggest I'm bored at work and assume others will be to, so post up any random nonsense that may/will entertain yourself or others!!!!

Have a whinge, have a bitch, abuse that rude customer, do what you will!

Hell just provide something entertaining!!!

01-12-2009, 10:33 AM
I'v decided on a change of career as i too am incredibly bored at work! Starting in the new year will be "Lance's school of the ninja"! Perfect for all ur ninja needs & training! It wont b easy... but then again neither is silently assassinating a public official!

01-12-2009, 10:59 AM
hahaha me too lance, 3 days to go till i'm free...

01-12-2009, 11:03 AM
Im getting out of the trucking game. New year new start i reckon

01-12-2009, 11:42 AM
2 out of 3 scambay purchases have gone wrong today. FTW, and particularly any fucker who says one thing, then does another.

01-12-2009, 12:55 PM
Hahaha I dig it! my rant for the day is a certain orange transport company!!! how the F*&K Does a crate containing and engine get lost???????? Now i got a pissed offer customer who wants to steal my children (figure of speech)

01-12-2009, 01:45 PM
I like bored, bored is good. "not boring" is when the boss is pissing me off by trying to micro-manage something he's got no idea about. http://i512.photobucket.com/albums/t323/christsknights/whatever.gif

01-12-2009, 02:30 PM
I'm going to the V8's this weekend and I can't fucking wait! GO FORD!

01-12-2009, 04:56 PM
i don't have a job

01-12-2009, 06:21 PM
quote:Originally posted by Large

i don't have a job

You win!!:D

01-12-2009, 09:44 PM
I'm pissed off that I can't access anything but the BOM on the work internet.

01-12-2009, 10:01 PM
Just finishing off the 4th week of sick leave and next week I have to go back to work for a week then go on holidays for 4-5 weeks... what a waste of a week going back next week lol...

02-12-2009, 03:55 PM
Ok thats not kool!!!! but any how more gripping!!!!!!

02-12-2009, 04:53 PM
I have to say I just had the best fucking afternoon of work. Got a walk on part on the next series of Underbelly which consisted of me and a mate sitting in a pretend strip joint watching 2 birds taking their kit off.

Had to do 7 takes. Only down side was drinking apple juice we had to pretend was whiskey

Its going to make tomorrow pretty shithouse

02-12-2009, 05:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by Large

i don't have a job

Me neither[V]

On the upside ive given up caring and spend my free time taunting the employed with my morning drinking and fucking about with motorbikes all day between dips in the pool[8D]

02-12-2009, 06:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by dave_isbald

I have to say I just had the best fucking afternoon of work. Got a walk on part on the next series of Underbelly which consisted of me and a mate sitting in a pretend strip joint watching 2 birds taking their kit off.

Had to do 7 takes. Only down side was drinking apple juice we had to pretend was whiskey

Its going to make tomorrow pretty shithouse

You poor bastard. :D

02-12-2009, 07:04 PM
No chance of that for me...

First time I opened up SF at work I posted in a thread and typed "fucken lesbians" and after I hit post the work network blocked the site for pron!


02-12-2009, 08:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by Azrael

quote:Originally posted by Large

i don't have a job

Me neither[V]

On the upside ive given up caring and spend my free time taunting the employed with my
morning drinking and fucking about with motorbikes all day between dips in the pool[8D]

Me too:D
Looks like ill be spending my time drinking in the pool with az and driving the kart with Mr. Large[8D];)
Workers = losers, stupid sad faced homos
unemployed = Happy, livin the good live[}:)][:p]:D

02-12-2009, 08:31 PM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

Im getting out of the man fucking game. New year new start i reckon

I don't think you will, you love it way too much.

03-12-2009, 04:07 AM
Starting my own new business atm.

Sacked the accountant I employed in February this year because he took 7 months to fail in setting up my Ltd company completely.
Then he lied like a git in his letter to me. Fired the c*nt.

Saw a few other accountants before appointing another one.

One senior partner was a condescending turd and a Freemason.
After turning up late for my appointment without apologising, he
sat drawing with a pen and pad what a spreadhseet looks like. I nearly punched him there and then. He had a Trim phone c1985 in the waiting room that made my old dentist waiting room look modern... and it smelled funny.

2nd accountants: senior partner sat rocking his upper body back and forward in his chair like a fucking day patient while talking to me.... I mean... WTF ?????????

3rd accountant was more like it..... young manager and good communicator, when they sent me the quote it would have worked out at 1/2 my years gross income for their fees.

4th accountant seemed aok who works from home, local to me.
Until I asked him if he has external back up for his data ?
He didnt have any external back up for data. ffs.......
Ok.... so what do you do if you have a house fire? or someone breaks in and steals all your computers and discs? MEH

Went to see a high street bank last week asking for a new company bank account and some help with capital expenditure..... I arrived suited and booted 5 minutes before my appointment with the business manager....... errrr shes not in shes gone for lunch....like what ???????
Her colleagues rang her mobile and left her a voicemail that her appointment was waiting.
20 minutes later she returns and goes into her office and eats her lunch..... 10 minutes later she comes and says sorry she is late, no explanation.... We sit in her office and while I am talking she keeps looking over my head to see whos walking past her office window, repeatedly...
Then she says she is off on holiday for 2 1/2 weeks in 10 days time and refers me to another collegaue at another branch of the bank.

Professionals ?? My fucking arse !!!!!!!!!!! [xx(]


03-12-2009, 12:41 PM
next time you walk into that bank it had better go down like the "holy SHIT" scene in the matrix. ... bags drop - coats open! guns everywhere - mayhem begins.
then post it in this thread.

03-12-2009, 12:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by HOS

Starting my own new business atm.

Sacked the accountant I employed in February this year because he took 7 months to fail in setting up my Ltd company completely.
Then he lied like a git in his letter to me. Fired the c*nt.

Saw a few other accountants before appointing another one.

One senior partner was a condescending turd and a Freemason.
After turning up late for my appointment without apologising, he
sat drawing with a pen and pad what a spreadhseet looks like. I nearly punched him there and then. He had a Trim phone c1985 in the waiting room that made my old dentist waiting room look modern... and it smelled funny.

2nd accountants: senior partner sat rocking his upper body back and forward in his chair like a fucking day patient while talking to me.... I mean... WTF ?????????

3rd accountant was more like it..... young manager and good communicator, when they sent me the quote it would have worked out at 1/2 my years gross income for their fees.

4th accountant seemed aok who works from home, local to me.
Until I asked him if he has external back up for his data ?
He didnt have any external back up for data. ffs.......
Ok.... so what do you do if you have a house fire? or someone breaks in and steals all your computers and discs? MEH

Went to see a high street bank last week asking for a new company bank account and some help with capital expenditure..... I arrived suited and booted 5 minutes before my appointment with the business manager....... errrr shes not in shes gone for lunch....like what ???????
Her colleagues rang her mobile and left her a voicemail that her appointment was waiting.
20 minutes later she returns and goes into her office and eats her lunch..... 10 minutes later she comes and says sorry she is late, no explanation.... We sit in her office and while I am talking she keeps looking over my head to see whos walking past her office window, repeatedly...
Then she says she is off on holiday for 2 1/2 weeks in 10 days time and refers me to another collegaue at another branch of the bank.

Professionals ?? My fucking arse !!!!!!!!!!! [xx(]


So whats the new business? i've thinking of starting my own up to do with clothing but i dunno [8)]

Anyway i foundthe hard thing with being without work was the lack of $$$$, hang on i got a job now and i still got not no $$$$:(

03-12-2009, 01:22 PM
Well today is my last day at work, we had a BBQ for lunch and the cake is being cut and eaten at 3.
Funny how till ya quite they don't notice how much you do.

03-12-2009, 02:50 PM
just watched the Danny Green fight...........that took a couple minutes.....oh well back to work.

04-12-2009, 03:56 AM
quote:Originally posted by vanNek

So whats the new business? i've thinking of starting my own up to do with clothing but i dunno [8)]

Anyway i foundthe hard thing with being without work was the lack of $$$$, hang on i got a job now and i still got not no $$$$:(

I just qualified as a Commercial Energy Assessor under the new EU law: EPBD "Energy Performance in Building Directive".
All non domestic buildings in other words.
I have to survey them and produce an energy rating using licensed software to produce an Energy Performannce Certificate and rating: A,B,C,D,E or F same as electrical goods.;)

Working for myself from home initially, hoping to move into serviced offices eventually and take on other people.
But I do other construction related stuff too like "SAP Calculations" (Standard assessment procdeure ) for UK Building Regulations approval. I do building surveys, I do CAD work, building consultancy work kinda thing.

EU is hell bent on energy efficiency for industry and commerce.
This is just the start.
Latest news from our contacts is that ALL new buildings in the EU will have to be self-sufficent for energy after 2019.
Big changes are coming.

Energy conservation is the new boom industry.

04-12-2009, 01:35 PM

quote:Originally posted by HOS

quote:Originally posted by vanNek

So whats the new business? i've thinking of starting my own up to do with clothing but i dunno [8)]

Anyway i foundthe hard thing with being without work was the lack of $$$$, hang on i got a job now and i still got not no $$$$:(

I just qualified as a Commercial Energy Assessor under the new EU law: EPBD "Energy Performance in Building Directive".
All non domestic buildings in other words.
I have to survey them and produce an energy rating using licensed software to produce an Energy Performannce Certificate and rating: A,B,C,D,E or F same as electrical goods.;)

Working for myself from home initially, hoping to move into serviced offices eventually and take on other people.
But I do other construction related stuff too like "SAP Calculations" (Standard assessment procdeure ) for UK Building Regulations approval. I do building surveys, I do CAD work, building consultancy work kinda thing.

EU is hell bent on energy efficiency for industry and commerce.
This is just the start.
Latest news from our contacts is that ALL new buildings in the EU will have to be self-sufficent for energy after 2019.
Big changes are coming.

Energy conservation is the new boom industry.

04-12-2009, 09:18 PM
Dear Bored at work,

check this site out if you like photographs and fun stuff.....
....... hours to be wasted here :
