View Full Version : WD40 as chain lube

07-06-2009, 06:54 PM
Just wondering what everyones opinion on using WD40 to lube your chain are?

Personally I think its fucking useless as it's designed to force out all moisture and exsisting agents such as lube thats already on the chain. It may be great for doing the squeeky bed, but under a heavy load such as a bike chain it just doesn't cut it. Effectively due to the high rpm a bike chain operates under its virtually metal on metal.

Basically i've been swearing on my life telling others not to use it. Am I a dumb cunt or what?

07-06-2009, 07:55 PM
yes............but dont use WD40 as chain lube

07-06-2009, 07:57 PM
It contains kerosine which is beaut for cleaning a chain, ie removing all the crap on the chain before re-lubing.

Bicycle chain, yes. motorcycle chain, no.

07-06-2009, 08:08 PM
I use WD40 as an air freshener...it works a bit like this-

Smells are made of particles (particulates?) of matter in suspension (in air)

So a fart or the smell of a good shit is really just tiny bits of meaty shit floating in the air, until you inhale them and they land on the back of your toungue -(between the salt and sweet tastebuds are the turdbuds)- where you taste them (I know you think you smelled the stink, but you actually tasted it)

WD40 helps by coating and adding weight to the tiny turd floaters in the air and making them fall to the carpet/linoleum quicker than they otherwise would if they were left freefloating. Any tiny turd floaters that don't fall down before you inhale them are coated/lubricated so the tastebuds can't taste them.

As a bonus it smells mechanically flowery

07-06-2009, 09:17 PM
yeah large I know where your coming from, I fry my onions in penetrene for the same reason

07-06-2009, 09:23 PM
alot of people seem to use it around here for the dirties, they say it is better for all the mud and creek crossings, they also seem to be going through 2 chains to my 1.

07-06-2009, 09:36 PM
So i'm a slightly smarter dumb cunt!


08-06-2009, 08:50 AM
Close - Bellray 6 in 1 is the go.

08-06-2009, 03:27 PM
Further to the wd-40 uses, I had a mate who was doing a chick on the side, coming home freshly showered wasnt an option so to mask any incriminating smells he would spray the old wd-40 onto his hands and dab it about like after shave worked a treat, It was the pictures on his phone that got him caught the silly twat.

Jockney Rebel
09-06-2009, 12:07 AM
^ good one lol i constantly smell of hydraulic oil [it just wont fuck off ]
so yeah i get that one
as for War Dept 40.....originally designed to keep guns and stuff water resistant..is good for cleaning yer chain and dousing yer electrics to help em deal with the rain ..but as a heavy weight lube ..its crap...
.buy a scott oiler then you can forget about oiling yer chain and concentrate on cleaning the rest of the back of yer bike or alternatively buy that sticky thready horrible stuff chain lube i think its called lol