View Full Version : My bike pisses fuel

18-11-2006, 06:51 PM

Went to start the Blade up today, first time in about 5 months.

When i went to start it fuel pissed out from the brown t peice area. Where the fuel hose enters the carby. See red circle

And yes i checked the hoses are on properly.
It kinda seems like there is a blockage in the carby and fuel is getting forced back out the t piece area.
Any thoughts?
I am guessing that i am going to have to rip the carbies off and replace some parts.
Has anyone experienced a problem like this before?
Thanks in advance.

18-11-2006, 07:28 PM
not 100% familiar with those particular carbs but make sure needle and seat is not sticking open. usually the cause of pissing fuel after long spells between rides.

18-11-2006, 09:01 PM
As long as you are sure it is not the hose then the only cause for petrol to leak at that point would be the rubber O rings have perished and require replacing or the plastic T piece has crystalised and cracked. You will have to take the carbs off and detach the outer carb and replace the T pice and rubber O rings and while you are at it you may aswell do the other one as that is probably not far off requiring attention.

This exact same thing happened to a blade I had in for repair a while ago.


18-11-2006, 09:08 PM
There's probably an o-ring seal on the tee piece where it goes into the carb.
I'd split the two carbs apart and check that seal.

19-11-2006, 01:56 PM
Thats for the replys so far guys.
The carbs are now off the bike.

If it is just the seats and needles what is the best way too free them up.


19-11-2006, 09:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by Greeny

Thats for the replys so far guys.
The carbs are now off the bike.

If it is just the seats and needles what is the best way too free them up.


G'Day Greeny,

If it's pissing out at that "T" piece, it'll be the o rings, not the float valves. Take the #1 carb off like Rocket said and you'll probably find a busted o ring.
But while you've got the carbs off, get a can of carb / brake cleaner and a compressor, then take them apart and clean them THOUROUGHLY. Just make sure you lay all parts out on a clean bench and dont mix them up and you'll be OK.

19-11-2006, 10:15 PM
The strange thing is that i have pulled one caby off and the O ring looks fine. I still plan on changing it though.

The other thing is that fuel was coming out of both t peices.

20-11-2006, 12:50 PM
pull the barstards out & clean em ya probly got wasps nestin1 in there:Dold blades had big porblems wen ya washed them 99/98[?][?][?]