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View Full Version : New speed camera

17-02-2009, 10:00 PM
Anyone heard of this, read in the paper a week or so ago that AUS is looking at a new speed camera that is being tried in the UK at the moment. What it does is takes two photos in all. The first photo is taken at any location, and the second photo is taken at another point some where on your route, and it times you over that distance, so time plus distance equals speed. I can see how they would use these on open roads between towns. I do a fair bit of traveling, usually at knight,so my answer will be to get a flip up number plate. Their always thinking of another way to nail you.

17-02-2009, 10:06 PM
They've been around for awhile I think mate. never ween one myself tho, thkn they are running in Vic and NSW. A flip up plate will help if you know when to flip it.

17-02-2009, 10:15 PM
Traveling at knight i would keep it locked up and only put it down if cars came up behind me, but that would only be on open roads at knight.

17-02-2009, 10:24 PM
And it also could be an Urban Myth , think about it , we have been told the same thing and on the radio today it came acrross as a complete lot of codswollop . ;)

17-02-2009, 10:28 PM
Hume freeway ,about 10 kays off the western ring road, they are TOD cameras. TOD = time over distance. There is 5 or 6 of em in about a 10 kay distance........... Been there for comin on 12 months.... we victorians are sooo lucky...

18-02-2009, 06:01 AM
All the way to Broadford doc, just put the cruise controll on and sit on the limit...
Good thing i always take the back roads on the bike...

18-02-2009, 08:04 AM
Thanks Greg, you know I dont remember much. There ya go all the way to Broadford. nasty things.My poor old truck just cruises thru there, dont wanna upset the cops and get a ticket to the policemans ball..... (not until i find out if its a dance or a raffle)

18-02-2009, 01:04 PM
They're more commonly known as Point-to-Point cameras. There's rumours about them havuing been built on the M7 but not activated.

18-02-2009, 04:04 PM
Safe T Cam. Been a truckies enemy in oz for years

18-02-2009, 08:59 PM
Well, i obviously live in a cave, i`ve never heard of them in OZ, or QLD any way.

18-02-2009, 09:12 PM
mmm. Cave livin. swap ya, u come live here and i will move back to qld.

19-02-2009, 04:03 AM
I got a copy of a mail from a news group indicating that the point to point speed camera's on the M5 & M7 are going live soon(have to re-check the mail to find out when) and they will be issuing notices for any average speed over 102kph . So watch out there now as well

19-02-2009, 04:08 AM
New Legislation M5 & M7 Re Speeding Fines

M5 and the M7 are now equipped with Point to Point Speed
Devices. On entering the M7 the etag beeps and a camera takes a photo of
your car recording the exact time. On exiting the etag system beeps
again another camera at that point takes a photo of the car and the
time. Then the computer calculates the time it has taken you to
travel between the two points and calculates your speed. If you
completed the clocked journey too fast you are issued with a speeding

At the present the speed limit is 100K.P.H. with a tolerance of
102 maximum. Over that and you are issued with a fine automatically.
What a shock some drivers are going to have when they use this roadway
for a week and get a weeks' tickets BOTH WAYS. Of course your license
will also be recalled for 3 months. Now with the new legislation,
fighting a Speed Camera fine is almost impossible. You must prove the
device is faulty and if you are not a technician working on them, you
have no chance of beating the fine.

The Pacific Highway has a set and these are recognized by large
steel frames over the lanes with a speed camera and some distance up the
road is another large metal frame with a speed camera.

These new point to point systems are being put onto any
expressway and highway where vehicles are not able to exit between those

NOTE: School zone cameras are not speed tolerant. Anything over,
even 41, is a fine.

Tammy Umasaran
Corporate & Admin Support
Ministry of Transport

19-02-2009, 07:15 AM

quote:Welcome to the New South Wales Ministry of Transport

The Ministry of Transport is the lead public transport agency of the NSW Government. The Ministry is responsible for providing policy advice and managing a budget allocation of $3 billion to support rail, bus, ferry and taxi services in NSW. The Ministry also has a key regulatory role in the bus, taxi, hire car and tourist vehicle industries, along with the management of bus and ferry contracts.

In collaboration with other transport agencies, the Ministry is progressively rolling out key service initiatives to deliver a more capable, safe and reliable transport network across metropolitan, regional and rural NSW.

Cant see anything there about speed cameras.

Another hoax email methinks

19-02-2009, 07:17 AM
And its only going to get worse, wait till gps chips in vehicles can have you booked anywhere any time...
then they will be saying you can't speed on your own property (if its big enough..)

19-02-2009, 10:32 AM
I vote it as a hoax

19-02-2009, 11:37 AM
Go for a gas discoduck, and let us know for sure ? :)

19-02-2009, 02:45 PM
Yep, hoax. Never heard of a licence being "recalled" before, and it would've been all over the news.

19-02-2009, 03:38 PM
I think when they say recalled they mean ya lose it for 3 months ?
i dunno. I only read every 3rd word and if it dont make sense i make words up that fit.

Tony Nitrous
19-02-2009, 03:50 PM
There are "point to point" camera's arond Brissy,
Ipswich road to Mt Gravatt but at present they are monitoring
trucks using the road to avoid the Ipswich tool road.

What were the overhead camera's on the way from Brissy to Dubbo AFR07 ?
Didn't bother me, they faced the front of the bike,
I was told they were point to point for trucks average speed ?

19-02-2009, 06:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by Docktor

Go for a gas discoduck, and let us know for sure ? :)

I'd love to but the only bike I've got that's currently registered or working won't do more than 100 kph. Ironically enough I got done the first day they put a camera in the tunnel many years ago. I got the photo for S&G and there I was, flat out in top with one hand on the forks flattracker style (I was young and stupid OK).

Good thing it was only this old girl, a SL350 turned retro-motard or something. Top speed is now certifed as 116 kph, downhill in a tunnel


20-02-2009, 04:58 AM
if you inadvertantly enter an area of road which is covered by these time over distance camara things and lets say you were going a tad over the speed limit. Best course of action will be to pull over, fake a breakdown for a minute or two then carry on at the speed limit for that road.

Here in the uk they are called specs and fuck knows what it stands for but the camara are forward facing i.e looking at you as you go up the road,yes thats right only cars have reg plates on the front.

Now what was that about one or two of the ozzy states thinking about front reg plates for bikes again fucking nobbers aint they. wouldnt happen to be the states that have the new camaras already would it.


20-02-2009, 06:09 AM
Hey Stuart, aint seen u round for a bit ? maybe i not looking hard enuf ? ?. You are a big fan of our illustrious police <s>farce</s> force. It just gets better everyday over here. :). I think the ones aimed at trucks here are "anti fatigue" cameras. whatever that means, maybe it takes a pic of how many packs of no doze are on the dashboard and then the next camera counts em again ?. Its all in the name of <s>saving lives</s> screwin the average bloke for as many dollars as they can for total lack of regard for <s>posted speed limits</s> the slightest indescretion...

hey Disco, that things got a 2 into 1 with a yoshi hangin off it. tufasfuk

Did ya notice i just worked out how to use strikethru ?

20-02-2009, 06:14 AM
remember this ?? As far as I recall. they took the car to calder and had a professional race car driver drive it and the best he got it to was 117 klm/hr. but the filth reckon the 158k fine stood. ... I tell ya its getting to the point where its just not safe to speed anymore. :)

MICK BUNWORTH: Vanessa Bridges was one of the first to challenge the accuracy of fixed speed cameras on Melbourne's Western Ring Road six months ago.

Vanessa's car was clocked at 158km/h by a fixed camera - a speed she knew was well beyond the 4-cylinder Datsun 120Y which has been putting along for close to 30 years.

After unsuccessfully querying the fine, Vanessa faced a mandatory loss of licence, but rather than trusting the technology she sought another opinion.

VANESSA BRIDGES: We got the car tested not only for the maximum speed it could go, which we found out it could only be 117km/h, but we also did a test on the actual speedometer and we found that when the needle was on 100 the car was actually only doing 90.

This is the fine that I received.

The police still dug their heels in and they said, "Oh, no, no no, the fine still stays.

We're not dropping the fine at all," and I even ended up receiving a letter in the mail saying that, "Oh, yes, the letter of rejection has been accepted and your court date will be advised shortly."

So, it was very stressful and I was basically treated like a criminal, and it was horrible - absolutely horrible

20-02-2009, 07:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by Docktor

hey Disco, that things got a 2 into 1 with a yoshi hangin off it. tufasfuk

Did ya notice i just worked out how to use strikethru ?

Yeah, your use of strikethough is <s>really fucking lame</s> coming along great:D (easy for me to say, I've never used it before either)

that's the first time that bike's been called tough. It was heavy, slow and handled like shit but had a certain cool factor to it. Did I mention it's still the original 70's gold metal flake paint?

Tony Nitrous
20-02-2009, 08:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by DiscoDan

quote:Originally posted by Docktor
hey Disco, that things got a 2 into 1 with a yoshi hangin off it. tufasfuk
Did ya notice i just worked out how to use strikethru ?

Yeah, your use of strikethough is <s>really fucking lame</s> coming along great:D (easy for me to say, I've never used it before either)
that's the first time that bike's been called tough. It was heavy, slow and handled like shit but had a certain cool factor to it. Did I mention it's still the original 70's gold metal flake paint?

Im starting to get back into the <s>piles of shit</s> older classic bikes too.
Just need a white open face with a peak and some flares for the full
"stone" look. Retro cool...[8D]

20-02-2009, 01:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by MTBEERWAH

Traveling at knight i would keep it locked up and only put it down if cars came up behind me, but that would only be on open roads at knight.



Knight at night..

20-02-2009, 02:21 PM

20-02-2009, 07:22 PM
Pardon my fuckup, did i spell fuck right? good to see we have wordsmiths amongst us.
quote:Originally posted by Azrael

quote:Originally posted by MTBEERWAH

Traveling at knight i would keep it locked up and only put it down if cars came up behind me, but that would only be on open roads at knight.



Knight at night..

22-02-2009, 07:12 AM
Is there any other crime in Australia obviously not. Fuck slow down ya carns let me thru!!!

22-02-2009, 07:15 AM
That yoshi muffler is worth more than the 350 boat anchor easy !!!

28-02-2009, 06:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by Docktor

Hume freeway ,about 10 kays off the western ring road, they are TOD cameras. TOD = time over distance. There is 5 or 6 of em in about a 10 kay distance........... Been there for comin on 12 months.... we victorians are sooo lucky...

TOD camera! [}:)] Sounds sinister - Tod means death in German:) Gas camera! [xx(]

02-03-2009, 09:22 AM
ask and we shall receive. Confirmation they will start using them on truckies but not civilians
