View Full Version : CBR 929 SSSA Fighter Build

02-01-2009, 02:04 PM
Hey all. I have just begun my first fighter build. I got this 929 for a great price and will build off this.

I hit eBay and got a new frame and VFR800 SSSA to get the right look. I also threw in this tank to keep from repairing the dents, folds and rust on the original tank.

Next I began the teardown with particular focus on the correct alignment of the new arm’s sprocket to the counter shaft sprocket.

This is my mock up with the new arm. Notice the interference with the motor mounts.



My next step is to find a good machinist to mill out the swingarm and get things lined up. Maybe EXBEN or one of you all have done this mod and can suggest the right way to go about getting this to fit.
What do you all think?

02-01-2009, 02:36 PM
Hit it with a sledge hammer .. it'll go ... If your in the US i think it'd be cheaper to find a local machinist to do the job...

02-01-2009, 04:54 PM
What about CBRRRT, isn't he doing the same thing right now, do a search for his thread mate, makes good reading.

03-01-2009, 01:43 AM
Thanks Gents,
I tried the hammer method but it kept bouncing back and hitting me in the head.[:o)] I will try a local machinist but was seeking suggestion on how to ensure everything lines up and that the right amount of material is removed by the machinist. CBRRRT has done a wonderful job on his build. I have read his entire topic. There are differences however. His is a 900rr so he used a different model year arm and it mounts to the frame as opposed to the motor as in the 929 or 954.

Thanks and keep the suggestions coming I still quite a ways to go.

04-01-2009, 11:14 PM
Hi matey, thanks for the comments. I'm sure there is someone else on here doing or done a VFR 800 arm conversion, cant quite remember who though. They posted photos of the arm in a milling machine doing the work needed to do what you want, I'll get the old grey sludge going and try to locate the thread for you.

All looking good so far matey, keep up the good work.


05-01-2009, 05:16 AM

05-01-2009, 10:03 AM
Get the sprockets aligned then machine off what you need, 1 side might need more than the other. I put a VFR800 SSSA into a GSXR 750, i had to machine 35mm off the width and 19mm was of the sprocket side to get the alignment right .. There's quite a few other things i had to do but thats the basic's of it...

07-01-2009, 05:24 AM
Thanks all. I'm locating a good local shop to do the work and will post-up as soon as progress is made. CBRRRT great link that will help with explaining what I need done.

07-01-2009, 09:02 PM
You're welcome mate, good luck with the build Buddy.

29-01-2009, 07:23 AM
Hows it going mate, done any more yet?

29-01-2009, 03:12 PM
Hey CBRRRT. Thanks for checking in on me. I have completed all the measuring and a machinist friend is scheduled to mill the arm this week. As soon it is done I'll post pics. I'm also awaiting some bearings from the dealer. I am thinking of powdercoating the frame a candy red and painting the motor black. What do you think? f:)

29-01-2009, 03:24 PM
I did run into some amateur problems as the frame I have to replace the damaged 929 frame is from a 954. Using this frame requires a different subframe and tank. I hope I don’t have to change anything else. Are you aware of any other changes for this swap?

29-01-2009, 04:19 PM
Def go with the red and black mate, I really do like the sound of that. Not to sure about the other thing though mate, I think Huey or Fighter MC might be the guys to ask about that one. Glad to hear the build is cracking on mate, swing arm is a big tick off the list. Well done buddy, keep it going. Looking forward to the pic's.

26-05-2009, 05:18 AM
Been a bit quiet Dude, what ya been up to? Done any more to the Blade matey?

26-05-2009, 01:09 PM
quote:Originally posted by CBRRRT

Been a bit quiet Dude, what ya been up to? Done any more to the Blade matey?

Hey man thanks for keeping up with me. I have been busy with work and travel and haven't gotten much done. I was busy on ebay and got most of the items I needed for the 929 to 954 swap mentioned above. Hopefully I will have something soon to post.



27-05-2009, 05:16 AM
Crack on Buddy and post some photos.
Glad you're ok over there mate.