View Full Version : After a week in the USA

27-08-2009, 01:03 PM
Oi All ,

Uncle Chopa & Miss Silvy still on our road trip to Bonneville. We've been from LA to Baker(home of the worlds largest thermometer- I got photos for Dutch) , a weekend in Las Vegas that was great , through Death Valley , a few days in Mammoth Lakes and a trip from there to Delta in Utah which is where I am tonight. Off to Salt Lake City in the morning and the Salt after we get terry on Friday

The Good :

My dodgy black Mustang convertible - Black Betty - that acts & looks like something out of MadMax
Miss Silvy - The best traveling companion a bloke could have
Chipmunk type rodents at Mammoth
Helicoptering into the Grand Canyon for lunch
Mammoth Lakes - A truly awesome place
Did 110mph on the Grand Basin road while overtaking a line of RV's
The road from Mammoth to Ely that is like a roller coaster for 12 miles
Sunrise at 9,000feet off the rocks at Mammoth
The many people that talked to us and gave us local insite into things
The little Mexican kid that showed us Raccoons(Silvy was stoked at that)
Chipotles take away - Fucking love it
And many more

The Bad:

The car has shot brakes , shot steering and the gearbox is shot but i loved it
LA Traffic
No one can understand my accent
Most hotels advertise Internet access but actually don't really have it that works at all.
And a shitload more

The Ugly:

Taking a shit at Sydney Airport while 2 Afrikaaner guys had a fuck in the next stall
The dopey 28 year old who didn't know how cash worked & had strange animal poop in her room amongst other issues
The thieving car rental guys that slugged hidden charges although everything was supposedly up front
The Thieving Mexican Phone guy at Victorville that sold us a sim card to worked twice .
Getting food poisoning at Mammoth lakes
People constantly trying to rip me off because I'm not an american
Total lack of basic services in the hotel rooms in most areas regardless of what we paid
The constant list of hidden charges
The really crappy service at Treasure island(The food at Cortez was awesome)
Shithouse service at half the food service places (but brilliant service at the rest)

We don't have a US phone as the thieving TUYO phone prick fucked us but can get us on 61-2-418207272 in the USA . Will be the large bastard with Team Terry Prince Vincent at BUBs this weekend and next week as well. See some of you lads there

27-08-2009, 01:18 PM
Nice one Chop. Don't forget the photos mate....

27-08-2009, 01:22 PM
Sounds about right for the seppos. fucken useless

27-08-2009, 01:47 PM
Hollly shit.

"Taking a shit at Sydney Airport while 2 Afrikaaner guys had a fuck in the next stall "

you dont hear/see that everyday. Hope the trip is good : )

27-08-2009, 02:25 PM
Nothing to quite make you hurry up like the stall wall shaking because two blokes are having a root next door ......... The roller coaster road would be awesome on a bike as the road rises and falls up to 20 meters every 50 meters for 12 miles . I hammered it through there at 70 mph and scraped out a few times on the bottom and got airbourne off the top on a few as well. These late model Mustangs are bloody awesome and I'm glad we rented one. Having Silvy screaming "I AM THE NIGHTRIDER - A FUEL INJECTED SUICIDE MACHINE " at passing cars when when the roof was down was pretty funny too . Will see Greg this Friday or Saturday so its all systems go . Am having a ball and in a few days will have the bike out & ready so thats good too.

Siefer - Not home this weekend but am free on Sept 9th-11th

27-08-2009, 06:20 PM
Maybe they were shoving (or sucking out) condoms full of drugs up each other's bungholes brai

27-08-2009, 07:29 PM
Maybe you think to much Rich.

Tony OW31
27-08-2009, 07:46 PM
If there's one thing that shits me about trips like that, it's having to waste time sleeping.

28-08-2009, 12:25 AM
tell em to fuck off on hidden charges, i always do, and NEVER pay them!

you coming to teh east coast at all??

28-08-2009, 12:36 AM
You do realise Uncle Chop that none of this actually happened don't you?
You know the rules mate... ;)

Seriously though, good onya Wayne, sounds like a fantastic adventure you're having - I'm/we're jealous as fuck. :(
Keep the updates coming - but with PICS !!

28-08-2009, 11:54 AM
but I'm begging you, no pics of the Afrikaaners.

Send those to TK privately.

28-08-2009, 01:11 PM
How did you know they were Afrikaaners?

10-09-2009, 01:23 PM
he says so in the first post under The Ugly:

"Taking a shit at Sydney Airport while 2 Afrikaaner guys had a fuck in the next stall "

10-09-2009, 06:24 PM
Lucky for me I was just putting my trousers back on when they started next door . At first I heard a heavily accented Afrikaans male going something like Ja Ja Oh Ja and then the wall started shaking . Then I heard another guy in a less harsh Afrikaans accent say something as well . I've travelled to S.A. before and have a basic grasp of the language . As for photo's here's a sample of the 900+ we took on the trip .





10-09-2009, 06:55 PM
cool car

rock hard
10-09-2009, 11:43 PM
nice work chop

11-09-2009, 09:34 AM
Damn Wayne - Jealous as all hell mate!

11-09-2009, 11:14 AM
Well , the trip required that I take 3 weeks off work without pay and there was no guarantee I'd have a job when I got back , sell off 2 of my project bikes , sell most of my spares and alot of the stuff from the house . Ended up having to sell off more than I would have liked after the car turned out to be a lemon and a string of parked cars of ours getting smashed as well.

But worth it .

Something I dreamed of since I was about 10 and now I got to live my dream of going to the salt. Miss Silvy had a dream about driving through America in a convertible Mustang with the roof down and a dream about flying into the Grand Canyon . She got to live her dreams as well. I've started writing a travel diary type thing of the trip and as we took alot of photo's will have it up when it's done.

Just a little story from the trip . We were about 20 miles north of Delta , Utah . We had stopped at a Servo for coffee about 5 miles back and found a tree overshadowing the road to park under and have a sandwich with the black muck they call coffee . We had the roof down as it was early and were surrounded on both sides of the road by fields of straw about waist height . I glanced into the rear vision mirror and noticed a yellow coloured cat walking across the road behind my car . I thought " Mmm thats a funny colour for a cat" . Had a bite of my sandwich and looked again. As the cat went across the middle of the road I realised that it was abit tall to be a pussy cat . It was about as tall as a Rottweiller and half again as long . Knowing Miss Silvy had a camera on her lap I yelled "Look at that there" . She says "Where , Where " and we both turned around as the big cat wandered into the straw field out of sight . We quickly finished our sandwiches and got out of there putting the roof up as we did . Lucky for me the bugger wasn't hungry . Now I know why those buggers have all those guns .

11-09-2009, 11:17 AM
I saw the same type at a bar that was stuffed and mounted - COUGAR - I don't mean a 40+ MILF either .

11-09-2009, 01:29 PM

(The Cougar) prefers habitats with dense underbrush and rocky areas for stalking, but it can live in open areas. While it is a large predator, it is not always the dominant species in its range, as when it competes for prey with other predators such as the jaguar, gray wolf, American Black Bear, and the grizzly bear. It is a reclusive cat and usually avoids people. Attacks on humans remain rare, despite a recent increase in frequency.

You're going to need a bigger Leatherman next time mate.

11-09-2009, 05:08 PM
Thats the sucker . Only mine had a smaller head and straw colouring . Didn't make a hostile move and was gone in 10 seconds or so. There was alot of cover so I'm not overly suprised. When I asked at a pawn/gun shop in Salt Lake was told that they are common in that area and often prey on smaller livestock . Impressed the hell out of me.

Als saw Chickaree's(Chipmunk type rodents) , Squirrels , a Badger , a few Coyote(either dead or at dusk) , all sizes of deer & elk , Groundhogs or Prairie Dogs , Raccoons , Trout that you could reach out & grab in the waters around Mammoth , Buffalo and all sorts of birds of prey too. Silvy got some awesome shots . Had fresh(ie during the night) bear tracks and fresh claw marks on the trees just outside our hotel window as well. Silvy hit a Sparrow type bird in Wyoming and I told her that it probably bounced off . Found it in the grill when I cleaned the car back in Salt Lake City . Cleaning the PT Cruiser(the car we had the second half of the trip) took 4 hours due to all the salt on it. Had 15mm of salt inside from out shoes , the rear suspension had no movement , there was about 40 kilo of salt trapped under the rear bumper , 150mm of salt in the wheel arches and to get our cleaning deposit back I had to crawl under the car with a brush to remove the last 50 kilos or so I couldn't get otherwise . I'd hate to buy that car after all that salt put it that way......

18-09-2009, 02:07 PM
sounds like you saw a good amount of americas western half??? I still havent made it onto the salt flats. drove by at night when helping a friend move to cali....but couldnt even see anything of it. Looks like i'll have to make another trip!

cant wait to see the rest of your pics. I always enjoy hearing what people from other countries have to say about the US.

18-09-2009, 03:58 PM
AM cracking up here,.. hell thats was so funny.. cool pics !! have fun !!

like apologize for whole afrikaner community lol
ja swaar kyk,..


Tony OW31
06-10-2009, 02:40 PM
I think this thread needs more pics Mr Weeza.

06-10-2009, 05:53 PM
quote:Having Silvy screaming "I AM THE NIGHTRIDER - A FUEL INJECTED SUICIDE MACHINE " at passing cars when when the roof was down was pretty funny too .

Now that's piss funny!

06-10-2009, 06:56 PM

And some Vids

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a130/chopaweeza/TPV%20Bonneville%20Album/th_BonnevilleandBeyond081.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a130/chopaweeza/TPV%20Bonneville%20Album/?action=view&current=BonnevilleandBeyond081.flv)
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a130/chopaweeza/TPV%20Bonneville%20Album/th_BonnevilleandBeyond082.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a130/chopaweeza/TPV%20Bonneville%20Album/?action=view&current=BonnevilleandBeyond082.flv)

Tony OW31
06-10-2009, 07:51 PM
Cheers mate, looks fuckin awesome, did you by any chance get to see what engine was in that orange sidecar?

07-10-2009, 03:53 PM
Shit yea, keep them coming Chop!

08-10-2009, 11:29 AM
Nah , I'll be keeping those for myself I think.