View Full Version : 1100 with DOT head

11-06-2009, 09:46 AM
Well I finally appear to have located a dot head to go on my big bore 1100 engine.
I am running wiseco 1216 high comp pistons (81mm bore, advertised CR 12:1) and was wondering whether there is anyone out there actually running a dot head (750 slingshot) with these pistons.
My concern is that there is likely to be a fair bit of metal to remove from the chambers to bring the CR to a reasonable level and clear the piston crown.
Any experience/ideas welcome.


11-06-2009, 12:36 PM
mate there is sure to be a wealth of info along shortly

11-06-2009, 01:07 PM
quote:Originally posted by scotty

mate there is sure to be a wealth of info along shortly

........but im not it [:o)]

just out of interest what sort of $ did the head set you back?

11-06-2009, 01:24 PM
This is the sort of thing oldskoolsuzuki.info would know about.

11-06-2009, 04:46 PM
Haven't got my hands actually on the head yet.
Price not yet finallised. Suspect I will have to buy an entire motor assembly so may have some unwanted parts for sale shortly.
Vic motor wreckers have a head and cams available for $650. Ouch!!!!!

11-06-2009, 07:32 PM
Keith is a thief!!!!!!!!!

11-06-2009, 07:39 PM

Posted a topic on oldskool also to see if I can tap into the wisdom from there.

11-06-2009, 10:57 PM
Wisdom on Oldskool appears to be that to make the 750 dot head work on my set up there is a fair bit of metal to be removed from the chambers. Is it worth it? Will I get good power gains? Not sure yet.

I also have concerns re deck height on my 1052 motor with big (81mm) pistons runing in BAndit block. I recall someone mentioned that the 1127 and bandit (1157) blocks are 1mm??? taller to account for the difference in stroke length. Does anyone know this for sure?
I always thought that the difference in stroke length was adjusted with slightly different length con rods. Opinions please.


12-06-2009, 08:10 PM
Good post, I'm actually thinking of doing a very similar setup myself. Keep us updated, It'd bgood to hear how it pans out.


12-06-2009, 10:28 PM
Hi Peter,
couple of handy links below with heaps of info on setting up GSXR heads on GSX's,

http://psychobike.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?s=9e7dcbc1fa063f2460f947e70dcfe930;a ct=ST;f=17;t=31138;st=0

Good luck ,Let us know how you go,[8D]


15-06-2009, 11:44 AM
Hi Guys,

Rather than reposting a whole stack of usefull information, you may like to look here:


Some great info for anyone doing serious engine builds.


20-06-2009, 07:58 PM
Well, I have not been able to get hold of a dot head yet, but I have done lots of research and measurements on my current setup.
It appears that the block heights (measyred from gasket face to gasket face) on the 1052, 1127 and 1157 are all the same.
The difference in stroke length is made up from a combination of different rod lengths and different piston heights.

When you drop the Wiseco 1216 hi-comp pistons (12:1) into an 1127 or 1157 engine, I believe that you end up with a deck height of 1mm (0.040"). Some people machine 1mm from the top of the block to get a zero deck height. This will bring the CR up to about 14.5:1. Probably a bit high for pump fuel. You would probably have to grind a bit from the chambers if you wish to stay on pump fuel.

With the 1216 pistons on a 1052 motor, they appear to sit a bit higher in the block (0.5mm deck height). With no other modifications this should give a CR of about 12.9:1.

On my engine 1052 bottom end, 1216 pistons and combustion chamber volue of 24.7cc, I actually have a CR of 13.6:1 (maybe even a bit more). I have confirmed this with measurements. I have spent a good deal of time checking the engine carefully and there are no signs of detonation.

If you plan to deck the block on a 1052 bottom end set up then the limit is going to be about 0.5mm (any further and there is a danger the pistons will contact the cylinder head at high revs). To do this you will need a chamber volume of about 27cc to keep the CR below 14:1.

In the short term (in the absence of a dot head) i will do a bit more work on my 1052 head to boost the power as much as I can while retaining pump fuel (98 RON).

I would be please to share with anyone elses experiences.

