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View Full Version : Blinkers Won't Blink

17-01-2009, 07:25 PM
Well I've just finished wiring up my Acewell and blinkers, got everything done but the blinkers don't flash. When I plug the originals blinkers back in they work properly. Can someone help me out because I'm at the limits of my limited electrical skills.


17-01-2009, 07:32 PM
if your new blinkers are led, they wont have enough resistance for the standard flasher can to flash

17-01-2009, 07:37 PM
so you either need to buy a led relay or get some of the inline resistors and that should fix it up just nicley

17-01-2009, 07:47 PM
Nah there not LED. Just normal globes.

17-01-2009, 09:00 PM
Normal globes are about 21 watts if you have small but normal globes they are most likely to be somewhere around 4 watts
which wont have enough resistance to make them flash so i'm guessing that they are just staying on constantly if this the case you will need some inline resistors. I used 10 watt resistors on my zxr and they worked a treat hope this helps.

17-01-2009, 09:36 PM
Thanks guys that sounds like what's happening. I'm not sure haw many watts the globes are but they are tiny and I doubt are anywhere near 21 watts. Off to Jaycar tomorrow then.

18-01-2009, 05:04 PM
So I wired up a 10 watt 8ohm resister. It does work sorta....they take a while to blink and sometimes stay on. I'm thinking I need a bigger resitor. Any suggestions on what resistor I should try?

18-01-2009, 06:56 PM
A bigger one mate hope this helps you out;):D:D

18-01-2009, 09:53 PM
Timbo your a legend! I wouldn't have thought of that myself! Haha! [:p]:)

Anyway I freshened up on some sparky stuff and came up with this: R=V^2/W

W=Power (watts)

So a standard globe is 144(V)/21(W)= [b]6.86ohms

Now my replacement globe is 5 watt so then the difference is 21-5Watt=16 Watt


144(V)/16(W)= 9 Ohms

So I need a 16Watt 9 Ohm resistor....I think!

Sound right? I've had a few bourbons so I might be a little off....

19-01-2009, 06:25 PM
Try a electronic flasher can. flash rate not related to globe size.
small globes will still trigger it.

20-01-2009, 07:15 AM
Yeah I had a look throught the Jaycar catalogue but couldn't find one. Might try Repco or Super Cheap.