View Full Version : New member n no access

16-01-2009, 01:56 AM
Ok, first i'll introduce myself, im miles1260 n i live in London. I checked this out thru a link in Old Skool Suzuki site. There all i have to do is register n i get access to all forums. On this site i HAVE to pay up to get that privelige n i dont even live in Oz at the moment. Sort that out guys. No point me even visiting the site if i cant use it.

Oh, and before u call me a wingeing pom, DONT, i was born in Melbourne and lived there until i was 21.

So, admins, if u want new members dont take the piss n lash em for cash the moment the sign up so they can get access.

16-01-2009, 03:22 AM
This site costs money to run and the guy runnin it has to front up i think $1500 a year for us so its only fair that we chip in i know it seems ruff but how would u feel havin to fork out ur hard earned on a website u see nothin outta...?

16-01-2009, 05:02 AM
You get access to the majority of the site as a non-paying member.
In the Members Area there are discounted offers from suppliers that recognise those who contribute to the running costs of the site. Also members will often offer parts for sale to each other first before putting them in the general area.
There are a few other topics in there...but you'll have to join up to see 'em.....No-one here begrudges paying $25.00 a year towards the cost of running this site. The man that does run it puts in a hell of a lot of time and effort....we help out our mate however we can.
I'd be interested to see how OSS is funded.

16-01-2009, 05:05 AM
well before you shoot your fuckin mouth off mate you will see that you are still able to use 85% of this site without being a full member and if you dont like it then who the fuck are you anyway prob some tight arse bastard who doe's nothing but steal others peoples ideas ..and this site cost 's a fair bit to run as ST31TH has already said so the dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way back out MATE

16-01-2009, 06:35 AM
U winging pom!:( U cant be serious right?
As Rod said, u get access to nearly the whole site for nuthin! Jst coz u live in the UK u feel the rules shouldnt apply? WTF? The stuff ur 'missing out on' wouldnt concern u anyway as u cant really take advantage of it all the way over there! If thats ur attitude from the get go, dont expect a fuckin warm welcome buddy! [xx(]

16-01-2009, 09:29 AM
Fuck off mate...
Your attitude aint needed or wanted here...

16-01-2009, 10:30 AM
Looks like the verdict is in milez1260, best you fuck off and haunt somebody else !!

16-01-2009, 11:29 AM
Ill tell you the password to the members area .... milez_smokes_pole ...

16-01-2009, 11:58 AM
quote:Originally posted by milez1260

No point me even visiting the site

The only part of your post that makes any sense

16-01-2009, 12:31 PM
Hey Miles, actually you're wrong mate. A lot of websites (forums) have the ability to give members "hidden / password" areas they can only see when they become members (simon has the ability on OSS as well). The difference is I show them to everyone so that people know there is something more to get if they are willing to support the site. How much do you pay to OSS for support mate of their time and effort? More to the point, if you had the patience you would have gone past every topic that blatantly says MEMBERS in the title and noted that everything form there on in is free to view and always will be, which is actually the majority. I will add a part to the topic title that makes it easier to understand for new visitors. Sorry if you are disappointed by our site mate, but there is a lot to offer here and a lot of knowledge. If you had made the effort to ask instead of complaining you may have made some good mates.

16-01-2009, 09:27 PM
Bye bye now :D

16-01-2009, 09:58 PM

17-01-2009, 01:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by Gix11

Hey Miles, actually you're wrong mate. A lot of websites (forums) have the ability to give members "hidden / password" areas they can only see when they become members (simon has the ability on OSS as well). The difference is I show them to everyone so that people know there is something more to get if they are willing to support the site. How much do you pay to OSS for support mate of their time and effort? More to the point, if you had the patience you would have gone past every topic that blatantly says MEMBERS in the title and noted that everything form there on in is free to view and always will be, which is actually the majority. I will add a part to the topic title that makes it easier to understand for new visitors. Sorry if you are disappointed by our site mate, but there is a lot to offer here and a lot of knowledge. If you had made the effort to ask instead of complaining you may have made some good mates.

GIX11, ok fair enuff. Talkn obout stickn a cat amongst the pidgeons. I have upset a nation of SF freaks (meant in a good way, i am one myself). What you dont see on a site you dont miss (re OSS). And you were right i didnt take the time to look properly.

But my point is that i dont really have much incentive to subscribe as i am not living in Oz. But to me the point of the SF movement is to share n colaborate. Locking stuff away can stifle creativity and inspiration.

But i will apologise for my attitude, looking back on what i wrote i was kinda outa order. And yes if i had askd then i mightt have got more out of it.

But aside from that i daresay il be seeing uz someday. I will be returning home at somepoint. Bringing my bikes with me.

Accept my aplogies n dont lynch me when u find out who i am.

17-01-2009, 05:11 AM
If all u wanna do is look at pics and ask some questions its all FOC. Quite a few members on here browsed around for a while before even posting, picking up ideas or just admiring other peoples work.
Paying members are supporting the running of the site, which in turn grants us priority over non-paying members (fair enough) for some parts or discounts as a thanks for that.

Other than that, up to u mate, but a hello to start off with would have given u a few more friends...

17-01-2009, 09:31 AM
But my point is that i dont really have much incentive to subscribe as i am not living in Oz. But to me the point of the SF movement is to share n colaborate. Locking stuff away can stifle creativity and inspiration.

The incentive for most of us isn't what we get, it's what we give. I'm not a financial/full member so I can get discounts (all though that is kinda cool). I pay up because I like the site, because I want to help in the running costs.So I can steal other peoples ideas. I mean, be inspired by other peoples ideas.
It's hard to "share and collabaorate" ideas over the net if, due to the amount of members and <s>freeloaders</s> visitors we have, Gix can't afford to keep the place running.
One of the reasons this place is different, is because it isn't a brand based site like OSS. We don't care what you ride. We may make fun of you, though.
That, and that you can say whatever the fuck you want -including (like you) bitching about nothing.

17-01-2009, 04:51 PM
If that's an apology then I for one am willing to accept it. It's up to the rest of the lunatics in the asylum as to if your shakey start is acceptable. For mine, if you're on 2 wheels, you're ok. Welcome.

17-01-2009, 05:05 PM
He's from Melbourne what can i say???

17-01-2009, 05:21 PM
i am willing to accept that as an apollogy and hagarr what is it 2 or 3 hours that we are ahead of you lot hahahahahahaha that on its own put us at the top of the ladder hahahahahahahahaha

17-01-2009, 06:26 PM
Well miles, now that you've been told to pull your head in and everybody's demonstrated their solidarity, if you're coming back to Oz, then you'll benefit from joining when you come back. You'll even get a cool patch to sew on your jacket. So, get your foot outta your mouth, your head outta your arse and enjoy the parts of the site you can get to!
By the way, welcome.

18-01-2009, 05:44 PM
Show us your 1260 [:p]
GSX or Kwak ?

19-01-2009, 06:59 PM
Dammit, i go away for 4 days and miss all the fun. Miles, firstly, fuck you! Secondly, welcome..

20-01-2009, 04:27 PM
LOL ^^

20-01-2009, 06:30 PM
Well.. Nuff said I reckon! ;)

21-01-2009, 04:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by Azrael

Dammit, i go away for 4 days and miss all the fun. Miles, firstly, fuck you! Secondly, welcome..

You forgot the bricks, you must have finished upgrading by now Azreal.

alf :D

rock hard
21-01-2009, 08:12 AM
what tom said

21-01-2009, 07:55 PM
you really should have a stiff bourbon and a think be for ya fire
that thing at any one...

22-01-2009, 12:15 PM
Maybe it was the bourbon talking? :D