View Full Version : Warning! - Welding after cleaning parts.

06-08-2009, 04:17 PM
This should be common knowledge when dealing with chemicals but could easily be overlooked by home hobby welders. Take heed of the story anyway:



06-08-2009, 04:32 PM
Fark. That's full on..

06-08-2009, 04:43 PM
Yeah - I read that on another forum.

I think the US brake clean is different (IE more toxic) than our domestic product. Can't say I've seen the level of warnings on the local stuff.

But mixing it with argon gas and superheating it (IE welding) ain't gonna be pretty.....

06-08-2009, 04:58 PM
Antispatter is flamible and i've had a nice big fire ball from it...

06-08-2009, 05:49 PM
holy fuck thats all news to me cheers si

06-08-2009, 07:04 PM
quote:Originally posted by Hillsy

Yeah - I read that on another forum.

I think the US brake clean is different (IE more toxic) than our domestic product. Can't say I've seen the level of warnings on the local stuff.

But mixing it with argon gas and superheating it (IE welding) ain't gonna be pretty.....

you will find that the states are OTT on warnings mainly being such a litigous (sp?) society.

When i worked for loctite the MSDS's out of the states were mind blowing ....

Dont be fooled that our chems are any better, a lot of the time they are worse. Some of the shit we could blend locally was bad shit its just we didnt have to have the same levels of warnings or declarations on the containers

06-08-2009, 09:49 PM
Alright - I'll stop drinking the stuff then [xx(]

07-08-2009, 01:59 PM
Here is some local stuff which appears to contain the stuff. Lots on the web about it, I'm surprised!


Lewis Moto
07-08-2009, 06:09 PM
Thats a really bad story.
There is another more simple thing that people do also that can badly affect you.
Smoking is bad MMMMMMkay? But spraying around aerosols or using chemicals that emit vapours in the shed - flamable or not - and then sparking up a durrie whilst the vapours are present is reeeealy bad. Sure you can smoke around the parts wash and it doesn't catch fire, smoke while your spray painting a small part on the bench and once again you haven't required CFA assistance. But. Whilst you inhale all the good stuff packed into a Winnie blue you are also changing the make up of the fumes by inhaling them through the lit cigarette. And thats bad MMMMkay. Similar to the story above.
I'm a smoker and I'm guilty of it.
One day I'll change all that

80s freak
07-08-2009, 10:01 PM
We all fuck with our bodies every day usually without even knowing it. Take care out there kids.