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23-01-2009, 08:07 PM
These cunts still cant get on together, and innocent people get caught up in shit that happens thousands of miles away. Anyone that starts sectarian violence on foreign soil should be deported back to their country of origen. thats my 2 cents anyway.


23-01-2009, 08:17 PM
what a pack of turds

23-01-2009, 08:20 PM
Mate I fuckin hate shit like that, your kis, my kids, someone you kno's kids could get caught up in shit like that, and have no clue why they just got their heads smashed in. your right mate "Pack of turds"

23-01-2009, 08:22 PM
I agree 100%, they come here to get away from the fighting and fuckin start it all up again here. Get fucked! I mean FFS! the bloody players can get along fine, what's the crowds fuckin problem?

23-01-2009, 08:23 PM
its all attention grabbing and little fag boy dick waving.

No one else even remotely cares

23-01-2009, 10:21 PM

24-01-2009, 03:31 AM
MY mate just got back from the lebo motherland, He said over there everyone gets along fine, its these fucking idiots being fed old school racial bullshit by their fuckwit immigrant parents that are continuing the trend over something that was put aside a long time ago o.s.

Fucking lebo/wog/ watever the fuck you are cunts, needa time out in woomera or something. or get le-fauk, out of this country.
oh i havnt clicked on the link yet, someone just said the word wogs..... :)

24-01-2009, 07:26 AM
quote:racial bullshit by their fuckwit immigrant parents that are continuing the trend over something that was put aside a long time ago o.s.
It,s been happening for years, Typically wife and kids adapt OK to the new country but the old man can't and sits at home or drinks with only his countrymen and festers resentment which he passes on to his kids,
I cant remember the last time I gave a pommy a flogging because of some perceived grievance perpetrated on my Scottish ancestors.

Fuck though read some of the comments attached to that article how do our kids get so much white guilt pumped into them ( these people are only violent cause they live in such a violent society)

24-01-2009, 08:23 AM

24-01-2009, 09:32 AM
Yeah, that is poor form - but there are Aussies bashing Aussies every day for all sorts of reasons - and they are often pretty shit ones. Any bunch of wankers starting fights or bashing people are just that, and we've got plenty of them - the Poms aren't short on em either.

At least we usually just disrupt sporting events by getting nude and runnin onto the pitch.

24-01-2009, 09:59 AM
I'm not a Serb or Croation but I am a wog (greek). I was born here and love the place! But I hate the fact that any time something like this happens people sit there and say "ah, fucking wogs! They should be sent home". This is their/my home and I would take offence to anyone telling me to go back "home". These people are a MINORITY that cause this shit and make a bad name for the wogs, daygo's or whatever other racist bullshit names people brand us. But it only makes a bad name for wogs because of the small minded people that don't understand that they are just a minority group.

There are fuckwits in every race so it's not right to brand every person in that race/group a fuckwit!!

Just to clear things up as well, I don't support any actions of these guys.

24-01-2009, 11:16 AM
Saw an interview on TV once and it showed a bunch of Lebos or whatever shooting their guns and ranting about killing the infadel, you know yarn. Then they interviewed a bunch of Aussie imports that had the same origin and they just laughed at the media doing the interview, one of them said something that made a lot of sence, he said comparing all lebos (or whatever they were) to the guys shooting into the air is like saying that all American christians are like the KKK. It makes sence, they are minorities that get the attention of the media, minorities that get the majority branded, we need a "Minority Land" to send these fuckers back to not their old country.

24-01-2009, 11:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by slip

Yeah, that is poor form - but there are Aussies bashing Aussies every day for all sorts of reasons - and they are often pretty shit ones. Any bunch of wankers starting fights or bashing people are just that, and we've got plenty of them

It just reeks of a complete lack of intelligence.

24-01-2009, 01:10 PM
Pappas. Im a wog too. DILLIGAF

24-01-2009, 07:35 PM
I have alot of wog friends, but not the EXTREME wog type lol. ( I mean "hectic")
One of our mates mates, had a tattoo that said "I am my own dream" in mirror writing across his chest.....

Pappas - I don't think anyone here would have instantly assumed cause you are a wog - that you would by default subscribe to the thug type morals of those types of shit heads.
I don't think people have to justify themselves cause of someone else, like a stereotype thing.
Its like someone seeing a turkish chick in a kebab shop wearing a - turkish chick head wrap thing.... and going Mehrhhhr sand niggers, terrorist. etc.

I agree about this Aussie V Aussie thing - just last night my younger brother got snotted one cause of some drunken fuckwit who had a problem with ME, and I wasn't even in town LOL - Just young dickheads with nothing better to do than the tough guy version of pissing on a lamp post, claim their virtual territory by being a cunt out in public and trying to create a name for themselves.

I think being 2009 its about time this racist shit was dropped. racism is a crime.. and crime is for black people..

24-01-2009, 10:16 PM
Like I said, "Anyone" that starts "sectarian violence" on foreign soil should be deported back to their country of origen.

Nothing to do with wogs, wops, coons, or what ever other label you want to give them. Sectarian violence can be between white people to. Its the fact they bring a fight from their home land to another part of the world, then involve innocent people in their shit that fucks me off.

25-01-2009, 12:43 AM
quote:Originally posted by CBRRRT

Like I said, "Anyone" that starts "sectarian violence" on foreign soil should be deported back to their country of origen.

Nothing to do with wogs, wops, coons, or what ever other label you want to give them. Sectarian violence can be between white people to. Its the fact they bring a fight from their home land to another part of the world, then involve innocent people in their shit that fucks me off.


25-01-2009, 12:00 PM
I completely support a multicultural Australia.

Especially asian chicks [:p]

25-01-2009, 12:54 PM
Phil has the yellow fever

25-01-2009, 04:57 PM
I like some gong beater females to, but if anyone shits in our nest (australia),i say,kick em out!as for a fuckhead aussie that causes trouble,public floggen.
quote:Originally posted by Rocket

I completely support a multicultural Australia.

Especially asian chicks [:p]

25-01-2009, 05:00 PM
asians chicks go off

so I keep em in the freezer

27-01-2009, 04:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by 336LJ

asians chicks go off

so I keep em in the freezer

Nice, what topings you use on them lol

27-01-2009, 05:42 PM
whipped cream always goes down well, ohh and really cold gelato(spl)

27-01-2009, 06:06 PM
how can u not love this site ? from race issues to asian sex to necrophilliac icecreams in 3 posts
agree with slip ,fuckwits are pretty evenly spread across the planet it seems , theres no point in movin them , ur better off makin sure ur kids arent that stupid