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View Full Version : "Bikers" vs "Motorbike Riders"

EFE 1230
13-04-2009, 12:09 PM
"Bikers" to get your attention but actually "motorbike riders" in reality.

Bikers leave frail old lady for dead Preston


TWO motorbike riders were racing each other when a frail old lady was struck and left for dead, police say.

Joan Stafford, 69, was on life-support after emergency surgery last night and was not expected to live.

Police are hunting two speed demons, riding side-by-side, who left her lying in Plenty Rd, Preston, yesterday.

Ms Stafford, the eldest of 10, was hit soon midday by a 1000cc blue and white R1 or R6 model Yamaha.

Cousin Sue Moors described Mrs Stafford as a sweet, frail woman. She said Ms Stafford loved walking and was an identity in Preston, a suburb she had barely left her entire life.

"It's unthinkable,'' she said. "How could anyone possibly do that. I can't believe someone wouldn't stop and render assistance to a frail lady. There's nothing of her. She's just a little old lady.

"She never drank or smoked in her life. She's never hurt a fly. I can't understand how this could happen.''

Ms Moors said the motorbike riders should come forward and tell police what happened.
They were heading north when Ms Stafford was hit.

Investigators believe both riders tried to take evasive action, but neither rider stopped to help the badly injured woman.

She was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital suffering injuries to her upper body and a fractured leg.

Both riders continued north, turning left into Wood St. The bike that hit Ms Stafford lost an indicator and sustained damage to a clutch lever, mirror and to its fairing.

Witnesses told police the riders were racing shortly before the accident.

"There is some evidence at this stage that indicates potential bad driving on the part of the two motorcycles,'' Sen-Sgt Brad Peters said. "We believe there's a possibility they were racing with each other.

"Once again, it's outrageous conduct on the roads, especially during the Easter period.''

Sen-Sgt Peters said he was certain the rider who hit Ms Stafford would know what he had done.

"It's extremely callous someone would mow a pedestrian down and leave the scene of the crash, leave somebody on the road to potentially die or be at the mercy of the injuries suffered,'' he said.

"Somebody will know who the driver of this motorcycle is, purely from the damage on the bike. Somebody will know what's happened here.

"We're appealing for the rider of the motorcycle to come forward. We will find you. It's a matter of time before we track you down.''

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

uncle pervy
13-04-2009, 01:33 PM
you get bonus points if she saw you coming and tried to get away

13-04-2009, 01:38 PM
Where can I get a 1000cc R6? Sounds the shit:D

Lost an indicator and fairing damage...we may have a new member pretty soon!

13-04-2009, 02:30 PM
An unmarked car could have prevented this!

papa smurf
13-04-2009, 02:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by Issues

An unmarked car could have prevented this!

I just spat all over the keyboard.[:0]

13-04-2009, 04:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

Where can I get a 1000cc R6? Sounds the shit:D

Im with you on this, where and how soon???? [:o)]

13-04-2009, 04:38 PM
I know we all like to look on the lighter side of tragedy fellas, but the old girl was someones grandmother, a bit of bloody respect wouldn't go astray[V]

13-04-2009, 05:09 PM
This is the guy in servo footage......


13-04-2009, 05:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by gixkat

I know we all like to look on the lighter side of tragedy fellas, but the old girl was someones grandmother, a bit of bloody respect wouldn't go astray[V]

only if she fucked.....

but yes your point is noted

13-04-2009, 05:39 PM
Gotta wonder what she was doing in the middle of the road not looking...

13-04-2009, 06:11 PM
quote:originally posted by Merlyn

Gotta wonder what she was doing in the middle of the road not looking...

No doubt it would be the same old excuse, "Honest officer i never saw him coming"[8D]

13-04-2009, 06:19 PM
She's probably more upset she got yamaha all over her..

Jockney Rebel
13-04-2009, 06:44 PM
..more bad press ...

13-04-2009, 06:58 PM
Thank fuck it wasnt a naked bike of some sort

uncle pervy
13-04-2009, 06:58 PM

13-04-2009, 06:59 PM
If it was naked, they wouldnt be able to track the broken plastic bike down.

13-04-2009, 07:45 PM
Look this is some pretty fucked up shit but seriously what the fuck has her not drinking or smoking got to do with it?

13-04-2009, 07:50 PM
If she was a smoker and a drinker would you be well within your rights to mow her down?

13-04-2009, 08:02 PM
Hit and runs are like getting cancer. It just doesn't happen to good people, damn it.

13-04-2009, 08:05 PM
quote:Originally posted by JackTar

Look this is some pretty fucked up shit but seriously what the fuck has her not drinking or smoking got to do with it?

spose those two things make you a bad person... uh-oh

13-04-2009, 08:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by Merlyn

quote:Originally posted by JackTar

Look this is some pretty fucked up shit but seriously what the fuck has her not drinking or smoking got to do with it?

spose those two things make you a bad person... uh-oh
<div align="left"></div id="left">If she was smoking and drinking she would have still been at the pub and wouldn't have been hit. By the way does anyone know where i can get an indicater and clutch lever for an R1.

13-04-2009, 10:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by craig

If she was smoking and drinking she would have still been at the pub and wouldn't have been hit. By the way does anyone know where i can get an indicater and clutch lever for an R1.

i told you we hit the old bat but you didnt believe me [B)]

13-04-2009, 11:00 PM
i can see this thread being quoted in some shit news article.. lack of respect and care for the public blah blah.

13-04-2009, 11:22 PM
quote:Originally posted by SatinFS

i can see this thread being quoted in some shit news article.. lack of respect and care for the public blah blah.

in that case i better state now that I DO NOT EAT BABIES [8D]

13-04-2009, 11:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by Azrael

She's probably more upset she got yamaha all over her..

That's piss funny, Az. :D
Cheaper than a tuning forks tattoo.

15-04-2009, 04:12 PM
I liked the radio snippet I heard said. "Look out for an R1 with a broken clutch lever".... Im thinking... thats like fucken all of em at one time or another LOL

15-04-2009, 11:24 PM
Haha he is fucked.

all late model yamaha come with DNA data dot.
All they gota do is scan the bits of bike.
And they can track him down.

16-04-2009, 11:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by Zbike

Haha he is fucked.

all late model yamaha come with DNA data dot.
All they gota do is scan the bits of bike.
And they can track him down.

thats true you get the dots from your dealer with your new yamaha when you buy one, but if you dont put them on yourself then they arent much use [:p]

wonder if there has been any updates on this, because if they havent caught them yet they probably never will.

16-04-2009, 11:49 AM
does this look like a 1000cc R6?


edit: just read the article :D
here is a snippet

quote:It is the same type of motorcycle police are hunting in connection with a Preston hit-run by bikers who left a frail old woman for dead. There is no indication the incidents are connected.

Sgt Morgan said at such speeds, the rider would have had the capacity to embed the bike inside a car and wipe out a family.

“What sort of person does this speed on a public road?’’ Sgt Morgan said.

hmm i wonder who could possibly be so careless as to do that sort of speed on a public road :D

im just wondering why the fuck he stopped? [V]

edit edit:

quote:Thirteen people have died on roads over the Easter holiday weekend, with NSW topping the list.

Five people have died on NSW roads over Easter, the latest fatality coming when a 31-year-old male truck driver crashed into a tree off at Ogunbil at 2.30pm yesterday.

so i wonder what makes them think that double dimerit points do anythhing to kerb the road toll?
as far as i know nsw are the only ones with that idea and here we are topping the road toll once again. hmm maybe it could have something to do with the larger numbers we have driving around here [B)]

uncle pervy
22-04-2009, 04:49 PM
1 death here in W.A. and the cops are taking the credit. well if they want that then they can take the blame when things go the other way

30-04-2009, 03:31 PM

A MAGISTRATE has granted bail to a motorcyclist said to have kicked at a woman as she clung to his bike after he allegedly ran her down.
Joan Stafford, 69, was critically injured when the bike hit her as she crossed Plenty Rd in Preston, in Melbourne's north, about noon on Easter Sunday.

She remains in a semi-conscious state in hospital.

Mark Maccar, 24, of Mill Park is charged with failing to stop at an accident and failing to render assistance, negligently causing serious injury and dangerous driving causing serious injury.

In the Melbourne Magistrates' Court today, he was released on a $5000 surety and required to report to police three times a week.

The court has been told that Mr Maccar was on his way back from church when witnesses saw him hit Ms Stafford.

Senior Constable James Mitchell said witnesses saw him strike an object and repeatedly kick at it with his left foot.

The witnesses later realised the object was an elderly woman caught across the front of the bike, who had hung on for five to 10 metres.

Sen Const Mitchell said the woman landed head-first on the road and suffered head injuries and a broken leg.

He then threatened his friend not to tell anyone, Sen Const Mitchell said.

Sen Const Mitchell alleged Mr Maccar tampered with his bike, which he kept covered with a sheet with a prayer book on top of it, following the incident.

Police opposed bail, saying Mr Maccar posed an unacceptable risk of offending and interfering with witnesses.

But magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg released Mr Maccar, saying he had a good employment record, no prior criminal history, family support and a job.

30-04-2009, 06:18 PM
Needs the Zombie defence, im sorry your honour i thought it was a zombie, doing civic duty etc blah blah kicked it in the face rode away before it ate my brains..

Fucken god botherers..

30-04-2009, 06:53 PM
It's not the God botherers mate, it's the dickhead pretend God botherers who like to pose but can't keep their shit together when it matters...

Kind of like those pretend boy racers who like to pose in their pretty leathers on their pretty plastic bikes having wannabe 'races' and then can't get their shit together when it comes to dodging a little old lady...

Seems this guy was a poser on both counts.

I hope they put him in a cell with a big black bald man named Bubba: "You my little puppy now..."

30-04-2009, 07:20 PM
Should cut the cunts cock off with the blunt side of an axe and shove it down his throat till he chokes to death, then do the same to his mate!

30-04-2009, 07:32 PM
nah, do his mate first while he watches so he knows what he's got comin'

uncle pervy
30-04-2009, 08:03 PM
why do his mate? is it because he is a spineless prick or what? i don't understand

30-04-2009, 08:49 PM
If it was your mum and the witness didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to get his mate in trouble what would you do?

30-04-2009, 09:23 PM
lock him in a room full of scientoligists

uncle pervy
01-05-2009, 09:57 AM
point taken

01-05-2009, 10:10 AM
Nows a good time for MOB JUSTICE

uncle pervy
01-05-2009, 10:16 AM
hey latheboy, there is no justice, just us.

01-05-2009, 10:28 AM
You couldnt write this stuff as fiction... people would say its too far fetched

03-05-2009, 09:27 PM
quote:Originally posted by gibbo

If it was your mum and the witness didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to get his mate in trouble what would you do?

Good point.

05-05-2009, 01:07 PM
The court has been told that Mr Maccar was on his way back from church when witnesses saw him hit Ms Stafford.

is this a joke or a sympathy plea what kind of churchy kicks an old lady let alone runs her down on his bike I don't think there is a punishment out there that'd suit this fuckwit

05-05-2009, 01:19 PM
Jst coz someone goes to church does not inherently make them a good person Boris! How many priests have touched up young boys?

05-05-2009, 02:11 PM

I hae nothing relevant to add, i just found this piccy, thought it was cool and went lookin 4 a thread to put it in.
Thans for your attention

05-05-2009, 07:55 PM
lol@ ^^^ Ya dag Doc. Still got ya trailer looks pretty good in my yard :D:D Intil I find a honky enclosed 1 n get off my arse n return yours anyway ;)

05-05-2009, 10:10 PM

05-05-2009, 10:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by Docktor


less interesting the 100th time around [V]

05-05-2009, 10:17 PM
ok, i will stop it.......... im soooo sorry. lookit after trailer or i bash ya.

05-05-2009, 10:42 PM
Im still blaming zombies and now kittens too..

06-05-2009, 02:27 AM
To keep it in perspective guys it was a hit and run driver who left me like this.

I got smacked very hard while on my 1st Busa, got left in a deep ditch on the side of a country road, unconscious and fukkin mashed. I would have died within the hour from my injuries.

The yelolow bellied chicken shit coward of a cager never stopped and with no witnesses I was dead meat for sure.

With a wifey and two young kiddies at home its a bit desperate mates.
I might not have been found for months if at all.

By pure chance I happened to be a 360lb meathead, strong, ugly fucker and regained consciousness long enough to lift my broken Busa off me and dial 999 on my cellphone long enough for the ground ambulances to find me before I slipped back into unconsciouness or blead to death whichever came sooner.
The air ambulance was criss-crossing overhead doing the standard search pattern but couldnt see me in the ditch, I was covered in broken Busa, trees, branches and leaves.

Hit and run bikers, motorcyclists or drivers are chicken shit, nothing more.

06-05-2009, 03:49 PM
thats harsh HOS we had a mate of my wifes family killed in a hit and run FUBAR mate
and Fight fan I know this man I was just saying I think he is playing the sympathy card he was probably on his way back from his crack dealer or some shit like that but thinks coming home from church will get him a better deal

06-05-2009, 03:53 PM
Anyone that runs after hitting someone is a cunt and will pay for it somehow.. It all comes around, a lynch mob is whats needed in times like this...

06-05-2009, 06:43 PM
^^^^^^^^ too fucken right ^^^^^^

06-05-2009, 07:47 PM
nah Ivan. We don't need a lynch mob. We need a nice thick forest with a few cold nights and someone who likes to bust elbows and knees.

07-05-2009, 01:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by boris

thats harsh HOS we had a mate of my wifes family killed in a hit and run FUBAR mate
and Fight fan I know this man I was just saying I think he is playing the sympathy card he was probably on his way back from his crack dealer or some shit like that but thinks coming home from church will get him a better deal

Yeah it was a bit rough.
A lot of people do`nt understand me and why I have the outlook on life I do...... but you have to wear the T shirt to understand ;)

I was telling a stranger what happened to me in a gas station months after my smash and told this guy what happened.
He said to me "What you worrying about ? You lived didnt you ? Plenty of others do`nt in that situation"
I was about to punch the cunts fucking lights out, when what he said just hit me like a thunderbolt.
Stopped me dead in my tracks.... different perspective... he was right !

So many people do`nt survive hit and run accidents, because often they are not found in time.

I was murderously angry for many years after my smash at the git who did this, but I came to realise that anger was pointless, I would never find him or her. What would I do if I found them and faced them ? Not a thought that came easy to me.
He/she was prolly out his/her face on alcohol or drugs or both and may have been so wasted they may not have realised they had hit someone at the time.

I have two very good friends and I mean good friends (oldschool proper) who took me aside after my accident and said ...HOS, we will find this person and they will be gone, we just need your say so.

It was a terrible dilemna, what do you say ? Yes ? or No ?
I knew EXACTLY what they meant. These two guys are very well connected and not pub talk !!

But wouldnt that have made me no better than the git that did this ?

07-05-2009, 09:15 AM
Comes down to people kill people.... Not guns not cars, not bikes PEOPLE.........In this world we have good 1's n bad, I believe in Karma and hopefully everyone gets what they deserve eventually.
Truth is something like hitting some1 could happen to any of us - its how he handled it later that makes him a low scum with a black soul![:0]
Just cause some1 rides it far from makes then a good person...... Its just expected cause MOST riders r top people with good hearts.

Few years a go a a friend of mine was hit by a 4wd and in a very bad way- we all rushed to the hospital understandable upset and angry not knowing if he would make it. It was a lady rushing somewhere with a kid in the back seat. At the hospital this lady is a mess but but unhurt , the child understandable upset and scared. I looked at the driver and wanted to go rip shreds off her, as I had that same thought, another rider (we had also lost another friend on a bike a few weeks before)went ova n had a go at this lady - all of a sudden I went from wanting to kill her to having a go at him.
Looking at them both standing there it hit me she never ment to hurt him and would have done anything to change it - just as we loved him and would do anything to keep him safe, looking at them I could have been any of them - the rider, the driver, friend - and I how I would feel if I had hit anyone
We live in a world where we cant control what happens and the best we can do is how we react to events and how we treat other people

07-05-2009, 02:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

nah Ivan. We don't need a lynch mob. We need a nice thick forest with a few cold nights and someone who likes to bust elbows and knees.
i,m out near the pilliga scrub get em up here an let the yowies at em.!![}:)][}:)]

07-05-2009, 07:08 PM
Here I was enjoying our little hate-fest and you guys have gone and gotten all reasonable!

Understanding the other persons point of view is the first step towrds forgiving them for their momentary lapse of concentration, lack of skill, panic or just plain bad luck. It's perfectly normal to be angry about a situation, and even more so when there is a deliberate act of malice.

At the end of the day you are the one left carrying around your bitter ball of hate and how you deal (or don't deal) with it is your decision to make.

I say we kick the guy in the nuts.

07-05-2009, 09:17 PM
dont carry hate my friends it fucks ur life up ,hos ur a fuggin legend mate max points for u,
gxsar i reckon not enough people stop to see what u have there ,the other point of view,
jup ,ah cmon well all be hatin something else soon ,, hardleys spriong to mind

07-05-2009, 09:26 PM
In my profound knowledge of crashing and gettin hit by cars, it dont matter if its a person drivin or a dog driving, it all hurts like fuggery.
Had my best when a lady came thru a stoppy sign without stoppying, scored broken back in 3 places 7 cracked ribs,punched 1 rib thru my left lung,broke left ankle,burnt both my legs when the bike exploded on impact,brain damage... (it shows hey ?)Died in the ambo on they way to ipswich hospital,zapped me back and spent 6 months in traction lookin at the ceiling and kicked outta the air farce for it...... Miss susan jane larsen, never forget her name and will hate her to my dying breath im afraid..... So this bitter ball of hate you talk about,,, I got it and i not lettin it go.

08-05-2009, 04:07 AM
quote:Originally posted by davio

dont carry hate my friends it fucks ur life up ,hos ur a fuggin legend mate max points for u,
gxsar i reckon not enough people stop to see what u have there ,the other point of view,
jup ,ah cmon well all be hatin something else soon ,, hardleys spriong to mind

Your spot on mate the anger goes nowhere.
At least I lived to ride again [:p]:) and in that sense I`m a very lucky guy to be physically able to ride for a few more years yet.

Can`t give it up.

09-05-2009, 09:00 AM
It wasn't me my R1 is black now

09-05-2009, 09:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by davio

jup ,ah cmon well all be hatin something else soon ,, hardleys spriong to mind
Nah we dont hate them, they just giv us something to laugh at :D[:p];)

09-05-2009, 09:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by juganaught

It wasn't me my R1 is black now

Needed a re-spray did it mate[?]
Sounds a bit sus to me! U dont ride to church do u? ;)