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View Full Version : Have you seen em ???

13-01-2009, 09:39 PM
Greetings fighter jockeys !
has anyone seen a pair of levers on a UK web site that look
standered suzuki other than the nob on the end it has a
skull head on the end rather than than the nob,had the site in my favorites until a tec sabotarged my pc and near kill the thing....grrr :(.The site was found in the parts links here on ASF

14-01-2009, 05:11 PM
Was it Harley Stuff?:



Just try this search mate:


15-01-2009, 04:44 PM
hey si....good ta read ya mate,
no not harley was on a link the was in the parts links
god know where it was i go so bloody deep into it all
just thought someone may have seen em :[
just trying to do a few things befor the ASFR !
its hard to compete with some of the stuff that shows up
there,parked my old girl beside a blinged up ZRX at the
last rally...wont do that again :(,i think my slingshot
was just in the way ! but i"ll be there again for sure come
cheers mate [8D]