View Full Version : Cunt of a trip

13-09-2009, 09:20 PM
A few of you know I'm a reptile nut- keeping and breeding a bunch of the scaly critters, well I also do a few trips around the place looking at whats around. Lastnight a mate and I went looking a fair way from home and we were on our way back (70 odd kms from the nearest town) and the mate lost the arse end of his ute at 40odd kmh going over a crest of a hill that had a right hand turn just over the crest. The road was hard clay with fine gravel over it- like driving on marbles. We ended up hitting a ditch side on, not to hard but it rolled the drivers side tyres off the rims and dented up that side a bit. That happened at 1-15am, no mobile service and no houses for ages. we walked about 25kms and got picked up by some champion that was on his way to going bushwalking at 6-30. We got reception, called my brother, met up with him and got back home. The mates car is pretty fucked but we are alive. Insurance mob is looking at the car tomorrow. And after all that we only photographed 2 types of Geckos and 1 species of snake. We found another snake on the walk back but we couldn't be bothered taking photos.
We still can't get over how much damage was done to the ute at such a low speed. We aren't in a rush to go back.

13-09-2009, 09:29 PM
Wow, it's good to hear you guys are okay.
Nice effort walking 25ks too !

13-09-2009, 09:37 PM
Yeah, I think I'm 10kg lighter now. I ain't built for long dstance walks. The mate is pretty shaken up as you'd imagine. He only bought his hsv 6 months ago. Poor bugger.


rock hard
13-09-2009, 09:37 PM
we can fix cars and bikes Kris But we cant fix people really glad you got home safe

13-09-2009, 09:41 PM
Yeah mate. All I could think of when I got your message this morning was "fuck".

13-09-2009, 09:47 PM
holy shit dude thats fucked now lets see the pics of the reptiles cos they are awsome

13-09-2009, 10:00 PM
I'll ask Lucas to put em up. I still can't get them on here. Computer illiterate dipstick I am.

13-09-2009, 10:13 PM
if uz were on a bike, and it was oil on the corner.. the cops would have you for "failing to drive/ride to suit conditions" or something shit like that. which has been done before!
I'da been fucked walkin but lol, sleep in the tray. good thing everyone COULD walk.

15-09-2009, 08:29 AM
Bandy Bandy

Fat Tailed Gecko

Stone Gecko

15-09-2009, 01:02 PM
Thanks Lucas,
the Bandy Bandy is a small nocturnal Elapid(front fanged, venomous snake) and only eats Blind Snakes. This one is showing a "defensive" loop, trying to make itself look big and scary. To get away from predators they move an inch then stop, move an inch then stop. This motion makes it look as if the snake is not moving, but then it is gone. It is called "flicker fusion" or something like that. Amongst leaf litter it is a very effective way to escape.
The Geckoes are 2 common types found a bit west of Gladstone. I don't know much about them but am slowly becoming interested in them. Being all wild they were left where we found them after taking some photos.