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View Full Version : A DAY AT THE RACES

28-05-2006, 05:22 PM
Went to Oran Park today to watch some of the ASF boys (TEAM ASF????)go round.great day great weather and great atmosphere.unfortunately Devo had some shitty luck in the form of a blown motor as he was coming onto the straight.Which then resulted in a fire erupting from the gixer 750.up in flames she was going,marshalls did what they could with an air water extinguisher,but a foam or co2 was needed.I took over cooling the tank with the air water till another rider came in the nick of time with a co2 extinguisher.Was a bit of fire damage but she will come back......the phoenix.....She is a real pretty machine too.I would like to take this opportunity to try and encourage the boys flying our colours at the track.Rexie and Devo proudly display and promote ASF and as such deserve your support.And it`s at a time like this that Devo could do with a bit of help/support.Chin up Devo.good to meet you large.:D

28-05-2006, 05:24 PM

Sorry to hear about the fire mate....Rexie described what happened to your bike live over the phone and it didn't sound good.

If you want a "before" pic or three let me know. :)

28-05-2006, 07:06 PM
Yeah Rexie rang me too. Devo, crank and crankcases coming your way no charge, just as soon as rexie picks em up.

28-05-2006, 07:36 PM
thats cool.oz get em to me and I will get em to Devo.

28-05-2006, 10:36 PM
hopefully it wasnt as bad as that guy on the dragbike, ouch

sorry to hear mate, hopefully i shall come pit/watch next time

29-05-2006, 07:33 PM
Thanks Dino for your quick thinking and keeping the tank cool
while they looked for the correct fire extinguisher.
Thanks Thomas for atleast finding one.
Large it was good meeting you also.
Thanks Rexie for organising me with parts and Thanks Ozkat
for supplying them, if there is anyway I can do to return the favour someday let me know it will be an honour.
I can without a moment of hesitation say that I have never met
a better bunch of people and I am proud to be a part of your group.
and Gix looks like i'm gonna need more stickers Mate.

29-05-2006, 10:25 PM
Devo,wack up a list of parts ya bneedin to repair the 'ol girl,i'm sure we can all help some how. hope it wasnt my old oil cooler that caused that inferno.I have a seat/rear hugger/clip ons/some fairings and numerous other shit which you may need.If not,i'll give you $123.76 for it as is.

30-05-2006, 05:14 PM
G'day Davo,
No twasn't your cooler Mate and I will stick up a list as soon as it is layed
out so far the head and barrels are fucked and for the life of me do you think I
can find #3 piston cause it ain't fucken there, the conrod still has the gudgeon in
it, if I can get a hold of a 1991 top end it would be good.
PM me Davo on what dollars you want for the stuff you have, you keep your $123.76
and have a drink for me.

30-05-2006, 09:40 PM
i'll wait for ya list mate.

31-05-2006, 11:15 AM
thats just the sadest fukin sight a bike rider can see.
good luck Devo. I got no bits left from my old gixer. I kept the broken front wheel for years, but its disapeared now too..too many moves.