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06-12-2006, 12:23 PM
I got an email the other day from ebay security office. It said that my last ebay transaction had failed to go thru due to a problem with my bank details. They queeried if I had changed my bank account recently and there was a link to update my bank details.

It all looked fairly official with the right font and text color, it even had the copyright shit and warnings against scams at the bottom of the page.

Where the whole thing fell apart for them was, our ebay account is not in my name and ebay don't have my email address.

Was very well done though, I will give them credit for that. These fuck'n scammers are gett'n to damn good and I'm sure they will catch out quite a few unsuspecting people with this one.

Tell everyone to ignore it if they receive this email.

06-12-2006, 01:02 PM
There are hundreds. I'm going through what seems to be a money laundering scam at the moment (I'll tell you all about it as soon as I get to the end of it) and this was no link based one either.

Just from being a website designer and seeing all the scams as they arrive, here's a top tip: When you get an email to you from any "supposed big name entity" like ebay or a bank they always have a link out of them to a website or verification page. Hover over the link (BUT DON"T CLICK IT) and look at the status bar at the bottom of your page to see exactly what the URL (website address) is that it is sending you to. You can register just about any .com domain so if you see something like http://www.ebay.verification.com/129458764 ignore the shit. - a sub domain (the bit after the second . "verification" in this example) means some cunt has thought he'd be smart.

It also works for aussie domains. Here's one I got 10 minutes ago (WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T CLICK THIS!): http://national.com.au.personal_finance.id5292944955.cdhe csus.jp/id71077
This prick has registered a japanese domain (.jp) and thought he'd be a clever prick.

It's bullshit and the whole fucking scammer shit really fucks me off. Get a fucking job and stop being a cunt is all I can say. I have no spam guards due to my line of work and I get about 10 scam efforts every hour. I've seen them all!

06-12-2006, 01:52 PM
Check out Phill Miazz and Iama Dildo on Ebola Monkey Man :D


06-12-2006, 03:21 PM
Are they you're pseudonyms are they Large?


06-12-2006, 09:24 PM
this scam shit really pisses me off i know a couple people who have been burnt quite bad and they werent dumb shits so all be very careful

07-12-2006, 10:14 AM
Oh well, looks like the scammer has paid up, whether the bank account has been tracked or not is a diffrent matter, but I will wait and see.

The deal, I have discovered since, is you buy an item (for a decent amount of money - in this case $700) and then they make you wait over a week, after that week they state that their warehouse was broken into and all the stock was stolen, then they ask for your bank account to do a reverse deposit and say they will add an extra $20 for your trouble to keep you sweet.

I first thought it would be a plan to try and do something with my back account but luckily I have a friend that works in a bank who set me up a new account just for this transaction. When I told her about it she said this sounded like a new scam they were coming across where the scammers were laundering money. They keep your clean money and send the dirty money to your account from a tracked account, the bank then gets notified of the transaction and you get the money stopped and questioned by the feds as to why you are receiving money from a tracked account (usually drug barons). Great hey? Fuck heads.

I nearly called on you Jim (Frakenbiker) to do a scan for me as the address they gave was in Greenpoint near Erina, and I noticed (thanks to the wonders of Google Earth) that Woy Woy is just down the road.