View Full Version : Thermofans not working (ZX6R)

24-03-2009, 08:04 PM
I ride a '00 ZX6R. Anyway, I was riding in the city on Saturday, caught in a bit of traffic, to realize that my temp gauge was creeping up, and up, and up... warning light comes on at 110deg, so i flicked her off and let her cool. When i started her up, same thing... so i looked down, and the thermo fan isnt running at all... Anyone had this happen to them? The only thing I can think that could have caused it (if its not a buggered fan), is perhaps the thermo runs off the indicator relay, which has been changed to suit aftermarket indicators? (Have heard of this happening to someone)

Last thing I need is for the bike to be overheating...

Note: Heat sits at around 78-80deg celsius on the freeway on a 35deg day, so doesnt seem to be an airpocket issue as a contributing factor.

24-03-2009, 08:12 PM
Fuse? (probably)
Thermostat sensor?

24-03-2009, 08:49 PM
Would the thermofan run off the temp sensor that goes to the gauges?
Haven't checked the fuse though, totally skipped my mind!

24-03-2009, 09:07 PM
Checked the fuse, all is well and good with that.
Checked the connection on the thermostat sensor, took it off, cleaned it up, and reconnected. Unlikely that thats the problem, but i'll see next time I go riding I guess.

25-03-2009, 04:59 PM
remove temp sensor from motor turn ur ignition on and hold a lighter under the sensor ,, it gets hot ,, fan should go

25-03-2009, 09:01 PM
Took the bike for a ride tonight after removing temp sensor plug on radiator, cleaning up the terminals, and putting it back on. Let her idle to 105deg c, then the fan kicked on, cooling it down to 103 :D

Wondering how she'll go with this as the only form of cooling on a warmer day?

27-03-2009, 10:20 AM
You can always put a switch in so you can turn the fan on when sitting in traffic before it gets a chance to get too hot...

27-03-2009, 05:10 PM
Not a bad idea... would have to look into how to wire it up.

28-03-2009, 09:41 AM
Could also look into changing the sensor to one that kicks in lower and apparently you can also get kits too.

Looking at a ZX7R manual and it states on between 93 - 103 degrees and off between 91 - 95 degrees. It's an on/off switch. Also check your water temp sensor to see it is reading right. At 80 degrees, it should have 47 - 57 Ohms resistance and at 100 degrees 26 - 30 Ohms. May have a scaling problem on switch/sensors. Might have to drop them out and clean them.