View Full Version : Rivit Link or joining Link ?

19-11-2008, 05:12 PM

Ok, So I cruise down to the local today and says gimme a joinin link crunts.They go which one and I says the clippy one. AWWWWWWWWWW. Ya cant use them on a road bike, ya bum will fall off and ya wanger will shrink !!!!. I says gimme one anyway.they look and surprisingly they aint got any....... So I buys a rivit one and the "Special TOOL" to do it proper like. I takes me tool and link home, rips the old one off the chain and immediately proceed to destroy the new one with the tool by pushin the pin out the back of the joining link. So stuff their tool up their ass and i'm off to buy a clippy one tomorrow. Guess I dunno how to use the tool ?It kinda looks like this one.See the pointy pin? Well the part it screws down to has a right hole thru it and when i was tightening it , it just pushed the pin thru the bottom of the tool. Farkin ridiculous !. Used a brick and a hammer before and it worked and now with the special tool it stuffs it.

RANT NOW OVER..............

Which joining link do ya prefer ? . ME = clippy one

19-11-2008, 05:19 PM
i use clippy ones mate and have never had a problem but i know people who have had problems using them but were lucky enough to find the clip missing while the bike was on the stand talk about close call i reckon

19-11-2008, 05:24 PM
Technically the clip links aren't as secure as the rivet jobs Doc, but that's at the most extreme of all extreme chain stress situations, I've used clip links on every bike I've ever owned, including torque factories like XR 600s & 650s, TL 1000 S & the trusty old GS 1000s & GSX 1100s & never had a drama with one.
Bike shop blokes tend to regurgitate what the chain sales rep tells them without actyally having any experience themselves.
So fit the clippy job mate, she'll be right as rain ;)

Tony OW31
19-11-2008, 05:35 PM
Used to use clip type split links all the time when I was racing, clean the link really well with acetone or similar, and put a dab of silicone on before you fit the clip, it will never come off then. Wait till it is dry before lubing the chain. Oh, make sure the clip is fitted in the correct direction.
Those tools are also used to split chains by pushing the pin right through, just like you did, to use them to rivet the link you have to change the anvils to suit.

19-11-2008, 05:44 PM
A brick and a hammer will work on rivet links i suppose, i prefer to use a ballpane hammer and dolly. If using a clip link, after fitting it correctly give the clip side of the link a big smear of silastic or a good quality epoxy. That will keep the clip in place if it does try to come loose. If fitted properly both types work well. Ive seen 1000hp fuel bikes, pro bikes and comp bikes use clip links and they all smothered the clip in silastic or epoxy, thats good enough for me. I dont mind using both, but clip links are easier to use.

19-11-2008, 06:40 PM
I use the clip links on my road bikes and race bikes and have never in 30 odd years had one come off,no silastic or other shit.although on the race bikes I never use an o-ring chain.

19-11-2008, 07:10 PM
Sounds like the clips are winning to me :). I didnt not got any anvils with my tool. I will rag on em tomorrow and see if i was sposed to get a anvil coz that would make sense and it would actully work then. :). Teach me for goin to a honda shop i spose...........

19-11-2008, 10:12 PM
A HONDA shop [:0] you bloody idiot Doc[}:)]

19-11-2008, 10:28 PM
Rivit link and throw that tool in the bin or use it for cam chains as it was intended.

20-11-2008, 07:43 AM
I use clip links as i'm often changing sprockets or wheelbase but they have given me buggery this year and in 05 , always above 200mph on the salt
went through 5 clips in the US in one meet, cleaned with thinners,siliconed, safety wired, bastards still flick off, and they were fitted in the correct direction, side plates were hammer on luckily and never lost a chain.
Doc sounds like your tool was missing its anvil.

20-11-2008, 09:50 AM
*note to self - don't use clip links if exceeding 200 MPH* ;)