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View Full Version : friendly hello's. i wanna buy a buell subframe

27-01-2009, 02:40 PM
er. g'day damo. i was lookin over the archives and found one of my first posts in which i rather abruptly told everybody i was looking for a 2000 buell lightning sub frame. well it's been rather a while since i posted or have even ridden because i've been working in the mines with no internet or bike. so hopefully having gotten the formallties done with by wishing everybody who reads this a very merry today with smiles and lolly pops i'd like to ask for a little direction.

i'm after a sub frame off of a 2000 buell lighning with all the bits to fit to a '93 fireblade build. there was a dude that posted on a forum quite some time ago who converted his older tube frame buell to take the subframe and i wondered where he aquired it?

is there a secret buell parts black market where i have to do a special handshake or something?

has any one got one down the back of grandad's shed?

or do i have to hand over all me hard earned and order from a buell dealer, who will say something dumb like "eerrr you can't fit a buell on a honda", heh heh?

ant help would be great, thanks so much for all your attention today.


27-01-2009, 02:47 PM
Oh so by the way if i can fit one of these buell subframes i might have a 93 900 firblade subframe with farings to pass on.

27-01-2009, 02:52 PM
Dunno if I like the sarcasm in ur voice there dan! [xx(]

Jst kiddin!;)
Have u tried scouring flee-bay or findapart.com for ur buell subby? Be better that buyin one brand new from a hardley dealer! They'l sting u HARD! Plus u'd have to go into a HD dealer! EEEEWWWW! I dont think they make water hot enuf to get clean after goin in there![xx(]

28-01-2009, 10:05 AM
yeah i'm givin it a go on the phone, egay, find-a-part. i'm not suicidally desperate or anythin. i'll just keep askin here and there till somethin pops up. i actually got a "maybe my mate has a bent one i think he might sell" yesterday from a harley chopper shop owned by one of those colored leather vest, skull tattoo, tough man style crews.

so do i sell my soul to them? running biker speed for life to get the subframe i want? hmmmmm...