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View Full Version : This is our Country...

07-09-2009, 12:26 AM

Take your hate and racial intolerance back to your own country.

I`ve been financially contributing to the BNP for a while now.
BNP is gaining massive support in the UK. Membership is growing fast.
Their website is getting more "hits" each week than all the other UK political party websites put together.
The BNP are a 100% legitimate political party.... up against the bent 3 party state ! Good luck to them !

My motto....
"If you do`nt like our Laws and Customs,
then fuck off out of our country"

07-09-2009, 12:51 AM
thats what happens when u let in too many people from the same place.

07-09-2009, 07:41 AM
lol!! cunt'ry for cunt'ry'men!!! :) send 'em back the land is ours!!!! they won the independance now let em face the music [}:)]

12-09-2009, 06:00 PM
Latest outside a Mosque in Harrow...


Loads of condemnatiuon of the good Brit lads and lasses who are protesting... but zero condemnation of the UAF violence and Muslim rioters.

UAF = rent a mob ????

Saw a couple of MPs on TV last night condemning our people protesting and saying they should use the democratic process to have their say...... what fukkin democracy ??????

But that is the entire problem Mr thick as shit MP, the Brits do`nt have a voice and the 3 party state has killed any democracy.
No one listens to the British people in politics which is why the BNP is growing very, very fast in strength and numbers.
MPs of all political parties say the BNP are feeding on the fears of poor people. Kiss my arse. The only way for the British people to have their say is not through the same tired, corrupt and jaded old state political system.
Nick is up against the bent system and he knows it, they do`nt want the BNP pissing on their corrupt and shitty little party.

The 3 party state : Any political view you like as long as its one of theirs. Anything else is banned.

Bring back democracy ! Where everyone has their say and not just the voices of all the immigrants here.
