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View Full Version : How to do a wheelie

21-01-2009, 07:54 PM

This is how I clutch it up.

It’s a 3, 2, 1, method and it all starts on the sofa so you don’t even need a bike at this stage.

You need to practise 3, 2, 1,

3 pull in the clutch, 2 shut the throttle, 1 push down on the rear break to compress the front end. (3 actions)

2 open the throttle, 1 lift your right foot. (Try to imagine your right hand rolling back and your right foot lifting at the front, like a puppet on a string) (2 actions)

1 flick out the clutch. (Don’t release it, just flick it. this is easier to do if you pull it in with just one finger) (1 action)
So sit on your sofa and practice the 3, 2, 1,………….3, 2, 1,………….3, 2, 1,……….

Now all the above needs to be nice and fluid and take place within 3, 2, 1 seconds. Try it 3, 2, 1,

OK mastered that, time to move on.

Get on your bike and sit in neutral and roll the throttle from off to 5,000 rpm and try to remember roughly what position your hand is at. Now its not super critical that you hit 5grand every time but as close to it as you can. Sit on your bike for a while just rolling the throttle on and off 5,000 up and off 5,000 up and off. You are just trying to lock in where your right hand is in your head.

Now with your left hand pull in the clutch, 1 finger is good 2 is fine but no more, Why? Always keep 2 fingers locked on to the grip to keep control when the front starts to lift.

Now try to refer this back to the 3 of the 3, 2, 1, and put your bike in 1st gear, set off and get up to about 15 mph and roll along at this speed.


Take lots of deep breaths and calm yourself down, that front has to come up a long way before you flip it and it aint gonna happen, so calm down, and breath.

There is going to be lots of noise, a bit to think about, and the front end is gonna come up. Lots happening at the same time but when you have done it a few times you wont be quite so worried about the whole thing. Breath and try to stay calm.

When you use this method the revs will fade if you don’t roll the throttle on the faster you go so the bike will come down slowly on its own, if you don’t gently give it more right hand, so don’t panic and shut the throttle right off and slam the front down. Not good.

3 (pull in the clutch, roll off the throttle and push down on the rear break all at the same time) 3 operations

2 (roll back the throttle and lift your foot off the rear break. When you do this your right hand should go to the 5,000 rpm mark you have in your head) 2 operations

1 (flick out the clutch.) 1 operation

3, 2, 1…………….3, 2, 1………………..3, 2, 1………………..3, 2, 1.

The front end should come up

At this stage let it fade, and get used to the feeling of it coming up. Practice this for a week or so until you are comfortable with the whole thing. Don’t run before you can walk and take it slowly slowly slowly.

When you are confident with this and it feel second nature its time to just tweak the throttle to keep up the front end. Ideally your bars should be on the sight line between your eyes and the horizon (Eyes………Bars………….Horizon)

Remember this aint gonna happen over night and you need to practice practice practice.

If you are happy at this stage and you have the front coming up nicely in the air and you have your head sorted, try going back to the start and when you do your 3, 2, 1, as the front end comes up flick it into second gear, but don’t touch the clutch. A quick lift (Flick) of your left foot and your in. Tweak the throttle to keep it there and you are away.

So there you have it there is no reason why you cant get stuck in right away and practice the 3, 2, 1, on your sofa, so come on……………3, 2, 1.

21-01-2009, 09:28 PM
Wow that's a whole lot to remember! I'm no expert but my old K2 Gixxa would power wheelie in 1st and 2nd just with a twist of the wrist at the right revs (about 7000rpm). My ZX9 was a bit harder to wheelie but I used the same principal. At around 7000-8000rpm pull the clutch in to build the revs and release prob only for about a second or less, then throttle to control height.

That's just how I do em, hope you don't mind me adding to your thread mate.

21-01-2009, 09:39 PM
Not a lot really mate and you can do low speed wheelies. After a while its second nature, like I said it takes just 3 seconds mate.

Here is where I learned, its safe, controlled, and looks the biz when you master it. Watch for the dip when the rear break is compressed.


Check out other stuff on youtube from Jimmy Fireblade.

21-01-2009, 10:12 PM
Fucking 1 2 3 my arse!

I just snapped the back off the fucking sofa![V]

21-01-2009, 10:20 PM
quote:Fucking 1 2 3 my arse!

I just snapped the back off the fucking sofa!
Can't handle the power ay Big Fella :D
Time to get yourself a 2fiddy me ol mate ;)

21-01-2009, 10:31 PM
quote:Originally posted by Large

Fucking 1 2 3 my arse!

I just snapped the back off the fucking sofa![V]

LOL did you manage to get the front of the sofa off the ground mate ha ha. You might be better off on a bean bag big man.

21-01-2009, 11:02 PM
quote:Originally posted by CBRRRT


This is how I clutch it up.

It’s a 3, 2, 1, method and it all starts on the sofa so you don’t even need a bike at this stage.

You need to practise 3, 2, 1,

3 pull in the clutch, 2 shut the throttle, 1 push down on the rear break to compress the front end. (3 actions)

2 open the throttle, 1 lift your right foot. (Try to imagine your right hand rolling back and your right foot lifting at the front, like a puppet on a string) (2 actions)

1 flick out the clutch. (Don’t release it, just flick it. this is easier to do if you pull it in with just one finger) (1 action)
So sit on your sofa and practice the 3, 2, 1,………….3, 2, 1,………….3, 2, 1,……….

Now all the above needs to be nice and fluid and take place within 3, 2, 1 seconds. Try it 3, 2, 1,

OK mastered that, time to move on.

Get on your bike and sit in neutral and roll the throttle from off to 5,000 rpm and try to remember roughly what position your hand is at. Now its not super critical that you hit 5grand every time but as close to it as you can. Sit on your bike for a while just rolling the throttle on and off 5,000 up and off 5,000 up and off. You are just trying to lock in where your right hand is in your head.

Now with your left hand pull in the clutch, 1 finger is good 2 is fine but no more, Why? Always keep 2 fingers locked on to the grip to keep control when the front starts to lift.

Now try to refer this back to the 3 of the 3, 2, 1, and put your bike in 1st gear, set off and get up to about 15 mph and roll along at this speed.


Take lots of deep breaths and calm yourself down, that front has to come up a long way before you flip it and it aint gonna happen, so calm down, and breath.

There is going to be lots of noise, a bit to think about, and the front end is gonna come up. Lots happening at the same time but when you have done it a few times you wont be quite so worried about the whole thing. Breath and try to stay calm.

When you use this method the revs will fade if you don’t roll the throttle on the faster you go so the bike will come down slowly on its own, if you don’t gently give it more right hand, so don’t panic and shut the throttle right off and slam the front down. Not good.

3 (pull in the clutch, roll off the throttle and push down on the rear break all at the same time) 3 operations

2 (roll back the throttle and lift your foot off the rear break. When you do this your right hand should go to the 5,000 rpm mark you have in your head) 2 operations

1 (flick out the clutch.) 1 operation

3, 2, 1…………….3, 2, 1………………..3, 2, 1………………..3, 2, 1.

The front end should come up

At this stage let it fade, and get used to the feeling of it coming up. Practice this for a week or so until you are comfortable with the whole thing. Don’t run before you can walk and take it slowly slowly slowly.

When you are confident with this and it feel second nature its time to just tweak the throttle to keep up the front end. Ideally your bars should be on the sight line between your eyes and the horizon (Eyes………Bars………….Horizon)

Remember this aint gonna happen over night and you need to practice practice practice.

If you are happy at this stage and you have the front coming up nicely in the air and you have your head sorted, try going back to the start and when you do your 3, 2, 1, as the front end comes up flick it into second gear, but don’t touch the clutch. A quick lift (Flick) of your left foot and your in. Tweak the throttle to keep it there and you are away.

So there you have it there is no reason why you cant get stuck in right away and practice the 3, 2, 1, on your sofa, so come on……………3, 2, 1.

On second thoughts you could just go out and give it a FUGGIN BIG FIST FULL, that might work too ha ha

21-01-2009, 11:18 PM
The easiest way ive found to wheelie is....
1. Buy a Hayabusa
2. Add a turbo
3. Add a boost controller
Power wheelies at 270kph+ easy. Scares the shit out of me but i still keep doing it :D

22-01-2009, 02:08 AM
All i usually do is hold 1st til bout 50-60ish k's, snap throttle open to pop up, use throttle to regulate height, once balance point is achieved, change gear(no clutch), then do it again nd again nd again as i run outa revs per gear.
Best I've done was bout 2k's long. brought it down in 5th doin 242km/h :D

22-01-2009, 04:19 AM
Everyone likes to give it the big-un and say “Yeah I can wheelie” [8D] and some don’t like to ask how to do it, for fear of looking silly [:o)]. I reckon if you don’t know how to wheelie, but are gagging to have a go, then this is possibly the safest way to get started, as we all have to start somewhere. [:I]

The thread was really intended to help people that wanted to learn how to wheelie in a controlled manner, at low speed to gain the confidence to give it the big-un. My blade will pop up off the throttle but its quite aggressive and travelling and accelerating quite fast. [}:)]

The technique described above is a little more sedate and ideal for a beginner. Take a look at the Jimmy Fireblade thread on youtube, it’s a wheelie school in the UK, and it’s the method he uses for beginners. [^]

If you already can do a wheelie at 90mph then this aint for you, but if you want to get started give it a go.

Just make sure you have a mate with you as sometimes things do go wrong, and you may need someone to help you out. [B)]

24-01-2009, 09:08 PM
quote:Originally posted by miniman1

All i usually do is hold 1st til bout 50-60ish k's, snap throttle open to pop up, use throttle to regulate height, once balance point is achieved, change gear(no clutch), then do it again nd again nd again as i run outa revs per gear.
Best I've done was bout 2k's long. brought it down in 5th doin 242km/h :D

If you're picking up speed, you aren't at balance point.
Balance point will mean you can hold a constant speed.

The above is all good, except if you are riding a cbr250 5000 revs will mean fuck all! You want to let the clutch out just where the bike starts to make good power.

Anyone just powering up, try using the clutch- its a hell of a lot more controled and you can regulate how fast the wheel comes up

24-01-2009, 09:58 PM
Quote: Anyone just powering up, try using the clutch- its a hell of a lot more controled and you can regulate how fast the wheel comes up

I make you right Yoda, thats why I detailed the method above for anyone just starting out.

28-01-2009, 04:47 PM
Dude - I don't mind saying I can't wheelie for shit but I have been through your steps and sure as shite, its coming along. Hardly a fucking pro but at least there's daylight between the tarmac and the wheel
Nice one - start that school i was looking for

28-01-2009, 06:48 PM
Mate, it wont happen over night so dont force it, just get used to the feel of the front end lifting and get your head round that. Take lots of lovely deep breaths and calm yourself right down, because you are doing something your brain is not comfortable with. [:0]

Pro's practice practice practice, you will get there mate and there is no need to trash your pride and joy along the way. [B)]

[8D] You are already on the road to coolsville mate, and I'm well proud of you ;)

If you are not yet a full member matey send off your donation to Si, because I will be posting a comp in full members competitions quite soon with stuff that will help you to become a propper HOOLIGAN. [}:)]

Keep up the good work mate and it wont be long before you are a mad tyre destroying bastard. [^]


Jon. :D

28-01-2009, 09:53 PM
FAAARRRRRRRRK......i just car'nt do it the noise is...well it just IS !!![:0]

28-01-2009, 09:59 PM
If you dont always want to be a pizza delivery boy then you have got to get your mind right and try a bit harder

28-01-2009, 10:13 PM
well jon iv fucked all my pizza's to day letting the bloody clutch
go at 5 big one's on my 1216 so first thing in the mornin its the
GSXR thou at least i'll be leaning over the pizza to hold it down..........and it will prob'ly stop the bastards going down my jacket [8D]:)[8D]

28-01-2009, 10:17 PM
hang on gov...do you still want me at 5 grand on the gixa....could be scary,is this in the uk licence test:(

28-01-2009, 10:37 PM
hey jon..just to annoy the shit out of you...have you ever laid
eye's on a BFO build over there ? fugg'in hot frame work mate!
been keeping an eye out for a busa done by them iv only seen
an artists impression of the bike [:p]

29-01-2009, 12:30 AM
I cant say I have matey, but I'll keep a look out now you have said it, you WEEKEND WARRIOR you

29-01-2009, 10:19 AM
Already membered up so look forward to seeing it..


29-01-2009, 06:28 PM
weekend warrior,hmmmmm thats harsh mate:( haha
4 bikes,minimum 500kilometers a week sometimes up to 1500k
best wheelie, roll on in first grab 2nd 3rd and touch down in 4th
220kph round 700meters on my gsxr k3....your hurting my feelings jon ararar :)

29-01-2009, 06:52 PM
LMAO, ok ok you win, you mad arse tyre destroying fuel injected wheelie pulling stoppie stunting stage 2 dyno jetted air shifting big bore kitted ported and polished race ready Psyco oxide turbo nutter bastard. Happy now? ha ha.

29-01-2009, 06:54 PM
wow put that on a shirt!

29-01-2009, 09:40 PM
fuc'in hell mate ! if my ass is ever draged into a court room will you PLEASE come and defend me...you are the champion of the verbal
amazement..you are a cunny funt :D

29-01-2009, 09:57 PM
You sure you would want me defending you mate, lol. Say good bye to your Mrs and kids before you go mate, might be a while before you see them againe.

One way or the other we'll sort the cunts out buddy. Oh and bring something blunt, it could get nasty.

29-01-2009, 10:08 PM
i will have to file down some 303 rounds...blunt and straight to the point although it can be messy wen they tumble instead of spinning

29-01-2009, 10:15 PM
Easy mate [:0], you'll get us both in to trouble :(, mad fucker [}:)]!!! I aint cummin :(

29-01-2009, 11:19 PM

only kiddin mate....i'll just make my get away on this :)
hope it shows up as a pic not bloody numbers

29-01-2009, 11:22 PM
WHY :(

30-01-2009, 12:35 AM
Why aint I cumming or why dint the pic show up on the post.

I aint cummin if you are using a 303, in the UK we use shot guns and Jag's

did you go to reply to topic, add a photo, upload..........blah blah blah

30-01-2009, 07:50 AM
quote:Originally posted by Harry

hey jon..just to annoy the shit out of you...have you ever laid
eye's on a BFO build over there ? fugg'in hot frame work mate!
been keeping an eye out for a busa done by them iv only seen
an artists impression of the bike [:p]

Is this what you were talking about Harry?

http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/mcn/2007/September/sept10-16/sep1207switchbladekitconvertsoldfirebladestomodern streetfighters/?&R=EPI-94563

30-01-2009, 04:27 PM
hey jon hows da UK today mate...chilly!
yeah thats the people but there doing a busa as well mate,
they tend to pick on a different flavor of motor every time
and wrap there style around it,they do a run of 100 units and
change every thing for the next one,nice work..if its one thing
about your countrymen mate is there frame work..spondon harris
and not to forget rickman !beautiful stuff.
i get the uk fighter mag every month and it never fails to blow me out with the quality of stuff available there.
the pic i tried to send was my 1216 slingshot..you asked for more pic's of it ages ago headlined MY OLD GRUNT FACTORY.
the PC is playing up and wont send pic's...shit'in me big time:(

30-01-2009, 04:29 PM

30-01-2009, 07:23 PM
Do they have bikes in UK Streetfighters mate? I normally go straight to the tits page and nip to the bog and crack one off the wrist. The bird dun up like cat woman in the last issue did it for me

Cool link fella but there must be someone in Aus that does killer frames too mate. I'll have a little surf today and see what I can find.

Oh and by the way, its fuckin cold. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut you knew that didnt you. Not nice to glote mate just coz you live in paradise.

31-01-2009, 08:38 PM
43, 44 and 45 last few days here in Melbourne, dropped down to a chilly 36 today. Hottest ever run of weather in over 150 years.

01-02-2009, 01:34 AM
I hope you burn you rotter bastards......... We have snow and then more snow forecast for next week Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I'm stayin in.

01-02-2009, 11:24 AM
stuff stayin in jon..wack on ya best goin out t shirt and ya leather jacket mate we'll go for a spin up though the rainforest....good taveren up there for a cordial and drop down into the valley for a blast.........NO SNOW. [8D] [8D]

01-02-2009, 01:50 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jazdiver

43, 44 and 45 last few days here in Melbourne, dropped down to a chilly 36 today. Hottest ever run of weather in over 150 years.
bullshit it gets like that every summer here in country vic ;)

01-02-2009, 06:49 PM
Thanks Harry thanks Rod I feel Sooooooooooooooo much better for that, I went fishing all day yesterday, and put it this way, if I was a brass monkey I would need a welder today. Fuck it was cold and to be honest I was glad when I'd had enough. Crack open a cold one for me lads. Snow tomorrow! Whats snow? well its stuff that falls from the sky that is white and cold and is great for rolling into balls and chucking at old ladies. One warning though, never never never eat the yellow stuff, it tases bitter.

01-02-2009, 10:13 PM
iv never seen snow,apart from out the window of a plane...
iv always been stuck in the tropic's...:)
although iv had 3 cyclones on offshore rigs...there BIG fun [}:)]
haha not!

02-02-2009, 01:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by CBRRRT

.... mad arse tyre destroying fuel injected wheelie pulling stoppie stunting stage 2 dyno jetted air shifting big bore kitted ported and polished race ready Psyco oxide turbo nutter bastard. ....

quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

wow put that on a shirt!

x2 Weasel. Maybe the next t-shirt slogan comp winner there.

02-02-2009, 08:42 PM
think it would fit ? :)

02-02-2009, 08:47 PM
If it does Ill have one.

02-02-2009, 09:20 PM
LMFAO Talk to the Moderators mates, I'm sure if enough people want it they will come up with something, and I dont have a problem ASF using it.

03-02-2009, 03:32 PM
ay jon,i think you have just enough time to save up all your pounds and be down here for the ASFR........leave your wollies at home ;)

03-02-2009, 06:40 PM
LOL, I think my Mrs would chuck the hissy fit of all time if I fucked off to Oz on the jolly without even having a job mate. Oh and they are not mine, I havent seen them for 10 years mate, they heard about my build and logged on of their own accord mate. Perhaps next years ASFR mate, I would love to come, but thanks for the invite mate, means alot!

04-02-2009, 03:47 PM
oh well ya get that ay.......saw a pic of London today mate,
and the nicest way i can say it is FUCK THAT !
oh by the way 34 degree's blue sky..just rode my cb13s back
from work....in shorts :) chic'a boom chic'a boom dont ca
just love it ! [8D][8D];).
dont know bout the fighter rally there but our's goes off,you'd love it mate [:p]

04-02-2009, 06:43 PM
Thanks for that Harry [8D] I feel so much better now buddy:D


04-02-2009, 08:30 PM
THATS OK :D.........just tryin to motorvate you a bit.
8.25pm shorts t shirt large beer,be cooooool mate..no pun
intended !

04-02-2009, 10:58 PM
LOL, you fucker, cooooooool mate, I'm freezing my tits off here. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

07-02-2009, 11:36 AM
How 40 plus degree's here in canberra atm for motorvation? i'll be happy to trade you that for the cold, thats why i stay here. love runing the cars and bikes here in the winter time, so much better for them with all that -5 degree air :D:D

porky gsxr
15-02-2009, 11:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by Harry

ay jon,i think you have just enough time to save up all your pounds and be down here for the ASFR........leave your wollies at home ;)
come right-side up, hazza! and wheelie in the rain wiv the wollies.... much more lively;);)

16-02-2009, 08:10 AM
lol, UK wollies wheelie well when it wet weather, wet or dry Aussies just watch and cry......... Bah-hahahahahaha Haaaary

17-02-2009, 07:40 PM
ay'up jon :) you big CB RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR T you hahaha ow's it goin mate ? got that hoon'da goin yet or wat,well i guess it doesent matter yet cause ya can't ride in BRID'ISH weather much...that must suck harder than linda lovelace !havent been on much mate due to riding on warm days and hot nights under the stars wad a bastarded ay :D:D:D
gunna email some pic's to ya cause i cant get my PC to put pic's up on this site........why ? pucks me mate i can send em anywhere else !!

17-02-2009, 08:35 PM
Ay hazza

17-02-2009, 08:39 PM

17-02-2009, 09:32 PM
well shit........i'll come wheelie wit you BRID'ISH folk in the rain.but you gotta come driftin with me in the dry....
a slap with a glove it is guv ! ahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

17-02-2009, 10:39 PM

17-02-2009, 10:59 PM
Do you think you can keep up Harry, coz you can come and have a go if you think you're hard enough mate hahahahahaha

17-02-2009, 11:06 PM

17-02-2009, 11:09 PM
well it looks like my bike is a red X !!
Hang on jon just got to fuel up..be there in 6mths :)

18-02-2009, 12:57 AM
Bring your drinkin head with ya matey lol

porky gsxr
18-02-2009, 01:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by Harry

well shit........i'll come wheelie wit you BRID'ISH folk in the rain.but you gotta come driftin with me in the dry....
a slap with a glove it is guv ! ahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
come to sunny down under to get slapped wiv a glove....then go drifting! sounds great fun or slightly kinky[:I]either way i'd love to. wot is it u drift anyway mate? cars ,quads, super motads... im intreged!!![?]

18-02-2009, 07:17 PM
people only drift cars cause they can't do it on bike's o porky one hahaha....i use to use a 1200 bandit befor it broke and now live's in the shed with the spider's!...but alais it will live again mate iv been to busy with my 1216 slingshot to attack it. the Queens hwy ay...she must be a rich old tart! id love my own hwy,no pigs (your allowed though),and no speed limit !!!!!! :)
quote:Originally posted by porky gsxr

quote:Originally posted by Harry

well shit........i'll come wheelie wit you BRID'ISH folk in the rain.but you gotta come driftin with me in the dry....
a slap with a glove it is guv ! ahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
come to sunny down under to get slapped wiv a glove....then go drifting! sounds great fun or slightly kinky[:I]either way i'd love to. wot is it u drift anyway mate? cars ,quads, super motads... im intreged!!![?]

18-02-2009, 07:19 PM
who the hell is lorry and how come every one is driving him.. [:0]

porky gsxr
19-02-2009, 12:22 AM
if you drift ur bike otta the corners, i bow down o big testiculed brave one! done it on a track day once but i think it was classed as a near highside tho!!! very big skid marks.....in my pants that iz!!!

19-02-2009, 12:59 AM
Ha ha, I did that on my track day. My instructor asked me if I intended to do that, I had to fess up and tell him I went in to the corner hot and shit myself all the way round. He laughed and said "Well it looked the bollocks anyway"

19-02-2009, 07:26 AM
quote:Originally posted by porky gsxr

quote:Originally posted by Harry

ay jon,i think you have just enough time to save up all your pounds and be down here for the ASFR........leave your wollies at home ;)
come right-side up, hazza! and wheelie in the rain wiv the wollies.... much more lively;);)
come play at 110mph on the back wheel and we will come and try sume drifting there

27-02-2009, 11:10 PM
no one wheelies like the ghost rider and his turbo busa

28-02-2009, 02:28 PM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

no one wheelies like the ghost rider and his turbo busa

wow you are really keen for that post whore award aren't ya

31-01-2011, 02:12 PM
Nice thread man thanks for that! Been practising and theyr coming along nicely, just a bit inconstistant. Im trading in my cb400 and paying off a street triple r next monday :) so i think my wheelie career has only just begun =) again thanks for the tips!

Bubble Boy
31-01-2011, 02:35 PM
if you try the 3-2-1 thing with a vmax you find out the following:

5000 rpm is waaaay too closae to the vboost opening at 6000rpm
shafties hook the front wheel when you dump the clutch vmaxs may be heavy but they wheelie very easily you need enormous bollox to wheelie a vmax and keep it there my sofa doesn't handle anything like a vmax on the gas

and yes before you point out the bleedin obvious, I know my sofa handles better than vmax on the berries

31-01-2011, 05:17 PM
how not to do a wheelie: infront of the cops. "fail to maintain controll"


31-01-2011, 09:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by slickncghia

how not to do a wheelie: infront of the cops. "fail to maintain controll"


Fail to maintain control my fucking arse!!!!
They've obviously never done a fucking wheelie

14-02-2011, 03:40 PM
ouch bad luck dude lol
I got my triple r now. hope i can hold on to my license.. [8)]

14-02-2011, 08:15 PM
Rode a street triple and a street triple r yesterday, and they are awesome to mono and stoppie!! Great fun to ride!

15-02-2011, 06:46 AM
with my gsxr1100w just open the throttle and hold the fark on 1st,2nd3rd gear the front just pops up,and stays up

17-02-2011, 01:49 PM
Cheers for the tips, they are working quite nicely. As you say: Slowly and deep breaths :)

17-02-2011, 04:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by Robsey

Rode a street triple and a street triple r yesterday, and they are awesome to mono and stoppie!! Great fun to ride!

Right!!! :D So happy I got one :) you ridden a speed triple? so different imo :)

21-02-2011, 10:17 PM
pulled a genuine quarter miler tonight. my best ever, stoked and a mad adrenaline rush

14-04-2011, 10:17 AM
Yo guys, question.
When I do wheelies sometimes I keep em nice and straight and other times a go abit to the left or to the ride and I have to put it down..

Whats the best technique on steering a wheelie? Ive tried kinda hanging of one side or the other but doesn't really seem to do anything.


14-04-2011, 10:24 AM
The best advice I hear so as not to steer to a side, is to simple clamp your legs tigtly against the tank. That way you keep the bike straight

14-04-2011, 03:34 PM
yeh, I do but sometimes the road is curved and I wanna stay on 1 wheel but I cant steer it properly..

19-04-2011, 01:16 AM
get off the seat and transfer ur weight on the foot pegs to turn it

19-04-2011, 09:37 AM
will do, thanks mate :D

16-06-2011, 04:28 PM
Never done a wheelie standng up on the pegs. Always sitting down. Got used to it that way

16-06-2011, 04:59 PM
So how do you steer it around corners then>?

16-06-2011, 07:14 PM
Lean the opposite way to which you normally would lean right to go left and vice versa

16-06-2011, 07:16 PM
And if you are pulling to left or right when you just pull it up it's because you don't have it high enough

27-11-2011, 07:01 AM
find a nice straight bit of road get it to around 6000 rpm in 2nd gear and flick the clutch
