View Full Version : close to death

02-11-2006, 01:53 PM
I followed a car today from pie in the sky heading down to the river down the mountain on the old road, for those who don’t know the road it has 2 lanes running up the mountain & one going down. I followed The car for around 3’ks down the mountain, he was driving down the wrong side of the road, god knows how long he had been in it, but he went around blind 45 posted corners on the wrong side just following the road down as if it was his lane.
I was madly honking & waving at him to get on the right side of the road, as there were a lot of bikes out & you always use they outside lane as its smother as I had done only minutes before.
He eventually moved back the correct side, & sure enough the next corner a black 999 came around on full lean, he did not know but 2 seconds earlier & he would had been dead, it was that close.
In 24 years of riding I have never seen anything so stupid, and for those 5 minutes or so I followed I was sure I was going to see something you never one to.
I pulled up at the bottom and sat under a tree for a while until I calmed down cos if the car driver had of stopped I hate to think what I might of done to him.
The windows were dark but it was a older Toyota camry, I should have took his plates, but it’s your word against his, pity I didn't have my onboard camera on. I could have shown you all so you would have had sweaty palms like me.

02-11-2006, 02:07 PM
Thanks for sharing Pommie

I dont know how many times over the years I (we) all see these acts
and not just from cagers, sometimes from riders!

Lifes about lessons... lets hope he learns his [V]
which somehow I doubt

Stay safe out there people,
Always expect a fkin idiot to be the next one you meet

02-11-2006, 03:30 PM
yes we have a similar problem in south aus at the moment and it has a name...'DRIFTING'. ahh teenagers in highpowered import cars going through the hills, our fucking hills, out of control.they are using multiple lanes etc as you said and is as scary as all shit when you come accross one mid corner so i completely know where you are coming from..FUCKING CARS!!

02-11-2006, 03:48 PM
Might be time to buy a fucking tank

What colour was the camry Pommie? I've seen a video of a shitty old Toyota doing exactly that on that road.

02-11-2006, 03:53 PM
dark metalic blue

02-11-2006, 06:24 PM
fuckin hell

makes me feel sick with how many times ive been up an down there [xx(]

i would have followed the fucker!!

02-11-2006, 06:57 PM
Fuck me....thats too close for comfort

02-11-2006, 08:02 PM
yer seen the same thing a few times (shitheads) but as billy said ive actually seen more bike riders likely to kill me crossing over the white all the time. at least i can say ALL of em had fairings - every ride theres one dickwit out on his fireblade or duc

02-11-2006, 08:54 PM

02-11-2006, 09:28 PM
thats freaky large, thats the old road alright on the vid. now imagine that car being a bike on full lean & going faster not being able to swerve. scary stuff. glad you don't have that vid

02-11-2006, 09:43 PM
holy fuck!!!!

02-11-2006, 09:50 PM
Actually, On sunday I was coming back down the Old Road, came around a blind corner, and found a black Sillycar sitting in my lane...just sitting there.

Luckily it was a high cop sighting day so everyone was cruising...