View Full Version : Importing a frame

04-12-2008, 06:08 AM
Hypothetically....if I brought a frame back from the Uk....
The thing would need an engineers inspection after the zzr motor was fitted so would that class as a compliance test too ????
I have Sumountoo, whatever their name, is looking in Japland when they go over next month......this started me thinking....
I'll be ringing the airline freight service to see about cost.

04-12-2008, 09:14 AM
theres a site (www.importmonster.com.au) that translates and organises all the shipping etc for yahoo japan auctions. they used to only do import car stuff but now they have branched into bike parts so you can go on there and browse it similar to ebay. you do have to remember the translations are 'japlish' so they can be a little strange sometimes. they also have a cost calculator that works out how much approx it will be delivered to your door and from my experiance with them its usually a lot cheaper than quoted so you get a refund.