View Full Version : Nice piece in AMCN on Booster & Lake Gairdner

29-05-2009, 12:58 PM
Just read the piece on Aussie Speedweek at the Salt Lakes at Lake Gairdner South Australia . Nice photo's , well written and a good promo for the sport . Great write ups on Booster , Bones , Ev and Terry too. Good to see our Land Speed Racers getting recognition . Looking forward to seeing it for myself at Bonneville in 3 months when you all race again. See you there mate and if you need a hand give Ol' Chopaweeza a yell . Am going over a week before BUBS with Silvy , renting a Mustang convertible and cruising from L.A. to the Salt via Vegas and Yosemite . Trip of a life time and I hope you all bring back new world records .

Speedweek - Made famous by Burt Munro -

Lake Gairdner - Australia's own -

BUB's - The motorcycle only event at Bonneville after speedweek - Will be attending this one -

29-05-2009, 05:58 PM
Stewie did a great job writing that , he drives a very tidy bellytank lakester, too many wheels but we can forgive him that 1 fault ;)

Working long hours getting the bike finished for the trip,2 weeks till its on its way ..
suppose you guys are the same, there is never quite enough time to do every little thing..

Can't wait till were drinking Sierra Nevada watching the sun set over the salt again..

29-05-2009, 06:16 PM
Good Luck to you all...
Bring it home fella's

Jockney Rebel
29-05-2009, 06:41 PM
go on booster mate were all supporting you ..give the beans mate

papa smurf
29-05-2009, 07:22 PM
Good luck & MUCH speed Booster.[8D][8D]
I'm jealous as hell.

29-05-2009, 08:38 PM
Yeh mate . Pretty much the same with Terry's Vincent too. Terry is putting a supreme effort into the bike and I really want him to crack it this year . Like I said though , if you need a hand over there just give me a yell and I'll do what I can . Will have 2 camera's plus a video as well so it should be a good write up here when we all get back . For the uninitiated here's some pictures of Terry's 1350cc Methanol , injected Vincent .



29-05-2009, 08:43 PM
And here's another of me with Terry at his workshop . One of the nicest blokes you'll ever meet(I might be biased however)


30-05-2009, 02:04 AM
nice one chop(i've always wanted to say that), wish terry my best.
he is makin us all proud

11-06-2009, 07:31 PM
Here's a quick one of Terry's bike. Gets crated up and shipped out shortly . Damn it looks hot and I can hardly wait to get out on the salt at Bonneville to watch it run.


11-06-2009, 09:04 PM
Looks the goods , who's coming down to load it ??

Mine has just changed from blue to red and the engine is 1/2 way back together, cams only arrived back tuesday , lucky the loading was put off a week or i would have been very busy tomorrow, having a nite off as i'm fucked and not dialing in the cams in this state..

12-06-2009, 07:54 AM
With some pretty big changes were I work and me having to re-apply for my existing job again I really can't take time off right now or I would be there for sure (new company has guaranteed me time off for BUBS however). Good to hear your's is coming together as well. Am expecting BIG things from you this year Booster and I firmly believe they are within your reach . Oh, and a bit of trivia , the yellow spring in the photo is off an 04' GSXR750 that graced my workshop awile back and with luck will keep the back wheel anchored to the salt for Terry .

12-06-2009, 09:21 AM
Salt can be very humbling sometimes, all the best laid plans can turn to shit real quick, so i will make the best of preparation and from there hope the salt gods are on our side.

Good thing your using gsxr springs, i will have a 13kg/mm and a 8 kg/mm in stock if you find you need different.

looks like you wouldn't want to move forward too much, that spring would have similar action to the tool we used to use to desex young bulls..

12-06-2009, 09:49 AM
I gave Terry a box of mono shocks that were within the specs he gave me and he picked this one. Better than the softie that was on there before I hope and as it's from a common model easier to interchange if need be . I'll pass on the offer of swapping if needed when I see him next too mate . From what Terry has told me of some of the attempt's I can get an idea of what you mean about it being humbling mate . It's something that I really want to try for myself (as a builder not a rider) as there is no greater test of your skills and abilitie's as a builder than running a bike on a straight strip of salt . Seems so deceptively simple but there in lays the problems . I see BUB's this year as a great learning opportunity and a great trip for Silvy & I . If I am able to get a bike up for Lake Gairdner next year it will be great but if not then I'll just use the extra year and run in 2011 . In the mean time I have alot of research into frame geometry to get the best compromise of handling and stability on the salt but as I have a background in drag bikes it's a matter of taking the most suitable aspects of drag bike frame design and production frame design then merge them. Already have a design in mind so it's a case of hunting down a bike after BUB's . But , from the buzz I've seen on several of the web boards and some of the BUB's entries people are taking this year will be a 2 wheel orgy of awesome machinery(Shit , I've said ORGY now watch Fimp go)with the big bore Army Indian Scout being a bike I really want a look at as well.

12-06-2009, 02:41 PM


Heres a weird and wonderfull from last year

22-06-2009, 05:35 PM
Done... in the box and on its way ..


22-06-2009, 05:55 PM
Very Noice One eh ........

If you don't blow it up at Speedweek I'll be seeing it race at BUB's . Very cool indeed . How about some Specs Booster ????

22-06-2009, 10:25 PM
If i do blow it up you will still see me :D
not getting out of it that easy;) tales to tell and drinking to be done if not racing... actually i have spares for all but a serious crank problem and i think i could find a motor between meets if needed

Similar specs to last time, but with an air/air intercooler and running methanol, maxed out 1200cc of injector /cyl on the dyno last week at 28psi so that will be my limit
bit better fairing , be nice to bump my speed 10 or 20 mph but have to cross the finish line twice to set records ... all going well enough we will[:p]

24-06-2009, 12:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by chopaweeza

"Will have 2 camera's plus a video as well so it should be a good write up here when we all get back" .

We've got it in type now Chop, don't let us down mate.

24-06-2009, 08:00 PM
Yeh no worries mate . Silvy & I will be snapping away when not watching the action , mingling with the crowd , helping out were needed or volunteering to help out the event . We land in LA on August 21st , grab a new Mustang Convertible and cruise off to Wendover via Hesperia , Las Vegas ,Death Valley , Mammoth Lakes , Yosemite National park , Carson City and Salt Lake City . Back on September 6th and with a little luck have some decent video & snaps of the trip thereafter. Trip of a lifetime for Silvy & I so will be making the most of it . Would help if Booster cracks the record as well. Barring mechanical stuff ups I think Terry & the Vincent are a shoe in for a record too. Fark but I'm excited .

24-06-2009, 08:23 PM
Is that a modified Busa fairing on the 750 Greg?
Those luggage hooks don't look very aerodynamic either, you won't be setting any new records with them on ;)
Good luck lads.

24-06-2009, 11:36 PM
Actually i hadn't given the hooks much thought, the air is moving down at about 45 deg there .. can't loose the hooks though , there too handy as tie points .
Busa landspeed top and gsxr lower with a few changes to suit the wheelbase and top half

Took a leaf from Pesh and co and hammered the tank to suit my needs

I think each bike has a good chance to run records,
Richards busa was at the pointy end last year and set a record earning him a red hat, good chance at going quicker this year, Terrys Vincent is in better form than last year and i'm fairly sure he qualified for a record but couldn't make the return run
Steve's turbo CBR 600 looks a good setup, they learnt a lot at Gairdiner and i'm sure they will take some large steps in developing a record setting bike , several bikes in that class ,the dynojet cbr is entered but haven't seen Jon Ammos zx6 in the preentry list or a Triumph tt600 that was at Bubs last year, curent records are between 150 and 180 mph depending which class they choose (can be changed up to your first run..)