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View Full Version : Sheared off bolts (looking for some help)

17-10-2009, 07:03 PM
Gday fellas,
Yesterday i removed the Yoshi RS3 Stainless to give 'er a bit o' polish, and in the process i managed to shear off two bolts. Before taking them out, i lubed them with WD40, and they just wouldnt budge past 2 turns. Ive tried everything to get them out (hacksaw to make flathead groove, file the sides to remove with shifter, easy-outs, drilling them), but they just do not want to move and keep bluntening my drillbits.

If anyone has the miracle answer out there, or has the mechanical aptitude to give me a hand (i dont mind travelling a few hours for help), i'll gladly reimburse with your favourite methanolic beverage


P.s. ive considered cutting it and getting a new end piece made up to make an RS3 shorty, just wanted to see if there was a cheaper option first.


17-10-2009, 08:12 PM
mate i would try sharpening a drill bit and try again with the drill and then just tap new threads even though it has already bluntened your drill bits put some oil on them first so you have plenty of lube on the drill bit and keep trying

17-10-2009, 08:33 PM
Hmm, tap new threads... Good thinking. Righto, i'll drill the whole f*ckin' lot and tap em up. Cheers Bandit :)

17-10-2009, 09:57 PM
happy to help mate

Jockney Rebel
17-10-2009, 10:33 PM
.are they stainless screws? if so buy a cobalt bit ...

18-10-2009, 07:38 AM
Grind them flat, turn the can and drill new holes. Always lube threads of stainless bits or it will gall up. It sounds like it has if it stopped after 2 turns. Find thread bolt removal ShedBoy style for another approach. I reckon if you do get them to move they will rip out the threads anyway. Good Luck.

18-10-2009, 08:50 PM
just a general heads up,, if a stainless bolt does 1 or 2 turns then stops ,, its beginning to strip out STOP STOP!,U can save urself ,be patient lots of wd40 and screw it back in first and VERY gently work it back and forth, u will fuck the thread but at least u can get the bolt out ,,, if ur ever puttin a stainless bolt into alli ALWAYS use neversieze or grease

19-10-2009, 07:10 AM
Just dont use stainless cap screws or bolts EVER, stainless and Al. react then you need on of these


19-10-2009, 04:16 PM
helpfull hint, put never seize on the threads before bolting it back up,this will save alot of heart ache in the future