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09-12-2006, 05:08 PM
hey.. i was asked to post pics of my buildup on here.. I live in adelaide and aint really into, nor have actually seen a streetfighter. I started doing this in my spare time and its been about ~6weeks in build so far.. Ive still got many more things to do on it.

I am going to be replacing many more things on it, most of which i already have.. But ive got it back to a state where i can ride it around for a bit. Ill continue to change it, but mainly on weekends.

Without further whinging.. here is what ive been doing.

Currently engine is still stock (850cc carby) but i have a spare one thats i took to 900cc, and will be injecting it. aswell as some other internal mods to give more poke.

Rear swingarm is a 2000 R1. The wheel in this pic is a TRX850 (stock for the bike) but have since changed to the 2000 R1 to match the front spoke design.. Front is obviously all 2000 R1. i had to custom make the triple clamps to make the bastards fit.. But i got it in and it sits MUCH better than the stock ones i personally feel..

Anyway. dont expect me to post much on here but i will pop back from time to time and update what ive been doing with it.. by say... late march ill prolly "officially" release / debut this bike in its completed form.. I could do it sooner. but its actually my work horse !

anyway. take care all

09-12-2006, 08:36 PM
QT welcome nice lookn ride you have done a good job so far. where in adelaide are u as our SA base of poeple seems to be steadily growing? but by the look of the last paragraph your not one for chit chat so we might just wait till we see u on the road!!!

09-12-2006, 09:05 PM
yer.. im not in a club, nor did i know much about streetfighters.. but the path i was heading with the build has taken me in that direction..

Ive been around bikes for years.. Im not actually all that old.. I grew up with only my mum and sister and never had a dad. Subsequently i never got involved with any sort of car / bikes.. But coz i rode my push bike to skool every day, i just got the bike bug..

Did 4 years as a slave (apprentice) and ive gone from there.. One of the guys i worked with is a pro-stock drag bike racer.. so i learnt how to make engines move, and ive just done my own thing from there.

Im by no means a hermit.. But i tend to keep to myself with some things.

For the record, i live in (well the district of) port adelaide.. norther suburbs basically. But go south to have lunch with my mummy on sundays :) So im all over the place.

Wifey rides a NSR150 which she wants me to do up for her. but 1 project at a time.

I also do mods for ppl on the side.. I work closely with a bike shop here and do special request mods when needed.. So if any adelaide 'fighters wanna drop me a line with requests for help / work offers.. im more than willing to help out and do some work for them !

10-12-2006, 07:35 AM
mechanic you say well dam i need one of you guys at the moment!!!! the guy who was doing all the work on my bike packed up his store and moved to WA to manage the KTM moto x team. so if your keen for some cash work send me a message and we will arrange a time. Im down south by the way, maybe arrange something for when you come down this way.

10-12-2006, 08:31 AM
cool you dont see too many of these on the road
im thinking of bying one and "fight" it.
the bike looks good.

11-12-2006, 09:27 PM
Check out this TRX, it might gets you ideas:


11-12-2006, 09:34 PM
I reckon the TRX would be a great base for a fighter.

11-12-2006, 10:58 PM
hey QT...nice bike..keep up the work...im just outta pt adelaide...pennington..if your up for a ride...yarn..and or beer..drop me an email

11-12-2006, 11:04 PM
hey frankie: nice bike.. what ass end duck tail is that ? im actually interested !!

geesexar: know where the rosewater hotel is ? basically like a street away from that.. its on grand junction road (the bridge) and hella yer ill be up for a ride soon !! soon as i get it running.. i should get the new rear wheel this weekend.. So far no actual fairing / plastic have been modded.. im more concerned about getting my ride actually riding ! then i can work from there.

11-12-2006, 11:19 PM
QT im on grand junction rd just down from the grand junction tavern(flinders hotel)..give me a private message an i'll give ya my phone no.

12-12-2006, 06:48 AM
nice looking bikes those

im keen to see how this ends up

12-12-2006, 10:41 AM
"I live in adelaide and aint really into, nor have actually seen a streetfighter"

"hey frankie: nice bike.. what ass end duck tail is that ? im actually interested !!"

Didn't take long to convert you mate did it? Nice work.

12-12-2006, 10:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by Gix11

"I live in adelaide and aint really into, nor have actually seen a streetfighter"

"hey frankie: nice bike.. what ass end duck tail is that ? im actually interested !!"

Didn't take long to convert you mate did it? Nice work Frankie.

15-12-2006, 04:31 PM
The duck tail has been made by the owner...

18-12-2006, 04:59 PM
here's another one



18-12-2006, 05:32 PM
man. that swingarm just bolts right in there doesnt it.. I actually had to mod my frame and hanger to get the 2000 R1 swingarm in that i used.. But from what i can tell, its almost just a straight conversion ! (lucky if it was)..

I would like to see a close up of the fork upper triple clamp to see how he tackled the height problem.. the TRX ones are 70mm longer than most as its a sports tourer.. I always had 40mm lower anyway, but the way that i went about it was like this
I did some custom fabrication and machining to get the extensions made. Work a treat..

21-12-2006, 05:08 PM
IVE DONE IT !!! its on the road.. Ive had some HUGE hurdles to get over.. I went from a 39t to a 42t on the rear sprocket, thus, i had rubbing on the frame and swingarm.. Coz of the new wide (went from 160 to a 190 rear tyre) wheel, sprockets were not lined up.. Thus, made a custom front sprocket (well, got 2, and yer... with some machining and welding, i got somethin made) Ill post a full worklog / build up later.. But for the next few days, all im fairly much gonna do is ride the sucker..

enjoy.. Any SA riders wanna hook up somewhere and go for a cruise somewhere and help me clear the cob-webs outta the carbies ? would be much appreciated.

please note: ill be inspecting bikes to see what ideas i can steal so i can put them on a trx and possibly 'fight it :)

21-12-2006, 06:21 PM
What do you mean, possibly? You're in now mate, you'll do it for sure!

21-12-2006, 06:54 PM
You could do this.


21-12-2006, 06:55 PM
Or this.


21-12-2006, 06:57 PM
Or even this. All are very basic fighter conversions but look heaps better than stock.


21-12-2006, 07:02 PM
quote:Originally posted by ozkat

Or even this. All are very basic fighter conversions but look heaps better than stock.


Yeah? Dunno bout that Oz.

Reckon this one looks so fuggin gay, there's no way it's an improvement. Talk about a butt ugly paint job as an attempt to tart up something that looks as boring as Sunday school.

21-12-2006, 07:08 PM
I dont like the red/blue paintjob either Chalky, but i do like the style of the bike. Im just trying to give Quan-Time a few ideas of what a naked TRX looks like and in my opinion they all look heaps better than stock.

21-12-2006, 07:17 PM
Don't mind the look of the standard one myself, and would love to give one a go on some seriously tight stuff (in fact wouldn't mind giving myself a go on some seriously tight stuff, but perhaps that's for another type of forum :D).

That looks like it's missing something important, could see them commuting in Asia on it to be honest :D

22-12-2006, 11:42 AM
dont like the colours.. im more of a black/polished man myself.
I had my eye on a R1 tail conversion but ive lost the link. It was a red tank, and a white race glass fairing.. Used a YZF750 swingarm which is a straight bolt in. but MAN they are hard to find,, and cost a fortune.. Found one once, wanted $800 for it.. screw that.
There is a british racing league that is TRX only and there is some good after market kit for them. I like this style of rear.. but id prolly want it a touch higher in the rear.. Give it more agressive stance.
This is the front setup that i want.. Still functional, but still very sexy and smallish.. Being a tradesman, i like to see the engine and stuff.. Dont like the race bike style "you cant see me" coz everything is hidden behind plastic.. its like old cars.. More chrome and metal, less plastic.

Theres also an after market kit someone started selling for a while, but never took off (headlights look like crap)

I like the tail, its just too wide.. not exactually what im looking for.. Cheers for the ideas..

But everyone please remember, lara croft was the 1st one to 'fight a bike that i know... and guess what.. it was a trx :)
best one i could find.. but yer.. its a trx alright.. watch the movie.. got a good scene with it !

22-12-2006, 12:17 PM
Quote Quan: "lara croft was the 1st one to 'fight a bike that i know" (Tomb Raider the movie was released in 2001) - Quan Quan Quan! You are new to this aren't you mate!





22-12-2006, 08:31 PM
congrats on getting the ride on the road QT. enjoy it.


23-12-2006, 03:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by crazymofo

congrats on getting the ride on the road QT. enjoy it.


I'm sure he'll have a wonderful day now Crazy!!!

And he probably thinks you're cute too!!


23-12-2006, 05:52 AM
hahaa... well he's in for a shock then isnt he chalky!


24-12-2006, 12:38 PM
i know im cute !!! yer.. most ppl call me quan.. but if you wanna call me QT.. i can live with it (but you might have to compete with my wife !)
gix11: holy crap ! i like that 1st one.. very nice. im not a huge fan of the single swing arm.. Would you believe i almost did it myself ? i had the choice of R1 or VFR.. i went the R1 for the whole "TR1X" theme.. get it ? TRX bike, R1 bits.. TR1X.. Yes its lame, but least it has a name now. :) I will be making stickers / painting the T and X in trx font, and R1 in its font. and putting it on the tail and trying to make it look stockish.. Like its ment to be like that.. may or may not work.. photochop will tell all :)

Oh yes. im VERY new to this 'fighter scene.. But every time i see a pic of a bike, i see new ideas i can steal or change to make it the way i want..

*cough* judge has a few things i like on it.. *cough*.

I got many moons to go until the modding is complete. But the fairing / front lamp is next on the list.. Heres a interesting one. the TR1X (hehe) is steel frame, but the tail i want is aluminum.. Riddle me this, riddle me that.. i already have a way around it.. yes im very sneeky :) anyway, heres a quick report on my 1st ride.. as stolen from my post a few mins ago on another forum.. enjoy.

(copy/paste from OCAU.MC forums)
throttle responce is incredible.. Its actually scary the difference it made from extra 3teeth on rear sprocket..

Control.. The back end just feel SUPER secure.. almost like the back is in a groove that is the perfect line you want.. it just feel so solid yet perfectly controlled.

head turn factor.. I didnt do this just for the "omg look at me" thing.. i did it coz i was told i couldnt do it. But may as well have some fun along the way. many ppl look at it. So i spose getting noticed isnt a bad thing.

Front brakes.. HOLY CRAP they stop.. better forks, bigger brakes and new wave disks.. took a bit for them to "bed" in.. but holy crap these things pull up in a hurry.

seating position is a bit wrong for me. Ive put the handle bars a bit too low.. Its perfect for a race position.. So track days will benefit muchly.. But general riding, i KNOW it will annoy me after a while.. basically once the "omg im riding again !" factor wears off.

Turning. The bike turns "slower" in a circle,, Meaning the actual radius it turns on is marginally bigger than stock. BUT in a corner, the bike almost wants to pull itself into it.. Normally i had to just hang on, and roll into the corner.. It was a very lazy, yet incredibly safe ride.. Now its smooth and controlled, but it does indeed turn corners better.. I thought i would have to fight it in,, like a semi trailer.. coz its longer. But cos i dropped the front, the attack angle is much steeper (almost a whole degree far as i can measure, and thats alot) and cos its lower front, it really bites in.. it by no means understeers, it just,, much more active in corners than what im used to. its like going from a mountain bike to a BMX.. no less stable, just more active on turning.

no speedo.. this could be a pro really.. But ive never had a speeding fine, and i dont want one.. and being the silly season and all,, MANY cameras on the road. but this is neither here nor there. and no trip OD to tell how many KM left on my fuel tank.. so ill just check it each morning like i check my oil level (guy once told me TRX use more oil than most bikes.. but mine doesnt leak, and holds oil fine.. still change it every ~5000km anyway)

handle bar levers are un-even. Clutch is a touch too high. but the front brake is where i want it.. This is coz all handle bars have small holes in them that when you put on your levers, they are placed in the holes.. i lined them up square, BUT R1 levers are actually off set to eachother.. So if i was to put R1 levers on, it would be even.. weird.. Might look into changing to them..

Kick stand. Back end is higher now.. and its a fair ammount.. coz of this, the kick stand is about 10mm too short.. Thus, the bike leans over a tad further than i like. its balanced and safe.. its just over more than usual.. Keep a disk under my pillion seat anyway. This is just right to help stop digging into soft surface (or hot bitumen) and sorts the prob perfectly.

Thats the majority.. Ive got some other bugs to work out.. Like getting suspension sorted properly and a few other things which are more "personal" than anything else. Like steering damper, rear brake pressure, etc..

Summary. im overall VERY happy with it. It has been an adventure making this, and have much more to do on it until im happy. It may turn out it never finishes.. only time will tell.. Engine buildup is my next big thing and will be focusing on that..

If anyone wants a list of what im doing to that. i can list and show photos on what ive done.

Give me a week or so to make a detailed build log of the TR1X.. Put it this way. there is WAY WAY more than just what ive shown. It actually even surprised ME on some of the things ive had to custom make.

anyway. ill post pics sometime today (when my camera is charged.. it was flat :(
anyway. heres some quick pics of the final build.

24-12-2006, 04:57 PM
hey quan..QT???...nice work..jeez we're neibours...GIVE E A CALL...keep up the good work

29-12-2006, 04:48 PM
hi quan-time nice trx I have one as well a very underrated machine had mine since new and I don't think I'll ever sell it I might take some photos of it in the next couple of days and put them up here for you to see.

29-12-2006, 05:13 PM
nice mate!

i wouldnt be too worried about the side-stand being shorter, too much lean should make it more stable when parked yeah?

dont worry too much about the speedo either
i rode around for 8months this year with a snapped speedo cable on the katana and then as soon as i fixed it got TWO tickets in as many days! oops..

oh and my van doesnt have a speedo at the moment either, my theory is that you know when your being naughty
and generally when i am speeding its at amounts where it doesnt matter cos i know its WAAAY over the limit :D

rear looks great QT [:x]

02-01-2007, 11:00 AM
trx900: would be VERY interested in seeing other trx's.. and as for the 900.. Did you go the whole TDM900 swap over engine, or use the pistons and block and do it that way ?

Ive head of TDX900 conversion.. where they use the whole engine.. That way you get injection and 6spd.. which lets face it,, isnt a bad thing imho.

Ive got a spare engine im building up.. Already been striped, blasted and a few parts polished (gimmie more money and ill do the rest !).. but ive taken it to 900cc.. Made my own sleeves tho.. used better material and using stock TRX block. Also some other tweaks in there to get it way way up on the HP scale..

As for the kick stand.. It is shorter, but its still balanced fine.. I just have a little disk in my pillion seat i use to put under the kick stand.. works fine.

Speedo issue.. A few options have come up that many ppl have suggested.. Theres a nice one i have my eye on.. but again, its all money. When i get it mounted and change the tail / front fairing, ill post more pics..

Yes, i think i like this streetfighter thing..

Im actually VERY interested in changing the top triple clamp over.. Or possibly fitting on a new set of bars.. AKA: dirt bike style in true fighter fashion.. Mainly cos its a bit uncomfortable leaning forward that much for that long (over 1hr) rides..

More info / pics when i get some work done

02-01-2007, 03:33 PM
quan-time i run tdm 900 barrels pistons and carrillo rods v2 cams and a ported cylinder head, 41mm flat slides and custom ram air box and a full akrapovic 2 in to 1 exhaust which gives good top end power and if I want more mid range and low down power i run a full staintune, with big bore headers and open mufflers my bike makes 100hp at the back wheel with these mods.

07-01-2007, 09:13 PM
here's a forum you might be interested in,as a fellow TRX owner i've met some good people on here and everything ya need to know and more about the mighty REX is available.

07-01-2007, 09:20 PM
Just a bit of advice to ya quan don't display your number plate on a web site mate it could be seen by someone you don't want to see and bang there goes your pride n joy.
Same with everyone try and blank out or blurr before you put up a pic just for piece of mind.
And by the way welcome to the site of all sites Mate ;)