View Full Version : Spondon in Mundaring?

10-12-2008, 07:58 PM
Just thought I would let you all know that Bob Stevenson the founder of Spondon Engineering is visiting WA this week, I shall be taking him for a beer or two at the Mundaring weir hotel on Sunday 14th Dec lunch time probably around 12.00. If anyone is interested in saying hello, I'm the guy with the Stick and the old bloke with me will be Bob.

10-12-2008, 09:03 PM
Hey mate, not sure if i can make it but will sure as hell try..

10-12-2008, 09:18 PM
bloody tipicle i go back up to work tomorrow spewing

10-12-2008, 09:32 PM
I was destined for a ride on Sunday....
But what better way to spend the day with a couple of Leg Ends;)

Hope to see you there

10-12-2008, 10:31 PM
Mel, if it,s OK I will meet up with you for a ride through the twisties on the way up? 10am at yours?

10-12-2008, 11:27 PM
i could be keen for this , meet yas at mundaring for a blast after or mels for a pre blast if this is the go

11-12-2008, 01:33 PM
I am keen for a ride sunday and mundaring is as good a spot as any i guess

11-12-2008, 05:24 PM
Largey is gonna be upset.............;) Hey largey if ya leave now youll make it in time.....maybe he'll sign the bike for you and make it worth a few more fucken dollars HAHAHAHAHAHAH

11-12-2008, 07:55 PM
It'd probably be cheaper for me to fly him over here and get him to knock some sense into the cunts in the RTA than the process they're proposing to register my baby

11-12-2008, 08:47 PM
quote:Originally posted by Large

It'd probably be cheaper for me to fly him over here and get him to knock some sense into the cunts in the RTA than the process they're proposing to register my baby

I am sure he would appreciate a visit there mate ;)

12-12-2008, 12:33 PM
Hey Large I wouldn't attempt to try and license it as a Spondon GOOD LUCK.

My Harris has been licensed as a Kawasaki and is now a Suzuki. Basically it gets licensed to the make of the engine fitted at the time.

I have been over this many times here in the West

I know of a guy who has licensed his Bimota as a NO LIST. Don't quite know how that works but he managed to pass it based on this.

Thats the problem with no compliance plate. It sucks.

Unless you want to offer your frame for destructive testing.

12-12-2008, 05:17 PM
Frankie spent a lot of time (and money) registering it as a Spondon, and it's currently registered in WA as such.

Problem is, even though it's passed the ADR's in WA the cunts in the RTA want it to pass the ADR's in NSW.

Got an engineer on the case atm to see where we stand.

What I'd like to know is how those choppers with rediculous long forks etc ever get registered.

12-12-2008, 05:36 PM
They just threaten to kill the people in the RTA Largey...... want some help? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH. You have to be more um.....forceful. People don't realise they want to give you what your asking for, sometimes you have to force it upon them....they will come around evenutally.....Maybe you can ask the helmet skins dude if he can bring his 1 percenter mates?

12-12-2008, 05:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by Brodie

They just threaten to kill the people in the RTA Largey...... want some help? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH. You have to be more um.....forceful. People don't realise they want to give you what your asking for, sometimes you have to force it upon them....they will come around evenutally.....Maybe you can ask the helmet skins dude if he can bring his 1 percenter mates?

you know you want it, get your pen and tick the box ;)

12-12-2008, 06:09 PM
may the Force be with you Largey, if it's not .....we'll start a gang.

12-12-2008, 06:15 PM
It seems like the Farce is with him at the moment.. and the RTA are on the dark sie of the Farce.

12-12-2008, 08:46 PM
MEh hes busy watching gay homo porn right now with mclovins owner.....pathetic. LMAO

13-12-2008, 09:01 PM
Hey Large I know this is probably not the right way but you're welcome to keep it licensed in W.A. at my address if you want and just ride on WA plates.

I've had a Harris since 1983 so i understand your plight (especially when Helga forgets to pay the fucking rego) but sometimes you just need to tell the system to Fuck Off and make it happen the way you want.

lifes too short to worry about formalities.

rock hard
15-12-2008, 07:58 AM
nice one hagarr

15-12-2008, 06:18 PM
quote:Originally posted by Hagarr

Hey Large I know this is probably not the right way but you're welcome to keep it licensed in W.A. at my address if you want and just ride on WA plates.

I've had a Harris since 1983 so i understand your plight (especially when Helga forgets to pay the fucking rego) but sometimes you just need to tell the system to Fuck Off and make it happen the way you want.

lifes too short to worry about formalities.

You Wasfers are alright.

That's two of you that have offered to do the rego in WA thing for me now.

I've got a brother in WA so should be ok on that front.

Going to speak to the engineer tomorrow and see what's up.

rock hard
15-12-2008, 07:31 PM
no problem large,i just hate the whole beauracrat bullshit, it happens so often i mean for gods sake , frank spent around 15hundred bucks on the engineers report around twelve months ago and the rta doesnt accept it.whats their problem ..is it a tin god thing. anyway im just venting my spleen i just get so frustrated.sorry rich all i can say is hang in there mate all the best, morry