View Full Version : Swine flu bonanza

22-10-2009, 02:54 AM
Got it in an email - cbf typing all that out so I uploaded the pics... hopefully its all in the correct order!



















22-10-2009, 05:49 AM
Ooh, fuck! Fear mongering bastards.

22-10-2009, 07:13 AM
I thought it was Baxter who was making the vaccine, oh well i read it on the intramanet...

There have been a number of deaths from the vaccine too, the vaccine is "meant" to have mercury and squalene in it. I also read that on the intramanet so it must be true:D.. I wont be getting the shot though, ill use scotch,ciggies and sex to beat piggy flue if i get it.. It worked for Hooping cough ;):D

22-10-2009, 09:20 AM
haha yeah - fucks me who to REALLY believe but I wont be gettin it.
I'll fight the flu with backflips on my rollerskates and wheelies infront of cops..... okay maybe some vitamin C or oranges or something,...

That is untill of course they FORCE people to get it under the false guise of public health. another thing to keep an eye on.
they are pretty keen to pump this shit out without any documentation on testing, results, and the side effects. and for free? Someone I know had to pay for the shit (tablet form) when the "epidemic" was apparently happening the last few months - funny how swine flu dissapears when u switch the tv off. And all these dumb fucks are getting it JUST in time for summer!??!?! Theres a global epidemic allright - its called "fkn STUPID"

22-10-2009, 11:06 AM
After being in the army i couldnt read that... anyone whs suffered the death by powerpoint can

22-10-2009, 12:38 PM
are u talkin bout the picture thingies? AHAHHAHA thats where I suspected it came from someone stole the slides. sucks ghey fucking powerpoint. I failed my I.T course because I refused to even attempt the module that involved using it. people continue to send me powerpoint docs and it makes me furious

24-10-2009, 03:50 AM
if anyone is interested...

pt2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxUBV5QrWrE
pt3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygI1BdNuEsQ
pt4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjzImoIznsI

24-10-2009, 05:58 AM
I spoke to my doc about it back in June and he told me it was a very mild strain of flu which was less than the comkon cold. But, it like the flu will kill certain people with a weakness in their system. He also said don't bother with the shot it aint worth it, just cop it if you get it...

24-10-2009, 06:13 AM
A Freedom of Information Request was made in the UK last month to find out how many UK citizens die each year from flu virus.

Request was declined by UK Governemnt as not being in the publics interest to reveal that data.

I know that hundreds of UK people have died in past years from flu virus and more from other flu epidemics like Chicken flu from China a long time ago.

If Tamiflu is used now, the real killer bird flu is yet to happen.
When it does Tamiflu or its anti viral base engine is unlikely to be effective. Tamiflu is about all they have against flu virus.

No way will I be having anti-virus.

The huge propoganda machine is at work in the UK, spinning more lies and misinformation why we should all have it. The usual shock horror, fear, scare tactics, small children, fluffy animals etc....

Its being selfish if you do`nt. You are putting others at risk if you do`nt etc etc.... yeah but I don`t believe the bullshit taa [^]

Wakey wakey !! :D:D

24-10-2009, 06:45 AM
Its like all the anti bacterial stuff they sell based on fear. Well if you don't use it your immune system will be constantly firing and kill the bad stuff. If you do use it your immune system never comes into contact with bad stuff so when it does you will get sicker longer because of it...

24-10-2009, 07:07 AM
No one trusts the drug companies or politicians.
They have zero trust from the population.

As the saying goes: If in doubt ? Do`nt ?

Would you put some potentially toxic shit into your body from thw drugs companies if you didnt have to ? and you do`nt feel happy about it ?

Do you trust the US drug companies and licensed global drug manufacturers ? :D

Crazy story last month with regards this new Cervirax vaccine being given to all young teenage girls in the UK.
A Coventry schoolgirl was given the vaccine against cervical cancer in school and died within minutes.

Autopsy said she had existing and undiagnosed cancer in her lungs and chest which killed her immediatley after the vaccination which was not the cause of death.

Undiagnosed lethal cancer in her chest and lungs with no prior symptoms. It was not the vaccine that killed her.

Thats what they said.

24-10-2009, 07:20 AM
I have lost too many close family and close friends to cancer over the years.

My mother died when I turned 18 with breast cancer diagnosed too late and then ripped through her body. She was diagnosed 3 years before she died.

My Grandpa had lung cancer in his 60s and lived to early 80s minus one lung.

My ex Father in law died of cancer at 54 years of age after a very long fight with it.

My buddie Horace died 3 year ago at 56 from cancer, the biggest, strongest, proudest man I ever met. He took a long time to lose the fight.

I lost my buddie Wettie in the village who gave me my name HOS, hard as nails !!!! Hands like tree roots and as strong as ! But a lovely guy, a village rascal ! Could tell you everything about poaching, castratin sheep, or prepping an animal for the table, because he did.
He died suddenly at 34 year of age with a brain tumour. No prior symptoms or warnings.

But I have never seen or heard of anyone die of chest, lung or cancer anywhere else in their torso without any prior warnings or health issues.

24-10-2009, 07:29 AM
There have been deaths from it over here too and girls in comas and severe reactions (a couple of amputations I think from memory - definitely don't quote me on that though) and its all swept under the carpet. they call it Gardasill over here but either way its a fucked up drug which honestly won't do fuck all except probably sterilise or kill a whole batch of women.

Then again maybe I'm just a paranoid fucker with nothing better to do than concoct my own conspiracy theories...

24-10-2009, 08:02 AM
I think the masses are fuckin STUPID - especially the ones glued to the TV - I can't even watch that shit nowadays, its like the news readers are paid actors when you know what you know - you can't even tolerate watching it.

I think in part 2 of those vids above they say it best - people will just do it cause their stupid and trust the government - then the people left over will get a phone call or letter saying "you must do it" and reluctantly go in for fear of punishment, there will be very few - who have unplugged from the mainstream B.S and are using their brains who will refuse and be forcibly made to do it.

Man u guys in the UK are basically in line with the states, allthough its visibly more obvious they are getting extremely heavy handed in preperation for a police state (U.S coppers are friggin hardcore just in dealing with daily duties so phasing over to a police state wouldnt even be noticed) Wait till winter hits the northern hemisphere and watch in awe as the "GLOBAL EPIDEMIC" kicks off again.

I watched a thing on tv the other morning the yank morning show. 15min spent on harping on about some little girl who is a H1N1 survivor... she battled it for dear life, on her death bed.. "people. NEED to have their flu shots this could be them".. oh and she had chronic asthma and was in hospital all the time... but they saved that for a quick last minute sentence.

I think here we have a mentality where its like old mate said above - its like "wooah.. hangon a fuckin sec.. whats this shit?"

I wonder if a freedom of information thingo has been initiated over here in regards to this shit - not that they wouldnt just fudge the numbers anyway.

24-10-2009, 03:53 PM
I got offered the swinw flu shot the other day. The doc said you either get swine flu and have 5 days off work or get the shot and not get sick.
I'd rather have 5 days off work:D
And I agree with Shadowzone about the anti bacterial crap.
Kids don't eat dirt anymore let alone play outside.
Good old cat shit in the sand pit builds up the immune system;)

What happened to the flesh eating virus. That was meant to kill everyone.....

24-10-2009, 05:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by Shadowzone

There have been deaths from it over here too and girls in comas and severe reactions (a couple of amputations I think from memory - definitely don't quote me on that though) and its all swept under the carpet. they call it Gardasill over here but either way its a fucked up drug which honestly won't do fuck all except probably sterilise or kill a whole batch of women.

Then again maybe I'm just a paranoid fucker with nothing better to do than concoct my own conspiracy theories...

Your not paranoid, you just broke the chains of your mental conditioning. Free thinkers unite ! ;):D

Too many poeople just swallow the force fead bullshit constantly reinforced by state owned media. No fucker thinks for themselves.

We do`nt swallow !!!!! No sir !! We spit !!!! :D:D:D[8D]

25-10-2009, 11:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by HOS

quote:Originally posted by Shadowzone

There have been deaths from it over here too and girls in comas and severe reactions (a couple of amputations I think from memory - definitely don't quote me on that though) and its all swept under the carpet. they call it Gardasill over here but either way its a fucked up drug which honestly won't do fuck all except probably sterilise or kill a whole batch of women.

Then again maybe I'm just a paranoid fucker with nothing better to do than concoct my own conspiracy theories...

Your not paranoid, you just broke the chains of your mental conditioning. Free thinkers unite ! ;):D

Too many poeople just swallow the force fead bullshit constantly reinforced by state owned media. No fucker thinks for themselves.

We do`nt swallow !!!!! No sir !! We spit !!!! :D:D:D[8D]

Damn straight.