View Full Version : SRAD jetting

15-10-2006, 08:24 PM
got my bike on the dyno last week in an attempt to nullify my suspicions but unfortunately they only got reinforced:(

my 1997 600 SRAD is running richer than a middle eastern oil magnate. 10L per 100km and at about 11:1 below 5000 rpm. at the moment all i want is for it too use less petrol. i dont really give a toss if it rides like a pig, just less petrol would be nice.

i havent got the carbs out to have a look at them yet, but once i do im afraid i will have no idea whats going on. can anyone suggest a plan of attack (i.e. try to put everything back to what the manual says). and can anyone suggest what might be wrong if it's running that rich down low?

16-10-2006, 06:17 PM
Do you have any other mods to your bike?
Do you know the history? As in would someone have been playing around with jetting???

If it is running way rich, maybe it had different intake and/or exhaust a while ago, but no one changed the jetting when the system you have on there was fitted...???

Need more info

16-10-2006, 06:59 PM
it's got a K&N filter and a bolt on pipe. the carbs look like they may be off a wrecked bike cause they have remnants of that white marker wreckers use to write on parts. they could have a jet kit in em, but it doesnt seem to be running rich up high, just down low?

16-10-2006, 10:11 PM
Needle clips in the right position??my 750 has them on the second from top (600 may be different )
Model numbers of the carbs in case there off 750 or different model 600.

19-10-2006, 07:25 PM
i have another question now. obviously the ram air ducts are not on the bike. i have some wiring running through one of the holes. is this gonna affect the jetting at all or will it make SFA difference? and where can i run it if it is a problem?

21-10-2006, 03:28 PM
Check to see if the idle fuel screws [the fuel screws, not the idle speed adjuster]have been screwed out, in an attempt to get more bottm end. The idle jets account for most of your fuel down low, and will still affect the whole range, to a degree. Each bike is different, but they should be around 1-3/4 of a turn out, more or less. If they are screwed further out than that, could be the problem.
It's relatvely easy to check one screw, a small hex drive flathead screwdriver bit from one of those cheap 40 piece toolkits will reach in there, just count the turns in as you go. Either that or screw all 4 of them in a 1/4 of a turn at a time, and ride the bike to see if there's improvement.
Good luck[8D]

21-10-2006, 05:23 PM
i just tried to fucking start the thing after 2 weeks not being ridden i adjusted the idle down low and i think theres too much bloody fuel in there and it wont start[V] the lights are fine so the batteries good, but the starter has heaps of trouble turning over[xx(] CRAP ARSE SHIT FUCK

22-10-2006, 03:12 PM
How about you pull the plugs, wind the engine over for a few seconds, to clear the chambers, clean the plugs, and then try and start with the idle speed wound UP a bit, more air in the mix should make it easier to start.With the idle speed down, the starter must work against a closed throttle/ high vacuum, which might slow the windover. Check that the electrical cable to the starter has a clean terminal, my 1100 did the same slow starting routine for a while there, it was just a corroded terminal, cleaned it and away we went.
Hope you get somewhere with this, there's no joy in a bike that won't run......keep posting as you go, you never know, somebody else may recognise your symptoms;)

23-10-2006, 06:54 PM
excellent. direction! i love that. i've been meaning to check if the plugs are all carboned up or not since its running so rich so heres my opportunity. thanks!

24-10-2006, 10:13 PM
i think its just the battery being crap. i bump started it (bad idea with new tyre) and yeah the battery was just crap cause it started first time on bump starting but the lights were gaaabage and the speedo etc were stuffed until it had charged a bit. how much is a new battery?

24-10-2006, 10:24 PM
60-75 ish

24-10-2006, 10:44 PM
sweet is anywhere likely to have one that i can pick up on thursday? i wanna ride[8D]

24-10-2006, 11:06 PM
Metros at silverwater have heaps

03-11-2006, 02:03 PM
so ive been riding a fair bit lately and went for a bit of a run in the early morning with no traffic. mileage increased by ALOT so im thinking its just around idle. and i also read on gixxer.com that the SRAD runs like garbage below 3 grand anyway.....

03-11-2006, 07:51 PM
fuck me..my tacho starts a 3G.I dont think they are built to run below that.Engine balances at around 1.5-2 G.if ya bring the throttle up real slow it jumps about 500rpm when it balances.Just ride around in 2nd gear mate.