View Full Version : Sprocket Removal

04-12-2008, 07:42 PM
I cannot remove the drive sprocket from my 87 gsxr 750 motor.
Have attempted heating it, penetrating oil, breaker bar with 2 metre pipe on the end, rattle gun.
Before I cut the nut off with a dremel can anyone suggest anything else.

04-12-2008, 07:49 PM
Sounds awful Odd, what drive rattle gun are you using ???? maybe try a 1/2 in drive one with good air and see how ya go.

04-12-2008, 07:52 PM
mate if you have treated it like that you may aswell not bother its prolly fucked the input shaft not metion fucked the seal behind your sprocket

04-12-2008, 07:53 PM
or you could try what devo said

04-12-2008, 07:57 PM
How are you stopping the motor turning over when you try to get the sprocket off?

04-12-2008, 08:01 PM
good point shayne

04-12-2008, 08:09 PM
motor is in bike, back wheel on the ground, front wheel against brick wall, mate sitting on bike with rear brake stomped on..
Think the problem may be super cheap , cheap rattle gun..
I have never come up against a nut this tight.
Think someone in this bikes previous life may have smothered it in blue locktight or something

04-12-2008, 08:11 PM
Once I got the sprocket off a bike by bending the chain over itself and feeding it into the sprocket so it jammed up against the frame/swinger.

After that it was just a metter of leverage.

And weight:D

05-12-2008, 05:29 AM
Are you using a proper impact socket and no extensions?

using a normal extension on a rattle gun it will just flex and not move.

05-12-2008, 05:49 AM
The BLUE loctite is ok as it will crack when pressure is aplied, it's the GREEN stuff thats the killer .. when you heated it did you see any little puffs of smoke? that would be the loctite letting go and you have to undo it then and there...
I had a bit of trouble with mine a while back but i use an 3/4 drive electric rattle gun, this thing will break you arm if your not careful...
Dumb question ... you are undoing it not doing it up?
I dont think you should cut the head off till you have tried everything else first because you'll still have to remove the thread thats still in the shaft.. If it's that tight you going to have a hell of a time drilling and easy-out's arn't that strong...
Tell us how you go

05-12-2008, 09:29 AM
Get a can of Loctite Freeze & Release, you'll be amazed.

05-12-2008, 09:32 AM
quote:Get a can of Loctite Freeze & Release, you'll be amazed.
Yep it is good stuff, and it removes certain types of dents to :D
The extension on the rattle gun also reduces the amaount of torque produced by the rattle gun to.
Just hope after you heated it you didn't stuff the seal or bearing [:0]

05-12-2008, 10:16 AM
quote:Originally posted by guzziracer

motor is in bike, back wheel on the ground, front wheel against brick wall, mate sitting on bike with rear brake stomped on..
I dont think that will do the job, you will still get movement on the output shaft when the suspension compresses. Get a big block of wood and lay it across the swingarm, rotate the wheel till one of the spokes sit against the timber. Then using a breaker bar with pipe on it to extend it push like fuck, you wont break the output shaft, even stand on the pipe, it will come undone.

05-12-2008, 01:11 PM
My 1100w has a locking bolt threaded into the end of the output shaft (10mm head), has yours?

05-12-2008, 05:33 PM
Tried the locktight freeze and release, also put iron bar with timber blocks to protect wheel and swingarm through spokes to hold wheel in place. The sprocket did have a small bolt locking the large sprocket retaining bolt in place.. Its the large one I can't get off.. Thanks for all the advice though guys. I'm about to attack it for round 2.

05-12-2008, 05:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by ozkat

quote:Originally posted by guzziracer

motor is in bike, back wheel on the ground, front wheel against brick wall, mate sitting on bike with rear brake stomped on..
I dont think that will do the job, you will still get movement on the output shaft when the suspension compresses. Get a big block of wood and lay it across the swingarm, rotate the wheel till one of the spokes sit against the timber. Then using a breaker bar with pipe on it to extend it push like fuck, you wont break the output shaft, even stand on the pipe, it will come undone.

^^^^ This is exactly what I was going to say. I use a barbell from a weights set (long thin tube) that slides over the breaker bar which makes the handle around 4 foot long. Piece of piss then.

05-12-2008, 06:19 PM
Had it happen once tried ALL of the above but ended up with a couple of smacks with hammer and cold chisel, twas the only way it came off.

Can't remember why it was so tight though, don't know that it means much but it was the same motor as yours.

05-12-2008, 08:02 PM
If you have an old piece of chain do what I did and weld the links into a J shape sit it on the sprocket like a C spanner,jam it up against the frame or swinger...and go hard son.
Std gsx1400 sprockets are notorious bastards...several owners have damaged gearboxes..engine cases and the like trying to get them off.

Good luck.

05-12-2008, 08:41 PM
Finally got the bastard off.. About to grind ot off and drcided to give it one last heave.. Very loud cracking noise, skin off knuckles and bike bounces out of race stand..[:0]
Caught it just before it hit the ground..
I,ve been riding guzzis for the last 20 years so this chain stuff is new.
I am fitting a 525 race chain, sprockets and RGV rear wheel
Is it shonky to use the link with u clip that were supplied with the regina chain?
Thanks for all the help and advice