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View Full Version : Azrael goes to SA?

16-07-2009, 09:20 AM

quote:SPEED camera operators in South Australia are refusing to work alone after a number of serious attacks on their vehicles.

Speed Camera operators, who are members of the Public Service Association (PSA), have started industrial action after rocks as large as [u]bricks</u> were thrown through their car windows.

Complaints about ongoing verbal abuse and vehicle damage have not been taken seriously by police, a PSA spokesman said.

"They are vulnerable because they operate by themselves,'' the spokesman said today.

The PSA has asked that a protective reinforcing film be placed on vehicle windows, after an operator was sent to hospital to have his eyes checked for glass fragments.

"We get as many as several complaints a week ... in more recent times the incidents have become more serious,'' the spokesman said.

PSA members voted yesterday to no longer display speed camera signs on the side of the road, which they believe makes them more of a target.

Traffic camera operators will only operate camera cars in pairs where two or more camera cars are located in close proximity to provide support to each other.

PSA general secretary Jan McMahon said every employee had the right to a safe workplace.

"It is unacceptable that members are continually required to work in an unsafe environment,'' she said today.

"SA Police management are well aware of these safety concerns, but have failed to act promptly.''

16-07-2009, 11:12 AM
Get them all off the road and we will all be happy:D

16-07-2009, 11:29 AM
And they say it like its a bad thing...

16-07-2009, 01:13 PM
quote:Originally posted by Azrael

And they say it like its a bad thing...

Yeah... the only bad thing is trying to figure out where the guys head is through the tinted glass.

rock hard
16-07-2009, 06:37 PM
They are not just not getting the fact that people are sick of gettin fu##*d in the arse.pissed off people do shit like this..public servants yeah right..

16-07-2009, 07:07 PM
"They are getting as many as several complaints a week"
Fuck me! That many? You can always trust the govt to bring you the exact details!
What's next? Infringment notices in the mail with "You've been naughty by several kph over the limit, so, you have lost several points and will have to cough up several dollars ya cunt!"
The idea of them hanging in pairs is a ripper!
That way you can fuck two of 'em up in the one place! Saves you petrol money looking for the cunts!

rock hard
18-07-2009, 09:02 AM
Nudie, you the man..

18-07-2009, 10:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by Nudie

"They are getting as many as several complaints a week"
Fuck me! That many? You can always trust the govt to bring you the exact details!
What's next? Infringment notices in the mail with "You've been naughty by several kph over the limit, so, you have lost several points and will have to cough up several dollars ya cunt!"
The idea of them hanging in pairs is a ripper!
That way you can fuck two of 'em up in the one place! Saves you petrol money looking for the cunts!
fucking LOL

18-07-2009, 10:28 AM
You know what I agree totally with the Fact that revenue raising is becoming a problem.
If cameras are put in areas that are known to be black spots then so be it.
But the limits are there for a reason, I lost my licence for speeding and copped the fine , sure I was annoyed but hey I did the wrong thing.
But come on Guys this is a PUBLIC forum so have some bloody tact with what you write.
Comments like these
quote:And they say it like its a bad thing...


Yeah... the only bad thing is trying to figure out where the guys head is through the tinted glass.
So what you are saying is the Guys should have there heads stoved in by a brick for pinging someone who is breaking the law.
Real intelligent Guys.
It is that sort of crap that brings disrepute to our Forum.
And this is not the only thread I have read that has some brain dead stupid remarks on it .
Use your heads with what is written because a PUBLIC forum is just that and Mr/Mrs PUBLIC are made up of Polititions , Police Force, etc etc
Need I say more.
I couldn't give a rats what you may think of what I wrote but I do know that guys who have been Members here for a long time would agree with what I have said.
And alot of Guys don't bother coming on here anymore because of this.
Shit I need a Bex.:(

18-07-2009, 01:16 PM
^this is true. but you have to remember I don't have the sarcasm font on my computer! I was originally making a joke in reference to Azrael's brick throwing capabilities.

seriously but,
I reckon if the public/pollies read these forums they would realise (even tho I suspect they already know) their revenue raising tactics don't make a lick of difference when it comes to saving lives on the road. and they support shitty ideas that target the problems incorrectly (i.e propose to reduce the speed limit on the corner my mate died? hows about making a road surface that doesnt fuckin kill people at 60k's on an interstate highway and leaving it at 100k's for 10 years, with someone dying every 2 or so years
speed cameras slow people down for about 100m then its on again.
maybe you might slow down if ur points are eroded away to 1 and its ur last chance.. so how about making everyone have a 1 chance only point scheme? wait, that might severely impact the ability to fine the shit out of people a few times before they are off the road for a rest.

They don't give a shit if you have your seatbelt on, or if your 10k's over. they just want someone to be there to catch you and your wallet when you do something they don't like. its all about protecting the insurance companies. don't break their shit or fill their hospitals and they don't have to pay up.

Theres probably guys in these areas who really want to/think they are making a difference but they are being told what to do. and they have to perform. my local cops are awesome, helped me alot and I'v got away with trivial things only a faggot city cop with an ego problem would pull his dick about. Maybe its cause theres enough kids stealing shit from around here to keep their quota up we can get away with more !! :P

I know a cop who thinks speed cameras are a joke. some dickheads fly past and he would rather get out and choke the fuckers than send em an xmas card in the mail in a months time. Imagine seeing some a-hole in a truck fly past at 140, then hear on the radio while ur sittin on ur ass stuck in a parked car that he killed a family of 5 a k down the road.

I just think its shit, and a waste of money when its being palmed off at "reducing road fatalities" or something.

no offence intended btw devo

18-07-2009, 01:30 PM
I don't take any offence what so ever , My point is simple remember who reads what we all write on here. This applies to everyone including me.

18-07-2009, 02:26 PM
it is not revenue raising and i have said it before. they only get the money if you break the law. you all can read speed limit signs and know the road rules if you have a licence because you had to learn them to get one. if anyone gets a fine its because they broke the law. no-one to blame but themselves. they are getting more revenue because a lot more people have the ( the laws suck and so i will do whatever i want attitude) like so many on this forum. im not an angel i get fines but thats because i broke the law so i just pay the fine and get on with life. police,rta etc are just doing their job. just like anyone else.they dont deserve to get bashed or killed anymore than you do for doing your job. and by saying so you are condoning it. so do you think a mechanic should get bashed for changing the oil in your car or the console operator for charging you for fuel. its all about respect and a lot of people have forgotten what that is. i dont think the rest of us should have to put up with the disrespect expressed by a few members.there were a police force member that used to get on here but like so many members they are sick of what has been said along the lines of what we are talking about.

18-07-2009, 03:42 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

it is not revenue raising and i have said it before. they only get the money if you break the law. you all can read speed limit signs and know the road rules if you have a licence because you had to learn them to get one. if anyone gets a fine its because they broke the law. no-one to blame but themselves. they are getting more revenue because a lot more people have the ( the laws suck and so i will do whatever i want attitude) like so many on this forum. im not an angel i get fines but thats because i broke the law so i just pay the fine and get on with life. police,rta etc are just doing their job. just like anyone else.they dont deserve to get bashed or killed anymore than you do for doing your job. and by saying so you are condoning it. so do you think a mechanic should get bashed for changing the oil in your car or the console operator for charging you for fuel. its all about respect and a lot of people have forgotten what that is. i dont think the rest of us should have to put up with the disrespect expressed by a few members.there were a police force member that used to get on here but like so many members they are sick of what has been said along the lines of what we are talking about.

like i said the brick comment was a joke. which can probably be defined as pg rated in comparison to some of the jokes on this forum.

If a policeman/woman would kindly like to post up some hard evidence of what impact static speed cameras have had on road "safety" since their introduction, and also some honest figures involving the money made from them. I'd like to see it (who knows maybe it would prove me wrong)not that the numbers wouldnt be fudged.

But its my firm believe the suits that thought the scheme up were looking for a way to skim the population (wether stupid fucks or not) while flogging it off as a road safety initiative.which it is simply NOT.

I bet the words "how can we make the road safer" were never uttered in regards to speed cameras, its probably more like "how can we catch more people..and make alot more $$, but let them continue on their merry way at the time of the offence to possibly kill themselves or someone else then tell em they were naughty when they have probably forgotten all about it anyway (if they knew they got done at all)"

I have no disrespect for the police unless they are the type of fuckwits who abuse their power. and I'v had enough run ins with the asshole variety of badged officers to know.
I have good friends, relatives and aquantences in the police force, who probably coulda had a laugh at the brick joke too.cause they know im just an a.d.d retard at the best of times.

I don't think anyone should be exposed to this type of danger, regardless if their a knob or not. but even the police force seem too greedy to even help their own guys out of a dodgy operation.
"we need more fines, get the fuck back in that there 4wd and deal with it, dont forget ur stackhat and mouthguard"
now the morons want to put 2 people in there. you can't tell me vicious fuckers arent thinking about a "double kill" when they go throwing shit at them now.

if the member who was a cop took offence at what we talk about why not respond and clear things up? its the general opinion of the population as far as I can see, wouldnt you want to try re educate even a small group of people with similar interests about their misguided beliefs?

I wouldnt have a problem with a mechanic putting oil in my car, but if he told me it was to make my car last longer, drive safer, it dies within a week, puts me into a tree, and a month down the road I get a bill for an oil that costs 4 times as much as my weekly pay, I'd be tempted to start loading up the bricks.

18-07-2009, 04:43 PM
If a policeman/woman would kindly like to post up some hard evidence of what impact static speed cameras have had on road "safety" since their introduction, and also some honest figures involving the money made from them. I'd like to see it (who knows maybe it would prove me wrong)not that the numbers wouldnt be fudged.
the fact still remains that to get caught by a speed camera, a mobile patrol, for not wearing your seat belt etc you have obviously broken the law. the whole point is if you dont break the law you dont get caught so you could say if a person had some brains about them they would keep within the speed limit etc if they didnt want to get caught and there 336lj is the deterrent. i travel 240,000 kms a year on the pacific highway and there are quite a lot of car and truck drivers doing the right thing then you get the odd fuckwit who thinks he knows better . he would be the one doing 140kms with young kids standing on the back seat while overtaking over double lines into oncoming traffic. only to see him pulled up and getting what he deserves by police checking speeds on the side of the road behind a tree. i consider that road safety working. i see a lot more stupid shit in bris than anywhere else i have driven. and its not only young people.

18-07-2009, 05:03 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

If a policeman/woman would kindly like to post up some hard evidence of what impact static speed cameras have had on road "safety" since their introduction, and also some honest figures involving the money made from them. I'd like to see it (who knows maybe it would prove me wrong)not that the numbers wouldnt be fudged.
the fact still remains that to get caught by a speed camera, a mobile patrol, for not wearing your seat belt etc you have obviously broken the law. the whole point is if you dont break the law you dont get caught so you could say if a person had some brains about them they would keep within the speed limit etc if they didnt want to get caught and there 336lj is the deterrent. i travel 240,000 kms a year on the pacific highway and there are quite a lot of car and truck drivers doing the right thing then you get the odd fuckwit who thinks he knows better . he would be the one doing 140kms with young kids standing on the back seat while overtaking over double lines into oncoming traffic. only to see him pulled up and getting what he deserves by police checking speeds on the side of the road behind a tree. i consider that road safety working. i see a lot more stupid shit in bris than anywhere else i have driven. and its not only young people.

yeah i pretty much agree with that, but I don't agree that speed cameras have any effect in stopping the idiots.
if anything they are only afraid of being broke when the 3rd fine comes in the mail. And a speed camera can't tell if your drunk, tired, high etc.
put em on the spot and make an example out of them, when they are infront of their kids, family etc, and people (most the time) tend to listen better.

Tony OW31
18-07-2009, 05:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

it is not revenue raising and i have said it before. they only get the money if you break the law. you all can read speed limit signs and know the road rules if you have a licence because you had to learn them to get one. if anyone gets a fine its because they broke the law. no-one to blame but themselves. they are getting more revenue because a lot more people have the ( the laws suck and so i will do whatever i want attitude) like so many on this forum. im not an angel i get fines but thats because i broke the law so i just pay the fine and get on with life. police,rta etc are just doing their job. just like anyone else.they dont deserve to get bashed or killed anymore than you do for doing your job. and by saying so you are condoning it. so do you think a mechanic should get bashed for changing the oil in your car or the console operator for charging you for fuel. its all about respect and a lot of people have forgotten what that is. i dont think the rest of us should have to put up with the disrespect expressed by a few members.there were a police force member that used to get on here but like so many members they are sick of what has been said along the lines of what we are talking about.

Another one of the brainwashed peons, just because you break the law does not mean it's wrong.

80s freak
18-07-2009, 05:45 PM
Hey Tony, you're right, it doesn't mean it's wrong. However I can't understand why so many people disregard the law, then proceed to cry like little whiny bitches when they get caught and have to pay for it. I got pinged twice last year for lane spliting, yes it sucked because I got caught, but I admit that the way I was doing it was illegal, so I copped it. Not a nancy boy tear in sight.

18-07-2009, 06:05 PM
its not rocket science its just common sense. im not brainwashed just like 80's freak when i get fined i just pay it and get on with life. im guessing your a pom tony and only because you like a lot of poms cant take responsibility for your own actions. it must be easier to blame someone else. society has to have rules to function well and if you dont want to be part of a functioning society then feel free to check out. im guessing if you needed help from the authorities you would have no hesitation in demanding they do the best they can as is always the way with hypocrates.

Tony OW31
18-07-2009, 06:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

its not rocket science its just common sense. im not brainwashed just like 80's freak when i get fined i just pay it and get on with life. im guessing your a pom tony and only because you like a lot of poms cant take responsibility for your own actions. it must be easier to blame someone else. society has to have rules to function well and if you dont want to be part of a functioning society then feel free to check out. im guessing if you needed help from the authorities you would have no hesitation in demanding they do the best they can as is always the way with hypocrates.

I agree there has to be laws for a society to function properly, but those rules have to have some bearing on reality, and not just be in place to control.
And don't they just love people like you, just pay, don't question, do as you're told, don't question, take any new regulations they foist upon you, don't question.
It is all about taking responsibility for your own actions, it's just that people like you think they are taking responsibility, but what you are actually doing is letting other people run your life for you, they are no longer your actions, they are actions you have been trained and conditioned to perform, you are no longer capable of original thoughts or actions, just what you are conditioned to do, you are a drone beholden to the authorities. I'm actually surprised you ride a bike considering how dangerous they are.

18-07-2009, 06:32 PM
they are only dangerous if you cant ride em.the reality is you dont know what your talking about.people like you are the ones who think they can handle going faster than the posted limit. only to have an accidentbecause they dont really know the road and the conditions ahead and its people like me who come across them in the middle of nowhere and sit with them till authorities arrive or they die.

Tony OW31
18-07-2009, 06:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

they are only dangerous if you cant ride em.the reality is you dont know what your talking about.people like you are the ones who think they can handle going faster than the posted limit. only to have an accidentbecause they dont really know the road and the conditions ahead and its people like me who come across them in the middle of nowhere and sit with them till authorities arrive or they die.

They really have got you eh?
I see it as analogous to a battered wife, the husband puts in place a set of arbitrary rules, the wife gets a slap if she breaks any of them, eventually she will accept the rules and consider herself deserving of the slap if she breaks any of them, even if those rules are totally unreasonable.
It is called conditioning, and you have been conditioned to think that anything over the posted limit is unsafe.
You are no doubt enjoying the ever increasing influence of the nanny state, because it means you have to tax that little brain of yours a lot less.
when are you getting your Volvo?

18-07-2009, 07:04 PM
nothing wrong with my volvo. the law is not unreasonable. the speeds here suit the roads we drive on. better rds are more dangerous to the morons in tintops. how the fuck do they roll a car on the m4? the lack of respect and the i have the ability to go as fast and hard as i can and theres nothing you can do about it attitude in young people today is probably due to people like yourself who bag the rules and laws of society. if only you had brains.

Tony OW31
18-07-2009, 07:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

nothing wrong with my volvo. the law is not unreasonable. the speeds here suit the roads we drive on. better rds are more dangerous to the morons in tintops. how the fuck do they roll a car on the m4? the lack of respect and the i have the ability to go as fast and hard as i can and theres nothing you can do about it attitude in young people today is probably due to people like yourself who bag the rules and laws of society. if only you had brains.

People like me who question the rules are why you have the freedom to debate this with me right now, if everyone was like you and just bent over and took it up the arse, we would all be working from the age of 5, sleeping 20 to a room and buying all of our goods from the company store.
People that question the authorities are the only ones that keep them half honest.

18-07-2009, 07:19 PM
nothing wrong with starting work at an early age. youre probably one of those people who dont want to work at all and would rather collect welfare or workcover.and sleeping 20 to a room would save on electricity and help with global warming and would be great in winter save on those heating bills. i save with solar energy maybe you should think about it you might save enough to purchase some common sense.

18-07-2009, 07:40 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

the speeds here suit the roads we drive on. b

Not to get in the middle of things here but do you really think that?

Obvious (Sydney) examples include River rd through lane cove. 50km/h? It's a fucking arterial rd! 50 may be a fine speed limit for residential streets but main rds should be a minimum of 60 and more often than not, 80.

Another one is Anzac bridge. 60ks! Why? There are no fucking pedestrians, no chance of hitting a building, no chance of anyone hitting someone else unless one or both parties are fucking retarded, talking on the phone with one hand and drinking their 6th scotch of the day with the other. That rd should be 90. If they're that worried about speeders, have a variable limit, a' la the M4, during peak hour.

There are heaps more that I could name too but I'm sure you see what I'm getting at.

Given the amount of traffic the M4 sees, the percentage of accidents would be minuscule. Frankly, if someone manages to flip their car on a flat, essentially straight rd then they should never have been permitted behind the wheel in the first place. If they die, well, it sucks for the family and I wouldn't wish it on anyone but Darwin is a harsh taskmaster.

Sorry for the rant. Speed limits seem in place to cater to people who have the bare minimum of driving/riding skill and as such, shit me up the wall in the majority of cases.

Tony OW31
18-07-2009, 07:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by Zed14

nothing wrong with starting work at an early age. youre probably one of those people who dont want to work at all and would rather collect welfare or workcover.and sleeping 20 to a room would save on electricity and help with global warming and would be great in winter save on those heating bills. i save with solar energy maybe you should think about it you might save enough to purchase some common sense.

It's amazing really, what I have concluded about you from this conversation is your inability to think for yourself, and a propensity to jump to conclusions that are so wide of the mark to be lauhable. This is self evident from what you have posted.
You have rightly assumed that I am a pom, but you have also concluded that I "cant take responsibility for your own actions" when I have not said one jot about anything I have done or not done.
Also "people like you are the ones who think they can handle going faster than the posted limit. only to have an accidentbecause they dont really know the road and the conditions ahead". So you have assumed that I am incapable of riding above the posted limit.
And "due to people like yourself who bag the rules and laws of society". I don't see anywhere where I said anything about breaking any laws.
"youre probably one of those people who dont want to work at all and would rather collect welfare or workcover" Who mentioned work?
You have no idea of my life experience, my riding abilities, or my work ethic, so why attack them? if you want to debate, stick to what is pertinent, otherwise you come across like a 12 yr old.

19-07-2009, 02:58 AM
Fark me, theres me thinking you aussies were fearles chaps.
Not read so much crap about speeding etc in a long time. comments like just pay the fine. Good find DEX made me smile to hear the SA camara operators cop some flak.


19-07-2009, 08:17 AM
quote:Originally posted by Tony OW31

[quote]Originally posted by Zed14

nothing wrong with starting work at an early age. youre probably one of those people who dont want to work at all and would rather collect welfare or workcover.and sleeping 20 to a room would save on electricity and help with global warming and would be great in winter save on those heating bills. i save with solar energy maybe you should think about it you might save enough to purchase some common sense.

It's amazing really, what I have concluded about you from this conversation is your inability to think for yourself, and a propensity to jump to conclusions that are so wide of the mark to be lauhable. This is self evident from what you have posted.
You have rightly assumed that I am a pom, but you have also concluded that I "cant take responsibility for your own actions" when I have not said one jot about anything I have done or not done.
Also "people like you are the ones who think they can handle going faster than the posted limit. only to have an accidentbecause they dont really know the road and the conditions ahead". So you have assumed that I am incapable of riding above the posted limit.
And "due to people like yourself who bag the rules and laws of society". I don't see anywhere where I said anything about breaking any laws.
"youre probably one of those people who dont want to work at all and would rather collect welfare or workcover" Who mentioned work?
You have no idea of my life experience, my riding abilities, or my work ethic, so why attack them? if you want to debate, stick to what is pertinent, otherwise you come across like a 12 year old.

if anyone here jumped to conclusions you hypocrate its you. like i dont know what your abilities are you dont know mine. i have spent 16 on the roads for a living clocking up a few million kilometres over the years in all states. so dont tell me about road safety. i see fuckwits every day. its my workplace.

19-07-2009, 09:47 AM
Oh man, where's that little pop-corn eatin smiley when u need it! ;)

19-07-2009, 10:03 AM

19-07-2009, 01:18 PM

19-07-2009, 01:54 PM
Well that was fun reading that:D

19-07-2009, 06:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by devo

Blah blah high horse etc

People choose their jobs and all of the associated crap/risk that comes with it. Dont like your job, get a new one. Whilst i dont condone anyone being brutally injured for doing their job (with the possible exception of guy sebastian because he's a warbling fucking idiot) i wholeheartedly approve of the mindless destruction of speed cameras, redlight cameras etc because A: Its funny and clever, I mean reeeeally funny and B: Because whilst you might be happy to be fucked over a barrel by your nanny goverment, I'm tired of them slowly eroding my rights and free will.

The best thing about this forum aside from the awesome bunch of blokes and incredible bikes, is that it is not sanitised, and for lack of a better analogy "Nannyfied" for whining, easily offended, uppity cunts.

Dont like my opinion? Take your panties and go unbunch on netrider or go fuck yourself, you choose..

Oh and for the record,I havent had a speeding fine in over a decade..

19-07-2009, 08:39 PM
quote:The best thing about this forum aside from the awesome bunch of blokes and incredible bikes, is that it is not sanitised,

Here Here! luv ya work Az

Police are supposed to "serve and protect" and what do we get..jack shit.

80s freak
19-07-2009, 10:05 PM
Haven't had a speeding fine in over a decade, I hope that's because you are a law abiding citizen and not a hooligan that doesn't stop/run a plate on his bikes. hee, hee.

19-07-2009, 10:22 PM
Azrael Where the Fuck did I write what you are quoting me as saying any thing about blah blah High horse etc , show me where I wrote it.
I am at a loss.
I never disagreed with the fact we are becoming a nanny state and also I to think it is stupid where they stick these cameras.
I have watched for a while from the back ground and have seen some silly shit being said and all I said was try and watch what we say.
I feel honoured that you noticed I were panties thanks for looking
Also me going and fucking myself if that is the comeback you had when all said was watch what we say then wow I am blown away by your ability to tactfully speak to a person , you really must send me your eleclusion Book.Autographed of course.
People who know me know I am not a high horse person.
Anyway guys I even included myself in watching what we say.
And as for you not getting a speeding fine in ten years I am really proud of you and I am going to bake you a cake :)
Don't portray me as a stick in the mud I find alot of stuff on here great and infact I see alot of belly laughs also.
Well I leave you with the simple fact that I forgot that to be a member here you have to be a real bad arse mo fo and streetfighting is all about building a machine that has a different attitude to what I thought was all about.
I'm off now to join the Scouts as it seems I am not really welcome here anymore for tring to real in things that we could find damaging to ASF .

20-07-2009, 12:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by devo

Azrael Where the Fuck did I write what you are quoting me as saying any thing about blah blah High horse etc , show me where I wrote it.

I deleted your post and replaced it with my interpretation of your post as i will again here briefly and without intentional disrespect... Werds

Lighten up fella, you and your opinion is awlays welcome here, as is everyone elses, but thankyou for reiterating my point!:)

Im not sure what you were getting at with the Streetfighter attitude thing so ill leave that alone but yes, i agree its a public forum and people should know that they are responsible for what they say, I take full responsibility for everything i say on a public forum or anywhere else, and i stand by my comments, speedcamera operators are lower than whaleshit and the more bad shit that happens to them the better;)

20-07-2009, 10:49 AM
i love my work what im sick of are the fuckwits who think they have the right to break the law and think the authorities are out to get them and take away their rights just because they get caught. the only way you will get your rights taken from you is if you do the wrong thing. speed camera, red light cameras and any other form of deterrent are there for a reason. they are paid for by our taxes and fines. hey less fuckwits getting caught doing the wrong = less need for these things. there are signs and we can all identify a speed camera car so if you get caught youre just plain stupid or not concentrating. when you destroy one it is senseless. and if you get done running a red light you deserve anything you get.quote (Whilst i dont condone anyone being brutally injured for doing their job )bit of a fuckwit here arent we?(and i stand by my comments, speedcamera operators are lower than whaleshit and the more bad shit that happens to them the better) it seems the only thing lower than whaleshit is you.

20-07-2009, 11:27 AM
Oh more bunched up panties, like that wasnt to be expected..

quote:Originally posted by Zed14

(Whilst i dont condone anyone being brutally injured for doing their job )bit of a fuckwit here arent we?Nope, it means what it reads, if you cant interpret that in a positive manner your a retard.(and i stand by my comments, speedcamera operators are lower than whaleshit and the more bad shit that happens to them the better)The term bad shit can mean a lot of things, not specifically someone being brutally injured

Its cockheads like you that give the cops more power, if people get caught speeding or running a redlight, i agree, too fucken bad for them. I fail to see how this has anything to do with what i was saying? When i said our rights are being eroded it had nothing to do with traffic infringements, are you retarded?

Ive said it before and ill say it again, if you dont like my opinion, go fuck yourself:)

quote:Originally posted by Zed14

i love my work what im sick of are the fuckwits who think they have the right to break the law and think the authorities are out to get them and take away their rights just because they get caught. the only way you will get your rights taken from you is if you do the wrong thing. speed camera, red light cameras and any other form of deterrent are there for a reason. they are paid for by our taxes and fines. hey less fuckwits getting caught doing the wrong = less need for these things. there are signs and we can all identify a speed camera car so if you get caught youre just plain stupid or not concentrating. when you destroy one it is senseless. and if you get done running a red light you deserve anything you get.quote (Whilst i dont condone anyone being brutally injured for doing their job )bit of a fuckwit here arent we?(and i stand by my comments, speedcamera operators are lower than whaleshit and the more bad shit that happens to them the better) it seems the only thing lower than whaleshit is you.

Quick addendum here, the above quote where you point out there are signs and the cars stand out may be true in NSW, unfortunately here in WA they are not required to place signs in front of cameras or place cameras in accident "blackspots" as per their original intention. So unless your saying everyone who speeds is an idiot im not sure what your point is? In WA speed camera operators and cops hide behind anything they can, wherever they wish even if it inadvertantly creates a hazard to road uses.

I honestly couldnt care less where they put them, speeding in a car in perth is near on impossible due to the increasing number of appauling drivers(whom also deserve a good bricking IMO)clogging up the roads and highways and riding a bike has become more of a risk that enjoyable.

So lighten the fuck up and get your facts straight, what may be right and wrong to you isnt always going to be the case for others in different circumstances.

20-07-2009, 09:04 PM
quote:Originally posted by alfiestorm

Fark me, theres me thinking you aussies were fearles chaps.
Not read so much crap about speeding etc in a long time. comments like just pay the fine. Good find DEX made me smile to hear the SA camara operators cop some flak.


Well you did leave a while ago alfie.

I cant be fucked reading all of this and im not going to point fingers at anyone, but for fuck sake guys....
I agree with Zed14 about paying the fine and getting on with my life but i agree with this because if and when i get nabbed im doing something "they" dont like... Fine... But did they get me 10 minutes ago when i was going even faster? No, so i get lucky good for me... Yes sir im a dickhead and i shouldn't have done that, thank fuck you dont know about the other shit i've done in my life! I WIN!!!!

What i dont get is, some people here are fine to smash stuff (hehe me too) but really guys, CHAOS (as much as i love it) doesn't work.
You cant change things this way, if you want to <s>destroy</s> change things it has to be done from working within there system. You need to be in the system to bring it down

21-07-2009, 12:10 AM
hmmm.... what if , hypothetically, someone SET the car on fire so it was more visible to other road users, to prevent a potential hazard, then RESCUED the operator.. from the fire, then used BRICKS to put (bash) the fire out.? thats 3 good deeds from what I can see. They can't knock you back for some kind of bravery award for that!!?

And then the operator can thank you, and go sit in another ditch somewhere and collect revenue for the GOVT to spend on anything BUT the roads. (which is clearly evident in south east QLD)