View Full Version : Biker into bullbar ad.

29-10-2009, 10:35 PM
Just seen a vicroads biker 'snuff' ad on the tele.
Fuckin arseholes. That's fuct.

Neo Dutch
30-10-2009, 07:33 AM
Complain about it, and they'll be forced to take it off.

30-10-2009, 12:36 PM
To lodge a complaint, email this man:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( deleted, wrong man)
Here's a copy of mine:

Dear Damian,
Please consider this a formal complaint about the current motorcycle safety advert being run.

Reasons for it being offensive include:

1/. Inappropriate scenes for children and motorcyclists. It's basically a 'snuff' movie. Shock value maybe, but that is just wrong.

2/. I get the impression the core message is 'Gear up'. Is a pair of leathers going to have any influence on the outcome of the scene portrayed?
Not very likely. All they'd do is hold most of the pieces together. Lovely thought.

I would appreciate you people have some empathy, and consider the feelings of the people you target with such sickening portrayals.
Truly, you've gone too far with that one, buddy.

I look forward to it's immediate withdrawal from broadcast.

Yours sincerely,

Graeme Weston

30-10-2009, 01:37 PM
Aren't you better off complaining to the broadcasting authority? They have the authority to have ads pulled pretty quickly if they want


30-10-2009, 02:02 PM
Thanks for the tip, Dan.
Done that, too.

30-10-2009, 02:10 PM
And their response:

"Your complaint will be considered by the Complaints Manager and where appropriate will be reviewed by the Advertising Standards Board.

If your complaint falls outside the scope of the Advertising Standards Board’s responsibility you will be informed in writing and referred to the appropriate organisation.

You should receive a written response to your complaint within 2-4 weeks.

Advertising Standards Bureau "

I'm thinking the ad will have finished it's 'run' by then.
About what you'd expect from a government body.

30-10-2009, 06:30 PM
Just been advised ad is for T.A.C.
Am finding their media contact.

30-10-2009, 06:36 PM
Considering I pay 2 lots of $50 motorcycle awareness fees on my regos every year, I should have a say as to how it's spent yeah?

30-10-2009, 07:21 PM
I don't mind the concept of being reminded that I'm responsible for my own safety, but do they seriously think that yobs in their wifebeaters and thongs are going to change their attitudes?

Sending my complaint today...

30-10-2009, 11:22 PM
link to the ad?

31-10-2009, 02:38 PM
One version of it:


31-10-2009, 02:58 PM
unfortunately that ad would be wasted on the target audiance. [V]

rock hard
31-10-2009, 03:58 PM
FUCK ME... now i see why your so pissed Livewire.just made me ANGRY fair enough about the protective gear and such.. But as i said...f me.. is this what you get in Vic. for your $50 Safety levy

papa smurf
31-10-2009, 04:55 PM
Fucken hell, i'd be goin off to Graeme.[:0][:0]
Get in touch with the Vic. branch of the MRA from, our lot up here are fucken useless but i here that the Vic boys actually get heard.

31-10-2009, 05:06 PM
The sad thing is that most if not all of the things they show in the ad actually happen.[V]

31-10-2009, 07:28 PM
So are they saying all motorcycle accidents are the riders fault? Seems like it to me. Maybe they should run a few thousand more car drivers are always at fault ads. That last bit is just fucking sick. SHock value maybe, point? i dont think there is one?? Apart from suggesting motorcycles are death machines.

31-10-2009, 07:45 PM
I'd be sending them a bill for your $100 mate.

Then a notice of demand when they don't pay and charge them a late payment fee and keep sending them bills (of an increased amount) till you have enough to take them to the small claims court.

That just hands car drivers a licence to hit you and say oh I'm sorry it wasn't my fault. How does that help your safety?

The more people who do it the more chance you have of being heard, and asked what will help, after all if they fail to show in small claims court it's a lay down mezzaire no matter how frivolous the suit...

02-11-2009, 11:48 AM
fuck, thats brutal

plus, what does riding like a twat have to do with "speeding"
as fair as i am aware they are two completely seperate offenses

and i agree with above, no amount of gear is going to save you from that crash in the end!

Jockney Rebel
02-11-2009, 06:29 PM
just got one thing to say about the atitude to motorcycles here ...
quote "if motorcycles were invented today id instantly ban them" this was .i believe said by a prominent politician here ... so thats what we're up against .
however gay it sounds, we need the public on our side
as for the ad ..its just propaganda showing the worst of what bikes are all about
id counter it by showing.......
hoolis in cars mowing down a local bus shelter full of people,
or the kid who put his car into someones front room ,
or the truck driver who killed an entire family cos he fell asleep
accidents dont happen ...they re caused by someone and to my mind the driving standards here are appalling
no lane discipline on freeways at all
the truckies[ i must add this is a percentage most are very professional] who tailgate you till you either speed up or slow down enough for them to pass you[i thought the limit was 110kph but aparently truckies are allowed to exceed that]
tailgating in general
very little driver courtesy

i could go on ..as i spend a good percentage of my day behind the wheel and have 35yrs driving experience in 5 different countries driving on both sides of the road i think im qualified to make these points
btw Germany has the best drivers by far for driving responsibly ,and they have the highest speed limits ..make of that what you will..

02-11-2009, 06:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by Shadowzone

That just hands car drivers a licence to hit you and say oh I'm sorry it wasn't my fault. How does that help your safety?


Exactly the same as those fucking "If YOU can't see my mirrors, I can't see YOU" signs they plaster all over trucks and buses.
Just another way to negate responsibility on the part of brain-dead cagers.

02-11-2009, 07:12 PM
Talked to a Mr Joe Calafiore from TAC today.
He thought I was a bit harsh with the 'snuff movie' analogy.
Personally, I don't think so.
All I got from him is how 303 road deaths in Victoria last year is too many, and how motorcyclists are over represented in the figures.
Can't say I'm overly impressed with how our "Safety Levy' is spent.
I'd encourage everyone to write to:
and express their displeasure with having to watch this stuff.
No profranities please, if we're to have any influence/consideration, it wont be by abuse, but by calm stated opinion.
Not to say a polite 'you people suck arse' would be out of order.

02-11-2009, 07:32 PM
Dear Sir/ Madam
I'd like to take take this opportunity to express my absolute disgust and outrage with your latest advertisement
portraying a motorcyclist being killed by a 4wd bullbar.
I think a quite reasonable analogy would be to a 'snuff movie'.
How you can justify such a graphic portrayal of some-one getting killed is beyond me.
Shock value ? You're kidding!
You've stepped way over the mark, with absolutely no empathy for the vast majority of your target market.
I'm outraged that our $50 'Safety Levy' contributes to such offensive rubbish.
I'd suggest that support for this sort of material by motorcyclists would be greatly outweighed by outrage.
Pull your head in, you insensitive bastards!
And that's being polite.
Yours sincerely,
Graeme Weston

02-11-2009, 07:57 PM
hmmm out of their stats, how many of the motorcyclists killed were thru the fault of other drivers compared to how many died as a result of their riding abilities/ own fault - would be interesting to see for the comparison of 'over represented' motorcyclists in the total figures....

02-11-2009, 09:19 PM
Not nice to watch.....and pathetic for all the reasons stated above.

Very well made though - would have cost a fucking mint to make.

02-11-2009, 09:40 PM
Yeh I agree - well made but bad brief! It's very bias against us in general.

02-11-2009, 09:56 PM
Well I have got to say lads, that from what I have seen over the last few weeks we aren't doing ourselves any favours. I have seen some real fucking knob jockeys on bikes around these parts I even suggested to one at a set of lights that he take it easy while he had his missus on the back to which I got 'go get fucked'. Let's face it, everyones perception is their reality and the average cagers perception is that we ride like tools, to be honest half the time they are on the money.

scotty mac
03-11-2009, 08:27 AM
this 1's a bit better.


03-11-2009, 09:17 AM
This one's still the best one I've seen so far:


03-11-2009, 11:41 AM
both of those ads above are FANTASTIC
very well though out

would be happy for my rego costs to go towards them!

03-11-2009, 05:29 PM
quote:Originally posted by Cruisecontrol

quote:Originally posted by Shadowzone

That just hands car drivers a licence to hit you and say oh I'm sorry it wasn't my fault. How does that help your safety?


Exactly the same as those fucking "If YOU can't see my mirrors, I can't see YOU" signs they plaster all over trucks and buses.
Just another way to negate responsibility on the part of brain-dead cagers.

Aaahm actually those signs are to explain to those in charge of cars who've never been in a heavy vehicle before that once you can't see the mirrors of the vehicle in front you are out of sight.

They don't get it. They never will though, because they don't have to. It is never their fault! It's the motorcyclists fault, or the truckies fault (sorry Jim Your wrong in the majority of cases which I believe is around 95% of them although yes there are some horrific accidents caused by mongs driving trucks), or the Road's fault, or the wife's stepbrothers, aunties forty-second cousin 198times removed fault. Society today has become a place where it's not my fault. I had a lady blame me because she changed lanes into me. My response was - What lady, it's my fault cause you're a stupid old bag who can't check your mirrors or shoulder check before changing into a transit lane whilst ocupying your vehicle alone and I just happened to be in your way? Fuck I wish you had a set of balls right now cause I would see about knocking some sense into your brain-dead mantle you stupid cunt... Ok so calling a 50+yo woman a cunt isnt the best thing in the world, but my bike and I were broken and it wasn't her fault. Even when the coppers told her it was she went off at them...

Oh and Jimmy - promote the change you seek, head up and down the pacific from the Beresfield BP from around 8pm mon through friday and film and photograph the speeding trucks and post them on a website. I had one of them threaten to bash me over the uhf a few weeks ago after he bagged me up doing I'd estimate around 140k's/hr and I called him up and told him he was a right royal fuckwit and one of the reasons truckies are targetted so heavily. So I told him to pull over and he wouldn't. But when I caught him at the Caltex at Macksville on Friday night he ran inside and wouldn't come out to bash me. I was all ready for a good flogging too. Would have been cheaper than my dominatrix!!! No seriously mate you're in the right position to kick it off, so start the ball rolling. I'll tell you a few of the companies running fast trucks if you like?

05-11-2009, 02:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by Shadowzone

I'll tell you a few of the companies running fast trucks if you like?

thought all trucks where speed limited [:o)]