View Full Version : Streetfighters mag

17-10-2009, 08:28 AM
Sure are some rude heads in the latest copy of streetfighter mag I just picked up, Ivan, Kev and Clint just to name a few.

How nice is that bandit cafe?

17-10-2009, 09:07 AM
Latest copy....Oh you mean the Aussie latest....[^]

Oh, in case ya too tight...a years sub is $124.00 ....How much you paying per issue now for the 'old' copy ? ;)

17-10-2009, 09:37 AM
Ya smart cunt Russ, yeah is Sep issue. It is about 11 or 12 bucks but I am quite interested in subscribing, didn't know if we could here or if it would work out any cheaper.

17-10-2009, 11:04 AM

17-10-2009, 11:06 AM
Thought I had seen it before but wasn't sure.

EFE 1230
17-10-2009, 11:19 AM
I prefer the newsagent's nice clean straight outdated copy to the folded creased copy that the dickhead postie has tried to cram into the letter box slot instead of placing it in the large covered space above it

fucking posties, why are you the weakest link in my mail deliveries?

17-10-2009, 11:46 AM
I've had a subsrciption for about 4 years and not one has been damaged. You must have a prick of a postie.

17-10-2009, 12:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by kevkatana

I've had a subsrciption for about 4 years and not one has been damaged. You must have a prick of a postie.

Probably knows him.

17-10-2009, 12:13 PM
quote:You must have a prick of a postie
Only you're allowed to say that mate...

quote:Ya smart cunt Russ
You taught me well :D

17-10-2009, 04:26 PM
quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

I prefer the newsagent's nice clean straight outdated copy to the folded creased copy that the dickhead postie has tried to cram into the letter box slot instead of placing it in the large covered space above it

fucking posties, why are you the weakest link in my mail deliveries?

Post up a pic of your mail box and let the posties judge for themselves who's the dumbass [8D]

17-10-2009, 04:37 PM
Maybe you shuld look after your postie more EFE;)

17-10-2009, 04:38 PM
And before this thread gets hijak'd by you all going postal,

congrats again too the local boys for getting their mugs in the mag :D

EFE 1230
17-10-2009, 08:09 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jup

quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

I prefer the newsagent's nice clean straight outdated copy to the folded creased copy that the dickhead postie has tried to cram into the letter box slot instead of placing it in the large covered space above it

fucking posties, why are you the weakest link in my mail deliveries?

Post up a pic of your mail box and let the posties judge for themselves who's the dumbass [8D]

It's a box with a slot in in and a half circle shaped lid, the envelope goes through the slot and the larger items such as my foxtel magazine should be placed into the half circle shaped top but nooooooo mr postman jams every fucking thing he delivers through the slot regardless of size or shape, the cunt even pushes my superannuation statement through the slot which is the same width as the envelope and it rips the edges open

how hard is it to flip the top up and drop the fucking thing in

WTF am I supposed to get a "special" letter box just for this "special" postie?

17-10-2009, 08:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

WTF am I supposed to get a "special" letter box just for this "special" postie?

If you had a letterbox big enough to accept an A4 envelope there would be no issue. Why should your postie care about more about your mail than you do?

He has 800 to a thousand boxes to deliver to every day. Do you really think he stops to consider the fact that you are receiving a nice magazine but have not facilitated this monthly delivery by placing a letterbox equal to or exceeding the size of this said magazine "at the junction of your driveway and the footpath/nature strip with the aperture facing the roadway"?

EFE 1230
17-10-2009, 08:54 PM
I've never had a problem at any other address I've lived at regardless of the size of the letter box

I have also never had a problem when I first moved to this address because the postie at the time DID HIS FUCKING JOB PROPERLY AND DIDN'T FUCK UP MY MAIL

the problem is not with my letter box it's the useless fuckwit that doesn't like or can't do his job and probably gets a hard on knowing how pissed people get when their mail gets fucked up

why jump up and down defending the mail abusing postie, he gives all the posties that know how to do the job properly or at least take some sort of pride in doing their job a bad name

17-10-2009, 09:29 PM
quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

why jump up and down defending the mail abusing postie, he gives all the posties that know how to do the job properly or at least take some sort of pride in doing their job a bad name

It is my job to jump up and down defending the postie that has a hard enough time doing his job without people whining about nothing every bloody day because they could not be fucked installing a decent sized letterbox!


Page 41

Do some reading and you will see that we don't even have to deliver to your shitty little letterbox but we do anyway because the people that have nothing better to complain about will have something else to complain about!

EFE 1230
17-10-2009, 11:50 PM

18-10-2009, 06:09 AM
We are considering using a similar card for bitches that cry about their mail getting bent so it fits into their undersized letterboxes.

Unfortunately it will be A4 size so it will get bent as well. Maybe a little torn at the edges. It will probably get wet when it rains too...

EFE 1230
18-10-2009, 07:04 AM

18-10-2009, 08:33 AM
No wonder I am hearing about people who are getting fed up with the slanging matches on this forum and leaving.....
You are now argueing over a fookin post box ????

18-10-2009, 09:05 AM
JackTar: It's good to see mate, I'll have to check it out!

EFE: all I wanted to see was a pic of the box to see if it was adequate to receive the quantity and size of the regular periodical the addressee expected to receive. It was never my intent to begin a “slanging match”

I can tell you from experience that people who have a 'flip up lid' on their box are prone to locking such boxes. This often results in injury when the postie attempts to lift the lid in order to deliver articles that are larger than the box was designed to receive.

As a result, a postie with as much as 3000 addresses (I wish it was only 1000!) to deliver to in less than 4 hours will take the safest approach and not attempt to lift the lid. I agree with you that any item that doesn’t easily fit into the lower slot ought to be bent over (not folded which would leave a crease) and placed into the upper aperture. This makes sense.

Perhaps a polite chat with your postie asking him nicely if he’d be kind enough to consider your personal preferences would be enough to resolve the issue, perhaps not, but until you do you will never reach an understanding with him/her and be left to simply stew over something that could otherwise be simply resolved without the need for childish outbursts.

Also FWIW, raising concerns about your postie, and then claiming “I don’t care” when your concerns are addressed is poor form. If you’re going to take a swing mate, you’ve got no business crying about it when you end up getting punched in the nose.

EFE 1230
18-10-2009, 12:54 PM
I simply pointed out that my postie will not place larger items in the top section of the letter box, the box is not the problem as the other posties were intelligent enough to use it correctly

I don't give a fuck what reason anyone comes up with to explain why the postie in question would choose to fold magazines in half so they fit into the slot rather than simply put them into the top section like every other postie before him, and as far as I'm concerned because he's the only one to do it makes him a dickhead

now because I have no interest in taking a day off from work to wait around for the postie so I can grovel before him in the faint hope he would change his behavior I choose to receive no magazines by mail

FWIW my newsagent doesn't fold my magazines before putting them in the paper bag

18-10-2009, 01:24 PM
Maybe your postie is black.

18-10-2009, 03:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

FWIW my newsagent doesn't fold my magazines before putting them in the paper bag

Because the paper bag is bigger than the magazine you halfwit.

18-10-2009, 04:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by JackTar

Maybe your postie is black.
i love the way you try to de-escelate the situation blowie:D

18-10-2009, 07:42 PM
Beware fuckers, theres a heap of posties in here [}:)]

and some of them are black, im not, im a girl, who's got a problem with that???


18-10-2009, 08:56 PM
Maybe......Just maybe there's good and bad postys....just like good/ bad cops, builders,drivers.......[|)][|)][|)][|)][|)][|)]

18-10-2009, 09:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by KATO ZX7

...im a girl, who's got a problem with that???

Me. Now get back in that kitchen and cook me a pie!!!!;)

19-10-2009, 06:26 AM
Thanks Jacktar and Kato, pretty happy when i seen seen it....

19-10-2009, 06:21 PM
And so you should be mate, it's not vain to see that you're appreciated. I reckon it's great to see you boys getting some coverage!

rock hard
21-10-2009, 08:33 PM
To Latheboy and the lads Top work, 4 genuine fighters on ya lads..:)Kato..

23-10-2009, 08:00 PM
um i was a postie ,,,, its amazing what a difference a chrissy card or a beer made to my attitude towards shit letterboxes or takin out that package that was a bit bigger than the rules required ,or goin back to a place if they didnt answer for a certified letter the first time,,,,, anyway mate put a note on ur box with a note(better with coupla bucks in it) and tell him u like ur mags flat ,,easy
and big jealous congrats to the newest superstars of the streetfighter word

23-10-2009, 08:05 PM
mmm see what 6 beers over tea does? ahh fug it