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View Full Version : What a bunch of cocksucking fuckwits

27-09-2009, 04:50 PM
I just had a browse through here http://www.stormfront.org and fuck me, what a bunch of deluded fuckwits they are[xx(]

80s freak
27-09-2009, 04:56 PM
It's a sad, sad world.

27-09-2009, 05:13 PM
I feel dirty just looking :'(

27-09-2009, 05:48 PM
somehow i think the feds are watching us now

27-09-2009, 05:57 PM
I blame Jacktar

EFE 1230
27-09-2009, 06:19 PM
I hate niggers...............

27-09-2009, 09:43 PM
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I am a member & I have read a fair bit on Stormfront.
But I have read up from the opposite side of the page as well.
There is alot of shit on there I don't agree with, but I find alot of it interesting as well.
Here are a couple of vids that fuel sites like this....
Make sure you read the comments down the bottom.

Video's like this made me curious & look around.



28-09-2009, 03:35 PM
fuck i really hate some races. But being from eastern europe and having and indian girlfriend youd hardly call me racist

its more the culture and mentality i hate.

28-09-2009, 04:04 PM
Fuck this shit pisses me off! Dnt bring it here hey, it only serves to fuel hate! Ignorant cunts...

28-09-2009, 04:29 PM
I checked through it briefly last week after seeing it in an ASF Members sig line.

I don't much cae what they choose to believe as long as they keep it peaceful.

28-09-2009, 05:47 PM
Hahah those youtube videos are a crackup. Gotta love them going on about the only reason they got thrashed at cronulla was because the aussies were in huge groups.. hypocrites much? I got bashed and put in a coma by 6 guys, for NO reason, in the middle of George St. Curb stomped me, left me permanently damaged. But no.. don't dare gang up on THEM, that's just unfair.

28-09-2009, 05:57 PM
What bugs me is the double standards ...
How long would a video last on youtube if it was white aussies saying the same shit about other races ?
Bet ya life the Anti Racist groups would be screaming...
I don't care what colour or race you are...as long as its one law for everyone. No excuses...

28-09-2009, 08:37 PM
quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

I hate niggers...............

Then why do you have so many pictures of them? You are obsessed with them, that kind of obsession is not born of hatred.

29-09-2009, 08:37 AM
Desperately seeking an identity on all sides

The so called Lebos were almost all born here and cant stand the fact that they are ozzies themselves.

If they had to spend one day in Beruit the first time a fucken car backfired they would be calling mum to bring em home.

I fucken laugh at the stupidity of the lot of em.

I mean....

Ozzie kids, calling themselves Lebeanse, adopting american negro mosuic and poses to threaten australians in australia, their countrymen, because they just want to be different and have no idea how to contruct a personal image.

Its both laughable and pathetic. When most of these guys hit 30 and thier brains activate they will look back and be very embarrased.

29-09-2009, 09:14 AM
I wish i was cool like the guys in the video's....

29-09-2009, 09:39 AM
Love how it's mostly high school kids, wearing their school uniforms, and proudly showing what school they go to.


29-09-2009, 11:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by Razorback

Desperately seeking an identity on all sides

The so called Lebos were almost all born here and cant stand the fact that they are ozzies themselves.

If they had to spend one day in Beruit the first time a fucken car backfired they would be calling mum to bring em home.

I fucken laugh at the stupidity of the lot of em.

I mean....

Ozzie kids, calling themselves Lebeanse, adopting american negro mosuic and poses to threaten australians in australia, their countrymen, because they just want to be different and have no idea how to contruct a personal image.

Its both laughable and pathetic. When most of these guys hit 30 and thier brains activate they will look back and be very embarrased.

remember the lebs when they fought israel all the lebs loudmouthing to go home and fight and those asswipes who were already over in lebanon whining to the australian government to get them out of their own country as they have citizenship and so we did at taxpayers expense ...

Anyway back on topic... i visited stormfront a few years ago back then it was conversations about who was and wasnt circumsized that really got me interested....brilliant minds discussing powerful topics

EFE 1230
29-09-2009, 06:15 PM
quote:Originally posted by JackTar

quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

I hate niggers...............

Then why do you have so many pictures of them? You are obsessed with them, that kind of obsession is not born of hatred.

I hate Jacktar almost as much as niggers..............almost

29-09-2009, 06:21 PM

29-09-2009, 06:27 PM
I blame jacktar for all this too... and lebbos

And fuck me Gumby what the fuck were you looking for to find that shit.

29-09-2009, 08:58 PM
As someone before has said.... as long as they keep to themselves...

and im not gonna get started about the videos...

29-09-2009, 11:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman
And fuck me Gumby what the fuck were you looking for to find that shit.

Well started looking up Arab Drifting & progressed from there.

My postcode brings up a few good ones as well.[V]

I am surprised that these videos are new to people, I see this shit everyday. My back window on my ute has been smashed out twice cause I had a Southern Cross on it.
I've been abused cause I am white, called dumb skip by my 6yr ethnic neighbour.

And then stupid cunts who live away from all this multicultural bullshit have the fucking hide to call me deluded. Come fucking live the life with me, I give you two weeks before you change your mind & want to go running back to your fucking comfy non multicultural suburb.
That is after your car has been trashed and your dogs been poisoned & the cops can't do a fucking god damn thing cause these cunts know the word RACISM.

30-09-2009, 08:57 AM
What pisses me off is this "reverse" racism shit. Apparently you have to be a honky to be racist.

30-09-2009, 09:30 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bitchfish

What pisses me off is this "reverse" racism shit. Apparently you have to be a honky to be racist.

One of the vids on youtube proudly displays a VL commodore with lebanese flag and numberplates "RACIST".. reckon one of US could get away with those plates? Yeah right.

30-09-2009, 09:57 AM
SEN - Someone in Qld has already got that combo.

I just checked it. Shame really, would have looked the goods on the back of the gixxer with one of the Racist ASF Shirts...

30-09-2009, 10:01 AM
This gave me a good laugh looking at the alternate option


30-09-2009, 07:03 PM
Seriously how many of these threads do we need?

30-09-2009, 07:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by JackTar

Seriously how many of these threads do we need?


30-09-2009, 07:15 PM
as many as it takes

30-09-2009, 11:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by gumby190

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I am a member & I have read a fair bit on Stormfront.
But I have read up from the opposite side of the page as well.
There is alot of shit on there I don't agree with, but I find alot of it interesting as well.
Here are a couple of vids that fuel sites like this....
Make sure you read the comments down the bottom.

Video's like this made me curious & look around.

I am also a member, you should see all sides of the coin, I dont believe there is a master race but sure as hell do believe in race pride and in saying that no one has the right to down trod you for a love of your race, or label you a racist for loving your race.
If I moved to another country for a better life which is my human right I would do my fuckin darndist to speak there lingo and live by there rules and if I didnt would totally deserve anger, distrust and alienation directed at me.
Storm front has a large spectrum of members from the haters to the lovers like any racially motivated group, be carefull not to tar every one with the same brush or you too become one of the haters.


01-10-2009, 01:02 AM
I like how theres always "white power" grafitti n shit.. but only ever on toilet walls.. Thats not really showing a whole bunch of "power" when people are too pissweak to say it to some cunts face and are resorting to writing it in secret lol.

I did get a bit of a laugh out of the graffiti stating "BLACK POWER" with the added part underneath "best utilized as slavery during the 1800's"

ah fuck why can't we all just hate eskimos theyl never know...

01-10-2009, 06:55 AM
quote:I would do my fuckin darndist to speak there lingo and live by there rules and if I didnt would totally deserve anger, distrust and alienation directed at me

Welcome to Australia, in this country we speak English with certain colloquialisms thrown in. Your sentence is properly translated: "I would do my fuckin' darndist to speak their lingo and live by their rules and if I didn't would totally deserve anger, distrust and alienation directed at me"

I would not wish to see anger and distrust directed at you as a result of your ignorance and I am sure that in time you will adapt to our culture.

There's a lesson here, think about it.....

01-10-2009, 11:53 PM
Being an Indian gentleman who has assimilated into an Australian culture I feel I have adapted into Aussie ,intact Feardinkum Aussie way of life.
Wat a Bonza day ve are aving in Melebourne to day hutchualli.

02-10-2009, 07:19 AM
Shut up nigga.... To the back of the bus with you...

02-10-2009, 08:59 AM
quote:Originally posted by latheboy

Shut up nigga.... To the back of the bus with you...

Under the bus don't you mean?

Seriously though, I have friends from many nationalities. Most of them feel the same way about people who come over to live in Australia, refuse to even try to fit in & contribute. They sit on the dole & get given the world.
There are people around me that have fleed their homeland & they are given a nice new car, somewhere to live & still they complain & refuse to try & adapt.

In the middle of last century Australia had an influx of Italians & Greeks, they came here & contributed there skills to make Australia a better place for all & work damn hard.
Now we have these Middle Eastern fuckers who want to have everything handed to them while they contribute nothing & complain about the way we live.
At the end of the day Australia has an awesome way of life & this is the best country in the world to live in but slowly this is being taken from us & it saddens me to think how my kids will feel about this country when they are my age.

02-10-2009, 05:29 PM
Gumby, I know exactly what you mean regarding the dole bludging cunts that come over here and act like it little Lebanon but mate, its the same with all races, blue eyed, white skinned Aussies too. To hate a race due to the actions of a few is a little over the top in my opinion. Yeah, I've copped a fair amount of shit and a few floggings cause I'm white and I've still remained (mostly) impartial to race sterotyping, though it is fucking easy to generalise without realising it. And hey, I was generalising regarding the website description, Its not an attack on you or Oldskool, I couldn't give a fuck what others think unless it affects me directly (this doesn't) but the typical skinhead, whitepower mentality that the site pushes really fucking pisses me off. I've got some fucking racists mates, they know I don't share it with them so they don't really bring it up around me. Religion and racial intolerance/bigotry, thats where war begins.

02-10-2009, 06:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by oldskool

Being an Indian gentleman ...

No freakin way !! - do you live in a Teepee?!?!?!! ul have to show me how to build one sometime! [:p]

02-10-2009, 10:08 PM
88 White proud defiant strong 88